What do you think about people giving nasty comments when someone who has strayed, asks for help!?
2009-08-15 16:44:46 UTC
A few days ago i posted a question asking for help with regards to conception because I was naughty,and i posted it in the religion section (I am sorry if i offended anyone). I posted it there because I am straying away and seeking help from christians, or rather, religious people, who i thought would be more willing to help me and make me feel a little better, but many called me names like 'slut'. I thank those who responded to my question positively by telling me to repent, ask for forgiveness or actually gave a direct answer to the question. As an individual i assumed that a religious person would be the BEST person to help me in times of trouble and i guess I may have assumed wrong. What I would like to ask is would you call someone who bad mouths others who have come to ask for help a righteous person or a sinner themselves because they have judged and called others names, or would you say religious people are the worst people to ask for help because they are most likely to be quick to judge and forgotten what religion is about! or am I wrong in every aspect?
Fourteen answers:
2009-08-15 16:59:03 UTC
Sweety, this is where many people fall short and fail to see what real Christianity is. You know a lot of people are quick to judge and condemn, but in truth, that's not their job. All of us are sinners, and no one has the right to bad mouth any other person when they themselves fall short.

Even the righteous commit sins on a normal basis.

In the last few years, many people have thrown away the title Christian, for the title of Christ-follower. These people strive not to hurt others who come asking for help or questions, but instead, talk to you about whatever said sin was, and guide you back or inform you of the right thing to do.

Were you wrong to seek someone out based in your belief. No. Were they wrong in their response. Yes.

Jesus left us with a mandate to speak out against sin, and to show people God's love, compassion, and understanding. Anyone who cannot do this falls short and commit sin as well.

My advice to you, is pray, and ask God for direction, choose a select few to go to when you're troubled that won't judge you based on what you have to say, and you'll get through everything alright.
2009-08-16 00:04:17 UTC
Just because you put it in the R&S section doesn't mean only those that believe in a religion are the only ones who will answer. Some people have nothing better to do then show their immaturity and some are just plain idiots. Some religious people are very closed minded to. You have to take everything online anywhere with a grain of salt. You could ask any question you wanted about any subject and expect to get at least 3 idiots answering it being rude. I have only asked 1 question on here and 2 of the 3 answers were stupid smart alec answers. Don't worry about them and gain knowledge and get your answers from the ones that are reasonable answers. Some people do answer what they feel on here which may not be what you feel, but even from them you can learn. Even if what you learn is that they are idiots and don't know what they are talking about.

Littlemswright is an example. I am a Christian, hence religious and yet I have never been the way she describes ALL Christians and religious people. Who is more like she describes? Me or her?
Saraphina Blue
2009-08-16 00:20:02 UTC
I am sorry you were treated so harshly. That was not at all right.

Everyone seems to forget the scripture "ye who cast the first stone".

You were asking for help, I myself have done that here too. I have also asked for forgiveness from those I was cruel to. On both sides we make mistakes.

Although I did not see you first question I would have told you we are imperfect humans and we all fall short at times.

It is about turning our lives around and making right what we did wrong, if we can and starting out fresh again.

This is the counsel and advice I have been given myself and I know it is sometimes really hard to forgive ourselves or others but over time God helps and guides us.

Don't lose heart.

Sometimes people just had a really bad day and they come here and let off some steam in a way they would never in real life.

Other times they fail to see their own weaknesses that we all have or sadly they just want to make someone hurt as much as they do inside.

We all- no matter who we are -need guidance and sometimes we forget that is what a lot of people come here for because they are embarrassed and ashamed to talk to some one in person or they don't have access to be able to talk to someone in good standing of their faith for help. There are alot of reasons people come here and do what they do they are not all trolls most are very sincere in their questions and answers.

Don't give up, Honey. you are reaching out to better your life and to strengthen your faith as well as straighten out your life and as someone who is doing the same, I understand.

Try not to take what other's have said- the cruel things people can say here on here too seriously. I have cried over a few remarks myself. But I have been overjoyed by others.

You'll be okay. Just try to think before you do something or say something. I myself am trying to learn that too.

Ask yourself what would God think of this? Just start there.

I hope all this in someway helped. I really babbled on here quite a bit, I really hope for all the best for you. May God be with you.
The Mystic One
2009-08-16 00:14:44 UTC
John 8: 3-7

Let he amongst you who be without sin cast the first stone (at her).

I feel embarrassed sometimes when I see the immature and self-righteous here casting their stones from the safety of their anonymity. You came with literal concerns, scared, confused, and hoping for a nice, concise answer. But this is still the real world, even more so for the idiots who cast stones of ignorance are allowed here and truly make a mess of what could be a great forum.

These people who ridiculed you for your naughty mistake are sinners of the worst kind. They are, as it says in the bible, the stiff-necked and self -righteous. These are the proud, the wicked, who will come to their own inevitable fall. I will not agree with you that religious people are the worst to go to for help, but I will agree that they will tend to judge you as opposed to aid you. I can't see a practitioner of Wicca, for instance, judging you, or attacking you for what you have done and regret doing. Religion is a name for a collection of spiritual ideas and beliefs, not a certain type of person. I know many Christians who are in no way Christ-like, and know many Jews who are more Christ-like than they would ever believe! But that doesn't help you. So...

Go to the source. Take your issue to God (as you see HIm/Her) and talk to God about you situation. God hears every prayer and entreaty, and He/She answers every prayer. You need to know how to listen for that answer.

I wish you the best of luck and peace of mind and spirit.

Blessed Be!

2009-08-15 23:54:34 UTC
Almost had you fooled - didn't they.

Thought you could count on them to be helpful instead you found out that -

They are the most vicious, unforgiving, nasty, self righteous bunch of hypocrites you'll ever run into.

They don't offer help but they claim god is on their side.

They are foul whenever someone - like you - has a real problem that they want help and advice for.

I'm sorry about the responses you got, I hope at least one person gave you some help.
2009-08-15 23:49:32 UTC
We play hard here. It's a bit of a battle zone.

I'd have to see the question to tell you why each answer...but some people probably thought you were a troll.
2009-08-15 23:49:40 UTC
Asking for help in such a public forum ensures that mean-spirited people are going to respond just to make you feel bad.

You need to find someone in your area to sit down with and talk to. Anyone that is truly a Christian would only want to help you find your way back to the path through love and help.
White Al Sharpton's Wife
2009-08-16 00:02:44 UTC
Christians are still sinners even though they think that they are not and tend to be more hurtful.
2009-08-15 23:52:51 UTC
Sweetheart you need to ask GOD not the religious folk.I would if I were you get by yourself and talk it over with him and ask him to forgive you and come back home.You will be in my prayers and thoughts.
2009-08-15 23:52:15 UTC
are you sure these were indeed Christians? there are many many non-believers here, why I do not know, other than to make snide/rude/crude, ridiculing and blaspheme statements (serving satan's purpose), please do not believe True Christians would do this to you, I would surely hope not !! Please converse with God and maintain a close n' personal relationship with Him and listen with your heart because He LOVES you, no matter what the situation is or isn't :-) God Bless and Keep You
2009-08-15 23:48:49 UTC
There are a lot of rude people on the internet.

People just lack respect.
2009-08-16 00:14:17 UTC
we are all sinners and not to judge i will pray for you
Lux Epica
2009-08-15 23:49:01 UTC
Go! Go! Action Troll!

You suck !@#$ that's how you roll!

Spread the fuel, start a flame,

Watch the retards point and blame!
2009-08-15 23:50:08 UTC
I think they have more common sense than you!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.