Hindu's - How to get closer to get. im suffering from depression?
2009-02-05 09:20:40 UTC
im 19 male UK. Im indian (Gujarati). I have been suffering from severe depression and anxiety for a long time now. I just want to commit suicide but in Hinduism its a massive sin. I pray to god everyday, i recite the Hanuman Chalisa since i was 14 and i still do. I beleive in Shanker bhagwan alot. i just came back from india which was a good break to get away from here. I have noticed alot of poor people and everyone in India has alot of strong religious beliefs.

My faith keeps me living and not commiting suicide. I was wondering if there is anyway of getting more closer to God. reading the Gita? the Mara? anything please tell me. Thankyou
Nine answers:
2009-02-05 13:22:09 UTC
Please understand that you have secured this birth by winning as a sperm a competition with billions of other sperms each one which had the potential to become a human being .This birth is a rare and precious one and there is absolutely no quarantee tha one would be re-born as a human being .The very fact that you feel severe depression shows that you have attached a very strong desire for something / some status you failed to achieve .This isvery common in this life and in this world .Whatever you achieve, is not going to remain with you for ever eternally or come with you while you leave this world .You brought nothing when you came and you shall take nothing while you go.Even the name you have been given and the adress you have been living in, shall all be forgotten while you go.You had nothing more than a rudimentory operating system installed in your brain by your mother while in her womb .But for this , your brain ( the hard disc ) of your system was almost blank while you came to this world and so you go back with nothing in your brain too.Only when your forget everything /, only when your brain is completely dead , you are declared to be dead .As long as you remember anything , you are not dead .So nothing in this world belongs to you .All your possessions are like the park bench that you occupy till you leave for home..The bench does not belong to you and belongs to none too.We are just like ticketless travellers and we shall be removed from the train by the Ticket examiner at any time at any station on the way.No body came here by his own option or choice and no body could also go like that .One might say that his death is in his control ;.but it is not true .It is the destiny that works in his mind and takes him to the end .That is the rule of nature and this can be postponed by intelligence .There is a saying that one can win over his fate using brain.This is generally through a piece of intelligent advice of knowledgeable people ..

The very basis of depression is failiure to reach something to which we have great attachment .Attachment to anything does not bring it with us while we go.So attahcment to any thing is meaningless and insensible as the the thing to which we are attached would never stay with us eternalkly and shall be left behind , like the park bench , while the time for us to leave arrives .So we gain nothing in this world in the real sense and so we also loose nothing in this world . No gain and no loss .

Read Bhagavad -Gita , the which tells yu about the real nature of this life and how one should live to perforn his duty with detachment and without expectation.It tells you what is lfie and what is death in reality .We do not die at all and never did we or do we cease to exist . Never had we not been existing and never shall we cease to exist also! Because God is in us as our soul and commiting sui cide is forcing God to vacate his temple ( our body).So it is a sin. The scripture Bhavad -gota is a highly logical and scientific treatise on the nature of life and this world .Make good use of this rare and precious life to enjoy your tour of this planet as long as your are desined to be here .Worry not about the loss or deprivation of anything, as nothing really belongs to any one and you too.Why bother about things that do not belong to us .? How do we loose anything that does not belong to us ?Why shoud there be any depression if the mind is clear about the nature of things here and this life ?
2016-02-27 05:29:10 UTC
Listen. I am also a 14 yr old and i feel the same way. I feel as if my life is in a case too. You should start thinking about the positive things in life. Crying over little things can make you even worse. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Your a teen do what you can do. Just make sure your parents deserve the same respect as your friends. Live a love for your friends and family. No matter what hatred you have for them. They will always love you no matter what. Even if you cannot communicate with them try little things and say How was your day? How was work? You should know that these negative thoughts you have is only based on arguments. Try a new approach. Stand tall look happy and everyone will respect you. Don't worry this is not a serious case. You just have to make a little changes in your life (fairness and respect). I promise you will succeed. See the new person inside of you =)))
2016-05-18 11:00:34 UTC
Over the last five years I had begun to have increasingly withdraw into a downward spiral of depression..

But now with the method I can fully focus my energy and thoughts into a decisive line on how to make my life better constantly. And it works like magic! I'm beginning to attract people to me once again and things have just been looking up since then.

Helping you eliminate depression?
Dennis C. Lee
2009-02-05 09:54:12 UTC
In your meditations, it is advised in your mental condition that you dwell on the simple pleasures you find in life; the sun on your face some mornings, the smells and the physical sensations of good food. The smiles of children, etc.

Allow your mind to bless the positive aspects of life wherever you may find them, and then seek to continue these things.

Also, seek Brahma. Good deeds, helping others. Find the wisdom of humor for yourself and others.

Remember, your depression is temporary. It will pass.

2009-02-05 09:24:36 UTC
See a medical doctor.
2009-02-05 10:25:02 UTC
Everybody is suffering because of identifying with the body.

Bhagavad-Gita in Chapter 2 shows we are NOT this body.

As long as we are in the material world there will be distress.

BBD 1 We Are Not These Bodies

In Bhagavad-gita Sri Krsna points out that all of our miseries are due to false identification with the body.

matra-sparsas tu kaunteya


agamapayino 'nityas

tams titiksasva bharata

"O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of heat and cold, happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed." (Bg. 2.14) In the summertime we may feel pleasure from contact with water, but in the winter we may shun that very water because it is too cold. In either case, the water is the same, but we perceive it as pleasant or painful due to its contact with the body.

All feelings of distress and happiness are due to the body. Under certain conditions the body and mind feel happiness and distress. Factually we are hankering after happiness, for the soul's constitutional position is that of happiness. The soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Being, who is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah--the embodiment of knowledge, bliss, and eternity. Indeed, the very name Krsna, which is nonsectarian, means "the greatest pleasure." Krs means "greatest," and na means "pleasure." Krsna is the epitome of pleasure, and being part and parcel of Him, we hanker for pleasure. A drop of ocean water has all the properties of the ocean itself, and we, although minute particles of the Supreme Whole, have the same energetic properties as the Supreme."

If we want real happiness then we have to go back to the spiritual world. The simple formula is to follow Srila Prabhupada as our Bona fide Guru. He has prescribed :

72-08-11. Letter: Suresh Candra

A disciple means one who is always following the orders of the spiritual master. So I instruct my disciples to refrain from four prohibitions, namely no eating of meat, fish or eggs, no illicit sex life, no taking of intoxication, including tea, coffee, cigarettes, etc., and no gambling. Besides that my students must chant sixteen rounds of japa-mala of Hare Krsna mantra daily. So if you are able to follow these principles without fail, then you are as good as my disciple. And after you have practiced these things for a few months' time, then we can see to your formal initiation. This chanting of sixteen rounds of japa-mala daily, chanting the full Hare Krsna mantra, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare.Hare Rama Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, on each bead 108 times in each round, this process will very quickly purify your existence, and you will come to your rightful spiritual understanding in very short order.

So if you follow above and read Srila Prabhupada's books hear his MP3 CDs classes you life will automatically be happy. See below where to get these.
2009-02-05 09:28:37 UTC
Place your faith and trust in Jesus and God will help. Read the Holy Bible and study what God wants from you. He is waiting for you He loves you and died for you and rose again so you will rise again some day and be with Him. Confess your sins He took the punishment for you and you will be forgiven. and take Jesus into your life. Take to Him If you want peace receive Jesus as Savior.
2009-02-05 09:24:49 UTC
Give Jesus a chance
2009-02-05 09:44:01 UTC
"Cast your burdens onto Jesus, he cares for you"...

Try reading the Bible

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.