2013-06-12 08:07:36 UTC
But when they tested, I wasn't a match, they were confused, so they did further tests and I wasn't a match to anybody in my family (mum,dad,sisters) and they were confused, they believed I was made wrong - and that just insulted me - but after 7 months of scrutiny, and doctors being wary of my controversial being, they discovered, my hair was a DNA match to the rest of my family, so where other parts of me - made up of familial DNA - but my kidneys and liver, and the rest of me, where made up of different DNA. And they said I was a chimera, in the womb, I was an unidentical twin, but before we had begun developing, my embryo, absorbed hers and although I was only born as 1 Baby, my sisters DNA, is still in almost every cell of my body, meaning inseax of having one DNA code, I have the DNA codes of 2 people, and the other 'person' is my unidentical twin, with the completely different genetics to that of mine.
So it got me wondering about my existence, I do love my family...but I was made in a test tube, not conceived naturally, used as spare parts from day 1, and apparently I am also so fucked up, I have my dead twins DNA in me, or I'm a chimera. People always seem wary of me, like being around me is going to make them ill, I know a lot if people know how and why I wa made, and some know about my weird DNA, it's like I'm the plauge, unnatural, so if your know anything more about chimerism please tell me, and honestly, do you think my existence is contreversial?
I don't even know who I am, I'm the spare parts dish for my sister, im the child that wouldn't exist had my sister not gotten ill, I'm the weirdo with an absorbed embryos DNA inside me, I'm all these things, but I don't even know who I am anymore, sorry for the long rant I'm just confused, help? Please..