Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ are known to me as Jews, do Jews and Muslims have the same God?
2006-12-19 20:55:14 UTC
Answerer said: Excuse me? Before islam became a religion?

Hey Islam was the chosen path by GOD ever since man was sent on this earth.
We believe Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ (peace Be Upon Them All) were all 'Muslims' means 'They submitted their will to GOD'
26 answers:
Rev. Two Bears
2006-12-19 21:00:37 UTC
Yes! Absolutely!

Christianity, Islam, and Judiasm all three acknowledge the one God. The God Of Abraham.
2006-12-19 21:31:25 UTC
Our God and their God are one and the same just worshipped under different names. Eloihim, Allah, Jehovah, God, Jesus Christ, or Yahweh. Judaism has been in existence for 200,000 yrs before Islam. It's 100,00. yrs before Christianity. Islam is the third largest religion. But Islam certainly is not the oldest religion. Jesus Christ was a Jew. He wasn't a Muslim. He was the "Chosen Path" by God.

Yes, the answer is yes. To the question do Jews and Muslims have the same God. Followers of Judaism are known as Jews. Followers of Islam are known as Muslim. If you check the history of Islam, you'll find that Islam originated from Judasm. The same can be said about all Christian faiths. Protestants, Baptists, etc. all originated from Catholics. The mother church being in Rome.

It's a question of dissension. Mohammed, the founder and prophet of the Muslim.; strayed away from Judaism when he didn't agree with the teachings and ideologies of Judaism.
2016-05-23 03:08:34 UTC
I don't care if this is true or not. It has no bearing on how I worship. The way in which we honor that God is prescribed differently by the majority of the group mentioned and by two other individuals. Noah, Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Moses, Jonah, Job(sp!), were all of the Jewish persuasion. Mohommed his own. Jesus is the only one to claim to be more. Religion is an organized way of responding to the reality of our perceptions of God and his works. Religion is different because the responses are as different as the differences between the instructors, prophets, and christ.
2006-12-19 20:59:59 UTC
Judaism belives in a singular God, no divisions, no trinity or anything like that. simply 1 absolute all encompassing God.

so basically, compared to christianity, Jews and Muslims have the same God. which is really ironic in a way that Islam and Judaism have such a rivalry, when in some ways the 2 religions are much more alike than Christianity and either.

edit: umm, and to clarify here... Abraham was the first jew. the prophets and signifigant people before Abraham, were simply aware of that same God, and in contact with "him" but hey were not really jewish as such.
2006-12-19 20:59:48 UTC
You just need to read a little history and you wouldn't make such a ridiculous statement. Jew didn't come along until after the Bablyonian captivity. How do you make Adam a Jew? And what does Adam Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus Christ have to do with Islam.
ibn adam
2006-12-19 22:52:52 UTC
The Lord of Abraham

The Ahura of Zoroaster

The Eishwar of Krishna

The Jehovah of Moses

The God of Jesus

The Allah of Muhammad

is the AlMighty One Alone God Only who is the Creator and Nourisher of us all.

The Lord, the One God, is the All-Alone Lord, as it is written in Torah (the Law of Moses). The Lord should be positively trusted, in respect of every problem. One should beseech, only before the Lord for his salvation as the Day of Resurrection is the Lord’s Day alone. The horror of that very Day, is so overwhelming that everyone will be extremely worried for his own salvation alone.

It is written in the Revelation: Al-Quran.

“Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto you, O’ Mohammad) and those who are Jews and Christians and the Sabaeans (Armenians or Indians etc) ___ whosoever believes in Allah (the One and Alone Lord) and the Day of Judgement and does right___ surely their reward is with their Lord and there shall no fear come upon them, neither shall they grieve.”

(Al-Quran 2:62)

Beware please! Salvation is meant for these people alone:

1. Who worship the Lord alone, positively, believing that nothing is like the Lord and the Lord is the


2. Who do not call the men, the jinn, the gods/goddesses, the demigods, the idols or anything else beside the Lord. Nor they praise or honour any of them.

3. Who desist from the bad deeds and persist on the good deeds in terms of the Commandments of the Lord.

4. Who do believe in the Day of Judgement/ Hereafter and the eternal reward/retribution, according to the nature of deeds.

Whosoever acts upon this four-dimensional theory or the Monotheistic manifesto, in the light of the Scriptures___ he is, pre-eminently, free from every danger of the Day of the Judgement.
2006-12-19 21:03:33 UTC
No. The "god" of islam is NOT the God of Judaism and Christianity.

And just because Muslims define a word one way or another does NOT mean it's valid for usage in all cases (especially in the given example).

I have strong faith in the one true God and have a strong personal relationship with Him, and strive to walk every day in His presence. I will NEVER be a muslim and will NEVER consider islam to be anything other than what it is.
K to the T
2006-12-19 21:04:49 UTC

All three faiths worship the same God belive it or not. They are all descendants of Abraham, Ismael his first son is the ancestor of Muslims.

Issac is the ancester of the jews and christains. One god three religions lost brothers over time that fail to see each other as children of god
2006-12-19 21:06:26 UTC
Yes ... Jews , Christians and Muslims have the same God... However Christians now have started beileving in Trinity but Basically Muslims beileve that there is only one God and there is no one like Him. He is not father of anyone and neither is he son of anyone.

Muslims beileve that as soon as the God comes in a shape of anyother thing or being (like human shape) he ceases to be a God. that is why Muslim beileve that Jesus (Peace be upong him) was one of the mightiest messanger of God... but he was not God.... According to Muslims God cannot be crucified... and you cannot put God on Cross for killing him..... These are simply not the properties of God......
2006-12-19 21:06:17 UTC
God is one. Your God is my God. He has many names Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. He is unlimited so we cant not put him in our world of ideas. Krishna says in the Gita "Whenever their is a decline in religious principals and the truth appears to be lost, I appear again and again or send My representative to reestablish the truth." So originally All these religions where pure but through time they become misconstrued that is why Christ had to come and then many after him to continue reestablishing that which appears to be lost. The most recent Savior and messenger of God is Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada who has reestablished the truth of the Vedic knowledge which is Universal and for all. Read Bhagavad Gita As it is By Prabhupada
2014-04-14 21:25:10 UTC
Adam And Noah and Abraham AS are not Jewish because they came before the jews and you got no proof
2006-12-19 23:53:04 UTC
Every living and non living things obey Almighty God.

Obeying God means submitting to the will of Almighty God.

Who submits completely to Almighty called Muslim, therefore each and every thing on universe are Muslim.

God Almighty gave choice to human being and Jins to chose right path or path of not submitting to Almighty.

Holy Prphets had been sent by Almighty to show correct path.

Now it is our choice what we chose.

Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon all of them), preached same massage to worship one and only one God.

For Ex-Muslim you are right Donkey's are also Muslims because they only do what God programmed them to do.

Unfortunately some of us are using our freedom of choice wrong and playing in hands of Satan. Opressing and killing other human being for our own evil desires. Some time in the name of War against terrorrism, or any other nonsense reason. History is full of such examples. Such so called supper power never sustained long , see history of Prophet Abraham, against Nimrood, History of Prophet Moses, against Pheroh, all those so called supper powers gone and God Almighty made them lesson for future generations to be causious and do exceed limmits.

In Qura'n God Almighty said " I will preserve body of Pheroh for your teachings."

1400 years back no human being new that one day we will see body of chief Pheroh and realize every so called power has to go in dust. Only Power of Almighty has to prevail. We should submit to that power.

Become Muslim follow tradition of Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
2006-12-19 21:02:18 UTC

Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked.

Psalm 82:3-4

Jac Tms
2006-12-19 21:17:41 UTC
God is only God and same to all people regardless of religion.

But the Satan is the one who deviate people from knowing God.

Satan is the one who claims to be Allah in Islam. The great Jehovah made a promise to Joshua after mosses that promise is as following

Exodus, chapter 3

14: And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

15: And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

No where in the Quran this phrase "LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob" is used by Allah to address Himself, but says Abraham, mosses, Noah, Jesus all worshiped me.

God can never lie but Satan. Hence the author f Quran is Satan itself, by questioning the word of God and claiming the cancellation of the words of God Almighty.
Paul E
2006-12-19 21:01:29 UTC
It's all the same irrational superstition that needs to end, regardless of all the names used. Belief in such garbage fosters and perpetuates human disconcern and atrocities. Wake up people and stop killing each other over your wacked perception of what is real and what is not.
Bob L
2006-12-19 21:02:56 UTC
This cannot be.

Jehovah God (Elohim) and Allah are not one and the same.

None of the men you name submitted themselves to a Babylonian god of the moon.
2006-12-19 21:00:58 UTC
Whatever you choose to call Him, we all believe in the same God-just differing opinions on who the Messiah is and forms of worship. Amen.
2006-12-19 21:04:00 UTC
YES!!!! islam came from judaism so yes god is the same but everything else is different
2006-12-19 20:57:19 UTC
Yes, it's the same Abrahamic God.
kerri s
2006-12-19 20:59:48 UTC
No, that's where get into the whole Ishmael and Isaac thing.
2006-12-19 21:06:34 UTC
yes.... they were muslim..means all the prophets which you mention above carried the faith of Islam...
2006-12-19 20:58:24 UTC
Ishmael was not the child of promise, Issac was
Doc Manhattan
2006-12-19 20:59:14 UTC
god is god. all else is petty.
Thumbs down me now
2006-12-19 21:00:27 UTC
yes he is the same:-)
2006-12-19 20:57:27 UTC
islam is good for donkeys
2006-12-19 20:57:15 UTC

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