OK tough question for you Monotheists if you dare address it???
2008-07-09 01:50:38 UTC
You concept of God is inconsistent with humanities desire and the greater good of humanity. Because belief in God is belief in a totalitarian dictatorial regime of the utmost brutality and injustice...

A very general concern of us modern day humans is that we are rightly much worried about enormous concentrations of power.... e.g. take modern government. It is a fear about power that is very much behind the way modernity has constructed and maintained a threefold separation of power... a division into the legislative, the administrative and judicial. In regards the economic sphere we have a range of laws together with government agencies to prevent companies or groups of companies gaining complete monopoly over the market. Given these and other concerns about power the very notion of God’s utterly unlimited sheer power can very readily be oppressive and so make us disinclined to desire such a God in the first place.

Futher more:
Nineteen answers:
2008-07-09 02:04:05 UTC
There is no reason to fear power, only the misuse of power. By (most) definitions God is a BENEVOLENT being, so His omnipotence is always used for the greater good of all, regardless of whether their limited human minds can comprehend it.

You don’t understand that God is the ultimate Good and the ultimate Love. Sins directly against God Himself are actually greater than those committed against mankind. God does not send anyone to hell. It is a personal choice. Those who reject God choose hell freely.

In a sense, you can even consider hell a mercy. If a soul stained with sin were to enter into the presence of the Almighty Perfection of God, it would experience such remorse and pain because it recognizes its unworthiness, and would thrust itself into the pits of hell rather than undergo the torment of being unworthy in the Presence of God.

Edit: lol, whatever man, I was just trying to answer your question. If insulting random strangers over the internet at 4 AM is what makes you feel special, go for it. I'll pray for you and I hope to see you in heaven. =)

Edit: Ha ha, I think your method of playing conceptual chess is a bit like a 6-year old throwing a tantrum and swiping all the pieces off the board. Enjoy your dinner. Sorry about my stench, I'll try to bathe more often.

Edit: No reason we couldn't be friends in this lifetime. =) I'd have to try my hardest to convert you of course.

Edit: Convert me to reason and truth? Oh, so you are a Catholic? ;)

Ha ha, sorry, you'd have to marry me first, and before that I'd have to convert you, so I don't really see how the lovers thing will work out.

Edit: Sorry dear, I know Another who can offer me a much greater Kingdom. ;)

God bless you as well.

Edit: By the way, I gave you a star so I think it's only fair that I get best answer. =)
2008-07-09 02:55:55 UTC
We (as a society) abhor large concentrations of power for two reasons:

Reason 1: Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.

Reason 2: Absolute control is contrary to the competitive views that we have based on our capitalist ideals.

Monotheistic Rebuttal of Reason 1: Corruption is only possible for the corruptible; since God (who is inherently good) is incorruptible then absolute power cannot corrupt.

Monotheistic Rebuttal for reason 2: Our views of monopolies and of large concentrations of control are based in our beliefs of democracy and capitalism. While both of these views are held in our society as being the ultimate pinnacle of achievement we cannot guarantee that something will not or has not been better for the growth of humanity as a whole.

To illustrate this: The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights has been heavily criticised because the Rights contained therein are based on the individuals rights and not the Rights of the Society that the individual resides in.
Mike B
2008-07-09 03:40:54 UTC
Limitations on concentration of power are right and just as applied to mortal corrupt men. However the most common Atheist criticism of Deity is that He fails to exercises His power in allowing evil to result from the free will actions of humans. So an omnipotent God is doubted when He allows mortals free will (apparently failing to even use much less abuse His great power) and doubted by you because He might abuse the great power we claim that He has. How convenient for you to be able to have it both ways. The fact you are "disinclined to desire such a God in the first place" is proof that your fears are unfounded in the first place. Nature or Natures God have the capacity strike you with lightning, swallow you by earthquake, or sweep you away with a flood and your fears, concerns and inclinations change that not at all.

If I were suddenly or even gradually Omnipotent you would be perfectly justified in feeling abject terror. Providentially, (pun intended) I am not the vessel in which omnipotence resides. All that you have demonstrated in your chain of suppositions is that you do not trust God to be God. (You apparently don't trust Me to be God either, but at least on this we agree) While your lack of trust or faith have an apparent impact on your desire to believe, your bias changes the larger eternities not at all.
2008-07-09 02:15:47 UTC
Your initial premise is flawed - you have already injected your own perceptions and thereby have predetermined what form the answers should be. You assume God to be brutal and unjust, but are gauging God on your own perceptions of brutality and injustice, obviously a value system imposed upon you from your philosophy and religion 101 instructors. Incidentally, I failed my Religion 101 because I disagreed with the instructor that God was female. So, I do not place much credibility in philosphy since such arguments are tainted by sociological idealisms and human perceptions.

By stating that God operates according to a dictatorial regime is flawed, depending on which perspective you take. According to the scriptures, the kingdom of God is a monarchistic theocracy, to put it in the closest human terms. God deferred some power to Christ, and Christ deferred some power and authority to us. During the Millenial Kingdom, there will be a hierarchial structure of which humans will be a part.

The fear of human power and government control is that government does not necessarily have our best interests in mind; God does. We were created specifically for His purposes, so essentially He can set the rules and guidelines and we really do not have any say in it - but He allows us certain liberties. Unjust? Only according to your own perspectives in light of human definitions. But then, God is not human. he defines what is just and unjust, and we take His definition and twist it according to our own wants and desires, often outright rejecting God out of the whole thing.

The punishment of eternal damnation is perfectly justified - we are warned that this is the punishment, so essentially you can choose to worship God, choose to reject God, but in the end, yes, every knee will be FORCED to bow to Him, whether you want to or not. Is this unjust? is this dicatorial? If you say so. But, I do not.

The very idea the concept of God goes against human nature is just another testament that God is there. in fact, all through the history of the Israeli people, their inclination has been to do their own thing; even among the Preists which Jesus highly critisized. The God they were making people pay for and making a profit off didn't even approave of these practices, and cosnistently sent prophets to warn them. Why do you think Jerusalem, along with teh temple, was completely destroyed and the Jewish nation utterly wiped out for about 2000 years until the 20th century? It wasn't becasue of some man-made imaginary sky-fairy, but all this happened exactly as fortold.

Anyway, the fact that the God of the Bible is inconsistent with human nature just demonstrates that perhaps human minds didn't fabricate Him, but rather the other way around. God fabricated us, vastly more limited in comprehension and understanding than He.
2008-07-09 03:36:10 UTC
Let 's take it step by step..

My concept of God is CONSISTENT w/ .....dictatorial regime.

For there is always some one there to dictate what is going to be done .. that is ever evident worldwide. It is a primitive persistent concept evident in humans, animals,birds ,etc..And in laws and phenomena of physics: gravity,compelling , action reaction , etc..where the most powerful has the upper hand. so "INCONSISTENT" doesn't apply here, and that dictator-ship is a natural conduct during human entire life ( from birth to grave). If U R referring to the extreme practice of it where the other side has no freedom to think , decide, or act for his/herself then this is true in so many way for there is no ABSOLUTE freedom, even in the most (what seems to be ) democratic regimes which maintains power through the divisions U mentioned ( legislative,,judicial, economic) among others. In this case my concept of God is INCONSISTENT w/.. for one reason GOVERNMENTS, COMPANIES, U name it didn't create me , and if they r brutal God is just.

through this forum, I sense misunderstanding of the concept/idea of God. Maybe if U can start pulling it part by part, we can get to a mutual understanding .. for one reason that there must be a God who might be conceived as a physical form:Human, cow,statue, money, penis, vagina, etc.. &/or non-physic:Prestege,fame, scince,or supernatural power.


My God is omnipotent , & he should be so logically. For that & for he created me, supplied me will all essonce of life, especially a mind, & for he choses 4 me the best according to his standard, etc.. YES I trust Him.

BUT if U R omnipotent, I 'm not gonna put frll trust in ya , because u may chose what is the best 4 U as a creature who may be weakened by his instincts.
2008-07-09 02:06:30 UTC
If this is how you see God, then, whatever...

A monotheistic concept of God does not mean that God is all powerful, or even that God likes or dislikes anything. Certainly a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint might think so, but not all monotheists.

As for the whole concentration of power idea, it is flawed. Humans do not fear power so much as they fear not having control over themselves and their environment. If something else controls them, they hate it. If a government has ultimate control over them, they hate the suppression because it will usually make them do something they don't want to. Humans want to be in control of what they do. It's called free will, and all people have a need to exercise it, which is why they fear organizations or governments or other things that might take it away.

God is different. God doesn't make you do anything. God doesn't control you, he made the universe so you could play and do whatever you wanted. God likes watching you play, it's fun for it. God loves seeing you surprise it with a new action or idea.
2008-07-09 02:32:03 UTC

I'm not a educated person as such ,but i do see you side of the ?s put

if we consider were laws and governments derived their systems from ,we must concede that it is all founded upon Christianity .

As the 10 commandments were all that was needed in the beginning ,we have wondered from these ,and the result is a christian society governed by volumes of man made laws

The world is now in reality monopolized by the few ,eg ,the rich companies that govern our live by power and greed.

Selfishness is the main ingredient to our lives ,and we are being educated by the media ,especially by the advertising industry,the moto being materialism, the messiah of the populace.

But were is it taking us?look at the state of the world now ,its on the edge of dist ruction.and then what ?extinction like all previous civilization ,gone to the dust of the earth.

And why ,greed ,selfishness ,and immoral behavior was there downfall.

The story of Noah is a good example of mans inhumanity to man ,but the Father saved those who were obedient to the 10 rules of life ,which if examined, is all we need to live in a perfectly happy society.

This is my philosophy on life ,and i am looking forward to the time of the second coming of the Savior, and the new society, called Zion ,WHICH I AM TRYING TO LIVE NOW.

God bless..
2016-10-05 05:31:35 UTC
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2008-07-09 02:00:26 UTC
Well.. the answer to this question is rather simple actually - stupidly simple.

You are saying that the world we live in, basically, cannot justify the existence of God.

Now think about this...

Every single creation theory has been brought back to something that happened in the universe: Big bang....

now who triggered big bang?

Think about it this way... it's a field of dominoes... and God is the finger that flicked the first one.

+ Miracles are so abundant in the world that you cannot say God does not do them

+ Suffering in hell is such an exageration

+ I can't see how your philosophy paper got you a high grade.
2008-07-09 01:58:34 UTC
I am a believer in God but still I congratulate you for doing your own thinking on the matter. I am agnostic and I don't believe God wants us to just accept doctrine unquestioningly.

It is definitely true, though, that religion has been used for thousands of years to control people politically, to justify political leadership. From time immemorial, every king and dictator has wanted to have a holy man to appear on the balcony with him to assure the people that God picked their king, so to oppose the king was to oppose God. Our country (the USA) was founded as a democracy partly to do away with this belief, but it is very strong and it's hard to kill. I've had several Christians tell me that God deliberately got involved in Florida in 2000 to pick GW Bush as our leader. Personally I can't believe God could be so incompetent.

In fact religion and politics have been so tightly intertwined, since forever, that it's often hard to tell where one leaves off and the other begins.

Unquestioning obedience to God is the same as unquestioning obedience to a government. You're right about that. I think God wants and expects us to examine our beliefs, not just to believe unquestioningly what we are told to believe. It is unquestioning belief that turns people into slaves and robots.

So anyway, you make a good point!
2008-07-09 07:06:33 UTC
This must be the longest question I have ever seen. Why would you compare God to mere humans
2008-07-09 01:56:50 UTC
You are equating flawed humans in dictatorship with the perfection of God. They cannot compare.

And apparently heaven vs. hell is the options. I wouldn't count on having a debate with God over whether or not it's fair that your denying him got you a ticket to hell upon your judgement day.

It's not like you didn't have a choice.
Ash C
2008-07-09 02:26:52 UTC
Is this a statement ,Jeff or a question? I think perhaps you are looking for Blogspot, rather than actually asking a question because it sounds suspiciously like you're trying to convince someone of your opinion, rather than asking that of others. For reinforcement of existing biases so you feel very clever, a blog is the way to go.
2008-07-09 08:22:19 UTC
Whoa babe...whats goin' on...take a deep breath and listen for a while:

"Well maybe there's a God above"

or is it just a broken hallellujah?
Atmo D
2008-07-09 02:54:38 UTC
Which came first religion or politics?

Nice to see you've been having some fun!!!

OOOEEEE, you're so right honey...When can we start?????
2008-07-09 05:14:15 UTC
You're more anthropomorphic than the christians....
2008-07-09 02:15:38 UTC type way too much for me to bother reading all that!
2008-07-09 01:57:16 UTC
Um, ok. Peace, bro.
2008-07-09 04:02:08 UTC
I like your fire! : )

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.