Frederick William Franz
George Gangas
Karl Klein
Nathan Knorr
Albert Schroeder
Milton Henschel (Sorta)
The Translation was completed in 1961, with them having formal education in Hebrew and Greek. Some Scholars don't agree with it because of the so called doctrinal changes (deity of Christ).
Theres many translations prior to the New World Translations that are very similar.
Edit: Actually I do have my facts right. They did know about Greek and Hebrew.
Edit: LOL. I didn't say all had qualifications, I said they all had education - which means they were educated in Greek and Hebrew. Still doesn't prove they didn't know anything about Hebrew or Greek, because from what I can tell, they didn't break any rules in translating anything.
I'm not the one that believe everything I'm told - however since you believe in false doctrines, I wouldn't talk about someone who believes everything they are told
Edit: I never said they were all qualified, I said they had education in Greek and Hebrew.. and having a education in something doesn't always mean you have some sort of agree in something.
You shouldn't be talking about someone judging someone, because you already told me that I believe everything that I'm "told". Just because you're not 'qualification' in a language doesn't mean you don't know it.
Based on what they translated, seems pretty accurate to me. So if you don't have any proof they didn't know how to do anything, then you have no argument at all.
Update: I know you're going to turn to those questions Franz was asked by the court, which is very misleading. Before reading those questions, think about this.
(1) He said he couldn't speak Hebrew (which even the top scholars cannot do).
(2) He was asked to translate the Genesis verse from English into Hebrew, not Hebrew into English.
"Handbook of Biblical Hebrew, Vol 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978) "And, frankly, most of us who teach Biblical Hebrew do not have sufficient fluency in the language to speak or write in it"
--==unsilenced lamb==--
Read above.
When I say formal education, I mean formal knowledge. Educated means more than one thing, and it doesn't apply to just having a qualification in something.
Again, look at the questions Franz was asked and look at my post above. This is a lie anti jws try to create once again.
Cross: "You, yourself, read and speak Hebrew, do you?"
Franz: "I do not speak Hebrew"
Cross: "You do not "
Franz: "No."
Cross: "Can you, yourself, translate that into Hebrew. "
Franz: " Which"
Cross: "That fourth verse of the Second Chapter of Genesis"
Franz: "You Mean here?"
Cross: "Yes."
Franz: "No. I won't attempt to do that."
(1) He never said he couldn't read it, not that he couldn't speak it.
(2) He was asked to translate from Hebrew into English.
"Handbook of Biblical Hebrew, Vol 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978) "And, frankly, most of us who teach Biblical Hebrew do not have sufficient fluency in the language to speak or write in it"
Now can you see?
--==unsilenced lamb==--
You said they lied under oath.. why cant you comment on the facts above that they did not lie?
Update: You can stop ignoring my post.. try reading it again please.
Update: Are you even reading what I'm posting?
Update: No - Before he was in court, he told them he could follow the bible in Hebrew, and that he could read it. But the thing about that is, they asked him questions that is beyond most scholars knowledge, which is translating from English and speaking Hebrew.
Update: The thing about that is anti-jws sites don't bother telling the entire truth, which is why they are shunned by JWs. They do not provide all the information, nor do they bother posting all of it. So what I do is clear the misinformation anti-jws sites try to create.
Yes, I'm aware of those other questions, but im not sure you're actually looking at what I'm saying.
Look at the third question closer please...
(Caps & Stars = Bold)
Q: I think you are able to ****READ**** and follow the Bible in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, spanish Portugese, German, and French?
[] He was asked if he read any of these languages, he stated yes.
Q: You yourself ***READ AND SPEAK*** Hebrew, do you?
[] He was asked if he could READ AND SPEAK
A: I do not speak Hebrew.
[] He said he couldn't SPEAK IT, not that he couldn't READ IT.
Q: Can you yourself translate that into Hebrew?
[] He was asked to translate English INTO Hebrew, not Hebrew into English.
Again, this is false proof which is misleading.
He didn't say he couldn't read it, and he wasn't asked to translate Hebrew into English.
I would make it clear one more time...
He never said he couldn't READ it, it said he couldn't Speak it.
Cross: "You, yourself, READ and [SPEAK] Hebrew, do you?"
Franz: "I do not [SPEAK] Hebrew"
Cross: "You do not "
Franz: "No."
Update: LOL - I'm using your own quotes and they are all the same. He said he could READ Hebrew, not SPEAK it.
Third time quote:
"Handbook of Biblical Hebrew, Vol 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978) "And, frankly, MOST OF US WHO TEACH BIBLICAL HEBREW do not have SUFFICIENT FLUENCY in the language to SPEAK or WRITE in it"
--==unsilenced lamb==--
..........Again, they never asked him to read Hebrew , they ask him to speak in it. Bible teachers can read Hebrew well, but its another different story when they are asked to speak in it. Just like I quoted above, Bible teachers can read it very will, but they do not have "SUFFICIENT FLUENCY" in speaking in it. They court knew this but ask it anyway.. Did they ask him to read it? Not at all.. they just asked him to speak in it.