Anti-JW Cult: Why did you enslave yourself to new doctrines without fully investigating their validity first?
2013-02-26 11:59:07 UTC
Here are some of your deceptive doctrines:

1 - C.T. Russell was a Freemason & Pyramidologist
This is false. Both he & the Masons deny his membership, & they are known to freely admit all their former members. The cross & crown symbol isn't Masonic, but was & still is used by a number of Protestant sects. The Masons borrowed it from them. The Masonic lodge across the street from the Bethel graveyard was built in the 1990's & isn't on the same property. Russell isn't buried under a pyramid, but has a normal headstone. The pyramid monument is a directory for those buried in the lot. The theory that the pyramid of Giza was prophetic wasn't Russell's idea, & he didn't do any direct research on it. It was written about by several authors of his time, & in the one chapter of one book that Russell talked alot about it, he made extensive use of direct copies from these other authors, giving them due credit.

2 - The Watchtower Society joined the United Nations
Again, a lie. The agreement they signed in the early '90s clearly stated that this did not make them a member of the UN, & it allowed them to have access to the UN's research materials. A few years later, the UN changed it's requirements for NGO's, (Non-Government Organizations), wanting them to be more politically involved, & soon after the WTS resigned.

3 - Johannas Grieber, priest & spiritist, translated the New World Translation
Absurd. In HIS translation, he translated TWO, count them TWO verses in a similar way, & the WTS quoted these 2 verses in the past as support for the way they chose to render them. (Which a number of other translations did too, by the way.)

4 - JW's are false prophets
Twisted. JW's have never originated prophecies, they've merely tried to interpret PRE-EXISTING prophecies found in the Bible, most with accuracy, some without. From the absolute beginning, even before any so-called 'failures', they've denied being inspired prophets, but only 'prophets' in the sense some Bible verses use, that of proclaiming or preaching, rather than predicting.

5 - They protect child-abusers
A cheap attempt to draw peoples anger at the expence of a horrible crime. A little research reveals that JW's have the strongest abuse policies in the whole religious community & victims are not hindered from doing everything legally possible. ( A fascinating expose of this can be found at .)

The list goes on & on . . .

Did you learn anything new? Be honest. How concerned with truth are you really?
Fourteen answers:
2013-02-26 12:07:37 UTC
I think the apostle John said it best:

1 John 2:18Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as ​YOU​ have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour.19They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But [they went out] that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort

1 John 4:.5They originate with the world; that is why they speak [what proceeds] from the world and the world listens to them.6We originate with God. He that gains the knowledge of God listens to us; he that does not originate with God does not listen to us. This is how we take note of the inspired expression of truth and the inspired expression of error.

2013-02-26 21:05:25 UTC
1. Russell truly believed the great pyramid was "the Bible in stone." All you have to do is read Russell's writings instead of just denying the facts.

2. As already stated: "The Watchtower joined the U.N as an NGO. They removed that when members of the JWs pointed out the hypocrisy..... but not before."

Also, this was at a time when they proclaimed that the United Nations was the image of the wild beast and that members needed to stay "out of her." Total hypocrites.

4. Jehovah's Witnesses have never been right, and they want it both ways. Anyone else is a false prophet, but they sound like children playing "Simon Says" when they say "We didn't say 'Jehovah said this.'"

5. Trying to have it both ways again. Blast the RCC but cry "Persecution" and "Those members are imperfect" when they are involved.
2016-08-09 09:54:27 UTC
You might have a lot comments, but i will add what Paul said at Philippians 1:15, and 18 15 proper, some are preaching the Christ by way of envy and rivalry, but others also through goodwill. 18 What then? [Nothing,] besides that in every approach, whether in pretense or in reality, Christ is being publicized, and on this I rejoice. The factor is be it excellent or unhealthy (all who Jehovah attracts can see threw the lies) Jehovah's identify is being made recognize. And Jesus who is King of Gods kingdom, and the one main the congregation will find these ones. Then one among your feedback will touch that people heart, and transfer them to want to comprehend more. Never underestimate the energy of satan, so take care i know some listed here are younger each in age and years within the fact. Please be aware of when to now not even read the query or reply it.
2013-02-28 10:53:13 UTC

Watchtower founder Russell was a Pyramidologist .

there are photos of Russell at the pyramid of Giza

for the purpose of research . He was measuring the

hallways inside the structures . Many would consider

this pagan .


The Watchtower disassociated from the United Nations

(Wild Beast) 2 days after it was exposed in the

UK Mail. Not for the false reason you state.

The Watchtower rep. from the UK lied in emails to

Mail reporter Steve Bates .Emails can be seen here.

Being attached to the United Nations was not

required at all to use UN resources for research.

A rep at the UN told me this on the phone.

4. FALSE .

JW leadership describes themselves as prophets

when they say they are Gods channel of info .

Every yr for 130 the Watchtower has prophesied

that armageddon is anyday now , soon . That

has proved false....................................................... Maybe it came invisibly.

5. FALSE .

They do not have strong child protection policies

at all . Even as recently as a Oct.2012 Letter

to elders the Governing body reafirmed their

policies that can actually protect child abusers.

So just keep following the self anointed self appointed imperfect men of the Governing Booby.

History shows that everyone who waits on the false prophets of Watchtower publishing Corp.

just grow old and die . What a legacy .
2013-02-26 23:17:47 UTC
Sigh. You say you've done research and then state a bunch of inaccuracies. I'll stick with the first one. Was Russell a free mason? I haven't heard that, but as for pyramid-ology you need to do your own research. Russell's gravesite is marked by a headstone, and nearby stands a 7-foot-tall pyramid memorial erected by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1921. Check your facts - it is a complete lie to say it is a "directory of those buried in the lot".

You say he was not into pyramid-ology and the idea didn't originate with Russell, he simply repeated/used that idea. Think about what you just said for a second. I'll leave it there.

And #5 - "JWs have the strongest policies against abuse" that's an insult. Examine the two witness rule JWs require for child molesters. That is, there must be two witnesses to the crime for the org to take it seriously. What a joke. That's why they just lost a multi-million $ law suit for their policies.

This is an org that lies to it's followers about its past and policies and then uses fear of death (Armageddon) and loss of family and friends (excommunication for doubters) to stop them from searching out the real Truth. Extremely sad brainwashing and fear. Do your homework better. Peace
2013-02-26 15:10:01 UTC
Hello Jonathan,

I can't respond to all the things you have listed because of time and also because I don't know enough about all the points you have raised. However, I'd be grateful if you read the rest of this answer which addresses the issue of whether JWs are false prophets.

The bible tells us how to identify a false prophet.

"However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must DIE. And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With PRESUMPTUOUSNESS the prophet spoke it." Deuteronomy 18:20-22

Just now in the WT library 2009 I have entered the search terms 'why we are looking forward to 1975'

I have chosen the result 'dx86-09 1975' followed by expectations: g95 6/22 9; under the heading correction of viewpoint needed we read the following. I have capitalised some words to draw your attention to them.

Bible Students, known since 1931 as Jehovah’s Witnesses, also expected that the year 1925 would see the fulfillment of marvelous Bible prophecies. They surmised that at that time the earthly resurrection would begin, bringing back faithful men of old, such as Abraham, David, and Daniel. More recently, many Witnesses CONJECTURED that events associated with the beginning of Christ’s Millennial Reign might start to take place in 1975. Their anticipation was based on the understanding that the seventh millennium of human history would begin then.

These ERRONEOUS views did not mean that God’s promises were wrong, that he had made a mistake. By no means! The MISTAKES or MISCONCEPTIONS, as in the case of first-century Christians, were due to a failure to heed Jesus’ caution, ‘You do not know the time.’ The WRONG CONCLUSIONS were due, not to malice or to UNFAITHFULNESS to Christ, but to a fervent DESIRE to realize the fulfillment of God’s promises in their own time.

The reason I capitalised those words is to draw your attention to how 'nicer sounding words' are used to describe what are obviously FALSE PROPHECIES. After these, to use the WT society's words 'MISTAKES' were made the WT society blamed the membership and said the reason for the teaching re 1975 was due to an over eager group of JWs. The society's representative COs elders encouraged people to sell their houses and when 1976 arrived many witnesses faced financial ruination. The society blamed these witnesses for believing the teachings. You can imagine how hurt those ones were and that is also part of the reason for the ongoing backlash against the WT society. You can read more about this particular issues in the wikipedia article.

Note how the WTsays it was eagerness that drove it say that the end would be in 1975 but notice its view expressed in 1968 regarding the words of Jesus:

"This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that 'concerning that day and hour nobody knows ... only the Father'. To the contrary: it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end." - "Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?", The Watchtower, August 15, 1968, pg. 500.

Does that attitude not fit the presumptousness of the false prophet?

Now more to the point. When these issues are put to JW leadership i.e that because of these so called failed predictions the WT leadership (and indeed anyone uttering them but more so the leadership) is a false prophet the WT society gives one response in the reasoning book viz. JWs never claimed to be INSPIRED prophets of God. Now ask yourself this Jonathan, if someone knows full well that God has not revealed anything to them what business does that person have making claims about future events? Especially when they claim to stand for truth. The awake seems to agree with this but WT leadership won't apply their own ideas to themselves.

"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them." Awake! 1968 Oct 8 p.23

So it doesn't matter if the person claims to be inspired or not.

Further is it actually the case that the WT has not said it is a prophet? See the articles below in your time. It and many others shows that it has made claims to being a prophet INSPIRED by God.It is for reasons like these why I dont trust the gov.body. They lie.
2013-02-28 09:49:50 UTC
1. True, few people, mostly conspiracy theorist swallow that idea, that is the very small minority or xJW who believe this.

2. Partially true, partially factually wrong. Why Watchtower became NGO is not really certain, they claim library card but that is very questionable reason. They needed to renew their membership yearly and include positive UN articles in their publication which had to be presented with their renewals - which they've complied. They resigned only day(s) prior to the Guardian article hitting the stands which anyone other than a blind follower can tell they knew what they were doing and resigned strictly because they were cause doing something they would have disfellowshipped others for doing.

3. I never heard anyone claim that Grieber translated NWT. They did use him to support their bible which is odd but again Watchtower did print Angels and Women (19124) book in the 20s which was supposedly inspired by a repentant demon. So you're lying here again.

4. Again you don't know the definition of the prophet and are deceptive.

Take a look. They've taught others Jesus returned in 1874 for over 50 years prior to changing the date to 1914 using totally different calculations. They taught the end to take place in 1914,1925 and 1975 and not very soon. When you go preaching teachings as facts to the public and forbid followers to disagree with these teaching you are placing yourself in place of a prophet by your actions, that's exactly what Watchtower has done and thus by their actions prove to be false prophets. You are a liar again.

5.Again a lie. Watchtower's policies require two witness rule, lately they've expounded on this that they will accept doctors "note" before they do anything, which is so pathetic. When someone brings an accusation to elders, they are told to call Watchtower lawyers first and only upon lawyer's advise elder may call the police or tell the victim to call the police if they wish to. Members can still become elders even if they were convicted pedophiles in the past, see detailed policy in letter to elders dated Oct 1, 2012.

Comparably in membership size and victims WTS is more guilty than catholic church for harboring pedophiles.

Regardless how you spin your deception, you can fool ignorant and brain dead cult members but the internet is open for research and anyone willing to spend a little time to research and examine proof can do so.

a good site to begin research is or

Always check references given and read the context. If you're one of JWs and want to know some mind control tactics used by cults and compare these to Watchtower check out anti-cult site

If you want more knowledge examine bible history and composition and research origins of Yahweh (Jehovah).

Those who blindly follow Watchtower will get hurt in due time, this isn't 1930 where they can buy themselves 80 more years or lies, they will have to eliminate 1914 and imminent armageddon and they will promote stricter and stricter obedience to Governing Body and less education. In few decades Watchtower will be left with dumbed down, ignorant, members who will be willing to go as far as drink koolaid for their leaders because only totally stupid people can ignore the facts and continue to serve cult leadership, the rest will be hurt.

Oh ya, if you're not smart enough to see there is no anti-JW cult let me tell you, none of us need to count time, nor do we answer to anyone nor is there a group of any sort that follows any orders and rules. If I want to post anything I am free unlike you who imagines that you can silently hide behind the screen and disobey Watchtower and get away. It is Watchtower that is a cult and you're just an ignorant follower who hopes imagines you're saving people's lives when in reality anyone who obeys your stupidity and falls victim to Watchtower WILL ruin their lives and lives of anyone they affect.
2013-02-27 08:26:19 UTC
So you are admitting that these people were previously "ENSLAVED" to OLD [Watchtower] "doctrines" then??

These points you bring up are merely points of contention that leads to endless arguing.

All teachings must harmonize FULLY with scripture. THAT, my friend, is where the "Jehovah's Witness" beliefs fall short! Be enslaved to NO doctrine of men.

"'And they revere me in vain while they teach the doctrines of the commandments of man.'" - Mat 15:9
2013-02-27 18:04:32 UTC
Hi Jonathan,

I'll keep praying for your eyes to be opened to the actual truth in these matters.
2013-02-26 12:11:23 UTC
Starting out addressing this to "Anti-JW cult" is a bit confusing.

I'm a Mormon, and we've got a lot of trolls as well - but why stir up a hornets nest?

They are Anti-JW trolls due to either being dumb enough to believe what somebody else told them, or they are using cognitive dissonance to get away from it due to guilt and have a need to make your religion wrong to justify themselves.

But don't call them out - I don't agree with your doctrine but you guys are better than that - let them be.
2013-02-26 12:06:51 UTC
2013-02-26 12:01:30 UTC
Bible says no man can know the day or hour, period. Ur leaders tried to and therefore called God a liar

False prophets
Common Sense
2013-02-26 12:08:26 UTC
Atheists, agnostics, haters of God, and demons of Satan seldom are interested in investigating the truth.

"...the god of this system of things (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers..." 2 Corinthians 4:4
2013-02-26 12:09:31 UTC
Jonathan you are really true !

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.