Your references are to the 'Christian Bible' and thus the 'God' you refer to, presumably is YHWH of that ilk.
You will recall, due to your expressed intimate familiarity with this sets of documents, that the precise point at which this 'God' was adopted by the apparently not too enthusiastic 'Children of Israel' ( remember that at this point there were no 'Jews', merely the semitic descendants of the Hyksos invaders of Egypt circa 1850 bce ) was when Moses had his session with YHWH on Mt. Sinai, or whichever mountain it was, because even that small detail is not clear.
The point is that YHWH's 'special offer' to Moses and his followers was that he would make them his 'Chosen People', and he would be their own special 'God'. At no point did YHWH claim to be the only 'God' on the market, he just insisted that they take him to the exclusion of all other 'Gods'. Sure, he did imply that the others weren't quite up to his 'snuff', but what else could you expect from a peripatetic storm 'Djinn' in a sandalwood box being carted around the Sinai wilderness ? YHWH showed every sign of very 'human' psychosis, including a particularly virulent form of paranoia.
He most certainly approved of slavery, in the same sense that George Bush approves of dictatorship, as long as he is the 'Dictator', YHWH approved of slavery as long as he was the 'Enslaver' !
And that is the catastrophic price that the Children of Israel paid then, and, in a very real sense ( see the Kaballah ) are still paying now.
Slavery is the very antithesis of what we human beings are all about. And we all 'Know' this in our heart of hearts, and always have done.
And YHWH ?
I say beware of peripatetic 'Storm Gods' offering to make you their 'Chosen People', and check the terms of the contract very carefully, make sure that you know what, exactly, you are being 'chosen' for.
The entire two thousand year history of the so-called 'Christian Church' has also, in it's way, been a story of slavery, slavery of the mind, just a control mechanism.
God's word !
Baa ! Humbug !!!
{{{{{{{Cosmic Freedom}}}}}}}