Personal Exp:
Speaking to 1 of my brothers about the Importance of
"Knowing the Name of the God you worship".
He being a godless heathen, as I used to be,
plays D&D so I asked him...
"what character does not know the name
of his/her diety/god"?
He said (w/ a voice of bewilderment)
"How are you gonna know who you are worshipping if you don't call him by his name".
I know its a long read, but worth it!
Now, here we go
kickin' some accurate knowledge
w/ Scripture included....
Babylon the Great ~
The building of the original Babylon
was more than a political enterprise.
Since that city was established
in defiance of Jehovah's sovereignty,
religion was involved.
Indeed, ancient Babylon became
a fountain of religious idolatry.
Its priests taught God-dishonoring doctrines,
such as the survival of a human soul after death
and that the hereafter is a place of eternal torment
presided over by demons.
They fostered the worship of creatures and
of a multitude of gods and goddess.
They fabricated myths to explain the origin of the earth
and man upon it and performed degrading rituals and
sacrifices, supposedly to ensure fertility in childbearing
and crop raising, and victory in war.
As the various language groups from Babylon spread out over the earth,
they took Babylonish religion with them.
Thus, rites and beliefs similar to those of ancient Babylon flourished among the original inhabitants of Europe, Africa, the Americas, the Far East, and the South Seas;
and many of these beliefs persist to this day.
Appropriately, then, Revelation refers to the world-embracing empire of false religion
as a city named Babylon the great. ~
Rev chptrs 17 &18.
Wherever it has been sown, false religion has sprouted oppressive priesthoods, superstitution,
ignorance, and immorality.
It has been a powerful tool in Satan's hand.
Babylon the Great has always fought fiercely against the true worship of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.
Rev 1:20 ~
The apostle Paul had foretold
that there would be an apostasy
among the anointed Christians,
and Jesus' messages show that
in John's old age this apostasy was already developing,
John was the last
of those who acted as a restraint
on this all-out attempt to corrupt the seed of the woman.
(2 Thess 2:3-12; 2 Pe 3:1-3; 2 John 7-11)
The apostasy developed rapidly after John's death.
"Christians" ceased to use Jehovah's name
and substituted "Lord: and "God" for it
in the Bible manuscripts.
By the 4th century, the false doctrine of the Trinity
had infiltrated the congregations.
During this same period,
the idea of an immortal soul was adopted.
Finally, the Roman Emperor Constantine
made "Christianity" the Satte religion,
and this gave birth to Christendom,
where Church and State
joined forces in ruling for a thousand years.
It was easy to become a new-styled "Christian."
Whole tribes adjusted their earlier pagan beliefs
to versions of this religion.
Many of the leaders in Christendom
became oppressive political tyrants,
enforcing their apostate views by the sword.
Jesus' words to the 7 congregations were ignored. ~
Rev 2:4; 1 John 4:20; Rev 2:15; 3:1; 2:20.
Jesus' words to the 7 congregations expose the total failure of all of Christendom's religions to be Jehovah's special people.
Indeed, the clergy of Christendom have been the most prominent members of Satan's seed.
Speaking of these as 'the lawless one,'
the apostle Paul foretold that their
"presense is according to the operation of Satan
with every powerful work
and lying signs and portents
and every unrighteous deception." ~ 1 Thess 2:9,10.
So then my answer is No,
everything is going just as
the Word of Jehovah said it would.
Cuz Satan will make a way,
to confuse, blind or just outright lie to humans.
i.e. Like have Jehovah's name hidden and / or removed.