Failure To Believe in the Trinity......?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Failure To Believe in the Trinity......?
22 answers:
Tim 47
2008-03-02 10:50:45 UTC

I thought it strange also, when I first was made aware of the FACT, that the Tetragrammaton, was removed from the scriptures almost 7,000 times.

For those that do not know this, I suggest you procure a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and look up the word LORD.

You will see for yourself, that the word LORD, was a conspicuous substitute for the YHWH that is in the earliest manuscripts of the holy Bible.
2008-03-02 10:53:48 UTC
"the leaders of the churches said the name of jehovah was to sacred, this was why it was take from print"

Did you know that that belief was started by Judaism? God's name, Jehovah, would never be "too" sacred to the point where it had to be left out of the bible, but instead, God's name is rendered as just "God" or "Lord" by way of tradition. If you believe that the bible is God's word, then why should we remove his name, when he himself did not remove his name when he inspired the people to write it?
2008-03-02 11:19:29 UTC
Excellent reasoning points, I too made a calculation and it is indeed credible information to any who want to know the God of Christ!
Shawn B
2008-03-02 10:54:46 UTC
The Trinity heresy is nowhere near being clearly defined by the bible.
mohammad a
2008-03-02 10:52:18 UTC

It is to misguide and keep people away from God Almighty Lord Yahweh, Jehowah, Ilah, Aluhim, Allah so that their business of Church could go on well with the Trinity belief.
2008-03-02 11:59:24 UTC
--YOUR ABSOLUTELY right about a name as so important as Jehovah, and the weight it carries in the Bible!

--IT IS NOTEWORTHY to note that such a raping from the Scriptures of the tetragrammaten (and supplying a nameless Lord)in actuality brings a condition of worshiping an illegitimate god, for indeed the absence of a name with people, denotes illegitimacy!

--SO THEN being that the trinity is far from the composition of Jehovah --thus illegitimacy is practiced for those who prefer a nameless god!

--OF COURSE that is my opinion and reasoning!

--EVEN THE QURAN describes that there must be one God with the greatest of names:

*** T-72 pp. 2-3 The Greatest Name

The Koran tells of someone “who was deeply versed in the Scriptures.” (27:40) A commentary book, Tafsīr Jalālayn, says in explaining this verse: “Asaf the son of Barkhiyā was a righteous man. He knew God’s GREATEST NAME (my caps) and whenever he called on it, he was answered.” This reminds us of a Bible writer, Asaf (Asaph), who wrote Psalm 83:18. This verse says: “That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”
2008-03-02 11:35:30 UTC
Good for you .
2008-03-02 15:25:28 UTC
Well, Satan wouldn't be able to have the "picnic" that he is having with the world today. He's the father of the lie and confusion is his, if he [Satan] can keep the masses confused as to who GOD is and HIS real name, which true believers KNOW is JEHOVAH.........then satan will be able to succeed in the death of many millions who refuse to search the scriptures for themselves and listen to knowledge and wisdom.

Sad, sad, sad, indeed!

ps true knowledge and wisdom cannot be hidden from the pure of heart......despite satan's cunning.
2008-03-02 10:50:05 UTC
the kjv of the bible has jehovahs name in it,

the leaders of the churches said the name of jehovah was to sacred, this was why it was take from print
2008-03-02 12:37:52 UTC
Personal Exp:

Speaking to 1 of my brothers about the Importance of

"Knowing the Name of the God you worship".

He being a godless heathen, as I used to be,

plays D&D so I asked him...

"what character does not know the name

of his/her diety/god"?

He said (w/ a voice of bewilderment)

"How are you gonna know who you are worshipping if you don't call him by his name".

I know its a long read, but worth it!

Now, here we go

kickin' some accurate knowledge

w/ Scripture included....

Babylon the Great ~

The building of the original Babylon

was more than a political enterprise.

Since that city was established

in defiance of Jehovah's sovereignty,

religion was involved.

Indeed, ancient Babylon became

a fountain of religious idolatry.

Its priests taught God-dishonoring doctrines,

such as the survival of a human soul after death

and that the hereafter is a place of eternal torment

presided over by demons.

They fostered the worship of creatures and

of a multitude of gods and goddess.

They fabricated myths to explain the origin of the earth

and man upon it and performed degrading rituals and

sacrifices, supposedly to ensure fertility in childbearing

and crop raising, and victory in war.

As the various language groups from Babylon spread out over the earth,

they took Babylonish religion with them.

Thus, rites and beliefs similar to those of ancient Babylon flourished among the original inhabitants of Europe, Africa, the Americas, the Far East, and the South Seas;

and many of these beliefs persist to this day.

Appropriately, then, Revelation refers to the world-embracing empire of false religion

as a city named Babylon the great. ~

Rev chptrs 17 &18.

Wherever it has been sown, false religion has sprouted oppressive priesthoods, superstitution,

ignorance, and immorality.

It has been a powerful tool in Satan's hand.

Babylon the Great has always fought fiercely against the true worship of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.

Rev 1:20 ~

The apostle Paul had foretold

that there would be an apostasy

among the anointed Christians,

and Jesus' messages show that

in John's old age this apostasy was already developing,

John was the last

of those who acted as a restraint

on this all-out attempt to corrupt the seed of the woman.

(2 Thess 2:3-12; 2 Pe 3:1-3; 2 John 7-11)

The apostasy developed rapidly after John's death.

"Christians" ceased to use Jehovah's name

and substituted "Lord: and "God" for it

in the Bible manuscripts.

By the 4th century, the false doctrine of the Trinity

had infiltrated the congregations.

During this same period,

the idea of an immortal soul was adopted.

Finally, the Roman Emperor Constantine

made "Christianity" the Satte religion,

and this gave birth to Christendom,

where Church and State

joined forces in ruling for a thousand years.

It was easy to become a new-styled "Christian."

Whole tribes adjusted their earlier pagan beliefs

to versions of this religion.

Many of the leaders in Christendom

became oppressive political tyrants,

enforcing their apostate views by the sword.

Jesus' words to the 7 congregations were ignored. ~

Rev 2:4; 1 John 4:20; Rev 2:15; 3:1; 2:20.

Jesus' words to the 7 congregations expose the total failure of all of Christendom's religions to be Jehovah's special people.

Indeed, the clergy of Christendom have been the most prominent members of Satan's seed.

Speaking of these as 'the lawless one,'

the apostle Paul foretold that their

"presense is according to the operation of Satan

with every powerful work

and lying signs and portents

and every unrighteous deception." ~ 1 Thess 2:9,10.

So then my answer is No,

everything is going just as

the Word of Jehovah said it would.

Cuz Satan will make a way,

to confuse, blind or just outright lie to humans.

i.e. Like have Jehovah's name hidden and / or removed.
2008-03-03 02:34:06 UTC
Very true. Taking God's name out of the Bible made the confusing unscriptural trinity doctrine even more confusing. According to the trinity, God is composed of three co-equal persons. Since Jehovah's name was removed from the Bible, only one "person" of the trinity, the Son (Jesus), has a name. So, the godhead was named Jesus, although Jesus is only one third of the trinitarian godhead.
2008-03-02 11:05:28 UTC
YWHW or the real name of God was and still is believed to be to sacred to mention out of the lips of man. Especially the lips of a paegan or an immoral person.

As for a trinity ( which was conceived in 324-325 A.D.) that is an impossibility according to (a) the Jewish faith of which the Messiah is to be from and the basis of the christian faith. (b) the bible before and after it has been mistranslated as many times as it has.

The Old Testament ,(OT) stated that God said He was the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega and besides Him there was none other. He said He would not give His glory to another, and stated that He searched for a righteous person to give it to and found none so " a body have I prepared for myself " is what He did.

The New Testament (NT) says that Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost, that makes the HG the Father. Seeing how the bible states there is but one spirit and one Lord that leaves us now with only 2 possiblities. A duo so to speak.

Jesus says in the book of Revelation that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Someone has to be not telling the truth here or They are indeed one and not a duo. The trinity can not exist neither can the duo.

There are hundreds of references in the OT and the NT that will back this up if you look for it with an open mind. If you search you will find.
2016-09-08 02:26:16 UTC
I have learn a form of non witness assets ago and trinitarian kind gods have been average in historic Egypt - the suggestion is an excessively ancient one. Another responder has indicated that Britannica additionally says they'd no suggestion of the phrase trinity - the phrase itself is unsciprtural Regardless of what different assets say, the Bible shows that Jesus used to be Gods son, that he used to be the important character on this planet, that he died for our sins..........that the Jews killed him considering that he claimed to be Gods SON. You wont uncover a scripture with Jesus announcing he's God; it does not exist. Scriptures used to help this doctrine are so simply disputed BUT persons don't wish to understand the reality; they do not want to stop on very long time held perception methods so reject what's so visible in scripture That is their industry; they stand by myself on judgement day. God won't concentrate to the excuse that a newsletter mentioned this or that...God will wish to understand why they rejected Jesus phrases " the daddy is larger than I " " I am am going my method for your God and MY God"
2008-03-02 10:49:18 UTC
Some Bible translators translated into the vernacular(Lord, or some used Lord God) and some attempted to render it in an anglicized way--thus Jehovah. Others more recently have rendered the Unpronounceable named of God by just adding a couple vowels, that is how they get Yahweh.

It all means Lord in our language. Technically the name of God should be Elochim(which implies a plural persona).

Oh, yes to answer your first question, Failure to believe in the Trinity, is worshiping a false God, and denying Him before men, and Taking the name of the Lord's name in vain. Please become a Christian and you can experience the power of the Living God.

Also, FYI to anyone who calls belief in the Trinity a heresy, heresy is defined by the Orthodox, and Orthodoxy believes in God in truth, if you do not accept the God of Christianity just honestly say you are following another religion.
2008-03-02 12:23:42 UTC
I can look at the NWT and still see the Trinity plain as day... so the answer to your question is No, the "Lord" in the NT has nothing to do with it.

Isn't the Peshitta the manuscript that you claim had the divine name? Have you ever seen the Peshitta? Jesus is called MarYah on many occaisions - Lord Yahweh.

The question is, “do we have the goods?—does the Peshitta Aramaic NT clear up this matter about

the divinity of Yeshua (Jesus)?” The answer is, Yes—as you shall see in the following. First, some definitions.

Mar—Aramaic meaning Master/Lord. Mari means 'my Lord'.

Adon—Hebrew meaning Lord. Adonai means 'my Lord'.

YHVH—(Yahweh) Hebrew name of God used throughout the Tanakh (Old Testament) over 6500 times. This is the eternal, memorial name of God.

Yah—short version of YHVH (Yahweh) used in “hallelu-Yah (praise Yah)” and in a number of verses like Exodus 15:2 (Yah is my strength and song), Exodus 17:16, Isaiah 12:2, 38:11, Psalms 68:19, 77:12, 89:9, 94:7 and many more. Yah was also appended as the last part of the name for kings and

prophets like Elijah (EliYah, my God is Yah), king Hezekiah (KhizqiYah, Yah has strengthened), etc.

MarYah—contraction of Mar and Yah, meaning 'Master/Lord Yah'. When the Rabbis translated the Tanakh (Old Testament) to Aramaic—circa 50 BC to 50 AD—they used MarYah in all 6500+ places where YHVH was used in the original Hebrew. They needed to translate the Bible to Aramaic because during the Babylonian captivity people's first language became Aramaic, the language of the

lands where they were taken. Also, only part of the captives returned after the 70 years, with the rest remaining in lands where Aramaic was the language. MarYah is used extensively throughout the Peshitta Aramaic NT.

(Aramaic NT & OT) MarYah = YHVH (Hebrew OT)


(NT) Lord Yah = Yahweh (YHVH, OT)

Now that we all know that MarYah (Lord Yah) is used in Aramaic to mean YHVH from the Hebrew Tanakh (OT), the extensive use of the divine name in the Peshitta Aramaic NT becomes readily apparent. It starts out at the birth of Yeshua (Jesus).

Luke 2:11 (angel announcement) For today is born to you in the city of David, a Saviour, who is

MarYah Meshikha ( מריא משיחא , Lord Yah THE Messiah=YHVH THE Messiah).

1 Corinthians 12:3 Therefore, I want you to understand that no one, speaking by the Spirit of God, calls

Yeshua accursed: and that no man can say that Yeshua is MarYah (Lord Yah=YHVH), but by the

Holy Spirit

I would recommend looking at this.


Of course the KJV also says:

Luke 1:68

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people

Luke 7:16

And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.

Luke 19:38

Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

John 12:12,13

On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
2008-03-02 11:05:10 UTC
That's the problem when you have only the translation version of your holy book. Translation is so human.
2008-03-02 11:01:20 UTC
No I do not think that. I think by "bible translators" you mean those who translated the bible into english. The english language, in any recognizable form, has only been around for about 500 years. The Doctrine of the Trinity became one of the highest Doctrines in Christianity over one thousand years earlier.

Those who codified the Doctrine of the Trinity based their findings on the bible in its original languages.

2008-03-02 10:50:44 UTC
The name of the Savior is YAHOSHUA, so keeping the name of a Greek mighty one Iesus, or Jesus is not a plus.
2008-03-02 11:07:22 UTC
searsh this site to find out
Praise to the Trinity
2008-03-02 10:48:19 UTC
What is your source?

The trinity is clearly defined in Scripture. Those who deny it or subscribe to the modalist doctrine are not practicing correct exegesis.

I would not call it Jewish superstition but instead reverence. The Jewish names describe God's attributes.

I would have no issue with using the original Hebrew names. We use God or LORD because of the deficiencies in the English language to properly describe the great "I am"

I would like to add that this Modalism doctrine was condemned as heresy by Dionysius, bishop of Rome in 262AD.
2008-03-02 10:50:38 UTC
There is no known correct way to render the divine name, therefore, it is fitting to render it Lord, as the Jewish tradition states.
worker4IAM <'><
2008-03-02 10:49:22 UTC
You choose your mess.

By their fruit you will know them........Not by what they Believe.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.