2513 Exodus after Adam and 1553 before Christ
Adam created to age 130 Seth born for genealogy of Jesus
Seth born in year 130, [Gen.5:3]; Seth was 105 and had; Gen.5:6;
Enos in year 235, Enos was 90 and had; Gen.5:9;
Cainan in year 325, when he is 70 he has; Gen.5:12;
Mahalaleel in year 395, when he is 65 he has; Gen,5:15;
Jared in the year 460, when he is 162, he has; Gen,5:18;
Enoch in the year 622, when Enoch is 65, he has; Gen.5:21;
Methusaleh in the year 687, when he is 187, he has; Gen.5:25;
Lamech in the year 874, Lamech is age 56, in year 930 and Adam dies Gen.5:5;
Methusaleh is age 243 when Adam dies,
726 years to flood is age of Methusaleh when he dies at age 969
Gen,5:27; born year 874 plus 969 = 1656 the flood year.
It was year of the flood when Methuselah died.
Lamech born in year 874, was age 182, he had, Gen.5:28;
Noah in the year 1056 [Adam dead 126 years],
Noah was age 600 Gen.7:6; [born 1056 plus 600 =] the flood came in year 1656.
1656 plus 350 years after the flood, Noah died in year 2006, Gen.9:28,29; At age 950.
Shem age 98 at time of flood , and age 600 at death, died 25 years before Abraham died. Gen.11:10[ Shem was age 100, two years after the flood ];
Shem was age 448 when Noah died, and age 450 when Abraham was born in 2008, Abraham is son 20 in the genealogy of Jesus Matt.1:1-17; Abraham Gen.12:4[age 75 in 2083 after Adam]; 25:7[age 175 died]; 2183 after Adam. Isaac 2108 - 180 - 2288. Gen.35:28,29;
Isaac age 60 Gen.25:25; when Jacob born 2168 after Adam.
Jacob age 130 in Egypt Gen.47:9,11,.28; after 215 years in Canaan, 70 in Family live in Rameses Egypt 2298 after Adam, Joseph is age 40. Joseph is age 110 at death in year 2368, 65 years to birth of Moses in 2433 + age 80.
From 2298 it is 215 years to Moses and Exodus. Name of Pharoah not given.
Moses Exo.7:7[ age 80] ; 12:40,41 [ 430 years after Abraham age 75 in 2083]; Matt.1:1-17; Deut 1:3[ 40 ];
2083 + [ Exo.7:7; Moses age 80]. 12:40.41; 430 years = 2513 Exodus from Egypt + 40 wilderness to 2553 dies at age 120 Deut.34:7;
1Ki.6:1[ 480 ]; 1Ki.11:42 [ 36 ]; Solomon dies 997 befire Christ.
2Chr.36:20-23; Judah kings 390 years and 5 months[ = 391 ];. Babylon captivity. 606
before Christ and Cyrus in 70 years Dan.9:2; 10:1; is 536 before Christ.
Gen.1:1,2 [ All created and evident as billions in time];
Gen.1:3-31 [ 41,870 years and all is perfect ]; Gen.2:2,4 [ Heb.4:1-12; from all perfect animals 13,870 years, to all is LOST to imperfection to SAVED, bible gives 7,130 years, in Rev.20: 1-6; 1000 years accounted for, leaves 6,130 from Eden];