2013-02-26 11:59:07 UTC
1 - C.T. Russell was a Freemason & Pyramidologist
This is false. Both he & the Masons deny his membership, & they are known to freely admit all their former members. The cross & crown symbol isn't Masonic, but was & still is used by a number of Protestant sects. The Masons borrowed it from them. The Masonic lodge across the street from the Bethel graveyard was built in the 1990's & isn't on the same property. Russell isn't buried under a pyramid, but has a normal headstone. The pyramid monument is a directory for those buried in the lot. The theory that the pyramid of Giza was prophetic wasn't Russell's idea, & he didn't do any direct research on it. It was written about by several authors of his time, & in the one chapter of one book that Russell talked alot about it, he made extensive use of direct copies from these other authors, giving them due credit.
2 - The Watchtower Society joined the United Nations
Again, a lie. The agreement they signed in the early '90s clearly stated that this did not make them a member of the UN, & it allowed them to have access to the UN's research materials. A few years later, the UN changed it's requirements for NGO's, (Non-Government Organizations), wanting them to be more politically involved, & soon after the WTS resigned.
3 - Johannas Grieber, priest & spiritist, translated the New World Translation
Absurd. In HIS translation, he translated TWO, count them TWO verses in a similar way, & the WTS quoted these 2 verses in the past as support for the way they chose to render them. (Which a number of other translations did too, by the way.)
4 - JW's are false prophets
Twisted. JW's have never originated prophecies, they've merely tried to interpret PRE-EXISTING prophecies found in the Bible, most with accuracy, some without. From the absolute beginning, even before any so-called 'failures', they've denied being inspired prophets, but only 'prophets' in the sense some Bible verses use, that of proclaiming or preaching, rather than predicting.
5 - They protect child-abusers
A cheap attempt to draw peoples anger at the expence of a horrible crime. A little research reveals that JW's have the strongest abuse policies in the whole religious community & victims are not hindered from doing everything legally possible. ( A fascinating expose of this can be found at www.thirdwitness.com .)
The list goes on & on . . .
Did you learn anything new? Be honest. How concerned with truth are you really?