There is no dictate in the Bible preventing the celebration of holidays. There are plenty of directives to celebrate God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit). A special holiday dedicated to the worship of Christ is in line with the Biblical perspective.
Atheists first proposed the theory that current Christian holidays are leftovers from Judaism or older pagan rituals in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was an attempt to prove a dictate of Social Darwinism that societies evolve. The claims that Christian holidays have nothing to do with Christianity was an attempt to prove that Christianity was not a true religion and Christ never existed. If you support these theories and refuse to celebrate Christian holidays then you are in support of a 100 year old atheist theory that Christianity is bogus.
Early Christians used eggs as an analogy of the tomb. Although an egg looks like an inanimate object there is life inside. A baby chick comes out of it. Although the tomb looks dead, Christ was alive in it and came out. This was an explanation to ancient farmers.
Also, eggs were very expensive at that time. Remember they didn't have refrigeration. Eggs only lasted a couple of days. People would boil them to make them last a little longer. They were so expensive that people would paint them with elaborate decorations and give them as presents.
Since eggs were used to explain the Resurrection and they were commonly given as gifts, Christians began giving decorated eggs as a reminder of the gift of eternal life given by Christ at the Resurrection. Given this history, I think Easter eggs are a wonderful way of both celebrating Christ and remembering the early Christians.
Why do we give gifts at Christmas time? It's a kindness to others in the name of Christ. Christ bid us to "Love you neighbor as yourself." Giving gifts of appreciation once a year is a nice way to pay tribute to Christ's words.
Christian holidays have become commercialized in the last century. They have been hi-jacked by merchants looking to make a buck. I say it’s about time that Christians reclaimed their holidays. They are a wonderful celebration of Christ. Nowhere in the Bible is this prohibited.
If you want to be an atheist and believe that Christian holidays evolved from earlier pagan rituals, you have that right. If you want to denounce Christianity as a bogus religion, you have that right. If you want to tear down and verbally persecute Christians who are celebrating Christ, you have that right.
However, "As for me and my house, we will follow the Lord."