Enlightenment is a condition, a state, an experience of all life as one, as energy, as consciousness. Because it is one, and the all, the individual is that one, the all. We live in appearance, in what our senses tell us. Our senses give the surface of things, not their real nature. And because enlightenment is one, there is no change, it is timeless, eternal, absolutely constant. And because it is consciousness, it is intelligent, wise, clarity. The enlightened person lives in a pleasant rhythmic oscillation between reality and appearance. Both have good and bad in them. Complete non-change forever would be dead, maddening, impossible to bear, like watching 'snow' on tv forever. One goes there for healing, to have our thoughts sorted, for clarity, comfort, like hospital. And then it is back in the fun of coloured, dangerous, exciting living. Like a tough game of football, tough but satisfying. To get to the enlightened state, all one need do is totally switch off to the senses and their products, memory and imagination, be totally passive, totally inactive, like a cup. We are actually god, the totality, the all, infinite energy and consciousness, immortal. And to get away from the constancy and boredom of absolutely perfect heaven, we created the world, and appeared in it. With enlightenment, we have the best of both worlds. With heaven, there is no story, drama, action, movement, challenge, journey. It is like getting to the top of a mountain, there is nothing to do except come down again, and climb another mountain. Thus world and heaven work in a perfect team to give us everything. We take heaven like water, just when we are thirsty. We don't drink water all the time. Enlightenment is a daily assurance that there is always a perfectly safe place, an absolute home to go to, to go out from. It is hard to break the habit of perceiving forms, and experience the formless. It is hard to break the habit of experiencing in a subject-object way, and experience the self, the subject. We have to stop looking outward, we have to stop looking for it, and just bathe in it. Whatever is formed is deformed. Energy forms and deforms everything. The formless cannot be deformed, changed. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. And matter is energy 'hidden' by appearance. Matter (atoms) show their energy origin and real nature by jigging about at fantastic speeds, even in solids, and by the eternal spinning of electrons. One feels energy in true meditation. All the action, drama, movement, change, processes, creation and destruction in the world is the work of energy. Energy doesn't have to obey the laws of space and time. There is not a bit of energy in each place, there is all the energy in each and every point of space and time. Each atom can spin forever, ie, each atom has infinite energy. And so it is with us. Each of us is the whole of life, of energy. When you judge a teacher, also judge your own judgement. Maturity of mind is shown by slowness of belief. All questions are open. Be modest in opinion. We don't know everything. Truth can be outside our assumptions. Our assumptions are only working hypotheses. And look for experience, not belief. Belief is nothing, even if it is a true belief. Experience is what you want. Experience is the only full evidence, and experience is the goal. The experience is not overwhelming, cosmic, immense, like being in the middle of a sun. It is maximally gentle, subtle - like a room neither too hot nor too cold. It is the experience underneath your sensory experience that you have been feeling unawares all your life. You will note that your consciousness, which is you, has no shape, colour, characteristics, position. It is immaterial. You have been you all your life, and yet your body and your bodily personality have changed. This proves you are not your body, your apparent self, because the same thing cannot in the same time period both completely not change and change. Our very experience of change requires a not-changing self to experience it, because if the self changed, there would not be one self to compare the various states in the change, to compare the before and after, and thus know change had occured. So our very experience of change proves our constancy, our immateriality.