***MOST IMPORTANTLY because the Bible compares the taking of blood in anyway as serious sin as fornication & idolatry-AS Luke the physcian wrote this under inspiration:
(Acts 15:28-29) “. . .For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!””
--IF YOU BELIEVE the Bible , you simply exercise faith in its teachings & commands as we Jehovah's witnesses try our best to do!
--IF YOU NOTED the last few words involve a well being in the words "good health to you."
--WHETHER that means health benefits from abstaining from fornication and the taking of blood products ,is not know for sure, BUT the possibility exists!
--AS FAR as the dangers of blood please note:
-----BECAUSE blood transfusions have never proved to indeed save someones life in themselves! Because there are many functions that the entire body works together to fix any malfuntion
-----BUT BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS have been convicted of ending peoples lives prematurely, by many complications that they put on the human body
--THESE ARE BESIDES, aids, hepatitas, other sexual diseases etc.
--PLEASE NOTE what the Doctors themselves have to say on the strictly medical standpoint of blood:
*** bq p. 41 par. 114 Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Question of Blood ***
--114 Dr. C. Ropartz, Director of the Central Department of Transfusions in Rouen, France, commented that “a bottle of blood is a bomb.”
*** w83 11/1 p. 23 Insight on the News ***
Dr. Cesare Buresta, chief surgeon of the hospital of Ripatransone in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, pointed out that “it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain donors, .....
.....But Dr. Buresta also stated: “The curious thing is that . . . Jehovah’s Witnesses reject other people’s blood by virtue of a supposed Biblical prohibition, that is to say they are against transfusions.” However, after his surgical team used artificial blood in three cases with positive results, Dr. Buresta concluded: “Now it seems THAT SCIENCE IS SAYING (my caps)[the Witnesses] are right.”
*** g00 1/8 p. 7 The Growing Demand for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery ***
***What Some Doctors Say
-- ‘Bloodless surgery is not only for Jehovah’s Witnesses but for all patients. I think that every doctor should be engaged in it.’—Dr. Joachim Boldt, professor of anesthesiology, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
*** g97 2/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***
--Dr. David Crombie, Jr., chief of surgery at Hartford Hospital, candidly admits: “I was raised in medicine at a time when blood was thought of as a tonic. Now it’s thought to be a poison.”
*** g96 2/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***
--Commenting on the shocking situation that put profits above personal health, Luigi Pintor, editor of the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, began his article with these words: “Blessed are Jehovah’s Witnesses, who . . . refuse blood transfusions for religious reasons. As they read the newspapers these days, they will be the only ones who will not have to worry about what is going on . . . in the blood industries and clinics that sell and administer blood, plasma, and related derivatives to their fellowmen"
*** g00 1/8 p. 7 The Growing Demand for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery ***
-- “I don’t see any conventional abdominal operation that in a normal patient routinely requires blood transfusion.”—Dr. Johannes Scheele, professor of surgery, Jena, Germany.
--YOU REALLY do not have to be scared for you over 6 million of JWS that have made that resolve, and REALLY we are not fools to have made that Biblical resolve as well as health decision!
SOMEONE HAS the wrong religion, ----we have the best of sex with our marriage mates and we don't have to read books on the mechanics of what will turn our mates on & off!
--WE IMPROVE everytime we have a sexual session with our loved ones!(WHERE did you get that idea?
--WE DO NOT say it is our time and god plans it out, you are talking about the church system and its perverted clergy,EITHER spiritually or physically who have propagated such lies of God planning attrocities to get people to heaven!