I think if GOd was real he must be one evil and stupid son of a *****.
#1 He doesn't appear.
#2 I would never worship such a being even if it meant hell. Just look around you.. An endless struggle for human rights, disease, poverty, famine, death, war, destruction, prejudice, hate, corruption, and much more.
First off, if there was a God I'd really like to think he wouldn't leave out basic rights like life, "liberty and the persuit of happiness." None of us have that right. None of us have the right to food, shelter, or drinkable water either. Not the right. Real rights can't be taken away.
So if this is the best god can do, I'm not impressed. This shouldn't be on the resume of a supreme being. Or maybe, just maybe, he doesn't give a ****?
And here's another thing: hell. I hate to be repetitive, but what the hell?!
If I had a child and they didn't love me, I wouldn't lock them up in my closet of eternal flame to make them kick and scream and cry and burn in torture and anguish and suffering until the end of time.
Even if they committed a crime like murder, I wouldn't do that. I couldn't. I'd call the police on them, sure, but I wouldn't do sick, horrible tortures. Unlike god. That's the kind of crap you'd expect from an amoral sociopathic sadist.
I'm more moral than god. You're more moral than god.
I'd sooner worship you.
#3 I was very religious until my parents died. That made me think what the hell did I do? Then did a little research, read the bible a few times then I was shocked.
#4 I've been a non-believer for two years.
#5 No, I don't hate God because he doesn't exist
#6 then I will burn to hell with a smile on my face knowing that I didn't worship such a monster.