why do people fault "darwinism" with things like the holocaust?
just curious (A.A.A.A.)
2008-11-21 07:40:16 UTC
for this to be true, hitler must have had in mind plans to make an entirely new species, i.e. macro-evolution. however, mere eugenics only suggest change within a species, i.e. micro-evolution. what's interesting is most creationist who fault darwinism for the holocaust openly admit to believing in micro-evolution but deny macro-evolution. so can they really fault "darwinism" for the holocaust, when it's something they claim they accept?
Seven answers:
2008-11-21 07:43:32 UTC
Because well-meaning people confuse Darwin's evolutionary theory with "social Darwinism" that says only the strongest human beings deserve to survive. Darwin said no such thing and would most likely have been horrified to know someone was misapplying his science.
The Dickens
2008-11-21 15:55:11 UTC
What? There's no indication whatsoever that Hitler had plans to breed a new species. That's a fantastical assumption. He was perfectly content with the Aryan race as it was, and wanted to preserve it's purity by wiping out what he considered "inferior" races.

Eugenics is simply impossible without a Darwinist foundation. It leads the mind to consider human beings in terms of "superior" and "inferior". It leads to callous assumptions and cruelties in the name of improving the breeding pool.

There's a eugenic holocaust going on right now, did you know? It's called abortion. "Undesirables" are now weeded out before they even have a chance to be born. Hitler would have been proud of Planned Parenthood.
Knight of Malta
2008-11-21 15:51:11 UTC
Many leading Darwinian biologists and social thinkers in Germany believed that Darwinism overturned traditional Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment ethics, especially those pertaining to the sacredness of human life.

They supported moral relativism, yet preached evolutionary "fitness" as the highest standard of morality.

Therefore, Darwinism played a crucial role not only in the rise of eugenics, but also in euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination, ALL of which were ultimately embraced by the Nazis.

It's clear that Hitler built his view of ethics on Darwinian principles, NOT nihilistic ones.
2008-11-21 15:49:34 UTC
micro evolution and macro evolution are the same process, right down to the molecule

the difference is the time scale. Thats it. 4 years and they call it microevolution. 4 million years and they call it a lie and a slight against God.

This **** is getting old.
Caps Lock (TRS_BC)
2008-11-21 15:47:35 UTC
The micro-vs.-macro crap wasn't around in Hitler's time, so your premise is false.

Also, Hitler didn't plan for the aryan race to take over the world by gradually outbreeding the others and making their own alleles more frequent in the population, but by actively wiping out the "lower races", so it's unclear how anyone can seriously tie his ideas to Darwin's.
2008-11-21 15:46:37 UTC
It might have something to do with the fact tat Hitler dedicated his book to Darwin.
2008-11-21 15:47:29 UTC
Because of the Nazi (and other) Eugenics.

It's like blaming Freud for the use of his theories and knowledge applied to publicity, marketing and mass manipulation or blame Einstein for the principles of the Atomic Bomb.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.