I think I need to debunk this one. I did a search for this on the internet and only arrived at Christian sites, so I searched Nature with the text string and it could find no reference, so I searched an massive academic website and could find no reference either in any scientific publication or peer reviewed journal. It appears you are quoting a hoax someone started.
However, even if it were true, you are missing the important dynamics which would be created. Big floods are twenty feet deep and take a little topsoil with them. In order to cover the Earth, you would actually need even more water than that, since Everest is five miles high. That much water, even ignoring the volcanism required to get it to the surface which would kill all life on Earth, would dissolve the mantle itself and raise atmospheric water pressure from evaporation to well beyond lethel levels. Very few land animals, if any would survive.
The second thing to remember is that water in the core would be dispersed and would not be in the form you think of water. There would't be a pool of water somewhere at that heat. The energy required to remove that much material would devastate the planet. Consider how heavy water is just 100 feet below the surface. Lifting that much water, particularly in a short period of time such as 40 days, would kill even the sea life. Only the most extreme biological species, such as those that live in volcano vents could survive.
Finally, once the water was out, there is no process to get it dissolved back into the superheated core. Once the water was out the energy required to put it back would be even greater than the energy required to pull it from the core in the first place. If you can even imagine the devastation of the last round of water, it is nothing compared to the events that would be required to get the water back into the center of the Earth. The only advantage you would have is that there would be no land left or plants and so if you could pressure the water back into the core, somehow, you would end up with a giant miasmal global swamp with bacteria and maybe surviving fish, but nothing else. Maybe god should have packed plants on the ark too, but that isn't mentioned. There is nothing for anything to eat once the water has gone away.