Can I get an honest and real answer to this question please, rather than the usual nonsense you.....?
2007-03-02 17:25:20 UTC
atheist like to give. What is the proof you keep saying you have that evolution is a fact and there is no God? Just answer the question, keep the insults for next guy okay. Just give an honest answer and stop dancing around the question. Present your facts now please and let us see that you are as intelligent as you claim, and can understand a simple question.........

What is your proof/evidence of evolution?
26 answers:
amber ɹəqɯɐ
2007-03-02 17:31:23 UTC
I am not an athiest by any means, but I think an athiest might have as much hard evidence of evolution as a religious person has of God. Both have reasons to believe their theories, but there is no actual proof.

Everybody gravitates toward the belief that comforts them most.
2007-03-03 02:02:26 UTC
Why do you lump two unrelated concepts together? The scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming, and until a better theory is proposed that takes into account all the available evidence, evolution is the only alternative. This however has absolutely nothing to do with belief or non-belief in God. A great many people are well educated in the sciences, which means they fully accept the fact of evolution, yet are also devout Christians. Besides, there is no such thing as "proof of non-existence" of anything! That is a logical impossibility.

2007-03-03 01:56:16 UTC
Evolution is fact. There is 150-odd post-Darwin cross-discipline research that validates it, feel free to study. In fact, an elementary biology class will sort you out. I'm not going to explain the whole lot here. As you guys are fond of saying "read the bible" I'm going to say "read a textbook already"

There is no god is a different matter. We can bounce back and forth on this but it is pointless. So let's take a different tack and assign a probability to Christian god (because that is who you are talking about) and at the same time assign probabilities to all the other gods (i.e. Zoltar, Zeus, Ra, Odin, Ganesh, the lot)

All the gods will have a rather low probability because a lot of them are mutually exclusive. And they all somehow magically exist outside of space and time. In short, they're all fairy tales for children and it would be funny if there weren't so many people who died for these imaginary gods.
Jim L
2007-03-03 01:43:05 UTC
Forget the word "proof" please. Proof only exists in format mathematics.

Also, please don't conflate atheism and Evolution. There are Christians who accept Evolution, and there are atheists who do not accept Evolution.

One common complaint I hear from Christians is that they accept microevolution, but not macroevolution, saying that they acknowledge evidence for the former, but that there is no evidence for the later. There is in fact a LOT of evidence for macroevolution. Please go spend an hour reading the link below, there is no possibility that I or anyone else could do justice to it here.

Note that the author of the page has the integrity to link to a Creationist web site that claims to be a refutation. I provide that link, and the counter argument link as well.
2007-03-03 01:43:33 UTC
Wanna know a cool fact? A mathemetician gave the odds that in the short time the earth has been around amino acids blending just right to form a single protein in the same odds as a tornado forming a fully functional airplane on accident. And hundreds of proteins are needed to make a single cell. In other words its nearly imposible it happened on its own. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is actualy for icarus who answered. What you are describing is Microevolution ie the virus adapting. There is no disputing that in a short amount of time things can change and adapt. What I am disputing is darwin's "Macro" evolution. ie everything evolved from promordial goo. The scientific community has agreed to throw out any experiament that cannot be duplicated. Longterm evolution that takes supposed billions of years cannot be duplicated in a lab. In fact it takes 26 different parts for an average animal's eye to work. If only one componet dosn't work then the animal cannot see. your very own fossil record has fish and animals that can see! They didn't evolve eyes according to the records they poof could see. THere are hundreds if not thousands of instances like this that points to intelligent design. Don't belive me!!!!!!!!1
2007-03-03 01:32:20 UTC
I justify my answer with the fact that nature is organized chaos. Trees branch in a random, yet organized pattern. Fluid flow is not as simple as one would think, given the fact that it would have been designed in one week.

Moreover, one need only turn to mathematics to prove that there is no order. Numbers like Euler's Number and Pi are not rational numbers, which means they continue on for infinite (atleast to our current knowledge).

A world design by a divine being needs not this complexity, there would be no need for system checks like conservation of energy or mass, when the god in question could hypothetically just add more as they desired.
Wisdom in Faith
2007-03-03 01:42:44 UTC
Some type of evolution happened, whether you want to admit it or not. Just look at the people who reside at the equator and compare them to people who reside near the poles. One is tall, thin and dark skinned, the other is short, thick and light skinned. Both are adapted to their environment. If evolution does not happen on some level, and we all came from the same common ancestors, Adam and Eve, then shouldn't we all resemble them?
2007-03-03 01:35:32 UTC
Evolution is a scientific fact which can be tested in any Biology laboratory. But it does not disprove the existence of God and the Creation.

It is just the method God has chosen to create the Universe and all the living creatures.

The Creation is not a one-time-only, single event in time. It is an ongoing process. It is evolving since ever and probably for ever.

God is not subject to Time. Therefore for Him the Creation is just the same as a single, one-time event.

Every religion has its mythology, which is mainly symbolic. It is an error to take such stories literally in order to disprove the existence of God.

Take for instance the story of Adam and Eve. Should you take it literally, then their offspring should have committed incest, or mate with other primates in order to multiply.
2007-03-03 01:44:31 UTC
I have proof.....for the atheist that is......

Call an airline, and see about getting a monkey in first class seating. Or 2nd? OR ANYWHERE aboard the flight>? Cargo perhaps.

When you go to the zoo, do u stare in awe at the chimps and think...this could be my cousin?

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS....EVOLUTION means to evolve. So if we evolved from the apes neanderthals....why do we have monkeys at all at present day?

How do you explain the finding of fossils atop mountains that are very contrary to the climate those creatures inhabited? Its the very proof of the Great Deluge, or better known as THE FLOOD spoken of in the Holy Bible, or what about chariots found by deep sea divers in the Red Sea?

Evil-ution is a fairy tale; to continue in a life of sin. Calling the GOD and CREATOR of the universe-does NOT make HIM any less REAL or omnipresent.

You keep on ( to the atheist) living YOUR way. Who can really blame you? For the Word of GOD tells us all PLAINLY that it is the HOLY SPIRIT who quickens your heart to hear and understand, and THUS ACCEPT the salvation, the GOOD NEWS, the GOSPEL OF THE LORD JC!~ I just pray that you turn HIM not away when you KNOW HE is tugging at those hardened heartstrings. CHOOSE CHRIST....and many of your answers will be resolved. THAT IS FACT.
Jess H
2007-03-03 01:54:03 UTC
There is no "proof" of evolution. There is evidence of it. Scientists are still working on it. They probably won't know if our lifetime exactly how it worked. But even now, there's a lot more evidence for evolution than there is pointing to "creationism."
2007-03-03 01:35:00 UTC
Well there are many fossils that show the evolution of animals. It has been observed that specialized cells (which perform a specific function) have evolved from very simple beginnings. It is a 100% fact that we know of animals that have for sure 100% evolved.
2007-03-03 01:44:46 UTC
the origin of species and the continuing evolution of current day species but answer me this knowing genetically diseases do u really think that all of humanity started from two people and after that during the great flood in the Bible again only one family which grew again and again they started talking in different laguges and gods
2007-03-03 01:32:39 UTC
First answer how is it that we came to be with Adam and Eve? Think logically and do not believe everything you have been told. Search for answers yourself and don't cheat by asking questions here. If you asked the question you must be intrigued. The only true answer you can find is within yourself because deep down you truly know!
2007-03-03 01:37:01 UTC
My proof " proving" evolution exists would be meaningless to you.

I believe over 90% of scientists (members of recognized scientific organizations) strongly affirm the process of evolution as a recognized phenomenon on earth.

The overwhelming body of scientific evidence supports this view.

Do you have any proof or evidence that evolution doesn't exist?
2007-03-03 01:30:37 UTC
These are 2 separate questions.

The evidence for evolution is overwhelming. It would take much more space than YA! allows. I suggust taking any college course on evolution and they will give you a substantial reading list, far beyond anything Origin of Species could offer.

As for the God question, thats simple:

Hypothesis: There is a god.

Existing Proof/Evidence: none (or at best, man's ignorance, i.e. The "holy" Bible.)

Proposed experiments to test hypothesis: none.

Results: n/a

Conclusion: There is not a god

Grant Review: NIH Funding Denied.
2007-03-03 01:32:11 UTC
evolution is a theory,so it is something that has not been proved

atheist not necessarily believe in evolution......atheist is someone who does not believe in any god...because THERE IS NO PROVE OF GOD.....but i do not think an me....can assure that evolution is a fact....
2007-03-03 01:29:58 UTC
There is evidence for evolution located in literally tons of scientific studies. If you're truly interested, check out
2007-03-03 01:29:37 UTC
The introduction to Genesis and to the whole Bible ascribes everything to the living God, creating, making, acting, moving, and speaking. There is no room for evolution without a flat denial of Divine revelation. One must be true the other false. All of God’s works are good, great, wondrous, and perfect.

Man starts from nothing. He begins in helplessness, ignorance, and inexperience. All his works, therefore, proceed on the principle of evolution. This principle is only seen in human affairs: from the hut to the palace; from the canoe to the ocean liner; from the spade to the plowshare to machines. But the birds build their nests today as at the beginning. There is growth and development within man, but no passing, change, or evolution out from one into another.

For this theory or fallacy of evolution to be true there would be evident stages of evolution today. You would be able to find species in many stages of evolution in nature right now. For this theory or fallacy of evolution to be true there would be no God. And that’s exactly what evolutionists believe and are trying prove. The evolutionist bases his or her conclusions on human assumptions and reasoning, instead of on the documentary evidence of the manuscripts.
Lamont Cranston
2007-03-03 01:32:18 UTC
Evolution is an ancient pagan religion that Darwin resurrected.
apple juice
2007-03-03 01:31:27 UTC
What's the proof of God? "I would suggest we are both atheist. Once you know why you find all the other dead Gods absurd, you will understand why I find yours absurd too."
2007-03-03 01:46:42 UTC
Sorry, there is no such thing as evolution!! by the way:

Jesus is the Son of God, He died on the cross to save us from our sins, and then 3 days later he rose from the dead!! just spreadin the good news. it doesnt sound like ur Christian to me. i hope that information helped you and i hope to see you in heaven one day.
Lisa Chosen
2007-03-03 01:29:48 UTC
the "evolutionists" can not give proof because there is no proof. There is only proof of God's work. If they took the trouble to actually look out the window and saw the sky and trees and birds, they would realise that only God could have created such wonders.
2007-03-03 01:28:23 UTC
Origin of Species.
2007-03-03 01:37:53 UTC
icarus62....may I point out that with all of your spouted facts you left out the most important fact, how did it all begin......?????????????
2007-03-03 01:29:46 UTC
There is a common misunderstanding about evolution which must be addressed first:

Evolution is a fact, because we can see it happening. For example, every time a new strain of the influenza virus appears, it is genetically different from previous strains. This genetic change *is* evolution, by definition, simply because that's what we call it. That's why evolution is a fact. Even creationists accept this. When people say that evolution is 'only a theory', what they're really thinking about is common descent.

'Common descent' is the theory that all living and extinct organisms on Earth are related by reproduction, in the same way that members of a human family are related to each other by reproduction. Although we know that evolution is a fact, because we observe it happening every day, this in itself does not prove that *common descent* is true. For that, we need other evidence.

People sometimes question the validity of evidence for evolution, saying "How can you know this is true, if you weren't there to see it?" It is certainly true that humans were not around for most of the last 4 billion years or so, to witness first hand the origin of living organisms. However, many crimes also go unwitnessed, and we still feel confident enough about deducing what happened from the evidence available later, that a person's life or freedom can be spared or forfeited in a court of law on the strength of it. So, the lack of eyewitness testimony is not a valid objection to the argument for evolution.

So, here is some of the evidence for evolution and common descent:

o Evolution is observed to occur today - e.g. new strains of viruses. Even creationists don't deny this.

o There no reason to doubt that evolution has always occurred.

o There is no evidence for any mechanism limiting genetic change.

o The fossil record show constant change throughout the history of life, as would necessarily be the case if evolution was always occurring.

o The fossil record shows species arising, diversifying and then going extinct, as would be expected if evolution was occurring.

o The fossil record shows more differences from today's flora and fauna the further back we look in time, as would be expected if evolution always occurred.

o Geographically isolated places (e.g. islands) have many unique species, as would be expected if ancestral species arrived and evolved there.

o Isolated islands almost always have plants and birds but no indigenous amphibians or large mammals, even though the habitat would support them. This is exactly what you would expect if species could only arrive on islands by air or sea, rather than being put in place by a creator, who could have introduced any species anywhere he liked.

o The fossil record shows that new species appear geographically close to similar species, rather than in arbitrary locations, which is what you would expect if one evolved from the other.

o The fossil record shows that similar species inhabiting different environments tend to be close geographically, which is what you would expect if one ancestral species evolved and diversified into different habitats in one area - the pineapple family of species are a good example, being found in different habitats in the American tropics but not in other tropical parts of the world.

o When the fossil record is compared with other, independent scientific theories, e.g. plate tectonics, the results are consistent with evolution having taken place - e.g. species in South America and Africa are more similar the further back we look in time, which is what would be expected after the two continents were separated by plate tectonics and species on each side evolved independently since that time.

o Evolution predicts that biogeography must be consistent with a common ancestor, and this is what we find - e.g. marsupials are found in Australia and South America, so the earliest marsupial fossils must be found in rock strata formed before these landmasses separated, and this is indeed what we find. Moreover, evolutionary theory predicted marsupial fossils in Antarctica for the same reason, even though no marsupials live in Antarctica today, and that is exactly what was found.

o Many 'transitional fossils' have been found, illustrating the common origins of different groups of organisms.

o We never find fossils in rocks which are older than their presumed ancestors - the classic example is that we never find rabbits in the Pre-Cambrian (because they could not exist before the earliest mammals, which were the ancestors of rabbits).

o Organisms never breed offspring of a different group, e.g. a dog born from a cat. This is to be expected if evolution is true, since it would be inconceivable, according to the theory of evolution, for many hundreds of thousands of genetic changes to happen all at once and produce a viable organism - especially not matching one that already exists.

o Different continents often have different species in the same kind of habitat - e.g. the ostrich, emu and rhea, which are all large flightless birds living on grassy plains but on different continents. This is what would be expected if they each evolved independently to suit that particular habitat.

o Evolution predicts that genes and their products diverge as species evolve, accumulating greater differences between more widely separated species, and this is exactly what we see.

o Living and extinct species fit a statistically valid phylogenetic tree - Like a family tree for people, but immensely larger. This would be necessarily true if they are all related by common descent, but not expected if they are independently designed and created.

o The chirality of DNA, RNA and proteins is the same in all living organisms. This is to be expected if they all share a common ancestor, but not necessarily otherwise.

o All living organisms use DNA and RNA, never a different genetic material, which would necessarily be true if they all evolved from a common ancestor which itself used DNA and RNA.

o All living organisms use only 4 nucleosides out of hundreds of possible molecules, which would be expected if they all shared a common ancestor.

o All living organisms use the same 22 amino acids out of 390 possible choices, as would be expected if they shared a common ancestor.

o The genetic code is universal, with only minor differences, and those differences only between major groups e.g. plants and vertebrates. This is to be expected if they all evolved from a common ancestor, since any fundamental change in the code of an existing species would be extremely unlikely to produce viable offspring. However, there would be no particular reason to expect this if all species were created independently.

o All known species share the same energy storage molecule, ATP, as would be expected if they share a common ancestor.

o Vestigial features are common in living organisms, e.g. wings in flightless species, eyes in species which live in permanent darkness, a pelvis in pythons, vestigial legs beneath the skin in lizards, sexual organs in organisms which reproduce asexually and the coccyx in humans. This would be expected if species are the product of unthinking, undirected evolution, but not if they are the product of an intelligent designer.

o Living organisms display numerous atavisms, e.g. children born with tails, which is what we would expect if species still carry the genes which coded for the fully formed and functional organ in an ancestral species from which they evolved.

o We see fundamentally very different species of organisms with similar features in the same environment, e.g. sharks and whales both occupying the same environmental niche. This is to be expected if they evolved through widely separated evolutionary pathways to suit the same habitat.

o Observation of the embryological development of animals leads to testable predictions of their evolutionary origins.

o Parahomology is the similarity in structure of living organisms despite differences in function. Evolution accounts for parahomology - e.g. the ear bones of mammals can be seen to have evolved from the jaw bones of reptiles.

o Living organisms have many suboptimal functions and structures, e.g. the blind spot in the mammalian eye and the use of the same tube for both ingestion and respiration (the throat). This is to be expected if organisms evolved with no direction or foresight, but not if they were intelligently designed.

o Genetic sub-optimality is explained by evolution, e.g. why one single-celled organism has 45 times as much genetic information as almost identical species, and 3 times more DNA than humans. There would be no reason for a designer to make it this way.

o Molecular sequences of ubiquitous genes (genes found in virtually all living organisms) have high functional redundancy. This means that where a gene performs the same function in all known species, it always has the same or closely similar sequence in every species, despite the fact that a very large number of other possible sequences would be functionally equivalent. There is no particular reason for this unless all species are related by common descent.

o Evolution predicts that evolutionary change in the fossil record should be broadly consistent with the rate of mutations observed in species today, and this is what we find. For example, the evolutionary divergence of chimpanzees and humans from a common ancestor of around 6 million years ago gives an estimate of 2 x 10^-8 base substitutions per site per year in those organisms. Observed rates are between 1 and 5 x 10^-8 per year, a very good match with the prediction of evolutionary theory.

o Observed rates of mutation easily account for the observed differences between species as diverse as mice, chimpanzees and humans in the time frames indicated by the fossil record - In other words, consistent with evolution.

Every single one of these different, independent and mutually supporting forms of evidence for evolution is supported by dozens, hundreds or thousands of individual observations. They all make sense according to evolutionary theory. None of them make any particular sense if you suppose that living organisms are *not* related by common descent. Moreover, unlike religious beliefs such as 'intelligent design' they are all falsifiable, and are therefore valid forms of scientific evidence.

Finally, there is the philosophical argument: It is utterly inconceivable that the complexity and organisation inherent in living organisms could just exist from nothing, and this is the fatal flaw of any concept of a designer: If you argue that life requires a designer, then the designer would have to already exist, with the complexity and intelligence necessary to design living organisms... but then you have contradicted your argument by asserting that complexity does not in fact need a designer – You’re saying it *can* just exist without a designer. Any argument which posits an inevident designer only raises a bigger question than it answers, and ends up with the logical fallacies of either infinite regression or disproving its own premise.

The only alternative, then, is that complexity and organisation arise from simplicity and chaos by the operation of unthinking, undirected natural processes. In the case of living organisms, this means evolution.

ADDENDUM: 'Frankly', I wrote it myself.
2007-03-03 01:28:33 UTC
There is none , evalution is the myth!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.