Isn't the way Christians dismiss Mohammad as a prophet the same thing as when the Jews dismissed Jesus?
2007-11-17 19:22:14 UTC
Isn't the way Christians dismiss Mohammad as a prophet the same thing as when the Jews dismissed Jesus?
Seventeen answers:
2007-11-21 08:57:01 UTC
ur such a smart and honest person and i like such ppl so i would like to help u know the truth and i hope u will understand and belive

observe how the descriptions match prophet muhammed salla ALLAH alhiw a salam

John 14:16 And I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you for ever

Whatever the explanation of comforter means we conclude that Jesus left an unfinished work that someone was coming to complete his mission

Let us examine in the light of the bible if this comforter fits the character of Prophet Muhammad sall allahu alhi wa salm

1 another comforter meaning so many comforters had come and another was to come

2 that he may abide with you for ever: as there was no need for another one to come after him and he was the seal of all prophets. In fact the holy quran and all his teachings remain as they were 1400 years ago.

3-he will reprove the world of sin (john 16;8) all other prophets even Abraham moses david and Solomon chastised their neighbors and their people for sin but not all of the world as prophet Muhammad salla allahu alhi wa salm he not only rooted out idolatry in Arabia within a 23 year period but also sent envoys to heraclius, the king of Ethiopia the governor of Egypt and many more

4- The spirt of truth ( john 16:13) since the childhood of the prophet Muhammad salla allahu alhi wa salm was called al amen the honest or the truthful one …. He will guide you into all truth ….

5 -for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak (john 16:13)

The holy quran is god’s word. not a single word from the prophet salla allahu alhi wa salm compare with Deuteronomy 18:18 and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him .

another point I would like to mention

Sing unto the lord a new song and his praise from the end of the earth ………..

a new song as it is not Hebrew or Aramaic but in Arabic the praise of god ans his messenger salla allahu alhi wa salm is chanted five times daily from the minarets of millions of mosques all over the world

And also

Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice the villages that kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the rock sing let them shout from the top of the mountains Isaiah 42

From mount Arafat near makkah the pilgrims chant every year the following here I come (for your service)o ALLAH . Here I come. Here I come. There is no partner with you. Here I come verily yours is the praise the blessings and sovereignty. There is no partner besides you.

Isaiah 42 can never be applied to an Israelite prophet as kedar is the second son of Ishmael ---see genesis 25:14


The vision of Isaiah of the two riders in Isaiah 21:7 And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen a chriot of asses and a chariot of camels……..

Who was the rider upon as ***? Every Sunday school student will know him. That was jesus (john 12:14) “ And jesus , when he had found a young ***, sat thereon; as it is written

Who then is the promised rider on a camel ? this powerful prophet has been overlooked by bible readers. This is the prophet Muhammad salla allahu alhi wa salm if this is not applied to him then the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. That is why Isaiah mentioned further in the same chapter 21:13 the burden upon Arabia ….

Which means the responsibltily of the arab muslims and of course now all muslimss to spread the message of islam

3. The quran and the bible and the torah all are books from ALLAH but the quran is the only book which remains unchanged. But before the other books were changed they all gave one message to obey god and to worship him and associate no partners with him and to belive in every one of his messengers. And what proof I might offer you that the other books were changed is that don’t you see so many versions of the bible doesn’t everyone have like different books but the proof that quran is not changed and remains true is that it still tells you what god s message has been eversince his created this world and that there is only ONE quran.

I am a Muslim,

Islam means peace

There is approx 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and if all Muslims are terrorists then why isn’t 1.6 billion Muslims bombing the world right now? Islam is the fastest growing religion it has been predicted in 50 years Islam will be the worlds largest religion. So if Islam teaches violence and evil then why would 1.6 billion Muslim and those who have reverted to Islam want that?

Surely everyone who thinks Islam is bad has been affected by the mass media watch this clip (46 mins) contradicts this and you will realise what Islam really is this clip is about:

Muslim only for 30 days

Guy becomes Muslim for only 30 days to experience the in-depth of Islam.

Islam is not only a religion but a complete way of life; we can gain answers either from the Quran or the Hadith (ways of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh). As a practicing Muslim I do believe Islam and its teachings answer all my questions. Muslim nowadays are weak they don’t know much about their religion my suggestion is to any one is that read the Holy book of that religion before criticising it. 70% of the Quran has been proven by science. Also we believe in Judgment Day and the Quran describes in detail what the day will be like and also the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also states minor and major signs (one minor sign we see today is that Time will go faster) you can view the major and minor signs on:

Islam has 5 fundamental Pillars which are

SHAHADAH-Declaration of faith

SALAH-Prayer which is the 5 daily prayers (helps us both mentally and physically)

SIYAM-Fasting during month of Ramadhan (Allows us to emphasis people in the poor world, also increases self control and makes us better people in society from decreasing sins to its minimum)

ZAKAT-paying 2.5% of your earnings to charity every year

HAJJ-Pilgrimage to Mekkah (Mecca)

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in 670 C.E he came to change the world as it was corrupt at the time. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) it was known as Jahiliyya (Days of ignorance). Muhammad (pbuh) was the last of Prophets sent to complete the biggest task. He was the Prophet who brought the Quran into our lives; The Quran is the final words from Allah. There has been according to one Hadith 240 000 Prophets, and Muhammad (pbuh) was the last.



if u really look at the bible and see how the descriptions match prophet muhammaed salla ALLAH alhi wa salam

so u know whats right and whats wrong

i advice u to become muslim

it will be the right thing to do
2007-11-17 19:40:06 UTC
I think your question has two assumptions that are both wrong.

Christians do not dismiss Mohammad as a prophet. They are willing to say that he was a prophet. Mohammad never said that he was any more than that. In fact he was a reluctant prophet.

Muslims dismiss Christ as being the son of God. They say that he was only a prophet. That is the difference.

Your second wrong assumption is that Jews dismissed Jesus. What happened is that Jesus reformed (many of) the Jews. Many early Christians were reformed Jews. Certainly they did not dismiss Jesus.
2016-05-24 05:05:30 UTC
As a Christian, I object to your characterization of Christians. While I certainly grant that some Christians view Muhammad as a false prophet, that view is by no means a unanimous one. I regard Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, and others in the same vein - as those who had marvelous experiences of the divine and then spent their lives trying to explain that experience to others. There's nothing false about that! For me, the message of Jesus is most compelling for a couple of reasons. First of all, where I come from Jesus is a more culturally significant figure - as a white American of European descent my cultural and historical heritage is Christian, and I am (admittedly and happily) a product of that heritage. Second, I am persuaded by the person of Christ himself. In his person is the fulfillment of prophecy, the substitutionary death for sin, and the promise of life through his resurrection. Finally, Jesus is compelling to me because of what I believe about God himself. My reading of the Bible tells me that, time and again, God reveals himself to the faithful through irony; I believe that God reveals himself fully and completely through the utterly ironic figure of Christ - a poor man, an unimportant man, a weak man, a man who preaches that "the last shall be first" and "the meek shall inherit the earth." As to your remark about successors, I am not exactly sure what you're driving at, but I hope you will (and I think you do) recognize the truth in the message of all the holy men and women who have communed with God throughout the ages.
2007-11-17 19:32:27 UTC
Mohammad was a marauding Bandit, going about beheading people who did not Convert to his New found Religion. None of the Prophets before Jesus were Bandits, and None Knew who Allah was.

Christians dont Qoute from the Quran, so why do Muslims find it convenient to qoute from the Bible.?
2007-11-17 19:26:36 UTC
Christians don't "dismiss" Mohammad. We understand that there have been many prophets, some good, some not so good and some pretty bad. But Jesus was God's Son that was the Savior, not just a prophet.
2007-11-17 19:56:27 UTC
Jesus and Mohammed are a lot different -

-Jesus was not a pedophile marrying a 6-years old and having sex with her when she is 9

-there is no risk of getting killed by describing jesus physically - while it is not possible even today to depict mohammed in movies, books, ... without having some religious nuts coming to kill you

-Jesus did not raid town/kill/rape people, while Mohammed was a war leader before being a religious leader ( religion was his tool to conquer )
2007-11-17 20:27:33 UTC
As a faith community, Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him) was/is the one prophecied to come after Jesus (Allah's Peace be upon him) (Deuteronomy 18:18-20). Not only that. Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him) is the Seal of the Prophets. Based upon Biblical interpretation, Jews and Christians have been taught that no prophet came after Jesus (Allah's Peace be upon him).

As for the above-mentioned verse in Deuteronomy, Almighty God tells Moses (Allah's Peace be upon him) that He will "raise them (Israelites) up a prophet from among their brethren (Ishmaelites), like unto thee (Moses). And I will put My Words into his mouth. . ." Almighty God "put His Words" into the mouths of all the Israelite prophets who came after Moses and before Jesus. Therefore, those verses could not have been referring to an Israelite prophet, but a prophet from among their brethren, the Ishmaelites (Arabs). As a faith community, Muslims believe and accept this to be Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him), a descendant of Ishmael (Allah's Peace be upon him) through Kedar, his second son.

In addition, Prophet Moses had more in common with Prophet Muhammad than with Prophet Jesus (Allah's Peace be upon them). Like Prophet Muhammad, he brought a Divine Law Code from The Almighty; had a natural birth and death; and had a married/family life. Jesus did not. (Indeed, Jesus was an Israelite prophet like Moses; however, so was Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, etc.)
Kaiel Themael Blolese
2007-11-17 19:44:07 UTC
we dismiss Mohammad because we believe that jesus is the one true son of god and the messiah. Jews didnt not have another messiah they simply did not believe in Jesus, it is not the same, do your homework next time please.
dogpatch USA
2007-11-17 19:28:06 UTC
No one dismissed Jesus as a savior and the othe Mohammed as a prophet ...not the same at all just that they are both dismissals . I dismiss God as supreme creator is that the same also.????
2007-11-17 19:50:46 UTC
Yes, some Christians who are courageous and bold do accept this fact. Those who are proud want to deny this though they see the very Truth beofre their eyes.
2007-11-17 19:25:20 UTC
It seems to me that it is the way of every religion to dismiss anything contrary to that religion.
2007-11-17 19:27:37 UTC
Jesus tells us of a false prophet, in fact, many false prophets who will fool many.
2007-11-17 19:39:53 UTC
yes, i certainly think so. jesus was cool and so was mohammed. i believe these are two of the same god, along with gautama buddha, confucius, and lao-tsu.
2007-11-17 19:25:34 UTC
Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in the Bible not ghost?

Deuteronomy 18:18

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

Isaiah 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

Song of Solomon 5:16 His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammad (Read Hebrew KJV). This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

For reference read Hebrew and Arabic KJV

John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

John 16:12-14

16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
Kemp the Mad African
2007-11-17 19:26:13 UTC
Yes, it pretty much is the same thing.

Nice observation.
Al Qiyamah{top lawyer inshAllah}
2007-11-17 19:26:59 UTC
2007-11-17 19:26:04 UTC
I don't think so.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.