Just a question for all of us at this point in our lives?
2006-05-04 12:53:27 UTC
Why are you here, on here, on yahoo answers religion and spirituality section. The reason I come here is because I have questions about my life and my universe, and I bounce these questions off other people. I actually like getting responses from Christians and non christians. I actually like a lot of people in here for their intelligence.

I see one guy asked why are americans stupid. Hes got 65 responses. Almost 75% of them were basically saying - no you are stupid. How is that an intelligent response? If anything you just prove his point.

Most of us in here who are regulars will answer my questions. Some have picked up on who I am and what it is I seek, truth, wherever my quest is headed, I tell you this, I will seek and find the truth.

Where are you headed? Do you seek the truth, or validation for your world view/religion. Have you ever challenged your faith or lack of faith?

Do you examine your life? If you treat this place like a comedy audition, why?
33 answers:
2006-05-04 13:00:45 UTC
We should all be part of a new religion. This could be called "Seekers"... Truth the goal, use of truths to enrich Humanity our goal.

First, to have a clean house, we must sweep out the old dirt, some through valid questions/answers .. others in their own "special" way(s).

May their friends and lords, bless them all!
2006-05-04 14:45:07 UTC
Actually, when I first came on here it was when I was reading Phillipians. And yes, at a time when I was doing alot of soul searching regarding my own faith. There was a point made recently by a well known speaker that if ten years ago, a person extended a kindness to a stranger, literally thousands of people could have been affected by it in one way or the other since that time. All these "I'm right, you're wrong things seem to pale in comparison when you think of each moment of your life that way.

I am at a place in my life and my faith that I can think of no reason to seek validation from anyone...for what purpose? I don't want to be remembered in this life for being right all the time or claiming to have all the answers. I would like to be remembered for the way my life interacts with and touches those of others, whether it's someone very close to me or someone who's become a familiar name on this site.

Someone asked just yesterday that in the end, what if they are right and we were all wrong? What then? Okay, truthfully...what difference would it make? If I live my life to the fullest each day believing with all my heart in my God, it brings me peace and happiness which in turn makes me a better person. One who tries to think before I speak or who tries to offer help to those in need. I don't do it for recognition or because I think I can "work" my way to heaven. I do it because the things I learn in my faith have made changes in me that no human being...not my parents, siblings or children have ever been able to make. If what I believe in makes me a better human being then it would seem humanity would benefit from it.

I honestly try to live each day the best I can, put it aside at night and sleep peacefully. Tomorrow is a new beginning and I will never be able to have a chance to change anything that happened yesterday. I have challenged my faith and I have been angry with God for things I thought were too hard. But I'm intelligent enough to know that to believe in His goodness and His word, I must accept the evil dwelling here and that it touches us all too. No one is spared.

I wish you peace in your quest. I pray you find the answers and the truth you seek and that you will know when you have found it.

Just a side note. I rathere enjoyed this question as it seems to come more from your soul. Some of them seem to be barbs intended to see what reaction you will get from both sides. Have a blessed day!
2006-05-04 16:56:57 UTC
I come on Yahoo Answers and mostly in social/religious categories because I like seeing what people around me think. Even when I see responses that say I'm evil and going to Hell (I'm Wiccan) I still find it interesting. People were not made to socially evolve into one narrow band of thinking... we don't learn and grow that way.

It is easy to see how questions such as Why are Americans Stupid receive a lot of answers... questions as such (and you can really put any nationality in place of the word Americans in that sentence) tend to bring out defensiveness in the person answering. They take it as a personal hit without really looking at the question in the frame it was meant to be asked in.

As far as where I'm headed I think I am on the path that is suitable for me. I would never expect, cajole or coerce anyone to walk the same path I walk. We are all meant to find our own way in through the wood - Robert Frost had it right - "Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." My beliefs allow me room for change and growth which is a natural part of nature and the life cycle.
2006-05-04 13:06:08 UTC
Whew, so many questions.

Why am I here: So many reasons. Too lazy to write them all.

I think I answered the Stupid American question - was my answer stupid? Pretty sure I didn't give the response you cite....

Do I seek the truth? Yes, to my factual questions. I don't ask many conceptual ones; I'd prefer to do my research elsewhere. I do use this as a validation of my feelings though. Being different, it's nice to occasionally come across someone who feels the same as I do on things.

Have I challenged...? hell yes!

Do I examine...? Yes. Not every day, but now and then. When American Idol isn't on.

...comedy audition? I don't, but sometimes I'll feel like giving a funny answer rather than a serious one, and sometimes I enjoy reading others' funny answers.
2006-05-04 13:03:01 UTC
I was introduced to Yahoo! answers because it was "fun" according to my beloved cousin ... well, it has been enlightening and, yes, to a certain degree "fun" to read about other ppl's opinions and the questions that ppl ask. There are a few questions I've even thought of before but had no one to ask. It isn't as reliable as going to a person with the right authority or expertise, but it is a novel experience to hear the opinion of the many ppl out there from all over this globe, each bringing to this place their own unique culture, personal experiences, values and beliefs. For me, personally, it is just a place for me to question what I already know and believe, and compare it to what ppl think, say and believe. For me, it is an education of a sort ... a very informal education, with half of the things said not even making sense, but I learn a new thing everyday on here, so I'm not complaining .... =)
Amma's Child
2006-05-04 21:22:03 UTC
I've been on a spiritual path for 18 years. I started it when I was 17 yrs. I'm a bookworm & always had my nose in a book. I became hungry to understand the world I live in. I had tons of questions. I've been reading books on spirituality, Native American, Hinduism, metaphysics, biographies, etc. I've read hundreds & hundreds of them. I've also had a lot of personal experiences that were just out of the ordinary & metaphysical ("beyond physics). I've noticed that whatever is "Truth", it tends to get repeated over & over & over in many different ways with different perspectives.

So I've just become an expert on spiritual topics. I can pretty much answer a lot of questions that people ask about it. I am not here to change anyone's beliefs. I have total 100% respect for a person's choice and free will. I believe in treating others the way I want to be treated. I believe that what I put out comes back to me right away, so it better be good and from love as I want nothing but love heading my way.

I live & breathe as a spiritual being. Many think of themselves as a physical being & become limited in that sense. When I see myself as a spiritual being, I become unlimited with lots of potential.

I love this quote:

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
2006-05-04 13:10:33 UTC
I come here to learn something new and to get a chance to see how other people are thinking. My beliefs are constantly growing and changing. I go for what feels good and right to me and I don't need to disagree with others over what they believe. I give my opinion as much to confirm things for myself as to pass along information. I don't delude myself into thinking my opinion really matters to anyone but me. It's kind of like that with truth too. It is different to everyone because it has to fit into their lives. All the things they have been taught since birth and whatever they pick up from society around them is going to determine what they find as true. I can't honestly tell you what went down with Jesus a long time ago cause I wasn't there. I can't tell you that I believe in the bible or the quran or any other holy text cause I wasn't there. I can only go by what I have experienced and what rings true to me and what feels right in my heart. That is how my faith works. It works through me personally. Not from some outside source telling me what to believe.

Wow, was I rambling on or what?OK! Enough of that.
2006-05-04 16:23:54 UTC
I originally came here looking to find viewpoints of other people. Religion interests me in general and on a personal level. Now that I'm here, I still look for the viewpoints of others and a way to find truth from it all, but the comedic aspects play a part, too. If someone has a serious question, I'll answer seriously, if I think I have a worthwhile answer. If it's a goofy question, I'll be goofy.
2006-05-04 13:03:42 UTC
I come here because I used to be lost, happened into the right church which was speaking about Jesus and salvation, and a few months later I was saved. I don't need validation for my Christian views. If it was only Jesus and me, and the rest of the world did not believe, I would anyway. I'm not sure how I would challenge my faith. I have complete faith that God is in control.
Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH
2006-05-04 13:15:59 UTC
I'm drawn to this section and to the relationships section primarily.

I think that generally people are most honest and genuine when something bad happens and they are looking for answers. Pain has a way of showing the trivial things in life for what they are.

Unfortunately, they make our superficial relationships stand out for what they are as well.

I know what it is to feel alone and in pain. I think to some degree, when we are bewildered no one can give us the answers. We have to seek them ourselves. But I know how much I wished someone else just got how bewildered I was instead of trying to guilt or shame me into going back to "normal" again because it was more comfortable for them.

I can tell people what I think and what has helped me, but in the end, what I hope is that here and there people are comforted because there are other people out there searching. Other people who "get it."
2006-05-04 13:43:25 UTC
I'm in here to show that there are Christians who are different from the majority that we see. I don't think that God exists in the traditional parent-figure-in-the-sky sense. I don't believe in prayer. I don't believe that the Bible is the be-all and end-all of Christianiy. I don't think that Jesus was the son of God. Though Jesus might have died on a cross, I don't believe he did it for our sins and I don't think he rose from the dead several days later. I'm a lesbian, a feminist, pro-choice and Christian. I don't think that Christianity is the ONLY right spiritual path, I think that there are a number of valid religions and spiritualities. Christianity just happens to be the one that works for me right now.

My aim is to bring the value of Jesus (love, tolerance, charity, liberty and justice) to everyone without cramming my own personal beliefs down anybody else's throats. I also want to question and challenge other Christians to live up to a higher standard.

I constantly examine my life and my beliefs. It's the only way to keep it healthy, strong, realistic, and purposeful. Furthermore, I have litle respect for anyone who does not question themselves and what they believe.

Hope this helps answer your question. If you want to discuss anything further or need me to clarify anything, feel free to contact me.

2006-05-04 13:01:30 UTC
I give flippant answers to flippant questions, serious answers to the very few questions that I think are serious questions.

I'm becoming more and more of an "evangelical athiest." I know it's damn near impossible to wake up most of the hardcore jesus freaks, but there are a few in the "undecided" camp that come here to make inquiries. I figure that if I can help even one person throw off the yoke, or bypass it entirely, I've helped. The best way to do that is to help them to think for themselves. Sometimes this is best done by simply playing, if you'll pardon the expression, devil's advocate... :)
2006-05-04 15:47:35 UTC
My goodness - what a refreshing read you provided for me! I am here because I seek to fulfill Mark 16:15. I beleive that by carefully considering the views of others, I can learn how they think and how to better reach a lost and suffering world. I seek the truth, and to share the truth of the Gospel - for the truth shall set us free.
2006-05-04 15:13:35 UTC
I tried to talk to friends and family about religion and like you say the universe, but I always get the same kind of answers and I can see they just say what is pre-programmed in their heads by their parents and their parents and their parents. Many people accept they would never be able to understand everything so they decide not to question anything.

This is the one place I can really learn what people REALLY think about religion and the universe (of course there is still "pre-programmed" people on here but hey, what can you do?).
2006-05-04 13:13:40 UTC
good question. i guess i am here for a nimber of reasons. truth, entertainment, and knowledge. entertainment, because some of this q & a are funny. Trth to help me with belief issues i srtuggle with. Knowledge to learn solutions to problems and other peoples views.

Also to answer your question about did I change some of my beliefs by being on yahoo answers. the answer is no, but it has helped me to understand why i beleive what i believe.

Hope htat yahoo continues to do this. So we all can learn and gain from our esperience with other from around the world. if used properly this site can be a place used to open the minds of the ignorant, and educate the mind of the uneducated.
2006-05-04 12:58:10 UTC
I have been sober now for almost 4 months. Doing the steps and getting my life straightened out, or beginning to, I had to do a lot of soul-searching. Not so much where am I headed--but where I've been. How badly I treated others and myself when I was drinking. Praying a lot. Looking forward to the rest of my life, one day at a time.
2006-05-04 13:01:15 UTC
Everyone has an agenda, its a matter of degree. I certainly have one and have never denied it, but I am open minded by nature and therefore when in dialogue, I am always learning or seeking.

I read a response to a question of yours (i think)...from the guy with the white hampster avatar that I really was the refutation of theistic was short and powerful (to those who have studied evolution)....its moments like that where the seeking is primary.
2006-05-04 14:13:30 UTC
"I begin with the principal that all men are bores. Surely no one will prove himself so great a bore as to contradict me in this" __Soren_Kierkegaard

This is an honest question---finally (the bulk of space in Yahoo's Religion & Spirituality section is filled mostly with the ramblings of sophists, dabblers in religion with "unshakable" belief systems, innocent/ignorant members of the crowd of various orgin, ect, ect). By the posing of this question--and assuming it would be approached honestly--it already weeds out 99.9% of the people who would normally take part in answering it (most participate in these questions and response things so they can spew their ignorance over all who are present in order to find justification for their undertakings in morality. But this questions seems honest; it does not presuppose knowledge and it seems to really care for responses of those living--or at least trying their hardest to be--in truth. I question my assumptions. I have proved myself wrong. There have certaintly been times where I have been in ignorance and been defiant. Looking back on it it was all rooted in pride and I only made progress when I simply admitted I was wrong and moved back onto the road to truth. On this Question & Answer thing, I have seen people answer "Yes" and "No" to questions that are utterly impossible for a human to answer with certainty; questions like, "Does God exist?", "Is the Bible True?", "Am I Going To Hell?". If you know God exists for certainty then you are God; if you claim God does not exist then that is an exercise in FAITH just as much as the God-fearing Muslim, Jew, or Christian. Anything based on history is always an APPROXIMATION (Bible questions, ECT) and cannot be used to base a belief system off of. These are things that can be said with certainty and our generation, as wells as the pasts, does not want to hold to truth. When you do hold to truth, naturally, your childish systems of belief will be shattered--we should be so lucky! But saying that they're shattered does not mean that you cannot be a Christian anymore if you're a Christian, or remain an Atheist if you are an Athiest. All it does is mature you method of thinking. Have more than ten people, including the "major" philosophers, said anything of relevance since the Greeks? How long ago was that? As long as we keep answering questions with our insecurity, fear, and pride we will continue to receive answers to our most cherished existential questions that do nothing except give the speaker an imaginary pedestal to stand on while they await spiritual ruin.
2006-05-04 13:18:19 UTC
First of all, I like to share what God SEALS in my mind,...and I love to see a pew potato "Christian" HEAR something that may just shock them into actually opening The BOOK and checking it out for themselves instead of repeating what a man says. I like to keep seriously light and treat people here as I do in my everyday life. I'm at the point in my life where challenges are for going through, and know where my "worries" go. I'm at peace with myself and God and I really do believe one of the greatest gifts a Christian can share today is a smile. Too bad ya all can't see mine I "challenge" my faith by getting into Gods Word and receiving more faith. I can't say I like all types, but I love peoples of all ethnos,...and I do believe life would be alot boring if we were all the same. I hope in life I head in the direction that God wills me to, and I'd hope my faith and beliefs would never offend any and I only encourage them. I'm not here to win any popularity,..and although I love my life as simple as it is, my main goal in life is to be straight with my Father and get back with Him and outta this flesh dirt vessel one Day.
2006-05-04 13:00:16 UTC
You take yourself very seriously. That is a form of egotism. Even if it is honestly for self-improvement. To explain to everyone exactly why you are so noble and objective is at least a little bit pompous. Your concept of the purpose of this forum is imposing. Yahoo's intention is ultimately to make money. Your intention is clearly stated. My intention changes with every submission. I do like comedy, though, and that's okay too.
2006-05-04 12:58:16 UTC
Not looking for truth, answers or validation. This is just a quasi-entertaining forum that my employer hasn't blocked yet. Everyone loves a soapbox.

I admire you for pursuing the truth, as should we all be. But I do not believe we'll find it here, or anywhere for that matter. But we can strive for it all the same.
2006-05-04 13:02:36 UTC
I actually do examine my life an ,offer my perspective which is usually not mainstream ,however some questions are funny to me,my humor is sarcastic and I will respond accordingly,I do not remember how I answered that question but I thought it was pretty nuetral.
2006-05-04 12:58:27 UTC
I'm not a lovesick teenager or preteen hanging out online. I have examined my life, and now I'm trying to pass on my knowledge. I actually changed religions about a year ago. I did a little research and found a religion that makes sense to me.
2006-05-04 13:07:46 UTC
I came on here for suggestions really. I had a question and nobody really answered it for me although they did give some good suggestions on how to look at it differently. People already know the answers to their questions. They just want other people to confirm that they are right in their thinking. Unless its a math question or something because if they are like me, they suck at math....ha, ha...oops.....did I get the part???????????????
2006-05-04 13:00:27 UTC
We all examine our lives from time to time. The real question is do we do it rationally (from evidence) or do we depend upon the supposed thoughts and actions of invisible people who live in the sky? A rational examination of life is healthy. Postulating the existence of imaginary, invisible people who live in the sky is evidence of a psychological disorder.
2006-05-04 13:01:08 UTC
you are right most of the people just answer some questions for the two points they are after .... they never thought that this is a place where they may benefit of others' knowledge and experience .
2006-05-04 12:57:49 UTC
im afraid i NOW come on here for fun because nobody really wants to talk about religion they either want to abuse it me included or preach it, the only good thing i have gained from here is 3 really good freinds so for that im thankful to yahoo religion section xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2006-05-04 12:55:23 UTC
it is a comedy place. the internet isn't where the deep thinkers hang out, it's where the socially maladjusted hang out, along with the frothy religious nuts, 9 year olds with love problems, international morons who have all this technology at their fingertips yet insist on croaking out a crude sex question, etc., etc. etc.
2006-05-04 12:57:16 UTC
Good, you are acting on biblical principle, "Seeking wisdom, in an abundance of counselors". I did arrive to my faith by diligently seeking. happy hunting,
Donald Shaw
2006-05-04 12:56:29 UTC
I am here because it allows me to challenge the lies and liars who claim to be Christian, with the truth.
2006-05-04 12:57:17 UTC
Good God man, keep it simple. That's like asking why is a cup a cup? BECAUSE IT'S A DAMN CUP!!! STOP ASKING WHY, AND START ASKING HOW!!!
2006-05-04 17:21:07 UTC
I'm a surgeon, Jim, not a psychiatrist!

2006-05-04 12:56:46 UTC
come on dude. it's a website. we have every right to give whatever answers we please. if you don't like it, than get the F**K off of this website. have a good gay. :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.