You silly little Broad You.
I read The Holy Quran every day and there is no where in it that it says men will get "70 virgins"
Allah is fair & just, to both Believeing Men & women in regards of Beautiful virgin companions. In Paradise our wishes are unlimted. If I desired 1,000,000 virgin Males from Allah, that is indeed a wish to be fufilled by Allah The Most Merciful The Grantor of wishes:
The Holy Quran, Surah 36:55 thru 58 (Ya Sin)
55. Verily the Companions
Of the Garden shall
That Day have joy
In all that they do;
56. They and their associates
Will be in groves
Of (cool) shade, reclining
On Thrones (of dignity);
57. (Every) fruit (enjoyment)
Will be there for them;
They shall have whatever
They call for;
58. "Peace!" -a Word
(Of salutation) from a Lord
Most Merciful!
And How do You know that Atheists aren't responsible for strapping bombs to themselves?
Allah knows of those Atheists who go around saying "we are Muslim",but He knows what their hearts really reveal & conceal:
The Holy Quran, Surah 2:8 thru 20 (The Heifer)
8. Of the people there are some
who say:
"We believe in Allah and the Last
But they do not (really) believe.
9. Fain would they decieve
Allah and those who believe,
But they only decieve themselves,
And realize (it) not!
10. In their hearts is a disease;
And Allah has increased their
And grievous is the penalty they
Because they are false
(to themselves).
11. When it is said to them:
"Make not mischief on the earth,"
They say: "Why, we only
Want to make peace!"
12. Of a surety, they are the ones
Who make mischief,
But they realize (it) not.
13. When it is said to them:
"Believe as the others believe."
They say: "Shall we believe
As the fools believe?"-
Nay, of a surety they are the
But they do not know.
14. When they meet those who
They say: "We believe;"
But when they are alone
With their evil ones,
They say: "We are really with you
We (were) only jesting."
15. Allah will throw back
Their mockery on them,
And give them rope in
their tresspasses;
So they will wander like blind
ones (to and fro).
16. These are they who have
Guidance for error:
But their traffic is profitless,
And they have lost true direction.
17. Their similitude is that of a
Who kindled a fire;
When it lighted all around him,
Allah took away their light
And left them in utter darkness.
So they could not see.
18. Deaf, dumb, and blind,
They will not return (to the
19. Or (another similitude)
Is that of a rain-laden cloud
From the sky: in it are zones
Of darkness, and thunder and
They press their fingers in their
To keep out the stunning
The while they are in terror of
But Allah is ever round
The rejecters of Faith!
20. The lightening all but snatches
Their sight; every time the light
(Helps) them, they walk therein,
And when the darkness grows on
They stand still,
And if Allah willed, He could
take away
Their faculty of hearing and
For Allah hath power over all
And Yes I'm sorry to dissapoint you and the rest of your Atheist Buddy Pals, but Suicide is against Islam no matter how much you desire it to be :)
The Holy Quran, Surah 4:29 thru 30 and 40(The Women)
29.O ye who believe!
Eat not up your property
Among yourselves in vanities;
But let there be amongst you
Traffic and trade
By mutual good will:
Nor Kill (or destroy)
Yourselves: for verily
Allah hath been to you
Most Merciful!
30. If any do that
In rancour and injustice-
Soon shall We cast them
Into the Fire: and easy
It is for Allah.
40. The Hypocrites will be
In the lowest depths
Of the Fire; no helper
Wilt thou find for them-