Yes religion of any kind is a death to all imagination ,creativity and free will.the ability to form an informed opinion is shattered and in many cases leads to unhappiness
Christianity is basically nothing more than an extremely efficient virus of the mind.
Since they emanate from humans and therefore have an organic component, all ideas have a survival instinct just like their human progenitors, and will seek to propagate themselves into as many human hosts as possible. Now of course some ideas are beneficial to their human hosts, but not all.
Christianity is one of those malignant versions. Of course, the long-term life expectancy of its human hosts is beneficial to the Christian mind virus since it allows more propagation, but ultimately the survival of its human hosts is irrelevant, as demonstrated throughout history in wars with competing religious viral "memes" (ideas).
Need proof? Just look at the evangelical nature of Christianity. Christianity drives its adherents to "spread the word" through human-to-human contact...just like a virus spreads.
And what is a "word" anyway? Nothing more than the spoken or written expression of an IDEA. The Christian Bible even ADMITS that God is nothing more than an IDEA..."In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD WAS GOD", remember?
Need more proof? Ever wonder why the Catholic Church opposes birth control and abortion? It's not because abortion is murder, because throughout history the Catholic Church has either endorsed murder (Crusades, Inquisition) or turned a blind eye to it (Holocaust). No, it's because THE MORE UNEDUCATED, POOR, IGNORANT SOULS THAT ARE BORN INTO POVERTY AND MISERY ON THIS PLANET, THE GREATER THE CHRISTIAN MIND VIRUS' CHANCES OF SURVIVAL.
it creates so many unhappy inhibited people and unfortunately its passed onto many kids whether they like it, need it or not.