Believers: What made you believe/know there is a god? Nonbelievers: What made u know there wasnt?
2007-08-16 09:45:47 UTC
For me, it was watching so many people suffer senselessly that made me question it. Reading up on various sciences reinforced my atheism
42 answers:
2007-08-16 09:49:00 UTC
the way people believe in god convinced me that god is imaginary.
2007-08-16 10:58:18 UTC
I've been in many places and situations and SOMEHOW, NOT LUCK, COINCIDENCE, CHANCE, but, SOMEHOW I lived to see another day. When that happens enough times... I have some stories! I've had my share of suffering and will endure more I'm sure, but I have learned it is all for a reason. That reason may not be known to the person going through it, but, there is a reason. People suffer senselessly? I used to feel the same way. I used to have all these questions:

Why this?

Why that?

If God is real...?

I would get answers I didn't understand or agree with, but then, six months..., A year..., Two years later things would start to happen, and, those questions would come back into remembrance, and I would receive knowledge, in other words, I understand the answers I received. Not only that, I understand WHY I got the answers that I did. I wasn't ready at the time. I mean I have a long way to go, but, I'm thankful I'm not like I used to be. That is why I chose Christianity to be my Foundation to build upon. Don't get me wrong, I embrace all information and have read some articles that question this and that, is hell really paradise, etc., and some pretty interesting points are brought up! They make their cases very well. But, at the end of the day, when it's all said and done, I know what i've been through, I know what I've seen, I know how my life has changed, and I attribute that to my faith.
2007-08-16 11:30:13 UTC
Christian -

Raised in a home with little or no religious background, at age 15 I began to question and search. My search led me to the Bible. Having no background, I knew very little about the Bible, and so, in an attempt to find Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepherd), which was about the only thing I had ever heard about Christianity, I came across Psalm 22.

The Psalm is a depiction of Jesus' death through crucifixion. It was written before that form of execution was invented, before Jesus was born.

After researching, and reading, I came to the realization that somewhere, some when, someone had foreknowledge - something I, in my logical existence, did not believe in. That was what God used to bring me to the 'door'. But it is by faith, through grace, that I knocked.

As far as senseless suffering - it is a question that has plagued mankind - why? It comes down to free will. Mankind has caused the sufferings of this world. Mankind continues to do so.

Science, on the other hand, is a debate that would take too long for this forum and would end in neither party being swayed. I could cite many reasons science is fallible. 500 years ago, scientists thought the earth was flat. 50 years ago, science thought that the electron was the smallest particle of matter. The standards under which most science is held, empirical evidence, does not seem to apply to evolution. No other branch of science allows for 80 per cent of a theory to be disproved, and goes on blindly trying to reconcile the other 20 per cent. But that is a discussion that would simply end on discord.

I can only say for myself, I have no doubt, I know for fact, of the existence of God. I know for fact that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. But it is an individual decision, not one I can make for anyone else. I hope your thirst for knowledge and truth allows you to explore with open mind the possibilities.

2007-08-16 09:52:36 UTC
The gods worshipped by the popular religions of today can be disproven. The holy books describing these gods discredit themselves, so therefore, they are simply not an accurate description of any god that could possibly exist.

With that in mind, one must ask the question, if the Abrahamic god (for example) does not exist, and I'm not going to hell or anything for being a nonbeliever, then what SHOULD I worship?

The answer is rather obvious, after you get over the fear instilled by these religions. You don't need to worship anything. There is no reason or evidence that would lead one to assume that ANY god exists.

Just as I don't go around wondering whether or not magic elves steal my socks when I put them in the dryer, I also don't wonder about whether a god exists or not. I have no reason to. Until a reason to wonder whether a god exists presents itself, I will remain... an atheist.
2016-10-10 12:47:56 UTC
devil is after your soul, little question approximately it. The very concept which you're affirming a time table I DEA drug is evidence of in simple terms how far into the PIT you have fallen. careful, sooner or later you won't be waiting to upward push up and you may wish a Med Alert bracelet yet instead of a Med Alert bracelet it relatively is going to be a Soul Alert bracelet and once you call for help there will be no one there on the different end of the Soul Alert line because of the fact the Demons of the PIT could have cut back the lines (no longer in assessment to how the Arab tribesmen cut back the Turkish telephone lines in Lawrence of Arabia in case you remember). Straighten up and FLY good, Linz. GOD isn't purely observing, yet he's weeping too. GOD bless you, Captain paintings Griego
2007-08-16 09:56:22 UTC
So many things to list. Growing up in religious surroundings, graduating from a Baptist College in Middle Georgia, I have spent years in search of something to prove the existence of a God or Gods. Like you, the violence, hunger and starvation in the world does not help in anyone's understanding that an all powerful supreme being is watching over this planet. I am a complete and committed Atheist.
2007-08-16 10:10:26 UTC
I was raised Evangelical but fell slowly into atheism beginning at age 15 after I discovered a book by Nietzsche left behind in a mall restroom, believe it or not.

I had always been taught "don't question God" when I would ask my pastor and other members of my church why certain things that were taught did not jibe with the very Bible they claimed to be their authority.

To put it simply, Christianity, as it was presented to me and as I interpreted it, made no sense at all to me.

I remained an atheist until my mid 30s and was very, very good at it. I had answers for everything. I looked at those who did believe as weak-minded losers who needed a crutch.

I had a very intense, St. Paul-like experience (very personal; would rather not go into it) one day and it changed my life forever. To make a long story short, I became a Christian and converted to Catholicism at age 35.

I believe in God; I do not know for certain He exists. God could touch down in the middle of Times Square right now and start tossing Bibles at everyone to prove He exists, but He doesn't. That is why it is called "faith." God said, "Blessed are they who cannot see, but believe."

As for suffering, I wonder why, when something wonderful happens to us, we never say "why me?" When one ponders the fact that we are born in freedom, in a country where we have plenty to eat, opportunity if we work for it, and in an era of advanced medicine and sanitation, do we ever think, "why us?"

Not usually. We only think that when something bad happens to us. I think the question would be "Why NOT me?"

You have basically asked a rhetorical question and sound like you are merely wanting reinforcement, which usually happens when one is questioning one's own way of thinking. I know; it happened to me once upon a time.

Keep thinking. :-)
darkness breeds
2007-08-16 09:59:43 UTC
Very funny, how everyone seems to use the same scenario to justify their non-belief. People suffering senselessly..

Majority of suffering comes from mans' laziness-- the failure to step up & taking care of each other! What have you done to take care of your fellow man?? Read a science book?? The bottom line is that God says we ARE responsible for each other!! and Non believers--just are afraid of the responsibility--so they choose NOT to believe --

I believe-- and I enjoy every opportunity I get to help my fellow man -you say are suffering senselessly! At least my choice is DOING something to ease some of that suffering. What if EVERYONE stepped up to the plate...??? A lot of that suffering could be gone!!
2007-08-16 10:49:37 UTC
Finally a good question! I just hate those questions where believers attack and condemn non-believers, and then the question originator decides to pick the answer that better fits his/her beliefs.

As for me, I believe in the energy of the Universe, which it might be call as God, that interconnects everyone and all living things as one. I was bought up as a Catholic...watched my dad going to church every thursday for a quick pray, while my mom follow atheism due to some serious negative events in her life that made her believe that God didn't exist. The funny part of it was that at the same time my mom felt deeply inside that she was going to punished being a non-believer and for many years I believed that all non-followers were going to hell.

There is nothing worse than living under fear (specially of the unknown) and living under guilt....Then, I read a book that talks about the results of believing that sin doesn't exist and that living believing that one committed sins could cause some deep psysical and psychological problems like diseases, depression, etc. This book also mentions that we create our reality and we are in control of our destiny. Many religious people give that control to God, which in my personal opinion it's being irresponsible. it's absolutely easy to say: "my future is in God's hands!", and sit and flip channels...the sad part is that I see people in my own family doing this.

I personally think that everyone should respect everyone beliefs...I don't look down to those who follow a religion, I think it's a good think for some people that deeply inside need to have a meaning for their lives. I hate to see those religious fanatics blowing themselves up believing they are going to heaven. or seeing so many religious wars.

Our beliefs come from what we learn in our childhood...and as an adult, if the person doesn't use critical thinking to challenge their beliefs, then following a religion and accepting the rules of the religion is a much easy and convenient choice. I choose to believe in the energy of Universe because it would be sad to me to just live for nothing, and by believing in something I channel my own energy into creating what I want in my life.

just my thoughts!
Brent Y
2007-08-16 09:52:02 UTC
The list of reason for my nonbelief is long, but let's start with the bible itself; I couldn't believe a so-called loving god could be so cruel or narcissistic. I saw dozens of self-contradictions in there. From there I studied other religions, and found them equally silly. I also looked at the world around me, and wondered why god created hurricanes and tornadoes, why mosquitoes and fleas and rattlesnakes and TV preachers existed, etc.
2007-08-16 09:53:47 UTC
As I watch people suffer from hunger and brutality, and the wars that have be fought in the name of religion. That makes me question. "If our god" is truly a loving god and if there is such a thing as god. Why would he Let children suffer? No child should suffer. If as they say he can turn water into wine than why not dust into corn?
2007-08-16 09:52:16 UTC
For me it is the fact that I see nothing convincing in religion.

Furthermore, I noticed that religious people always "count the hits and ignore the misses". That is when there is something that doesn't seem right or something that doesn't work like it should (say prayer) then they just shrug it off as god's will. But when things do work out as expected they jump for joy. That logic, for me, sunk the battle ship.
2007-08-16 09:51:30 UTC
When i got saved, i believed there was one by Faith. And i see so many miracles, like the news. This one article about a soldier whos Bible saved him. You got to know theres one out there. God does not rush anybody, and he loves everyone. The Devil is the one that brings you down, that laughs at Athiests and knows he has another Soul going down to the Abyss. God knows all of our hearts and Is there with us through all of our pain, he knows what we can go through, and how much we can take. I know there is a God because I am still living, when i was 8, i could of bled to death after falling and slipping from a fince, the docs said if i was 1cm up from the cut i had, i could of bled to death. Just look around and see the miracles. By Faith i believe, nobody is perfect, but we can try.
2007-08-16 10:00:21 UTC
Do you really believe that we, you and me, came from monkeys, or micro organisms. I don't, I am to complex for that to happen. I was a carefully thought out plan of God. Designed for Him, By Him, in His image. Nothing no where can ever create a human, except it be God. Even the very universe testifies of God. All planets working in proper order to give life's elements to the earth for our benefits.
2007-08-16 09:51:34 UTC
As I learnt more about how the world really worked I realised that there was just no need for a god.

Though I was never raised to be religious which made things easy on me.
2007-08-16 09:59:07 UTC
I realized that there was no God at a very young age. The Bible pretty much incriminates itself. I noticed that as a young child and further researched my beliefs (or lack thereof) at an older age before declaring my atheism.
David R
2007-08-16 09:57:02 UTC
The truth. I saw the love and power in the lives of true believers throughout my life. I knew when I came to the point of repentance that God was real and that He would forgive me. I knew in my heart that the Word of God was true and that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for my sins.

Now I know Jesus lives within me and that His Holy Spirit keeps me on the path of righteousness for His namesake.

Do you know my LORD and Savior? If not, I invite you to look inside your heart right now and know what is missing. It's the prescence of the living God. But you don't have to continue on this path for scripture tells us that, "whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
2007-08-16 09:50:14 UTC
I read the bible, Studied other religions, Studied where the stories of the bible came from, Got a firm grasp on evolution, keep asking question. And now I am an Atheist.
2007-08-16 09:58:35 UTC
For me, it's obvious that God exists when I count my blessings. It's easy to deny the existence of God based on the horrible things that surround us daily, but you have to remember that most of these things are caused by man, who was given free will. We create our own problems when we don't allow God to be the center of our lives. He is an awesome God, who provides for us on a daily basis, given the chance. You just have to look around at all of the positive things in your life to know that God exists. Sometimes it means giving in to blind faith, but I guarantee that you will never be disappointed if you put God first in your life.
2007-08-16 09:52:49 UTC
What makes me believe and know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, God is the Father in heaven and creator of all things, and the Holy Spirit lives within me is because of my own personal experience with Him! My life has changed, my heart has changed, I am not the same confused, miserable, lonely, broken hearted, hate filled person I used to be. My heart is filled with hope, peace, and the wisdom of God and I'm guided each day by His Holy Spirit.
2007-08-16 09:51:49 UTC
Logic, reason, common sense and reading their Bible cover to cover. Majoring in history and reading up on the millions of massacres, slaughters, Inquisitions, wars, rapes, murders, tortures, thefts, stolen countries, genocides etc. conducted by the Catholics in the name of religion.
2007-08-16 09:53:15 UTC
What made me believe in God and Jesus as my savior? When I {after 8 miscarriages} prayed for a child and recieved a child
2007-08-16 09:51:47 UTC
I know God exists because he showed himself to me when he sent the Holy Spirit. I have seen the Holy Spirit. ( He does look like a ghost, or to me a see through cloud)
2007-08-16 10:40:35 UTC
many many thing made me believer.

at comming in this world ,we find many beeings (things as earth , mountains, sea , plants . rivers , animals.....) wich began existing before us (before our comming or bearth) .

every one must ask himself this logecly question :where comming all this beeing ?(wich began existing before me) ..who made them existing?

and certainly ,we will quit this world or life ( dead)and left them as we had found them

the only response for those questions is : there is one beeing who had created all this beeings.

because none can't create because none can't give beeing or life(it is none!!!).

2007-08-16 09:52:51 UTC
One more time. I DO NOT KNOW THAT THERE IS NO GOD!!! I've seen no evidence to suggest to me that there is a god but I DO NOT KNOW THAT THERE IS NO GOD!!! Jeez. There very well may be a god. I simply think that it is highly implausible that there is.
2007-08-16 09:50:27 UTC
The fact that there are 40,000 different religions in the world is a pretty clear indicator that no one has a f*ckin clue what they're talking about.
2007-08-16 09:53:40 UTC
Suffering is the fault of sin brought on by man when he ate of the fruit in the Garden Eden. We really have know body to blame but ourselves for this.

God Bless
2007-08-16 09:52:08 UTC
I knew when I first prayed and got answered. Yes, I'm one of those "weird" people who can hear the Holy Ghost. Not to worry though, as he tells me to behave myself.
2007-08-16 09:53:34 UTC
i Want To Explained Something, Do You Wear Clothes, Do You Drink Coke, Do You Use Computer Or LapTop?, Do You Know Every Thing That You Use, Wear, Drink, Every Thing Had Created By Some One Or Factory, Do You See Earth, Sun, Moon, Grass, Trees, Vegetables, Fruits You Likes, Who Created it All? Monkey?, No All it Was Created By Your God, He is Awesome, He Can Creates All Thing, if He Want He Can,Go To Church Find Him,Search Him, You Will Find Him, You Can Not See Him, Our Eyes Are Not Compatible in His Great Performance (He is Holy), Like You Can Not See Gas, Oxygen, Air, Frequency, Spirits, All Your Eyes Can Not see, But You Can Know if You Are Near Fan, You Can Feel Air Close To ou, You Can Not See God, But Your Hearth Can Feel He is Loves You, Find His Loves To You, Know He Loves You, He Will Makes You More Success And Great, But You Must Obey To Him, Satisfy Him , Praise Him, Worship Him, Because He is Great, God Jesus Loves You, Or if You Do Not Want, You Will Apart Of Satan Devil Evil Hell, He Likes You Do Not Believes God, Who Already Make All Thing, Miracle You Never Felt, This Will Be Miracle if You Have Fear of God, Because You Do Not Beleives God, i Will Pray For You Now, God Revival My Friend Heart Now, From Do Not Want You, To Be Loves You, This is Name Faith, Because Faith is What We Are Have Not See, But We Beleive, Lord God Likes Great Faith, in The Names Of Your Son Jesus i Pray, Best Regards
2007-08-16 09:52:43 UTC
Christianity was introduced in order to keep people in line.
Juan Espera De Dios No Mas
2007-08-16 09:56:39 UTC
because all the scientific 'evidences' out there hasn't convinced me that evolution is real and that the earth is millions of years old. besides, i'll believe anything as long as it's incredible (per oscar wilde). i don't think science is that incredible. the resurrection, now that's something!
2007-08-16 09:50:10 UTC
I'm an Atheist, and for your question what made me believe that there was no God, hmmmm I actually have a brain that works.
2007-08-16 10:00:00 UTC
god just stopped making sense to me.

As I was losing my faith, I'd worry about burning in hell for being wrong, I begged "him" for a sign and never got one.

I realized god was impossible and I got over it.
2007-08-16 09:49:23 UTC
Just the whole lack of evidence. When there is no evidence, it is logical to believe that something doesn't exist. People have no trouble not believing in Santa or unicorns because of the lack of evidence.
2007-08-16 09:50:57 UTC
Common sense was enough for me.
Slovenijan Wolf
2007-08-16 09:55:36 UTC
one of God's miracles, the miracle of birth.. simply look at the steps of it, beginning with the uniting of the sperm and the egg, and during the creation of the fetus, and ending with the birth process it self.. :) look at everything around you, or look at your own body, how your eyes are better than any digital camera, how your ears are better than any stethoscope, how your arms and your legs move, how your heart beats in rhythm. how your fingers moved to type this question :)
2007-08-16 09:52:23 UTC
who created your soul, from death to life, then he will put you to death and then he will return you to life, then you are return back to him.

when i was searching for the truth, i wasn't searching for "what i like to hear" i was searching for the truth as it's regardless i like what i hear or not. whoever this god is i am worshiping him, whoever created me i am worshiping him. and i am a muslim
rose sniffer
2007-08-16 09:52:54 UTC
i beleive in the sun, even when it is not shining

i beleive in love, even when i feel it not

i beleive in God, even when i cannot see him
2007-08-16 09:51:02 UTC
experience of strugle in life help you to understand about presence of god
2007-08-16 09:49:19 UTC
I've always known God existed. I don't remember a time when I didn't. Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost took longer. But God himself...always knew.
2007-08-16 09:49:10 UTC
Creation testifies of the glory of God. Eternity is written on our hearts. God came down to do what we could not, pay for our sins.
Holly D
2007-08-16 09:59:32 UTC
look around you...there's evidence everywhere! :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.