Actually, when I first came on here it was when I was reading Phillipians. And yes, at a time when I was doing alot of soul searching regarding my own faith. There was a point made recently by a well known speaker that if ten years ago, a person extended a kindness to a stranger, literally thousands of people could have been affected by it in one way or the other since that time. All these "I'm right, you're wrong things seem to pale in comparison when you think of each moment of your life that way.
I am at a place in my life and my faith that I can think of no reason to seek validation from anyone...for what purpose? I don't want to be remembered in this life for being right all the time or claiming to have all the answers. I would like to be remembered for the way my life interacts with and touches those of others, whether it's someone very close to me or someone who's become a familiar name on this site.
Someone asked just yesterday that in the end, what if they are right and we were all wrong? What then? Okay, truthfully...what difference would it make? If I live my life to the fullest each day believing with all my heart in my God, it brings me peace and happiness which in turn makes me a better person. One who tries to think before I speak or who tries to offer help to those in need. I don't do it for recognition or because I think I can "work" my way to heaven. I do it because the things I learn in my faith have made changes in me that no human being...not my parents, siblings or children have ever been able to make. If what I believe in makes me a better human being then it would seem humanity would benefit from it.
I honestly try to live each day the best I can, put it aside at night and sleep peacefully. Tomorrow is a new beginning and I will never be able to have a chance to change anything that happened yesterday. I have challenged my faith and I have been angry with God for things I thought were too hard. But I'm intelligent enough to know that to believe in His goodness and His word, I must accept the evil dwelling here and that it touches us all too. No one is spared.
I wish you peace in your quest. I pray you find the answers and the truth you seek and that you will know when you have found it.
Just a side note. I rathere enjoyed this question as it seems to come more from your soul. Some of them seem to be barbs intended to see what reaction you will get from both sides. Have a blessed day!