Your initial premise is flawed - you have already injected your own perceptions and thereby have predetermined what form the answers should be. You assume God to be brutal and unjust, but are gauging God on your own perceptions of brutality and injustice, obviously a value system imposed upon you from your philosophy and religion 101 instructors. Incidentally, I failed my Religion 101 because I disagreed with the instructor that God was female. So, I do not place much credibility in philosphy since such arguments are tainted by sociological idealisms and human perceptions.
By stating that God operates according to a dictatorial regime is flawed, depending on which perspective you take. According to the scriptures, the kingdom of God is a monarchistic theocracy, to put it in the closest human terms. God deferred some power to Christ, and Christ deferred some power and authority to us. During the Millenial Kingdom, there will be a hierarchial structure of which humans will be a part.
The fear of human power and government control is that government does not necessarily have our best interests in mind; God does. We were created specifically for His purposes, so essentially He can set the rules and guidelines and we really do not have any say in it - but He allows us certain liberties. Unjust? Only according to your own perspectives in light of human definitions. But then, God is not human. he defines what is just and unjust, and we take His definition and twist it according to our own wants and desires, often outright rejecting God out of the whole thing.
The punishment of eternal damnation is perfectly justified - we are warned that this is the punishment, so essentially you can choose to worship God, choose to reject God, but in the end, yes, every knee will be FORCED to bow to Him, whether you want to or not. Is this unjust? is this dicatorial? If you say so. But, I do not.
The very idea the concept of God goes against human nature is just another testament that God is there. in fact, all through the history of the Israeli people, their inclination has been to do their own thing; even among the Preists which Jesus highly critisized. The God they were making people pay for and making a profit off didn't even approave of these practices, and cosnistently sent prophets to warn them. Why do you think Jerusalem, along with teh temple, was completely destroyed and the Jewish nation utterly wiped out for about 2000 years until the 20th century? It wasn't becasue of some man-made imaginary sky-fairy, but all this happened exactly as fortold.
Anyway, the fact that the God of the Bible is inconsistent with human nature just demonstrates that perhaps human minds didn't fabricate Him, but rather the other way around. God fabricated us, vastly more limited in comprehension and understanding than He.