I am sorry you were treated so harshly. That was not at all right.
Everyone seems to forget the scripture "ye who cast the first stone".
You were asking for help, I myself have done that here too. I have also asked for forgiveness from those I was cruel to. On both sides we make mistakes.
Although I did not see you first question I would have told you we are imperfect humans and we all fall short at times.
It is about turning our lives around and making right what we did wrong, if we can and starting out fresh again.
This is the counsel and advice I have been given myself and I know it is sometimes really hard to forgive ourselves or others but over time God helps and guides us.
Don't lose heart.
Sometimes people just had a really bad day and they come here and let off some steam in a way they would never in real life.
Other times they fail to see their own weaknesses that we all have or sadly they just want to make someone hurt as much as they do inside.
We all- no matter who we are -need guidance and sometimes we forget that is what a lot of people come here for because they are embarrassed and ashamed to talk to some one in person or they don't have access to be able to talk to someone in good standing of their faith for help. There are alot of reasons people come here and do what they do they are not all trolls most are very sincere in their questions and answers.
Don't give up, Honey. you are reaching out to better your life and to strengthen your faith as well as straighten out your life and as someone who is doing the same, I understand.
Try not to take what other's have said- the cruel things people can say here on here too seriously. I have cried over a few remarks myself. But I have been overjoyed by others.
You'll be okay. Just try to think before you do something or say something. I myself am trying to learn that too.
Ask yourself what would God think of this? Just start there.
I hope all this in someway helped. I really babbled on here quite a bit, I really hope for all the best for you. May God be with you.