Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusion, i don't undetrstand it.?
2007-09-01 18:38:58 UTC
Why can’t JW get a blood transfusion even to save their life? I think God would forgive them for getting one and I think god appreciates people who donations blood to help save lives. I have heard of many stories where parents let their kids die or a family member die because they wont sign saying that they can have a blood transfusion, I don’t get how someone can live knowing that they let their kid die and could have saved them, Why I don’t get how some ones love could be more for god then their own kids. My brother married a JW she though does not act as one she does not follow any of the rules but she calls her self a JW and for my brother to marry her he had to convert to a JW. And now he has and the girl my brother married is a huge JW family very strict and now it seems he is more of a JW then the girl he married and it has been bothering me the whole Blood transfusion thing because anything could happen and I’m scared what if he needs one will he say yes or no *I know his wife will say yes because like I said she likes to call her self a JW but doesn’t act like one I’m sure the only reason she hasn’t gotten kicked out is because her dad runs most of it* but anyways I asked him if he would get one and he said NO and the funny thing is my mom had to get a Blood Transfusion before he was born so that means if she was a JW most likely would have died so how can my brother now be a hypocrite of that? I just don’t get it! I think god has forgiven my mother for getting one and I know many other jw that have had blood transfusions like the big singer Selena she got a blood transfusion and she was JW. I don’t really know what I’m asking I’m just venting.
Ten answers:
2007-09-02 04:34:07 UTC
Sadly, anti-Witness critics and pro-blood activists ignore two facts.

1. Many MULTIPLES more have died as a result of a blood transfusion than have died from a conscientious decision to pursue other medical treatments. Is blood ALWAYS "life-saving"? No.

2. Medical technologies exist to treat literally every illness and injury without resorting to the old-fashioned infusion of whole blood, plasma, platelets, or red/white blood cells.

A Jehovah's Witness may accept all minor blood fractions, so if there is some targeted need then a Witness will accept a targeted treatment (the only objections are to those four components which approximate actual blood). When parents give clear evidence of studiously working to protect and prolong their child's life and best interests, the parents should be given the deference and respect befitting any other serious family decision.

It is not Jehovah's Witnesses who decide that blood is sacred. It is Almighty God who declares it so, as the Divine Author of the Holy Bible!

As God's spokesman and as Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ made certain that the early congregation reiterated, recorded, and communicated renewed Christian restrictions against the misuse of blood.

Jehovah's Witnesses are not anti-medicine or anti-technology, and they do not have superstitious ideas about some immortal "soul" literally encapsulated in blood. Instead, as Christians, the Witnesses seek to obey the very plain language of the bible regarding blood.

As Christians, they are bound by the bible's words in "the Apostolic Decree". Ironically, this decree was the first official decision communicated to the various congregations by the twelve faithful apostles (and a handful of other "older men" which the apostles had chosen to add to the first century Christian governing body in Jerusalem). God and Christ apparently felt (and feel) that respect for blood is quite important.

Here is what the "Apostolic Decree" said, which few self-described Christians obey or even respect:

(Acts 15:20) Write them [the various Christian congregations] to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.

(Acts 15:28-29) For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper.

Quite explicitly, the Apostolic Decree plainly forbids the misuse of blood by Christians (despite the fact that nearly every other provision of former Jewish Mosaic Law was recognized as unnecessary). It seems odd therefore, that literally one Christian religion continues to teach that humans must not use blood for any purpose other than honoring Almighty God.

A better question would ask: How can other self-described Christian religions justify the fact that they don't even care if their adherents drink blood and eat blood products?

Jehovah's Witnesses recognize the repeated bible teaching that blood is specially "owned" by God, and must not be used for any human purpose. Witnesses do not have any superstitious aversion to testing or respectfully handling blood, and Witnesses believe these Scriptures apply to blood and the four primary components which approximate "blood". An individual Jehovah's Witness is likely to accept a targeted treatment for a targeted need, including a treatment which includes a minor fraction derived from plasma, platelets, and/or red/white blood cells.

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2007-09-02 02:13:38 UTC
The transfusing of blood conflicts with the Bible. The Scriptures reveal that God considers blood to be sacred, and his servants should treat it accordingly. In line with this, Jehovah God told the Israelites that they could do only two things with blood. First, God said: “I myself have put it upon the altar [of sacrifice] for you to make atonement for your souls.” Secondly, if an animal’s blood was not used on the altar, the Israelite was to pour it out on the ground; he thus acknowledged that life is from God and that the blood representing life was not being diverted for some personal use. (Lev. 17:11-14) But was this way of treating blood just for God’s servants under the Mosaic law? On the contrary, logically, true worshipers, prior to the giving of the Law, already had been dealing with blood in this way.

God had earlier told Noah and his family that humans should not eat flesh with blood in it.So what would have been done? When an animal was killed for food, its blood would normally have been drained off and disposed of on the ground. The life-representing blood did not belong to Noah and his family but belonged to the Life-Giver. Accordingly, it would be appropriate to pour out the blood on the earth, which is God’s symbolic “footstool.”

Its amazing that People try and Judge the Witnesses heartless etc when it comes to Obeying the God of the Bible. There is always the Bloodless Surgery Option which does have a High Success Rate.
2007-09-02 03:02:31 UTC
Does the Bible’s prohibition include human blood?

Yes, and early Christians understood it that way. Acts 15:29 says to “keep abstaining from, blood.” It does not say merely to abstain from animal blood. (Compare Leviticus 17:10, which prohibited eating “any sort of blood.”)

Is a transfusion really the same as eating blood?

In a hospital, when a patient cannot eat through his mouth, he is fed intravenously. Now, would a person who never put blood into his mouth but who accepted blood by transfusion really be obeying the command to “keep abstaining from, blood”? (Acts 15:29) To use a comparison, consider a man who is told by the doctor that he must abstain from alcohol. Would he be obedient if he quit drinking alcohol but had it put directly into his veins?

In the case of a patient that refuses blood, are there any alternative treatments?

Often simple saline solution, Ringer’s solution, and dextran can be used as plasma volume expanders, and these are available in nearly all modern hospitals. Actually, the risks that go with use of blood transfusions are avoided by using these substances.

All types of surgery can be performed successfully without blood transfusions. This includes open-heart operations, brain surgery, amputation of limbs, and total removal of cancerous organs. Writing in the New York State Journal of Medicine

‘You let your children die because you refuse blood transfusions. I think that’s terrible. : ‘But we do allow them to have transfusions—the safer kind. We accept the kind of transfusions that don’t carry the risk of such things as AIDS, hepatitis, and malaria. We want the best treatment for our children, as I am sure that any loving parent would.’

(1) ‘When there is severe blood loss, the greatest need is to restore the fluid volume. our blood is actually over 50 percent water; then there are the red and white cells, and so forth. When much blood is lost, the body itself pours large reserves of blood cells into the system and speeds up production of new ones. But fluid volume is needed. Plasma volume expanders that contain no blood can be used to fill that need, and we accept these.’ (2) ‘Plasma volume expanders have been used on thousands of persons, with excellent results.’ (3) ‘Even more important to us is what the Bible itself says at Acts 15:28, 29.’

No wonder Brian McClelland, director Edinburgh and Scotland Blood Transfusion Service, asks doctors to “remember that a transfusion is a transpland and therefore not a trivial decision.” He suggests that doctors ponder the question,”IF THIS WAS MYSELF OR MY CHILD, WOULD I AGREE TO THE TRANSFUSION?” More than a few health-care workers express themselves as did/one hematologist, “We transfusion-medicine specialists do not like to get or to give blood.” If this is the feeling among some well-trained individuals in the medical community, how should patients feel.?

Many doctors, would agree with medical director Dr. Michael Rose, who says: “Any patient who receives bloodless medicine is, in essence, the recipient of the highest quality surgery that is possible.” The highest quality of medical care--is that not what you would want?
2007-09-02 03:28:40 UTC
I'm sorry but I have to comment on Mrs. Grhistho comment.

I don't think anybody (who clearly makes it known by your Avatar) who proudly worships Satan ought to be putting anybody down for their biblical stance. You obviously don't know ANYTHING about Jehovah's Witnesses. Why people get on here and act like they just have JW's figured out I'll never know. Or scratch that I do know in your case. Seeing you proudly have Satan in your corner. Please pick up a book, do some factual research before the next time you get on here and make a complete FOOL! of yourself.
2007-09-02 06:37:05 UTC
What does the bible say about blood on how to use it?

Act 15:20,29 "Abstain from blood"

Which means do not use it. The bible is God's word thus he is telling us what is expected of us.
2007-09-02 02:09:27 UTC
***MOST IMPORTANTLY because the Bible compares the taking of blood in anyway as serious sin as fornication & idolatry-AS Luke the physcian wrote this under inspiration:

(Acts 15:28-29) “. . .For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!””

--IF YOU BELIEVE the Bible , you simply exercise faith in its teachings & commands as we Jehovah's witnesses try our best to do!

--IF YOU NOTED the last few words involve a well being in the words "good health to you."

--WHETHER that means health benefits from abstaining from fornication and the taking of blood products ,is not know for sure, BUT the possibility exists!

--AS FAR as the dangers of blood please note:

-----BECAUSE blood transfusions have never proved to indeed save someones life in themselves! Because there are many functions that the entire body works together to fix any malfuntion

-----BUT BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS have been convicted of ending peoples lives prematurely, by many complications that they put on the human body

--THESE ARE BESIDES, aids, hepatitas, other sexual diseases etc.

--PLEASE NOTE what the Doctors themselves have to say on the strictly medical standpoint of blood:

*** bq p. 41 par. 114 Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Question of Blood ***

--114 Dr. C. Ropartz, Director of the Central Department of Transfusions in Rouen, France, commented that “a bottle of blood is a bomb.”

*** w83 11/1 p. 23 Insight on the News ***

Dr. Cesare Buresta, chief surgeon of the hospital of Ripatransone in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, pointed out that “it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain donors, .....

.....But Dr. Buresta also stated: “The curious thing is that . . . Jehovah’s Witnesses reject other people’s blood by virtue of a supposed Biblical prohibition, that is to say they are against transfusions.” However, after his surgical team used artificial blood in three cases with positive results, Dr. Buresta concluded: “Now it seems THAT SCIENCE IS SAYING (my caps)[the Witnesses] are right.”

*** g00 1/8 p. 7 The Growing Demand for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery ***

***What Some Doctors Say

-- ‘Bloodless surgery is not only for Jehovah’s Witnesses but for all patients. I think that every doctor should be engaged in it.’—Dr. Joachim Boldt, professor of anesthesiology, Ludwigshafen, Germany.

*** g97 2/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***

--Dr. David Crombie, Jr., chief of surgery at Hartford Hospital, candidly admits: “I was raised in medicine at a time when blood was thought of as a tonic. Now it’s thought to be a poison.”

*** g96 2/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***

--Commenting on the shocking situation that put profits above personal health, Luigi Pintor, editor of the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, began his article with these words: “Blessed are Jehovah’s Witnesses, who . . . refuse blood transfusions for religious reasons. As they read the newspapers these days, they will be the only ones who will not have to worry about what is going on . . . in the blood industries and clinics that sell and administer blood, plasma, and related derivatives to their fellowmen"

*** g00 1/8 p. 7 The Growing Demand for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery ***

-- “I don’t see any conventional abdominal operation that in a normal patient routinely requires blood transfusion.”—Dr. Johannes Scheele, professor of surgery, Jena, Germany.

--YOU REALLY do not have to be scared for you over 6 million of JWS that have made that resolve, and REALLY we are not fools to have made that Biblical resolve as well as health decision!



SOMEONE HAS the wrong religion, ----we have the best of sex with our marriage mates and we don't have to read books on the mechanics of what will turn our mates on & off!

--WE IMPROVE everytime we have a sexual session with our loved ones!(WHERE did you get that idea?

--WE DO NOT say it is our time and god plans it out, you are talking about the church system and its perverted clergy,EITHER spiritually or physically who have propagated such lies of God planning attrocities to get people to heaven!
2007-09-02 01:47:57 UTC
JW's think that everything is "dirty", even a normal sexual relationship with your husband/wife. They think it's "dirty" to get a blood transfusion although that's not what they would officially say, they normally say something about god having a plan and if it's your time to die then it's your time etc etc. I personally think it's ridiculous.
2007-09-02 01:44:12 UTC
Why do you have to write sodamnmuch??!!

I didn't even bother to read it all and very few people will.

Shorten the question, sunshine and people will respond.
2007-09-02 01:47:56 UTC
Yeah, well, we're talking about a wacko religious cult and only a fool would expect sensible behavior from those guys.
2007-09-02 14:20:05 UTC It is a false doctrine

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