Was this my guardian angel?
2009-02-10 06:33:01 UTC
Last year we took a trip to Hawaii for my AFJROTC program. We got stuck there an extra 5 days. I'll post the whole story below but long story short is I swept out at one of the body surfers' beaches and almost drowned. But was saved miraculously by a mysterious man regarded as my guardian angel. I've told many people and most have said its my guardian angel. I'd like more opinions. Whether you're religious or not I'd like to know what you think. Any responses from people who study this kind of stuff would be awesome too. Here is the whole story:
When we get stuck in Hawaii we went to North Shore beach, which was mostly for body surfing and stuff like that. It was fun for awhile but the waves started getting really big. We were just getting pummeled by the waves. Most of the people on the trip got back to the beach, the only two that didn't were my friend Jason and I. We got too far out and tried swimming back but the rip tide and undertow kept pulling me out, so he grabbed me and attempted to help me. When we were almost there what seemed to be a twenty foot wave hit us from behind and knocked us way apart. He went all the way to land and I got knocked even farther back. When I came up I realized I was the only person where I was at, I tried swimming but I kept getting pummeled by wave after wave. I got about five seconds of calm time to swim but got pulled farther out and I was still all alone with nobody near me at all. I got hit again and went under, I almost drowned this time because the wave was so big. When I finally resurfaced this guy came out of no where and grabbed me, he kept saying "Are you ok?" as he pulled me to land. Wave after wave hit us but he never budged and his grip never loosened. When we finally reached land I kept thanking him but he just kept saying "Go higher up, go higher up," so I did and when I turned around he had vanished. This was definitely a miracle that I survived but was this guy my guardian angle or something? Nobody saw this guy and everyone I told immediately said “Guardian Angel.”

An added note is that when I got out this family was right in front of me but looked at me funny. Might have been cuz I was breathing hard or spitting up water but they were.
Thirteen answers:
2009-02-10 06:44:20 UTC
I believe we are all assigned guardian angels at conception.

They can appear to whom ever they chose, if it's for a life saving reason. If their appearance can make a difference between life and death ... there's exceptions to every rule.

There may be other reasons to either appear or not appear too. I'm just very appreciative to know they surround us on this journey. I'm just a firm believer that it is honorable to "save a life" regardless of "rules". Unconditional love and forgiveness should be given for life saving accomplishments, and for comfort and mercy when it's needed most.

(It's some of my belief) That angels don't appear very often because faith and belief is in what's in the heart, and not what's in front of the eyes.
2016-04-07 01:52:51 UTC
Yes I am sure about spirit guides because she comes to me all the time for threes years strong. And I think I seen an angel as well. You can pray and ask God to help you make contact. Although, God spoke to people more often through messengers than by direct contact. Here are some examples. Old Test, Lot spoke / two angels Gen. 19: 1-3 1 Kings 19: 5-8 an angel of the Lord saved Elijah from starving. Gen. 20:6Abraham heard from God in a dream. others Luke 1:26-31 Matt 3:16 Matt 28: 5-7
2009-02-10 06:53:14 UTC
A guardian angel? Why do they work sometimes and sometimes fail? It seems if there are any such creatures they would work as described or if not, never work at all.

So, it is the luck of the draw whether a guardian angel is on the job or not.

How about it just wasn't your time to die.
2009-02-10 07:00:16 UTC
I have read many stories along these lines. People are saved by ordinary people and look around to thank them and they are gone. You can find many interesting stories on line just search for guardian angel stories.
2009-02-10 06:56:50 UTC
More likely a random failure of the natural selection process, you survived to continue poluting the gene pool.
2009-02-10 06:40:28 UTC
You described a human. Angels have wings - haven't you seen their pictures in the "holy" books?

To Standw2F...Angels don't look like anything real because they don't EXIST. They're a construct of the human imagination, just like the anthropomorphic God you believe in.
2009-02-10 06:56:05 UTC
So someone saved you but you did'nt notice them leaving, and you feel the need to refer to them as some kind of imaginary being?

Yeah, that sounds about right for a christian...
2009-02-10 08:10:49 UTC
i believe it was. its a huge miracle you were saved and helps ppl keep their faith.

don't listen to the people who are trying to bring you down. they just want to hammer christians for every belief we have. and you are not polluting the gene pool. God has something planned for you obviously and saved you.
2009-02-10 06:44:53 UTC
When you swallow large amounts of water into your lungs, your brain reacts, causing you to hallucinate.
2009-02-10 06:39:10 UTC

(You have to long of a paragraph break it up into sections)
Siver ChaCha
2009-02-10 06:38:27 UTC
yes it was an angel
Lady Kk
2009-02-10 06:41:52 UTC
All I can say is 'wow'!

Praise God!
2009-02-10 06:42:19 UTC
Are you joking? Eve did't have one when she most need it!!!!

Regardless of any “free will” the Bible God could have prevented Eve from touching a fruit from the tree of knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL simply because GOD IS LOVE and Eve HAD NO KNOWLEDGE AT ALL of any evil! Eve saw “that the fruit was good to eat” and she ate it in all her innocence in spite of any ban! Eve had no “Guardian Angel” to advice her of anything wrong. She must have thought that God was wrong again like when he created man alone! She didn’t know that God set her up to fall! Again, she had no knowledge of ANY EVIL AT ALL!

As soon as God created the angels almost half of them were not one bit impressed with God’s Beauty and Holiness and 1/3 of them rebelled against him ON FREE WILL and on the spot! According to the Theologians the highest ranking angel ever created was LUCIFER* (*Light Bearer) which is another of God’s goofs. He must have thought highly of Lucifer! If God were my employee I would question his competence! God created Eve only as an afterthought! And so Eve ate from the forbidden fruit tree for about the same reason we eat any fruit that we feel that will help us to improve our well being. She had no way of knowing that Satan (aka Lucifer, aka The Old Serpent) was EVIL! Any Christian with a measurable IQ can tell you that the Bible God set up Eve to eat the forbidden fruit only with the permission of his/her spiritual leader!

The Bible writers created an original whimsical God different from the other primitive Gods. The angels that rebelled against him were not evicted from Heaven at all. They became known as demons. According to the Bible writers they will be evicted from Heaven during the “Tribulation of the last days” (Rev. 12:9-10)! Nothing really makes sense in the Bible unless you have plenty of “spiritual” gullibility or rather FAITH!

God set up a flaming sword “moving back and forth” to protect the “Tree of Life” so no matter how much “free will” Adam and Eve may have had they couldn’t eat of it and live for ever. God also PREVENTED anybody from killing Cain. God could have done something similar to protect Eve!

God personally intervened and PREVENTED that the Heathen King Abimelech had sex with Abraham’s sister/wife/hooker Sarah so he wouldn't “SIN against God"! God himself (NOT A GUARDIAN ANGEL, BUT GOD HIMSELF) was present in this King’s Bedroom to PREVENT a questionable sexual activity that King Abimelech might have enjoyed with Sarah! (BTW Abimelech means “my Dad is the God Moloch” not related to any Bible God) But neither the Bible God in all his bragging of “omnipresence” nor a Guardian Angel was anywhere to be seen near Eve or the untouchable fruit tree to prevent that the WHOLE HUMAN RACE that God loves so much go to be tormented for ever and ever in a sulfuric burning Lake of Fire! It doesn’t take too many neurons in anybody’s brain to figure out that the Bible writers were a bunch of wanking perverts creating a God so full of Holy Crap that some Christians are willing to kill to defend! Actually, it takes years of schooling to keep Christianity marketable today!

Genesis 20:2-6 …and there Abraham said of his wife Sarah, "She is my sister."* (*incest [inbreeding] was ALLOWED, COMMANDED and ENFORCED all along by God’s Holy Law [Numbers 36:8]!) Then Abimelech king of Gerar sent for Sarah and took her. But God came to Abimelech IN A DREAM ONE NIGHT* (*only God knows how many nights he was already watching him perform in his royal bedroom!) and said to him, "You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman.”* (*It would have been perfectly OK with God if Sarah had no husband. God didn’t question on whether the king was a married man! God enjoyed watching King Abimelech perform sexual numbers! God declared King Solomon the wisest man “EVER TO SET FOOT ON THIS EARTH”, too maybe because he watched him perform in bed with over 1,000 wives and lovers! By the Time God in the person of the Holy Ghost had to visit the Blessed Virgin Mary in bed he KNEW A LOT about how to please mortal women!) Now Abimelech had not gone near her* (*at least that night, but he was aware that God was watching him perform all the time because of his lack of surprise!), so he said, "Lord, will you destroy an innocent nation?* (*God and this Heathen king discuss National Security issues in a dream!!! Too bad CNN or even FOX NEWS for that matter was not there to interview the king!) Did he not say to me, `She is my sister,' and didn't she also say, `He is my brother'?* (*can you imagine this holy man of God Abraham handing over his horny sister/wife Sarah without any objections for the unrestricted sexual pleasure of this Heathen king? BTW, Abraham already pimped his sister the same way before to the king of Egypt and he came out filthy rich out of it!) I HAVE DONE THIS WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE AND CLEAN HANDS."* (*It is just like EVE did, but sorry to say Sarah was a “sinful” sexy woman not an honest person like King Abimelech!) Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know you did this with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE* (*as long as you do it with a clear conscience and clean hands you can’t possibly commit a sexual “sin” against this Bible God!), and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.”* (*Hey, what if God would have applied the same protection on Eve, wouldn’t the world be different today? Christians tell you that this God was very apologetic preventing Sarah from enjoying having sex because she was going to be one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ! Practically all of Jesus’ ancestors were loaded of sexual escapades! It is all in the Bible scrip!)

Compare the Bible writer’s sexual tryst story of King Abimelech and the Holy hooker Sarah to the story of King David and Bathsheba… King David and Bathsheba committed adultery of the kinkiest sort! She was a beautiful married woman. After Bathsheba was done having sex with King David she was probably drenched in royal sperm so she took a shower to "purify herself and be clean” (2 Sam 11:4). She became pregnant, too with a baby boy while God was delighted watching them perform in bed! No sin here because God planned for Bathsheba to be the ancestor of Jesus Christ through King David, not through her original husband! King David had to have Bathsheba’s husband killed for fear of reprisals! She was so happy to become King David’s favorite wife that she never grieved the death of her husband. God had their baby boy killed in a long and painful death so everybody in Israel can watch him suffer and learn a lesson! The baby boy was born in adultery and had to be killed! Pregnancies as result of incest or rape are most sacred to the Christians today, but not so babies born in adultery to this Bible God… God hates them and he uses slow painful death tricks to get rid of children like that!

Later on, Bathsheba mothered King Solomon another ancestor of Jesus Christ! Like in the case of King Abimelech this wanking God enjoyed watching King David performing in bed all along, but he didn’t do a thing to stop King David from having sex with Bathsheba. God didn’t stop King David from killing her husband, either because God loved King David, “a man patterned after God’s own heart”! So as long as you are a Christian you can get away with murder before God…! The only thing that you need to watch for is the secular authorities that can arrest you for questioning as a “person of interest”…!

The Bible God didn’t hesitate to stop the Hell bound Pagan King Abimelech from having sex with Sarah so he won’t sin in spite of the fact that Sarah was a horny old lady age 90! Later on God didn’t stop King David from having sex with Bathsheba and killing her husband! In the case of a Heathen King God feels that sex is wrong and it has to be prevented, but with King David sex and murder is OK… it is all within “God’s plan of salvation.”

In due course God was “pleased” to send his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to be totally beaten, tenderized and thoroughly marinated in Roman spit in preparation for the Holy Cross so he can be presented to the world as a “spotless lamb of God” heavily flavored in Roman spit that Christians need to snack for “salvation”! (John 6:53) I’m sure that when God the Son Jesus Christ was terrified sweating blood praying “to pass the cup” he must have asked his Sadistic Heavenly Father, “Hey Dad, wouldn’t have been much easier to stop Eve from eating the forbidden fruit?”

Hardly any Christian reads the Bible objectively… and the few who do don’t last long as Christians unless they have no scruples. Most preachers tell you that the Bible doesn’t mean what it says and that it needs to be read in a “King James Version” or interpreted by specially schooled “men of God” full of the Holy Ghost (and BS)! Isn’t it ridiculous to live in a Country that chose to be a Nation under this peeping-tom GOD? Christianity is about the most dishonest big business in the world!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.