Which religion is the one true religion???
2015-11-10 20:35:57 UTC
Which religion is the one true religion???
185 answers:
2015-11-12 10:09:38 UTC
The thing is, you are assuming that there is one true religion. It is also possible that spirituality is a much more complex thing than simply having one right answer. Take ancient china for example. By the time Buddhism had entered china Taoism and Confucianism were already common. for the most part they simply included Buddhism with their Taoism and Confucianism and called it good. People were in essence 3 religions or philosophies all at once. I've met Hindu Buddhists and Christian Muslims, whether or not that makes sense is not really the point. Don't forget that it is also possible that there is no true religion, but hey that is just how it goes isn't it? Maybe the gods of mount. Olympus are real, maybe you should be sacrificing a cow to baal right about now. Maybe you just shouldn't be doing anything at all.
2015-11-12 09:52:20 UTC
John 14 :2 says In My fathers house there are many Mansions. What Jesus was saying is that there are many way's You can get into Heaven and that there is a place for all true believers. These day's it seems there's a different church on every corner professing to be the one and only true religion. Keep in mind that on Judgement day it will be God Himself who decides where You are going. He doesn't really care if You were a Catholic or a Jew or a Baptist or a JW or Mormon or any other type of religion. All He looks at is Your heart and how You believed and showed Your belief while You were on this earth. You may have been the Pope or a leading Theologian or given away more money to the poor than any other person ever has but if Your heart is not pure You won't get into Heaven. You may be able to quote every single Bible passage from heart and You might even be able to walk on Water but if Your heart is not pure He won't be inviting You into His home.
2015-11-12 05:18:21 UTC
No religion is true. All religions are perception of truth.

I was mugged once and as I walked away the guy stabbed me in the back. Strangely the knife got caught in my spine vertebrae and I survived unharmed. A year later sitting in a taxi I saw the guy crossing the street and one lady commented that that guy stabbed another guy in the back and he died and I was laughing. So unless I'm a ghost it proves that perception is very different from truth.

Humans wrote the holy books on which religions are based regardless if it was from God, it is still a perception of what God might have meant and cannot be a full understanding of what God truly meant, only God can know that. So therefore no religion is true unless a holy book appears from nothing and even then we still have to interpret it and will wrap it's meaning. So there can never be a true religion.
2015-11-12 05:59:07 UTC
None. Religion is a belief spread by different types of people to do one thing, give people hope that there is life after death. I believe that people should stop telling themselves that they will go to a better place and start to live every limited moment of their lives now because that is all we have. The only question that science fails to answer about religion is how the Earth was created. The Big Bang Theory or that the Earth was always there are some solutions. Religious people shun these and say they are unlikely but if they believe God was always there how come they cannot believe the Earth was always there too.
2015-11-13 03:44:00 UTC
The one that tells a good stories and made people happy.

Not something like this:

I have found that I have to follow my own thing, which is a mixture of like buddhism and wicca. I have there to be no true religion. Christianity of course dominates the world and tries quite hard to explain why it's the only one. I used to be heavily involved in the Church and also in what is now called ministry. I enjoyed it, I got along with people, I felt that I was being of service. I got burned by the Church and so have since then gotten out of it. This doesn't make me hate Christianity as some do. I find it pretty ironic that many self proclaimed Christians are very non accepting and judgemental. I say if you identify yourself as Christian, that is fine. You simply have to have your own prayer life and your own connection to God whatever you identify him to be.

People will let you down and no matter how disciplined the person is, you cannot ever hold them in such a position as they are representative of a religion. This is what I like about Wicca is there is no one person in charge of the whole entire thing, dictating and "translating" what should be believed, what is actually written and so on. Thankfully there is nothing written as it is a nature religion (or one of the paths thereof) so there is nothing for people to argue over. However I find in other religions, members are less argumentative and try to find common ground as it should be.

You have to do your own research, but that is how I feel on it. You may find that like me, one "religion" worked for quite a while for you in your life and you hit a point in your life where something happened and now it just doesn't fit anymore. This does not mean that you have lost faith in God nor does it mean you are now going to Hell.
2015-11-12 09:37:04 UTC
I have found that I have to follow my own thing, which is a mixture of like buddhism and wicca. I have there to be no true religion. Christianity of course dominates the world and tries quite hard to explain why it's the only one. I used to be heavily involved in the Church and also in what is now called ministry. I enjoyed it, I got along with people, I felt that I was being of service. I got burned by the Church and so have since then gotten out of it. This doesn't make me hate Christianity as some do. I find it pretty ironic that many self proclaimed Christians are very non accepting and judgemental. I say if you identify yourself as Christian, that is fine. You simply have to have your own prayer life and your own connection to God whatever you identify him to be.

People will let you down and no matter how disciplined the person is, you cannot ever hold them in such a position as they are representative of a religion. This is what I like about Wicca is there is no one person in charge of the whole entire thing, dictating and "translating" what should be believed, what is actually written and so on. Thankfully there is nothing written as it is a nature religion (or one of the paths thereof) so there is nothing for people to argue over. However I find in other religions, members are less argumentative and try to find common ground as it should be.

You have to do your own research, but that is how I feel on it. You may find that like me, one "religion" worked for quite a while for you in your life and you hit a point in your life where something happened and now it just doesn't fit anymore. This does not mean that you have lost faith in God nor does it mean you are now going to Hell or what have you. In the end, this is between you and God, as you understand him to be.
2015-11-11 20:11:56 UTC
Christianity is. Well that's what i believe. If you compared the bible to any other bible or religion, you can start to see how i can believe that. There are bad teachers that teach false thing like God hates gays. Lol god never ssid that nor did any one in the bible say that. God did say homosexuality is an abomination. But so is all sin. God hates sin but loves the sinner. And wants them to turn from sin. Even sending his only son jhon 3:16 christanity is the religion where your sins are paid for through a deity or God. All others are based off of works not faith. Like muslins. They belive in jesus as a man nit the son of God. So they have to get to heaven based off works. For some real proof read the proficies of isreal that have come true allready and the ones that will be soon. Also read Obama's Muslim quots.
2015-11-12 06:58:48 UTC
Illustrating how to tell the difference between those who practice true religion and those who do not, the Bible says: “By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?” (Matthew 7:16) Just as you can distinguish a grapevine from a thornbush by what it produces, you can distinguish true religion from false by its fruits, or by these identifying features.

True religion teaches the truth that is based on the Bible, not on human philosophies. (John 4:24; 17:17) This includes religious truths about the soul and the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth. (Psalm 37:29; Isaiah 35:5, 6; Ezekiel 18:4) It also does not hold back from exposing religious falsehood.—Matthew 15:9; 23:27, 28.

True religion focuses on God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope. Its members actively tell others about that Kingdom.—Matthew 10:7; 24:14.
2015-11-10 21:42:54 UTC
The only true religion is the one that comes straight from the Source. The Higher Self. The Spirit of Truth. One can not manipulate this Self as it is wise and based on ones metaphysical spiritual configuration (chakras). The only people that receive its wisdom are those of a highly compassionate and sympathetic character. These individuals are highly intuitive, philosophical, and loving.

Truth is truth. Regardless of what title or label we put on it.

In terms of clarity, Theosophy, Perennial Philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism and Dzogchen are highly advanced disciplines of experiencing the mystical ageless wisdom and uniting with the Divine.

Esoteric Christianity has many hidden truths but in my humble opinion, if you are genuinely seeking knowledge, there is far more confusion and manipulation within Abrahamic religion than any Eastern philosophy.

Edit: The Higher Self is the Holy Spirit of Christianity and Atma of Hinduism.
2015-11-11 03:19:28 UTC
When you get right down to it, all religion is created in the mind of man. And all religion require man to perform some ritual, adhere to some rule, or attain some goal in order to reach the top, whether that be Heaven, Nirvana, Shangri-La, self-enlightenment, or myriad other destinations, both physical and spiritual.

All religion is Satan's attempt to obscure and obstruct the church of Jesus Christ. Satan is disguised "as an angel of light. His servants disguise themselves as "servants of righteousness" (2 Cor. 11:14,15). Religion is a false profession of identification with God that formulates a parody of Christ's church.

Think about it. Jesus didn't come here to start a new religion. He came here to re-establish the relationship man had with God, the one that was severed by man's disobedience. He did what no man could do. Give His life as payment in full for all our sins. None of us can do that because not one of us is qualified. It took the shed blood of an innocent man, the righteous for the unrighteous (1 Peter 3:18). No man is innocent (Romans 3:10, 23) so no man could ever qualify.

And now all we have to do to gain that which was lost to sin is believe that Jesus of Nazareth is who He says he is and did what He came to do (John 1:12-13, John 3:16, John 5:24, John 6:28-29, John 6:40, John 11:25-26, Romans 10:9, and others).

Here's an interesting study:

Listen to this too:
Rolando C I
2015-11-12 10:03:06 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion. John 4:24.
2015-11-11 07:04:56 UTC
The Bible does not agree with the modern view that there are many acceptable ways to worship God. Ephesians 4:5 says there is “one Lord, one faith.” Jesus stated: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it. . . . Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.”—Matt. 7:13, 14, 21; see also 1 Corinthians 1:10.

Repeatedly the Scriptures refer to the body of true Christian teachings as “the truth,” and Christianity is spoken of as “the way of the truth.” (1 Tim. 3:15; 2 John 1; 2 Pet. 2:2) Because Jehovah’s Witnesses base all of their beliefs, their standards for conduct, and organizational procedures on the Bible, their faith in the Bible itself as God’s Word gives them the conviction that what they have is indeed the truth. So their position is not egotistical but demonstrates their confidence that the Bible is the right standard against which to measure one’s religion. They are not self-centered but are eager to share their beliefs with others.
2015-11-10 21:00:30 UTC
Those who are serious about religion should think that the one they’ve chosen is acceptable to God and Jesus. Otherwise, why would they be involved in it?

Jesus Christ didn’t agree with the view that there are many religions, many roads, all leading to salvation.

Rather, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:14)

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they’ve found that road. Otherwise, they’d look for another religion.

Why we know it is the truth.

There are (5) ways to tell if you have the truth.

(1) We remain in Jesus teaching.

(2) We love one another.

(3) We adhere to God’s high moral standards.

(4) We remain neutral in the controversies of this world, and

(5) We are God’s name people.
2015-11-14 08:08:57 UTC
I used to believe all religions are just different paths to the same place. I no longer believe that is true. I used to believe all religions taught the same thing, and I no longer see that as true.

There is a spiritual world. Until you encounter it for yourself, your logical mind will tell you it's all fairy tales and hog wash.

Only Christianity teaches salvation through Jesus, not through one's good works. Many other religions focus on "good works", even freemasonry. That's what gets people thinking all is good. But Christianity speaks of a time when there is one world religion (see Deepak Chopra's views on PBS) led by the antiChrist. I'm not educated enough to speak on it, but all I can say is it looks like the Bible predicted this time, when new age views on religions would prevail.
2015-11-13 15:33:54 UTC
Trust me no one needs the truth of this matter.

Your blood will run cold and you'll get a tumor probably.

The really real true religions they have kept to themselves.

The truth is this place was created yes, by the most cruel foul natured entities imagineable. And the only way that these entities would even be there is if the beings of source were shitty themselves. We're all probably just completely fucked, the reality of how fucked we really are might kill us.
2015-11-11 04:56:56 UTC
The 2010 watchtower article explains it from the bible. And it says "Consider Jesus’ example. Did he belong to an organized religion? When he was young, Jesus joined with his Jewish family and others who had the custom of going to the temple in Jerusalem to engage in organized worship. (Luke 2:41-43) As a grown man, Jesus joined with his fellow Jews in worshipping God at the local synagogue. (Luke 4:14-16) When speaking to a woman from a different religious background, Jesus said: “We worship what we know.” (John 4:22) Jesus here clearly identified himself as belonging to the Jewish form of religion.

Later, Jesus said that because the Jews as a nation rejected him, God would reject their corrupted form of worship. (Matthew 23:33–24:2) However, he indicated that those who want to worship God acceptably would have to belong to an organized group. He told his followers: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35) A disciple of Christ who did not associate with his fellow believers could hardly show them love. In fact, Jesus plainly stated that there are only two religious paths. One he described as a “broad and spacious” road that leads “off into destruction.” By contrast, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.”—Matthew 7:13, 14.

Obviously, then, not just any religious path will do. The Bible warns against joining with those who “will maintain the outward appearance of religion but will have repudiated its power.” God’s Word further states, “avoid people like these.” (2 Timothy 3:5, The NET Bible) On the other hand, we benefit greatly from identifying and associating with those on the path leading to life. We gain encouragement and support now and a bright hope for the future.—Hebrews 10:24, 25.

How can you determine which religious group is on that narrow path? Why not consider the Bible-based answers found in chapter 15 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?* That material will help you make an informed choice as to which religious organization you should join.
2015-11-11 16:49:23 UTC
True worship of the Creator embraces every aspect of an individual’s life. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.”—1Co 10:31.

Worship That Is Acceptable to God. Jehovah God accepts only the worship of those who comport themselves in harmony with his will. (Mt 15:9; Mr 7:7) To a Samaritan woman Christ Jesus said: “The hour is coming when neither in this mountain [Gerizim] nor in Jerusalem will you people worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know . . . Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”—Joh 4:21-24.

The words of Jesus clearly showed that true worship would not depend upon the presence or use of visible things and geographic locations. Instead of relying on sight or touch, the true worshiper exercises faith and, regardless of the place or things about him, maintains a worshipful attitude. Thus he worships, not with the aid of something that he can see or touch, but with spirit. Since he has the truth as revealed by God, his worship is in agreement with the truth. Having become acquainted with God through the Bible and evidence of the operation of God’s spirit in his life, the person who worships with spirit and truth definitely ‘knows what he is worshiping.’
2015-11-12 23:57:59 UTC
Your question: "Which religion is the one true religion???"

As far as I know, there is no true religion and there never has been.

From a previous post:

You are mistaken in noting that only one religion can be true without showing why that is so. In a polytheistic religion such as Hinduism it is logically possible that all religions are true but that some gods and some believers are close-minded and want only their religion to dominate.

In monotheistic religions that accept that some sole and unique god appears in different forms to different people and at differing times and places, it is also the case that many religions can be logically true.

In monotheistic religions such as Islam and some forms of Christianity, it cannot be logically true that both religions (Islam and Christianity) can be true, because each regards its god as the sole and unique god, that has only one form, the same for all persons. In particular, Jesus the god and Allah the god are two different gods.

In general, however, religions rely on a god theory, a soul theory, a spirit theory or some combination of those things, none of which have any credible evidence in the real world.

So overall the foundation of religion is irrational and not true, i.e., it has no fundamental relation to the real world.

Human beings have a great capacity for irrationality, probably as a consequence of having a lot of excess neocortex compared to some other related creatures.

The human brain is not a truth-seeking instrument. It acts on information but not necessarily in a rational manner unless specially trained by culturally acquired methods to discriminate between unreal and real in regard to abstract ideas. It evolved for a very different purpose.

We do not perceive the real world directly but rather the best guess the brain, per person, makes as to what the real world might be. What we have acquired culturally and by education is not always accurate, but we tend to perceive the world according to culturally acquired schemas.

In religion people believe what they want to be true, typically culturally acquired delusional claims.

A history of human thought shows that although people may believe they have acquired insight into the nature of reality and the nature of sentient experience, often what they report to be reality is a reflection of their conformity to unwarranted opinion or randomly constructed delusional schemas without any objective reality checks.

One particular issue that arises in this sort of topic is why there seems to be so much religion. The reason why is because religion is a learned behavior. All human beings have extended development periods wherein they are socialized and acquire schemas by which they perceive reality.

It is our natural inclination to acquire behaviors including cognitive and perceptual schemas by doing what we observe others doing, even from what we can construct mentally as models of what others might do. There is a neural basis for this, but even though such behavior is observable, until quite recently it was not known why such behavior occurs.

Neuropsychology | Mirror Neuron System:


Cognitive Behavioral Psychology | Observational Learning:


Social Psychology | Conformity:



Cognitive Psychology | Schemas:


2015-11-12 12:43:30 UTC
Jesus started one true Christian religion. So today there must be just one group, of true worshipers of Jehovah God. (John 4;23,24; Ephesians 4:4,5)

The Bible teaches that only a few people are on the narrow road to life. - Matthew 7:13,14.

The true religion, has the marks of true Christians.
2015-11-11 06:59:30 UTC
The one true religion is the religion that teaches us how the world was created, how man was created, how the world came to be in the horrible state of sin, why we were separated from God, and how we were reconciled back with God among many, many other things in between. While other religions may tell us how to be morally good, Christianity teaches there is no other in heaven or on earth or under the earth that can bridge this separation from God and bring us back to righteousness through his only begotten Son Jesus the Christ.

The One True Religion has got to be CHRISTIANITY.
2015-11-12 11:41:56 UTC
There is no such thing as a "true" religion. All religions are flawed, that's the truth. In other words no religion is flawless. Christianity has flaws as well. I believe there are good and bad things about all religions.
2015-11-12 14:50:51 UTC
The preponderance of evidence doesn't support the fundamental tenets of any religion. NONE of the respective claims - That the Jews are God's chosen people, Jesus is the only begotten son of God, or the angel Gabriel gave Muhammad the Word of God are supported by a preponderance of evidence. Therefore to believe that any of these religions is the true word of God requires FAITH, belief beyond evidence. Therefore you can believe any of them or any other you like simply by substituting faith for evidence. However, believing it won't make any of them true. And even more absurd than believing that any one of them is fundamentally true is believing that all of them are true as they hold mutually exclusive ideas.
2015-11-12 19:07:02 UTC
Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world. All religions are man-made my friend. Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air.
Blazin Hazen
2015-11-12 12:26:21 UTC
Pure Christianity is the only way to go. Christians are pure, Christians have good morals. We are the one true, peaceful religion. God loves all.

We are the one religion which defends society the way it should be; composed of nuclear families and good, strong men in the work force, as God hates and condemns all those who blaspheme Christianity and His name by going against the fundamental Christian values which allow this ideal society to exist.
2015-11-12 19:52:08 UTC
Trying to figure out which religion is true is like trying to figure out which of the 3 cups the ball is hidden under. "I don't know" they say. "Well you better pick one because if you don't pick the right cup, you're gonna burn forever." Now imagine if it were 1000 cups, each cup representing every faith on earth. At this point, religion is like playing the lottery and each faith is just another ticket and everyone's crossing their fingers hoping they have the right number, the right faith. Unlike non-religious people, people who are religious are so dependent on religion that they haven't even considered the option of walking away and not picking any cup. It's like someone in a love triangle torn between 2 people trying to figure out which one to pick and be with and they're so dependent on relationships that they haven't even considered the option of not being with either of them. Instead, religious people spend their whole lives feeling confident that the ball is under the cup they picked but in the end nobody wins except the ones that chose to walk away and not pick any cup because there was never a ball under any of the cups to begin with. In other words, religion is a scam. It's a scam that uses fear and mass ignorance to control your life. Consider yourself warned.
2015-11-12 02:10:17 UTC
Which "religion" is the "one" True Religion ?

Let me start with the word "true" Defined as in accordance with Fact Or Reality

Religion Defined as #1 a system of Religious Beliefs and Practices

# 2 The belief is and worship of a superhuman controlling power especially a personal god or gods

Fact # 1 defined as Knowledge or information based on REAL occurrences #2 That which is Known or proven to be true that which is Verified and Indisputable

. The organization or systems of religions are a reality they are practiced by Humans

. The question becomes .."what system of Beliefs or rituals related to a superhuman controlling power is Verified and Indisputable ?

. Answer NONE They are ALL Disputed .the question itself in a sense demonstrates it

If your a Christian and reject Hindu or Muslim Your disputing that religion just as They are disputing yours

.To Have a True Religion that is not disputed by anyone would mean only "ONE" religion Exist or is practiced so unless the total population 7 Billion people ALL accepted a Religion single (ONE) ..then meaning No person DISPUTED it would meet the qualifications of indisputable

then you would have to meet the second Qualifier VERIFIED defined as Proven Elevation of if it to be factual demonstrable .So If your gods actions are that of the Creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority . that requires demonstration of such

..Claims are not validated til verified demonstrated .. just because one asserts it or their book says it does not Demonstrate it

So the answer is you can only have a "true" religion if the qualifiers are met NO one disputes it and the claims are demonstrated

considering there are 7 billion people the odds of all 7 billion people accepting a single religion is slim there are 2.2 billion Christians with 3400 denomination. who can not agree on interpolation of the holy books and rituals Then 1.5 Billion Muslims with 2 major sects that can not agree 900 Million Hindu and 1.1 Billion Atheist then many smaller religious groups with beliefs.

the question then becomes is there a single (one) religion that 7 billion people accept as verified and indisputable NO reality that people practice other religions demonstrates that
2015-11-12 13:10:14 UTC
Religion is a myth spun to service who ever is doing the spinning. The objective is to make oneself look better than those around him as in God's people or the Chosen ones. There is no man in the sky.
2015-11-13 07:02:56 UTC
So many like u have asked that same question! Even some have given up in religion because of the hypocrisy and stopped going to church. But again how can u personally tell which is the true religion? Matt 7:16,20 mentions "...By their fruits you will recognize them..." In other words by their actions. By what they say and do go hand in hand with the Bible or does it waver? Jesus taught his followers only one religion, the true religion. It is like a road leading to everlasting life. Jesus said: “Few are finding” that road. (Matthew 7:14) God accepts only worship based on his Word of truth. All true worshippers are united in one faith. They also honor God’s name. (Psalm 83:18) And they advocate God’s Kingdom as the only hope for mankind. (Daniel 2:44) They imitate Jesus by letting their “light shine,” doing good to their neighbors. (Matthew 5:16) True Christians can be recognized by their neighborly visits to people’s homes for the purpose of sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom.
Fell In Love
2015-11-10 21:09:54 UTC
2015-11-13 08:27:27 UTC
I would say that most of the world would conclude that Christianity is the one True Religion.
2015-11-10 21:09:18 UTC
None of them, but there is a very strong case for the ancient Norse beliefs. I have yet to receive one piece of irrefutable, convincing evidence from Christians or Muslims that Odin and Thor (the gods worshiped by my Viking ancestors) do not exist.

The deeds of Odin and Thor are written in the Poetic Edda. As it is written in a book, it must be right.
brother trucker
2015-11-11 06:20:34 UTC
The love of humanity and brotherhood are the only true religion. When we hold up our religion as the one true one we tend to alienate people and cause unrest.

Jesus taught that the true religion was to love God and our fellow man and to love God by loving our fellow man, Gods sons and daughters.
2015-11-10 21:02:25 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses.
2015-11-11 13:06:20 UTC
There is not really any one true religion. It's mostly marketing, because the search for true self. etc. it is bleak on the outside, it has no glam, just infinite research. Once you start getting into questions such as "who am I truly?" that could be called beginnings of religion.
2015-11-12 16:38:39 UTC
"Which religion is the one true religion?"

The one true religion is the cult that a person was brainwashed to believe.

Of course all religious cults are 100% pure bullsh!t.
2015-11-12 04:09:40 UTC
The religion which you believe in is a true religion.For religions exist because of faith and the one which you have faith on is the true one.
2015-11-12 15:20:22 UTC
There is not god therefore no religion is true. Humans are made from a different alien life form from another planet and that's why prayer does not work.
2015-11-11 05:11:17 UTC
Jesus said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. “By their fruits you will recognize them,” he said. “Every good tree produces fine fruit.” (Matthew 7:16, 17) In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God’s will. God’s people show genuine, unselfish love for one another. Jesus said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35)
2015-11-11 09:50:15 UTC
The one that accept Jesus Christ as God’s means of salvation. The Bible says: “There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Acts 4:12) Jesus gave his life as a ransom for obedient humans. (Matthew 20:28) In addition, Jesus is God’s appointed King in the heavenly Kingdom that will rule the entire earth. And God requires that we obey Jesus and apply his teachings if we want everlasting life. That is why the Bible states: “He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life.” (John 3:36)
2015-11-12 10:23:18 UTC
My religion
2015-11-11 23:43:07 UTC
Truly, you need to decide that for yourself.

First: Pray for truth and do not take the word of a person. Search it out yourself. Study the Bible. Start with basics and build upon that.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not profit monetarily from studying with you. They want to share good news! That is why there is over 8 million worldwide doing this each and every day. Please consider it! Take the will be happy you did so.
2015-11-12 21:56:49 UTC
2015-11-12 15:11:22 UTC
The Bible states this about religion,"Jas 1:27

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

Now which group do you see that actually does that in purity ???
2015-11-12 05:51:22 UTC
That is truly a hard question to answer. My take on it comes down to faith not religion. We all have different faith, good or bad or indifferent. I think the one true religion is the one that makes us stop and thing before we harm another human being. Before we judge another human being and before we turn our backs.
2015-11-14 13:49:56 UTC
In general, the one true religion is Wicca;in specific, the tradition of the Melusine in Avalon.
2015-11-12 13:36:26 UTC
2015-11-12 23:01:56 UTC
There is no one true and perfect religion. Religion cannot save our souls. The only thing that we can do is to love God and our brethren.
2015-11-12 11:00:01 UTC
Religion is a man-made method of worship. They are each true to what they teach. There is one God, He is known as the Christian God. Christianity follows the only real God, and teaches about Him.
2015-11-15 19:07:10 UTC
Why does it matter besides no one can be for certain. When we die I think we'll probably find out but for now let us just live happily. Who knows maybe all our religions are right about something. Know one can answer that in the exact way of saying " this is right all of you are wrong"
John Chan
2015-11-12 11:57:06 UTC
I don't believe in religions but i do belong in the true word of GOD .......before the person who wrote the BIBLE got a hold of it and called it religion!!
2015-11-10 20:37:21 UTC
Speaking as a Christian, there is no "one true religion". I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and I believe in what I think is God. You can believe in whatever you want, there is no proof that any religion is even valid, I just think Christianity makes sense so I follow it.
2015-11-13 04:38:03 UTC
None, all religion is corrupt. There is no true religion. It is all man-made and used to induce fear in people as a method of control and dictation.
2015-11-10 20:40:07 UTC
The true religion is the one with God in it. That is, if there is only one God.
2015-11-11 05:36:39 UTC
In my own opinion, whatever is my religion, my religion is the one true religion.

Atthangika-magga (The Noble Eightfold Path) is the ONLY ONE WAY to PURIFICATION. The SELF-SALVATION means PARINIBBANA, liberation from samsará.
2015-11-11 04:55:46 UTC
The best way to answer that question is to search for yourself. Look at the members in different organizations and ask yourself which of these seems to be following what the scriptures says? Which members although not perfect seem to try to life there lives according to the scriptures? Once you figure that out you will have your answer.
2015-11-12 10:35:01 UTC

That's why all religions are bogus

They all claim to be the one true religion, they can not be so ergo they ars all lying
2015-11-10 20:41:29 UTC
none of the above. True teachings were reserved

for the occult which means they were taught in secret.

To be a saint, it takes 20+ YEARS of meditation with Holy-Fire.

(aka the Pentecostal-Flame). They use it to cast out demons,

to astral-travel and bi-locate (appear in two places at once), to

manifest their needs out of thin-air, they develop psychic-powers '

and Oneness with god so you can be one of the more advanced

humans. They do not need to eat food since they can charge their

cells with Holy-Fire.

All humans who have ever risen from the dead and become Immortal

followed these steps.
2015-11-12 20:23:20 UTC
True religion is the one that teaches children in understanding to develop both of their physical and spiritual understanding knowledge into adulthood.
2015-11-11 07:25:37 UTC
If anyone follows a religion they must think that theirs is the one true religion. Otherwise why would they follow it.
2015-11-12 22:30:03 UTC
It depends on the person. I think that atheism is the only 'true religion'!--No religion is the best ---only NO religion!
2015-11-14 04:36:27 UTC
Christianity, there's not ONE true religion, and I can't decide which is the most true.
2015-11-12 18:29:22 UTC
Religion is only a form of comforting yourself after experiencing life and everything that it presents to ones self.
2015-11-12 10:22:10 UTC
In the King James English Bible we learn that Jesus said, "In my Father's House, there are many mansions." First we need to understand the meaning of House in it's original 17thC context - it refers to 'the family' in other words, all believers in the one true God are members of that family - the 'house'. For example, we still refer to the English Royal family as the House of Windsor. That's their family name - Windsor. Beyond that, our family name is summed up by our believe in the Mighty God - the God of Abraham and of Moses - God of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims.

Gott mit uns
2015-11-10 20:47:40 UTC
If there was a true religion and a real god it would have been sorted out long ago.
2015-11-12 11:12:17 UTC
2015-11-11 14:29:17 UTC
Zulcan The Great.
2015-11-11 15:34:02 UTC
The Church Of The Religious Consciousness.
2015-11-11 17:59:32 UTC
Atheism is not a religion but it's the right track.
2015-11-13 00:00:49 UTC
C'mon that kind of question is just for creating fights. A smart person will say that there is no just one "true" religion and will respect all of them.
Scary Frog
2015-11-11 12:48:32 UTC
They ALL are. Don't believe me, just ASK them.

But remeber this, Religion is comedy to the learned, oppressed reality for the ignorant.
2015-11-12 19:08:55 UTC
The Church Of The Subgenius is the one true religion!!!
2015-11-13 15:00:54 UTC
2015-11-13 11:04:51 UTC
2015-11-11 19:36:46 UTC
There is only one truly divine religion of a most merciful forgiving omnipotent God: Christianity.
2015-11-10 21:34:56 UTC
True religion is the most used oxymoron.
2015-11-12 11:39:07 UTC
2016-08-04 16:20:04 UTC
Jesus is the one true religion.
2015-11-13 04:31:37 UTC
I would love to know what you decide but the only way for to find the true religion is to examine for yourself.
2015-11-10 20:52:19 UTC
Every religion claims to be true. This is clearly not possible. But what is possible is that all of them are false...
2015-11-12 07:58:54 UTC
All religions have some aspect of the truth.

They are based on their perception of GOD.

There is only one possible GOD by any name.

That GOD the Creator has revealed himself.
2015-11-13 03:19:38 UTC
Pastafarianism (sorry if the spelling is wrong ).

It is the one true religion .

The church of the fsm
2015-11-13 16:21:56 UTC
I hope to find out after I die because I can't figure out now. I can't help some of each faith or non faith is correct. There are sooooo many faiths are out there. Even when you break them down into categories.... lots and lots and lots. I'm open minded and find so much of interesting.
2015-11-11 18:06:18 UTC
It was one of the Neanderthal religions. Too bad.
2015-11-12 19:06:02 UTC
2015-11-11 08:33:24 UTC
Jehovah's witnesses
2015-11-12 16:27:47 UTC
The truth is Jesus Christ because He said so Himself in John 14:6. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."
2015-11-10 20:44:39 UTC
Consider: in the time of the apostles, the preists of Israel went to great lengths to stop the spread of the first disiples. Disputes this, they never showed them Jesus' corpse despite Him being buried only days earlier.
2015-11-10 20:50:11 UTC
Christianity is personal; it's about a relationship; it's the Gospel; it's the way to God.
2015-11-11 08:00:37 UTC
True Christianity, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
2015-11-10 23:52:49 UTC
The Seventh-day Adventist Church.
2015-11-12 05:24:11 UTC
The religion which worships God in the Spirit, and rejoices in Christ Jesus, and has no confidence in the flesh.
Olive Garden
2015-11-11 05:32:04 UTC
The catholic church off course. However. the challenged it met thru the ages, is so enormous that up to these days, the Pope could not completely "tend, look after my sheep" that Christ ordered him to do.

The CC is being challenged by the "gates of Hell" but hell could not prevail.

Thanks Jesus that He is with the CC till the last days.
2015-11-12 12:05:44 UTC
Hum…. The Catholics tell me if I don’t confess my sins to a priest I will go to hell. The Baptists tell me if I do not submit to a full immersion baptism I will go to hell. The Presbyterians tell me if I don’t pay tithes to them, I will go to hell. The Muslims tell me if I don’t pray to Mecca five times a day I will go to hell. The Buddhists are the only ones who do not tell me I will go to hell. They tell me if I do not achieve “enlightenment” I will be reborn as a dung-beetle in my next life. So, who do I believe? What exactly does God really want from me?
2015-11-12 10:50:09 UTC
Ancient African Ethiopian, nubian Egyptian "religion" not Christianity, not Judaism not Islam etc.
2015-11-10 20:54:47 UTC
the one that has been with us for over 2000 years , not one that can only show their origin going back only about 500 or less years , it has never being perfect , but it has never altered a word of the infallible teachings of Jesus Christ
2015-11-12 01:18:05 UTC
This question is controversial because everyone will disagree with each other.

We can't physical prove it yet. That's why it is called Faith. Trusting in something you cannot see, to believe.
A Second Witness
2015-11-10 22:10:58 UTC
The one that bigots have to make up the most nonsense about, in order to pretend that it's false.
2015-11-10 20:48:42 UTC
NO doubt, Islam. It was not only propagated by Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but also was the religion propagated by Prophet Adam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It was the religion propagated by all prophets including Moses and Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them)
Bisexual Aromantic
2015-11-11 23:18:18 UTC
The Lord of Light is the only God.

The night is dark and full of terrors
2015-11-12 07:40:24 UTC
None of them....Religion is man's way of reaching God, Christianity is God's way of reaching us!
2015-11-11 22:31:01 UTC
None until a supernatural being (if they even exist) confirms one to be true, which hasn't happen and most likely wont happen.
2015-11-12 13:46:18 UTC
What you are asking is the same as, which was the best spice girl. We can't answer because it is down to personal opinion.
2015-11-11 13:57:13 UTC
atheism is the one and true religion
2015-11-13 11:16:10 UTC
Buddhism because it's about finding ones inner peace and they accept other people's religons.
Rhiannon Red
2015-11-13 14:56:01 UTC
Which ever one connects with you most deeply, which ever one answers your questions, gives you peace, whichever helps you sleep a little easier at night and gives your life meaning and purpose. It really is a personal thing, its about what connects with you.
2015-11-12 17:22:37 UTC

Jhn 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
2015-11-14 04:55:27 UTC
All religions are same.
gregory p
2015-11-11 21:43:27 UTC
This is a scary idea because we think to ourselves if God does exist which one is the right one? This way we're not hosed when we die
2015-11-13 12:26:36 UTC
The one that your heart tells you best suits YOU and the GOD that you know & love the most. Everyone will find that TRUTH in different ways and through different religious places.
Wellll... hello then!
2015-11-12 15:37:43 UTC
NONE!!! God of the KJ bible has nothing to do with religion!God started Christianity!
2015-11-12 06:03:15 UTC
No. Religion is all right. Because man controlled the writings. Don't not this k outside the box. Goodness comes within, this is God.
2015-11-12 06:43:08 UTC
Think about it. If you had REAL faith in God, what use would you have for religion?
2015-11-10 22:14:54 UTC
The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ
2015-11-12 17:15:50 UTC
2015-11-11 19:51:04 UTC
The one without the certainties of religious faith.

The one that gives your life value and spiritual solace.

2015-11-12 07:48:41 UTC
There is no such thing as "a true religion" They are ALL fakes.
2015-11-12 01:03:20 UTC
They all claim to be. And you're going to hell if you dont believe the right one. Cool how that works huh? ;)
Lady Morgana
2015-11-10 20:40:15 UTC
None of the above
2015-11-11 05:11:32 UTC
None. God commands u to repent of sin and follow Jesus Christ, not religion.
Ji Fung
2015-11-12 16:54:26 UTC
No one knows
2015-11-10 20:40:41 UTC
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life

no one can come to God except through Christ
2015-11-11 11:25:17 UTC
Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; no man comes to the father but by me". (John 14:6)
2015-11-12 18:23:25 UTC
The one you find to be most true for you. And that can change as you change. Allow yourself room to to grow
2015-11-12 06:14:31 UTC
None of them. They were all conceived in primitive and ignorant times and there is no evidence to support any of them.
2015-11-11 12:47:33 UTC
Frisbeetarianism. It is the belief that when you die you go up on the roof and get stuck there. It works for me.
2015-11-10 20:44:33 UTC
The one you believe in.
2015-11-13 07:23:43 UTC
The one you choose to follow.
2015-11-14 16:43:03 UTC
Prayer and meditation followed by good deeds.
2015-11-12 18:56:08 UTC
They all are. Yours is as true to you as someone else's are to them.
2015-11-11 23:33:38 UTC
whichever one you believe in if any others were true your sky daddy might not be the right one
2015-11-14 08:14:45 UTC
All religeons have some truth. Christianity is the truth.
2015-11-12 11:06:01 UTC
Mine and it isn't Jehovah Witness, they are so screwed up.
2015-11-10 20:48:39 UTC
Now what you Christian supposedly forgotten, is that numerical supremacy does not directly translates into textual reliability in the case of the New testament manuscripts, the New testament Scholar Ehrman states:

"It is true, of course, that the New Testament is abundantly attested in the manuscripts produced through the ages, but most of these manuscripts are many centuries removed from the originals, and none of them perfectly accurate. They all contain mistakes - altogether many thousands of mistakes. It is not an easy task to reconstruct the original words of the New Testament."

With the originals of every New Testament book written in Greek, and the rest of these manuscripts being translations into other languages, we just need to focus on the 5800 Greek manuscripts that contain just parts of the NT, the oldest of these is dated to the early 2nd Century meaning 70 years after the death of Christ.

Since the Original is lost, all we have are simply copies of previous copies and these copies were written by Unknown Scribes, "at times scribes would make intentional changes as they copied. For example, they would correct what they believed to be a spelling error in their source text. Even the best of scribes, however, sometimes made unintended errors."

By looking however at the three most famous additions to the New Testament that were made by the Scribes themselves (the Comma Johanneun-For there are three that bear record in heaven....- the woman caught in adultery, and the long ending of Mark). Non of these additions are found in the oldest Manuscripts, these enough prove the corruption of the NT, if these scribes dared to make such Theological and important later addition, we have no way of trusting that our oldest copies have been copied in exactly the same way from the Original manuscript which is now lost.

Review the sources below for more information on the subject.

I recommend that you watch this Video by a leading NT Biblical Scholar his name is Bart Ehrman

This clip above actually should give you most of the foundational knowledge and evidence that you need actually to know and prove the corruption of the Bible, and the evidence is their own Christian Scholars! So it's a must watch.

I am Muslim by the way. Make sure that you watch the video when you can and remember that this is exactly what Allah has told us in the Qur'an when he stated: "So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah" 2:79

All the Prophets bowed down to Allah........

"O you who believe! Bow down and prostrate yourselves and serve your Lord, and do good that you may prosper."-(HOLY QURAN 22:77).

"And he (Jesus) went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed..."-(MATTHEW 26:39).

"And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship..."-(JOSHUA 5:14).

"And he (Elijah) cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees."-(1 KINGS 18:42).

"And they (Moses and Aaron) fell upon their faces..."-(NUMBERS 20:6).

"And Abraham fell on his face..."-(GENESIS 17:3).

Particularly the description of Elijah's (pbuh) prayer, which is called "sujjod" in Islam when a man is closest to God (swt).

Also another classic example of prophet Jesus (pbuh) praying to God (swt), not to himself, because he isn't a God.

Here check these two verses out:

1 Samuel 15:11, 35 - 11"I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments."

Genesis 6:6 "And the Lord regretted creating mankind and had a heavy heart."

- an all knowing God does not regret anything. An all wise and all powerful God does not get hurt by his creation. He is the comforter not the one who needs comfort.

> Two of many contradictions in your bible. Do you want to see more? can you explain to me how the God of the Bible expected things to happen that didn't come to pass? such as Isaiah 5:1-5; Jer. 3:6-7, 3:19-20?? Can you really call the God of the Bible an all-knowing God? "Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes, Did it bring forth wild grapes?" What kind of an omnipotent God would say such a thing?

Both the Bible and Qur'an clearly say Jesus will be raised to God, not killed and not after death. We also know he will return. How do we know this had God not informed us? So no one was deceived but the disbelievers.

"Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God".'" - John 20:17

إذ قال الله يا عيسى إني متوفيك ورافعك إلي ومطهرك من الذين كفروا

3:55. And (remember) when Allâh said: "O 'Iesa (Jesus)! I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you [of the forged statement that 'Iesa (Jesus) is Allâh's son] from those who disbelieve....
2015-11-12 22:47:18 UTC
The one that you like I think.
2015-11-12 07:09:15 UTC
Pastafarianism. it says so in their holy book so it must be true
2016-07-10 07:18:28 UTC
It's different to everyone really. God has seperate wills for everyone!
2015-11-10 20:43:56 UTC
Scientology. Their phalanx of lawyers sees to it.
2015-11-12 11:08:13 UTC
None whatsoever.
2015-11-11 01:38:51 UTC
True CHRISTIANITY, the oldest religion, obey: Will of God = Name of God = Word of God = Mind of God = Son of God = Thought of God = Image of God = Desire of God = CHRIST = GOSPEL = FIRE, etc....

"Christ" was not Jesus' last name.
2015-11-11 07:53:39 UTC
None of them
2015-11-12 10:33:15 UTC
The only one that matters,yours.
2015-11-10 20:40:07 UTC

I created it.

I worship Oleg.
2015-11-12 17:33:12 UTC
2015-11-11 09:19:33 UTC
The one that the people in it live their lives by the Bible.
2015-11-11 23:45:09 UTC
Islam is the gateway to Jannah.
2015-11-10 20:53:16 UTC
Bible Christianity
2015-11-11 09:19:36 UTC
the Cathars beliefs.
2015-11-10 23:10:56 UTC
The one taught in the bible.
Sky Is The Limit.
2015-11-14 11:32:48 UTC
Islam,of course.

Islam is the Last Testament - it preache & enforce - Equality, Justice, Brotherhood to create a Greater Peace as pridicted by Isaiah (Torah). The Prince of Peace - Muhammad (pbuh) came with Divine Authority and Message of Peace (Islam). He united different human races into one Muslim Nation destroyed the 2 Great Evil Empries - Roman and Percean Empires and established the greater peace in the world after 1290 years of prophet Isaiah (pbuh)! Prophecy fulfilled!

Islam is against man made ideologies (all sorts of "ism") which ultimately create division in race, staus between Poor & Rich society. Now the worshipers and slave of capitalism are against Islam because it preaches Equality, Justice, Peace and Global brotherhood.

Many Islam hater groups are working to stop Islam in Europe and America but they have failed. Jewish Media is failed. America is supporting Anti-Islam Groups in Christianity, Judaism and creating Al Qaeda and ISIS type terrorists in Muslim countries but America is faild to prove any thing against Real Muslims Nations.

So amny Trolls and Slave of Money blaming Islam on daily basis but the result is zero.hence the whole team of Trolls is failed against the Truth and Reality of Islam - Peace!


"good and evil deeds are not equal. repel with that which is most just, and see, the one whom there is enmity between you will be as if he were a loyal guide" 41:34

"but if they desist,there shall be no aggression except against the harmdoers" 2:193

"fight in the way of allah those who fight against you,but do not aggress.allah does not love the aggressors"2:190

"but if they desist,know that allah is the forgiver and the most merciful"2:192

"If anyone aggresses against you,so aggress against him with the likeness of that which he has aggressed against you"2:194

"If they keep away from you and do not fight you,offering you peace, then allah does not make any way for you against them"4:90

"if you desist,it will be better for you.if you resume we will return,and even if your forces are numerous,they shall not help you at all.and allah is with the believers"8:19

"if they desist,allah sees the things they do" 8:39

"therefore,if they turn away,say:allah is sufficient for me.there is no god except him i have put my trust"9:129

"If they incline to peace,incline to it also,and put your trust in allah."8:61

"do not say crude words to those who call upon other than allah, lest they use crude words about allah in revenge without knowledge. as such we have made the actions of each nation seem pleasing. to their lord they shall return, and he will inform them of that they were doing"6:108

"allah does not forbid you to be kind and to act justly to those who have neither made war on your religion nor expelled you from your homes. allah loves the just."6:8

"those who believe, jews, sabaeans, and nazarenes whoever believes in allah and the last day and does good shall neither fear, nor shall they sorrow"5:69

"There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path"2:256

"To you be your religion, and to me my religion"109:6

These verses makes it religion of peace
2015-11-11 11:10:46 UTC
CHRIST and not any human religions
2015-11-12 17:23:09 UTC
I believe that faith is like a frog. If you can get it in your mouth.. it fits.
2015-11-12 11:34:39 UTC
2015-11-12 21:57:46 UTC
i don't know but i know it is none of the one around now.
2015-11-12 19:07:47 UTC
2015-11-11 13:40:56 UTC
Your heart
2015-11-12 10:30:13 UTC
None of them.
2015-11-13 08:33:01 UTC
Simply none! All are false.
2015-11-11 13:45:09 UTC
Depends on who you want to listen to.....No answer to this one.
2015-11-12 21:51:50 UTC
Your heart of hearts
2015-11-12 15:48:12 UTC
2015-11-13 23:22:24 UTC
2015-11-12 17:56:48 UTC
There is no such thing...

Just follow your own beliefs...
Orla C
2015-11-12 02:52:36 UTC
All of them.
2015-11-12 17:52:26 UTC
believing in lord jesus Christ is the only way
2015-11-10 21:00:41 UTC
christianity and specially catholicism
2015-11-12 16:02:48 UTC
2015-11-11 20:58:37 UTC
It's just like choosing your first car..........~!
2015-11-11 14:54:57 UTC
honestly there is no god and **** it is just a rumour

praise yeezus
2015-11-13 04:23:28 UTC
to yourself be true
2015-11-13 05:52:29 UTC
Islam :)
2015-11-12 08:43:58 UTC
There is none
2015-11-12 17:39:31 UTC
2015-11-13 10:53:34 UTC
prayer and meditation
2015-11-13 08:37:54 UTC
Ask God. He will answer.
2015-11-11 08:40:57 UTC
i don't know
2015-11-11 03:29:18 UTC
All of them are stupid.
2015-11-12 04:56:38 UTC
2015-11-14 17:06:32 UTC
2015-11-12 06:39:33 UTC
2015-11-12 06:50:01 UTC
God does not born or die he is forever. Jesus, Moses, Mohammad & all other people of Bible, Quran &Torah were great messengers prophets of god not sons of god they were created by 1 true god, creator, Allah. So any creation can’t be the 1 creator Allah. So they were messengers, prophets of god. How can creator be part of what he has created Himself!!!So he is not part of any creation again he is not a creation & has no partners no father ,mother, daughter ,son, brother, sister ,wife & no gender simply unique beyond comparable & 1 & 1 only. From Adam to Jesus god sent his messages for every generation or period of time but it was always destroyed by mankind & the devils conspiracy to take mankind towards hell. Because all previous books were massed up by humans Allah sent his last messenger not son or god, but messenger Mohammad & sent him Quran & it’s messages to guide humans towards Allah & heaven. Allah has promised to Keep Quran same until the Day of Judgment & challenged humans to create another accurate book like Quran & said if you can’t then surrender to your lord (the only way of peace&heaven).Majority of things science has discovered until now 80% of Quran had all those undiscovered answers from the last 1400years when science didn’t have any answers. The other 20% answer was & is in Quran. Maybe it will take science another 1400years to find it. All 100% answers are in Quran. Science can’t prove a single verse of Quran wrong. If you do a research on Quran, bible and science you will find facts. Facts are stranger than fiction. In the bible it says Jesus bowed his head on floor just like Muslims bow their head on floor while praying .You should do research on bible, Quran &science if you believe in god so you can find facts on Islam. If I teach a parrot a message & send it to someone & parrot tells the message to that person and leaves & that person starts saying that parrot is my son that would make no sense, because that was my messenger not son. Jesus was taken up alive &after that people started calling him son of god. He came to establish Islam & was a messenger of 1 god. Christianity started after Jesus was gone, Jesus will comeback & die as a human& Muslim. Quran is the only accurate 100% words of god &word of god can’t have errors then it would not be word of god & according to science bibles & Torahs has many errors but they can’t prove a verse in Quran wrong. Muslims believe there is no god but Allah & Prophet Mohammad is the last & final prophet & messenger of Allah. Adam, Abraham ,Noah, Moses ,Jesus , Muhammad were all messengers & prophets of 1 God Allah so Islam is the 1st religion & it’s the last religion because God is Allah & God is forever so is God’s religion which is only Islam & it is also forever. Finally Islam always existed even before Adam, Abraham ,Noah, Moses ,Jesus & Muhammad because it’s the only true religion from God Allah. Torah and Bible are full of errors and god never errors only Satan and humans errors. Arabic Quran has no errors but translations and printings can have errors. Muhammad received the Quran through angel Gabriel from god. Quran is the last final revelation from god to Prophet Muhammad the last final seal of prophets. He received the Quran which completed the religion of god and with Quran all other previous holy books were cancelled by god and Quran is the only book to be followed and Islam is the complete religion from god for the whole of humanity. So there is no other god except 1 Allah alone and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are only prophets and messengers of god.

English Standard Version

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19

The best book I have ever read (“The Bible, the Qu'ran and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge: 4 books in 1”) Authored by Mr. Faisal Fahim, Dr. Maurice Bucaille, Dr. Zakir Naik.

Errors of Christianity and Judaism (See

Genesis 1: 1 - 31) Scientists say that the Earth’s surface took millions of years to cool

down and became suitable for living. Genesis says that the water

Appeared on earth on its first day, then the appearance of the plants

On its third, and the animals on the fourth and the fifth days.

The biblical order of the appearance of the creations contradicts the

findings of geologic history.The presence of water on the face of the

earth on the first day contradicts the scientific theory that the earth

and the universe were gas at the beginning of creation. In addition,

the plants cannot appear before the existence of the sun, and the

marine animals and birds were not before wild animals.

Scientifically, saying that the creation of the earth was before the

creation of the sun and the stars (on the fourth day) is wrong.

Moreover, the appearance of the night and the day for three days,

without the sun is surprising!

In addition, saying that the appearance of plants was three days

before man is wrong. Scientific discoveries tell us that the presence

of vegetations were millions of years before the presence of man.

Torah claims that the earth has pillars, has corners, and it is

flat, approving the scientific mainstream during the time of the writing.

It says, "The sun also arises, and the sun goes down, and

haste to its place where it arises." (Ecclesiastes 1: 5) The writer

did not know neither that the earth is spherical, nor that it spins on its

axis to create the sunrise and sunset.

The author of that verse was not Allah (S.W.) the Omniscient, who

says, “He created the heavens and the earth in true

(proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day

overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to

His law)” (Holy Quran, Surah 39, Az-Zumar – 5)

Describing Allah (S.W.), the Torah says that He is "That shaketh

the earth out of its place, And the pillars thereof tremble".

(Job 9: 6) The holy books’ writers confirmed this misconception. They

claimed that Allah (S.W.) said to Job, "Where were you when I

put the earth on its base? Say, if you have knowledge. By

whom were its measures fixed? Say, if you have wisdom;

or by whom was the line stretched out over it? On what

were its pillars based, or who laid its corner-stone" (Job 38:

4-6), and the Book of Samuel says. "For the pillars of the earth

are Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them." (1Samuel

2: 8).

The New Testament confirms this naive and wrong perception of the

earth; it is flat, with pillars, and with four corners, in some verses,

which I will mention them in their place of this series.

Ecclesiastes speaks about the water cycle on earth and why the sea

would not be full, although much water is poured into it from rivers. It

mentions that the seawater goes back again to the springs of the

rivers, so the sea would not be full. It says, "All the rivers run

into the sea, yet the sea doth not overflow: unto the place

from whence the rivers come, they return, to flow again ".

(Ecclesiastes 1: 7)

Finally, the Torah ratifies that humans have the ability of bringing the

souls of the dead, and tells that this actually happened. The sorcerer

was able to bring Prophet Samuel’s spirit to King Saul, and explained

the talk between them. (See1Samuel 28: 3-20) This is close to

witchcraft and myth more than anything else.

These errors and others testify that this book is not the word of Allah

The wordof Allah (S.W.) does not err, nor teach people lies or error

And if ye are in doubt As to what We have revealed From time to time

to Our Servant, then produce a Soorah Like thereunto; And call your

witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If your (doubts) are

true. But if ye cannot –And of a surety you cannot. hen fear the Fire

Whose fuel is Men and Stones – Which is prepared for those Who reject

Faith.” [Al-Qur’aan 2:23-24] Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth

Were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before we clove them

asunder?” [Al-Qur’aan 21:30]

The striking congruence between the Qur’aanic verse and the ‘Big Bang’ is

inescapable! Allah mentions big bang in Quran! Scientists say that before the galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial

matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter "Moreover He Comprehended In His design the sky, And it had been smoke: He said to it And to the earth: ‘Come ye together, Willingly

or unwillingly They said:We do -Quran41:11

The quran isn’t a book of science but it’s a book of signs from god!

Quran is not copy of anything and its 100% word of god in Islam. According to science torah &bibles statements have errors &Qurans statements are accurate &word of god is accurate.
2015-11-10 20:40:37 UTC
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Mine is...
Dusan Mandic
2015-11-12 19:15:54 UTC
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The sin of our first parents (Adam and Eve) brought about the fallen state of mankind. Humans are sinful because of their iniquity, sins bring curses and both iniquity and curses pass down the generations if they are not cleansed by the blood of Christ. Children are born with defects and suffer unfortunate circumstances because of curses due to their ancestors’ unrepented sins. Hereditary illness is an example of a curse. In the future, God will make a new Heaven and earth, and there will be no more suffering, sickness, sin, evil, old age or death. God’s people (those who accept His Son Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord) will joyfully and peacefully live in this new and perfect earth, with the Lord Jesus Christ as their King forever. See chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation.

Almighty God was, is and will always be triune (one God in three persons, not three gods). God is comprised of the Father, the Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Triune Godhead has a different role. There is only one God (Isaiah 43:10-11; 44:6,8; 45:21-22; 46:9; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20-21). The Father is God (1 Peter 1:2; Philippians 2:11), the Lord Jesus Christ is God (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; 20:28; Hebrews 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Revelation 1:7-8; 2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13) and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; Acts 28:25-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

Without God, man’s spirit is unilluminated. This illumination happens at the time one’s spirit is united to the Holy Spirit (which happens only after one has accepted Christ as their Saviour). The Light went out of the spirit after the fall of man. Man had lost communion with God. Christ, the second person of the Triune Godhead made the sacrifice for our sins so the Light could be lit in the spirits of all. There is no redemption or unity to God apart from receiving Christ as one’s Saviour and Lord. The infilling of the Holy Spirit was possible only after Christ’s sacrifice. Before the death of Christ, the Holy Spirit only fell on persons who worshiped and served the true God (Judges 15:14; Ezekiel 11:5). Hebrews 9:6-8 (KJV) tells us that unity to God “the way into the Holiest of all” was also possible only after Christ’s sacrifice which brought an end to the Old Covenant. Christ made the sacrifice for our sins as the spotless lamb (1 Peter 1:9) and took the place of the Jewish high priest and became our eternal High Priest (Hebrews 6:20). The Book of Hebrews explains how the Old Covenant was replaced by the New Covenant.

The blood of Christ was shed so our sins could be paid for and we could have direct unity to God. The Holy Spirit leads us to remain focused on God so we can grow spiritually. God the Father lives within believers (John 14:23), God the Holy Spirit lives within believers (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and God the Son also lives within believers (2 Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 2:20). Because Christ lives in us, we are a new being, having our old self with its evil practices stripped off, and we are being renewed and remoulded after the image of God, in order to bring us to a full knowledge of Himself (Colossians 3:9-10). Because He lives in us, we have His peace (John 16:33), we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), we have His strength to do all things (Philippians 4:13) and we are a chosen race, the King’s priests, the holy nation and God’s own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God (Peter 2:9). As Christians, the Lord Jesus Christ is always interceding for us (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25), He is preparing a place for us in heaven (John 14:1–3) and He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11).

The truth about Jesus Christ can be found only in the word of God which is the Holy Bible. Three days after the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, He resurrected from the dead (Luke 24:1-8; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4) and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11).

1 Timothy 3:16

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

Jesus Christ is Lord over all:

Philippians 2:9-11

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

False doctrines claim that there are several paths to God. The word of God tells us that THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GOD AND THIS IS THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AS ONE’S LORD AND SAVIOUR.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 3:36

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him

Shortly after physical death, humans pass into either Heaven or Hell. Before Christ’s sacrifice, access into Heaven was not possible for human souls. The souls of those who loved and served the true God were kept in the paradise part of a spiritual place within the earth called Sheol, and the other part of Sheol was a prison of torment where the souls of those who rejected God ended up (Luke 16:19-31). There was a spiritual gulf fixed between these two parts so no soul from one side could cross over to the next (Luke 16:26). Access into Heaven was made possible for humans by Christ’s sacrifice and right after He died on the cross He went into the paradise part of Sheol, told the good souls (who were there for thousands of years) what He did and took them up to Heaven (Matthew 12:40; Ephesians 4:8–10; 1 Peter 3:18–20). The paradise part of Sheol no longer exists but the prison part of Sheol still does. This part of torment is called Hades or Hell. Those who reject God by not receiving Christ or any one of the Triune Godhead (Jeremiah 15:6; Matthew 12:311; Chronicles 28:9; 1 John 2:23) end up there and then go into the Lake of Fire after the Millennium (Revelation 20:15). Earthly fire, Godly fire (the type Jesus baptizes with) and the tormenting fire of the Lake of Fire are three different types of fire. There is also demonic fire which demons can produce.

Reincarnation is a false teaching (Hebrews 9:27). The Lord Jesus said that the human being’s afterlife state whether torment or paradise, will be eternal (Matthew 25:46). In the original text, the Greek word for eternal, aiōnion is used. He didn’t say that we would be born again and again until we got it right and received liberation. He would not have made that huge sacrifice for us if we could have had unity to God another way, and if there was another way, He would have taught that. The Lord said he could have employed legions of angels to prevent His crucifixion (Matthew 26:53), but because of His great and perfect love for humanity, He chose to endure a very painful death so we could be redeemed and united to God.

Salvation, redemption, reception of the Holy Spirit and adoption as God’s own children happen the instant a human being has faith in Christ as their Saviour and Lord and not at some future time in the believer’s life.

People who have not accepted Christ can become better individuals, but only to a certain extent. The Holy Spirit calls out to everyone but only those who have let the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Triune Godhead) into them by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour are the ones who are transformed and experience abundant and constant spiritual growth.

Iniquities (tendencies that cause one to sin) pass down the generation line (Numbers 14:18). After one accepts Lord Jesus as their Saviour, God forgives their sins as they truly repent and removes their iniquities (evil tendencies) in the transformation process which makes one more and more like Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 9:12-14). After genuinely accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, ALL sinners (alcoholics, liars, drug addicts, fornicators etc.) will be saved and transformed. Each believer is cleansed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and receives the infilling of the Holy Spirit who renews them.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood. Come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"
2015-11-11 03:45:20 UTC
Which religion is the one true religion??? Fake Patriarch Kirill and other fake church leaders signed a document in 2006 where it says that all religions worship the same supreme being; anathema. Last Orthodox Patriarch is Patriarch Irenaios of Jerusalem. Major heresy of the last century was that the name of the Creator doesn't have anything to

do with the Creator.

American pronunciation of the word "God/god" is "gaad" which means Satan in Ruski.

Ruski words for "English" and "angelic" are very similar; Satan was an angel.

Read only Bible that is translated by theologians. John the Baptist ate only carobs and honey. Eating bugs like locusts leads to demon possession and three stands of DNA. 666ed people eat GMO food (which is food with bug DNA).

Ecumenism has 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell.

Roman Catholic icons are drawn from naked people.

Orthodox icons are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

When you look directly into the eyes of the figure depicted on an Orthodox icon, energy is coming your way, that is, you get healed.

If you look at Buddhist-Roman Catholic-Satanic icons, you get the passions from the person depicted.

There has been a study done by Ruski scientists. When an Orthodox Christian crosses regular water, it becomes better. When an Orthodox Christian priest crosses regular water, it becomes even better than if regular Orthodox Christian crosses the water. This is the usual.

Now, we are in the end days. In some churches (that have been infiltrated by the antichrist's minions), antichrist's blood is served. Also, scanners put 666 on foreheads at the entrance. Theotokos Virgin Mary pushed down the altars at these churches (invisible to humans). Icons in these churches are changed to Satanic-Buddhist-Roman Catholic type instead of normal. Water (instead of becoming better) becomes worse when "blessed" in these "churches".

Orthodox icons must have correct hand signals.

Correct blessing hand means Alpha and Omega


Iesus Christous (Jesus Christ in Greek and Church Slavonic).

Incorrect hand signals are signifying the antichrist.

Also, do you see the scrolls on the Orthodox icons?

They will be opened when antichrist will be coming to town.

These scrolls will reveal everything about the antichrist.

Note also, calendar must be Orthodox, not Roman Catholic.

During the 8th "wolf" Council, antichrist will kill those priests who

disagree with him. Other priests will worship him when a bird dies at

his feet.

Pelageya of Ryazan said that there will only be seven churches left in the end days.

Vaccines, IVs, tooth fillings/implants, cosmetics, medicaments, certain foods and drinks, etc. contain nanochips and/or cells of aborted fetuses; intake of which leads to demon possession.

Give back your documents to the gov't and live in Ural Mountains or Alaska.

Heresy leads to loss of love. Rapture is a heresy. You have to hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. Reject globalism, UFOs, documents, vaccines, ecumenism, cities, technology, etc.

The only true Christians are people who rejected mark of the beast documents and drink blood of Jesus.

Note, some churches serve antichrist's blood. So, choose wisely.

Read the Book of Revelation.

It's all clear now anyway if you have wisdom to

understand that 2 elongated lines on a barcode is a 6.

Each barcode has 3 double elongated lines.

Hence, it spells 666.

Barcode on documents leads to temporary hell.

Barcode on one's body by isotope rays leads to permanent hell.

According to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, 666ed people will

first hide the green 666 with durags and long sleeves, but then openly will walk

with shiny green 666 on their foreheads or wrists.

The Most Holy Trinity gives you a name during baptism.

Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism.

Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security.

People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell;

but those who receive green 666 (given with World Passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell.

How not to go to hell?

Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast

by writing to appropriate authorities.

If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times).

If you wrote to the gov't three times about it, but gov't refused, then The Most Holy Trinity

will not send you to hell.

Don't take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it).

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell.

All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ or sign themselves with sign of the cross during WW3 will be saved. War in Ukraine will last two years (2014 - 2016). Then WW3 will start. Then Tsar (revealed by resurrected Seraphim of Sarov) will come to power in Russia to protect people from the antichrist. Antichrist will allow all sin. Don't sin. The Most Holy Trinity is merciful but 666 is not forgivable. 666 is given with grey plastic card.

Food stores, prisoners, and police will 666 people too. Don't get new documents. Don't get any surgeries. Don't eat meat. Don't eat fast food. Don't eat junk food. Pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't go into UFO to be healed by evil demons. Feed the pigeons. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael. Reject vaccines. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape mark of the beast; leave all electronics behind so that you can't be tracked.

Antichrist's next target is the Statue of Liberty.

One big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse.

You use your spirit to talk to The Most Holy Trinity.

Demons attack soul and body.

Demons live inside clones. Jesus died for all sins committed by all.

Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.

All people have soul, body, and spirit.

In animals, blood substitutes soul.

That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood.

Animals don't have spirit.

You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.

You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.

Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.

One can receive mark of the beast because of cats; so, stay away from cats.

Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Since antichrist (born to a 12th generation prostitute, flying, big-nailed, gloved, pale-faced, red-eyed, Satan-possessed since he's 12 years old, homosexual man from the tribe of Dan, who wears blue robe over left shoulder while red/pink robe is underneath just like Jesus, and is surrounded by demons but people see angels of light) is around, there is no need for disputes. Forgive me.рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.