can someone please explain what is scientology?
2008-06-29 22:31:25 UTC
ever since tom cruise started talking about it other stars are doing it too

what is it?
24 answers:
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2008-06-29 22:36:51 UTC
Scientology, which questionably calls itself a new "religion", is the brainchild of science fiction writer & occult enthusiast L. Ron Hubbard. The organization, by means of Hubbard’s self created psychotherapy technique called “Dianetics”, claims to be able to help rid members of any & all mental constraints including but not limited to emotional scarring (from this & "past" lives) due to "engrams" (past negative experiences stored in our unconscious mind), psychological disorders & chemical imbalances (the solution is to convince members that these things don't actually exist) & drug dependence (including legally prescribed psychopharmaceuticals which counteract the effects of psychological disorders Scientologists believe to be nonexistent). Their “treatment” of substance abuse includes little more than massive, often dangerous doses of vitamins and unhealthy extended sessions in a sauna.

Dianetics review:,9171,812852,00.html

Scientology is most certainly NOT a religion. In fact, one of the only reasons they enjoy "tax exempt status" on religious ground in the United States is because they bullied the IRS into a "deal" through extremely aggressive barratry (which is the offense of persistently instigating groundless lawsuits) against said government agency & its officials, & arranged to drop all 2,500 frivolous lawsuits only when an "agreement" was reached. In addition, Scientology's lawyers hired private investigators to dig up any "dirt" on IRS agents which was then used to blackmail or publicly smear all "vulnerable" agents. It was an all-out WAR that Scientology had waged against the IRS, & was even described as such by Scientology's "CEO", David Miscavige, in his 1993 speech to the International Association of Scientologists.

The official Scientology organization is composed of a number of “levels”. One begins as a “preclear” & works their way up. One must purchase virtually every service crucial to advancement directly from the "church" & at staggering prices. "Auditing", for example, is purchased in 12½ hour blocks, costing anywhere from $200-$750 for introductory sessions to between $8,000 & $9,000 for advanced sessions. Basically, Scientology claims to possess exclusive knowledge of the path to religious redemption & then charges obscene amounts of money for every tiny incremental step towards this end. Visit this link to see how $380,000 is a conservative estimate for the total cost of moving all the way up the Scientology hierarchal ladder:

These are the total costs for auditing alone:

Here’s an explanation of what “auditing” is:

At level OT III (Operating Thetan Level 3), some very strange & fiercely guarded secrets are imparted upon worthy members who have paid enough money to advance to such a level (and no, this isn't a joke): The evil alien ruler Xenu killed millions of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by kidnapping them, bringing them to earth in golden DC-8 “space-planes”, stacking them around volcanoes & blowing them up by dropping “h-bombs” into the volcanoes. Scientologists believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are "Body Thetans") were captured, brainwashed & released; they then attached themselves to our ancestors (and according to Scientology’s belief in Thetan immortality, they also attached to us during “past lives”) & cause many of our mental & physical ills to this day. Auditing is said to “clear” us of these Body Thetans as well as the “mental implants” they supposedly impose on our minds.

Scientology has taken a very hostile stance towards psychiatry & psychiatric drugs irrespective of the fact that some people require medication to remain adequately functional during everyday life. It doesn’t recognize legitimate conditions like autism, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or ANY neurological disorder / chemical imbalance at all, & the “church” has been known to withhold prescription pharmaceuticals from members (often with harmful & deadly results). The “Church” blames psychiatry for the Holocaust, as well as school shootings & even September 11th. It’s been suggested that Hubbard’s vehement opposition was born of the psychiatric community’s rejection of his “tech” as a valid treatment method, but it’s also possible that Hubbard chose psychiatry as a scapegoat. Organizations like Scientology are notorious for villainizing a specific out-group because their “stand against the enemy” fosters cohesion within said organization, & psychiatry was an effective rallying point considering many people already distrust & oppose the mental health profession.

L. Ron Hubbard, the man behind the creation of Scientology, was & still is a controversial figure. Biographies & lists of personal accomplishments differ greatly between Scientology & non-Scientology publications as the “church” tends to exaggerate & outright lie about his early life, his education, his travels, his achievements etc, preferring to paint a distorted, flattering picture. Several books & articles present facts which flatly contradict these church-published accounts (links to free online copies of these books & articles are provided below), showing conclusively that he was NOT the brilliant, accomplished figure revered by Scientologists. During his autopsy, the sedative Vistaril™ was present in his body, which several of his assistants would later attest was only one of many psychiatric & pain medications Hubbard ingested over the years. It had also been said by many who knew Hubbard personally that at the end of his life he was “a psychopathic insane person screaming about BT's [Body Thetans]…”

To be blunt, Scientology is a cult. It employs semi-legitimate psychotherapy & self-help methods to keep people loyal & convinced of its merit while it simultaneously sucks them dry financially & attempts to keep them far away from ANYONE, even friends & family, who would dissuade them from remaining in such a harmful situation. It bullies all known critics, opponents, “enemies”, etc, often through malicious litigation & character assassination. It’s a particularly greedy as well as manipulative & dangerous cult that takes its anti-psychiatry fanaticism to deadly limits.
2008-06-30 01:27:37 UTC
There's a book called what is Scientology. Really.

It's kind of a super simple Idea too.

Scientologist look at life in eight parts, called dynamics.

You take responsibility for your life with the eight parts in view.





5nature, all living things

6the physical universe

7yourself as a spirit, instead of the body you have

8supreme being __scientology doesn't intrude into the eighth dynamic

. they don't tell you who God is or who to worship. You can pretty much fit any religion into this one dynamic. So you can believe in the Christian God or any other God and still use Scientology to better your life.

The best book I've read is the Problems of Work by LRHubbard. It's a Dam fine book, I read it and immediately realized I needed my own business that was a year ago. Oh I do have a Home Inspection business now and am looking at starting a second business this winter. The money lectures helped me get the business really going.
Affinity Warrior
2008-06-30 13:58:08 UTC
Scientology is a religious applied philosophy.


“It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life”

Scientology states that man is a Spiritual being that controls a body through a mind. To represent this life force, the Greek symbol for though: “Theta” was selected to avoid confusion with any prior practice.

The mind (we are not talking about the brain that is just the center of the nervous system) is a bank of mental image pictures. This bank is what the spirit uses to make decisions; it is composed of the analytical mind and the reactive mind. The analytical mind is clear; it doesn’t have any hidden influences and is fully accessible by the Thetan. The reactive mind is a collection of bad mental image picture that include pain, unconsciousness and command value. The reactive mind is the hidden influence that aberrates reason. The reactive mind is the cause for all human aberration, insanity or evil purpose.

Scientology’s approach to solve human aberration: Auditing.

- “Communication is the Universal Solvent.”

- “All problems of the mind are created by the mind.”

- “The mind can solve all the problems of the mind”

When dealing with the reactive mind we are dealing with the problem that individual is trying to confront that which he thinks he can’t confront so he is stuck. To solve this problem Hubbard developed Auditing. A verbal therapy that uses questions to help the individual address what is bothering him. So the person by his own volition can solve his own problems. The big difference between Auditing and Psychoanalysis is that the Psychoanalyst evaluates for the person and tells him what to think. In Auditing you just ask and listen and let the person make his own mind about things. If you give a person a fish you can feed him one time but if you teach him to fish you can feed him for a life time. That’s Scientology’s approach.

There are no suggestions involved in Auditing, all conclusion are done by you by your own intelligence. Auditors are bound the Auditor’s Code to never evaluate for the preclear (preclear is a person receiving Scientology processing). Never get in a relationship with the preclear. All information released during auditing is protected by law and not even the police can gain access to that information. Enforcing this code of conduct is the Scientology Ethics Officer and Scientology law. Any violation to the Auditors code is considered a high crime in Scientology and will result removal of any Auditing Certificates and/or expulsion from the church. I have seen this happen and is a very serious matter.

Any friend or family member can audit you for free. Or you can take the courses and get your Auditing with other students. But if you want to hire a professional auditing team of course it will cost you. An auditing team is composed of the Auditor, Ethics Officer, Quality Assurance (the person that tells the Auditor what to do), Corrections (the people that constantly train the Auditor on how to do the process) and the rest of the administration of a Church of Scientology. These are not one on one services, these are a whole team working to better you. That’s why it gets expensive but it is worth it.

How Scientology evolved?

Scientology evolved from Dianetics when it was discovered that man is a spiritual being. Scientology differs from Dianetics in that Dianetics deals with the mind and the rehabilitation of mental image pictures and Scientology deals with the rehabilitation of the human spirit itself.

We don’t ask for your faith in Scientology. There is no faith needed, when you can observe and experience it working by your self.

“Self confidence alone is security. Your ability is your security. There is no security but you. Let's make the best possible you." L Ron Hubbard
2008-06-29 22:36:41 UTC
The Scientology religion is an expanding new religion, founded by American author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. The word Scientology means the “study of knowledge or truth” and addresses the rehabilitation and salvation of the human spirit.

According to a Scientology website:

"Today its more than 6,000 churches, missions, related organizations, groups and activities span the globe and minister the religion to more than eight million people in 159 countries in over 66 languages." 1

Additionally, Churches of Scientology support more than a thousand social betterment groups, which utilize L. Ron Hubbard's methods in the fields of education, drug and criminal rehabilitation, and moral rejuvenation.

The total number of Scientologists in the world is extremely difficult to estimate, for a variety of reasons. Estimates range from 100 thousand to 10 million.

The Church has expanded more in the last five years than in the preceding fifty. In the last year alone, new Scientology groups, missions and churches have opened at the rate of three per day.
2008-06-29 22:34:40 UTC
Scientology was founded by the late L. Ron Hubbard, a science-fiction writer. Some think he created this religion as a joke. However, others think he may have stumbled across how to enhance human potential using techniques described in his book Dianetics.
2008-06-29 22:54:55 UTC
Answer: Scientology is an organization that passes itself off as a religion in the US because of having been able to bully the IRS into declaring it tax-exempt because of the number of frivolous lawsuits it filed. Basically, it told the IRS "make us tax-exempt and NEVER investigate any complaints against us and we will drop the OVER TWO THOUSAND INDIVIDUAL LAWSUITS we have filed against you". The IRS caved.

Since then at least two countries in Europe have banned them as frauds -- Greece and Germany -- after finding documents during police raids of their offices PROVING that they were trying to manufacture problems for perceived "enemies" of their organization. They are currently being investigated by several other governments for similar crimes.
Crystal S
2008-06-30 10:57:01 UTC
It is a religion that helps all over the world. If you go to you will find the ONLY true information on what it is.

The other above information is false and other referred to websites are FALSE and are NOT from the horses mouth. Would you really ask aetheists about Christianity? That is what other groups that are NOT Scientology oriented are trying to do.

Get the REAL truth at
2008-06-29 22:35:33 UTC
Scientology is a religion that believes there was supposed to be an alien that came to earth and started the human race.
2008-06-29 22:34:30 UTC
its based on thetans and how humans are really aliens that came down here a long time ago and other weird stuff that deals with greater knowledge. I think it is lame and a waste of money. You have to pay so much to learn about each segment of this philosophy. I think it's a scam or a cult...
2016-12-11 09:17:12 UTC
an prolonged time in the past, some pulp sci-fi author wanted to make an extra dollar, so he all started passing his dime novel crap off as a non secular perception equipment. Then, some celebrities actual bought into it. as a results of unusual point of ability, the church gets to intimidate all of us they do unlike.
2008-06-29 22:34:21 UTC
2008-06-29 22:35:14 UTC
It's a religion.. I don't know much about it, but I know it's kinda crazy.. here are some sites about scientology..
2008-06-29 22:34:40 UTC
Ask Tom Cruise, he must have a myspace
2008-06-29 22:35:15 UTC
IT IS FREAKING CRAZY! that is what it is, look at tom cruise, hes a closet weirdo
2008-06-29 22:45:45 UTC
A cult
Dreamstuff Entity
2008-06-29 22:33:45 UTC

It's an evil cult designed to make money and nothing else . Its effects on believers are destructive - Check out a partial list of victims:

Also read about:

● Its blatantly illegal and immoral activities, as illustrated by Operation Snow White and Operation Freakout.

● Its fair game" policy of harassing and destroying critics, as illustrated by the stories of Keith Henson, Frank Oliver and Paulette Cooper

● Its fatal abuse of its members, including Lisa McPherson, Heribert Pfaff, Josephus Havenith, and others

● Its brutal, illegal treatment of members who the Church considers in need of rehabilitation or punishment

● Its tax-exempt status in the United States, which was gained by blackmailing the IRS

● Its practice of breaking up families.

Read "the road to xenu" - - an account of a girl who escaped scientology after 12 years!

The cult's core belief - no, I am not kidding here! - in the words of the founder:

"The head of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around larger stars visible from here) (founded 5,000,000 years ago, very space opera) solved overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet, 178 billion on average) by mass implanting. He caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-Bomb on the principal volcanos (Incident II) and then the Pacific area ones were taken in boxes to Hawaii and the Atlantic area ones to Las Palmas and there "packaged".

His name was Xenu. He used renegades. Various misleading data by means of circuits etc. was placed in the implants.

When through with his crime loyal officers (to the people) captured him after six years of battle and put him in an electronic mountain trap where he still is. "They" are gone. The place (Confederation) has since been a desert. The length and brutality of it all was such that this Confederation never recovered. The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech development.

One can freewheel through the implant and die unless it is approached as precisely outlined. The "freewheel" (auto-running on and on) lasts too long, denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents I and II as given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time.

In December 1967 I knew someone had to take the plunge. I did and emerged very knocked out, but alive. Probably the only one ever to do so in 75,000,000 years. I have all the data now, but only that given here is needful.

One's body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body.

One has to clean them off by running incident II and Incident I. It is a long job, requiring care, patience and good auditing. You are running beings. They respond like any preclear. Some large, some small.

Thetans believed they were one. This is the primary error. Good luck."
Shirley P
2008-06-29 22:39:28 UTC
ask tom cruise
2008-06-29 22:35:48 UTC
jumping off the sofa shocking oprah kinda sciencetology hhehe lol
2008-06-29 22:34:10 UTC
Some religion/cult. It's crazy, they believe in all sorts of crazy ****! Imma go to church now to worship a jewish zombie!
Katie <33
2008-06-29 22:34:27 UTC
ask the cruise family. nobody really knows.
2008-06-30 00:34:23 UTC


Just for you to know the truth

There have to be a purpose for life otherwise we will miss the peaceful path of happiness so we want to be just better everyday



What is God? ,

What’s makes God as god? ,

What is God’s Power? ,

For all sort of these questions, I have very limited understanding so Let me give you the point. Well, just try to know, what’s makes God as god, the Power, isn’t it? So what the power can do? Ah? Well, It can give the ability to organise all things and it can give the ability to separate everything and most importantly, the Ability to control everything, isn’t it? Isn’t it Good? Ah? So, what I try to say here is, from my hard study and research effort with the help from god, I realized that the ability to control everything, the Power of God is gradually increased in the full amount to use so, The Power of God is always the omnipotent and existed among everything. And The God now is always the same omnipotent for us, who is organised us and we are growing towards perfection. The perfection is the final stage, not the end. And The Power of God, the Ability is the reward for us to control everything in a proper manner, like the true God of goodness. If god always perfect in perfection then there have to be beginning and end for that progress. So there is no end or beginning for all things so we cannot get anything from nothing. And

How could that be possible to be perfect in perfection always, ah…? No way the perfection of god comes first or the growth towards perfection. There is No End and there is No beginning and so the Ability is for the Love of Joy And


we have to lift it up little by little towards Perfection.

If you are humble, please... Pray to know the truth from true God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with great faith and. Good in Bad & Bad in Good so the values is most important. God gave us the rights to do what is right for you and sometimes, things can be right in your point of view but wrong in Public point of view so

Basically, just pray about it for the Good Answer and try to do the God's will first always


I have true testimony of true God

Please, just try to understand the fundamental...

If you think, why so much trouble and pain in this world…? Then there is only one reason, without pain, No pleasure and without pleasure, no pain. So without them, we cannot enjoy this life so always we need them in our development towards the perfection of God. So-so you use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure use you. I mean the vision of your future should be clear & it have to pull you rather than you have to push so you must link a lot of pleasure in order to succeed in the Best job. When you feel strong enough link a lot of pleasure in your subconscious mind. And your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.


It is Wonderful… wonderful nature for us by the true… God. And

we all make mistakes so it is hard to look for star in daylight. So just in faith… it is possible. Like that the faith in true God. And If you think, even expert can be wrong then you have to make the fine research in all most everything so It is hard and some time, it is impossible to achieve so Why we need inappropriate action to find the owner of higher power? SO,

So, just try to understand, because of Lack of faith in true God, we do not have the great gift of understanding of things so

Just understand this please.

All things are spiritually first, to govern by God with glory so closely, Have a look at this world of wonders of yours and then you know the truth, when you listen to your real voice and then Having a strong desire to do the best every day then stick with the best to do your best. And most importantly, try to be grateful for what you have now and try to know where you come from to have the great gift of understanding and then, have the faith to become the best winner in your life. And this is the best meaning of happy life.


The Low of mercy cannot rob the Low of justice so God provided the way to our salvation to overcome our sin so Jesus Christ sacrifice is much needed to return to live with God, because God is perfect in perfection so Jesus Christ is our savior to pay our punishment of our sin so-so Because of the perfect love of god for you. So God gave Jesus Christ for us ~ FOR US ~


It is the time to make the great decision.

Good luck.


If you are interested, I gladly encourage you to visit the web side for your spiritual support. & If you find this useful, please help others. Thanks for the opportunity.
2008-06-29 22:36:19 UTC
I'll sum it up in one word CRAZY
2008-06-29 22:34:53 UTC
scientology is the belief that man evovled from monkeys,there is no god there is a scinetific explenation for everything
2008-06-29 22:35:32 UTC
donuts and tommy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.