Sorry, I am unfamiliar with any course in miracles.
I have experienced miracles of almost every type, so I could share a few things about them.
A miracle is what we call it when God interferes with the natural order. Although a sudden rain storm ending a serious draught could be a miracle, it could also just be part of the natural order. For this reason, weather is really low on my list of probable miracles.
Sometimes God interferes because he has been asked for help, like when someone is dying of cancer or heart disease. Sometimes God interferes simply because he opposes the wickedness in the world. The great flood is perhaps the best example of that, or perhaps the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
When it comes to receiving personal favors from God, it is important to realize that faith precedes the miracle. Faith is usually measured in terms of obedience to God's commandments. It can also be measured by a person's willingness to grow. It has been said that the faith of a mustard seed can move mountians. A mustard seed is very small, yet grows into a sizable plant. The faith of a mustard seed is the faith to grow.
Faith usually opposes fear. Sometimes God will ask us to do something, but fear will hold us back. Faith can overcome fear. Sometimes God will ask us to take a leap of faith - a step into the darkness or unknown. The scriptures tell us to test every spirit. Christ taught that we can know whether a commandment is of God, by being obedient to that commandment. By being obedient to the commandments of God, we show our trust in him. If our trust isn't betrayed, our confidence or faith will grow.