If god is capable of creating an entire universe out of nothing why did he need Adam's rib to create eve?
2016-02-19 19:23:46 UTC
If god is capable of creating an entire universe out of nothing why did he need Adam's rib to create eve?
173 answers:
2016-02-21 02:36:06 UTC
Because like anything in science we also can find evidence of God's handy work in our own body, They have these things that determine our sex structure of our DNA molecule. Male or Female and I think you heard this before, the XY chromosomes are found in a male subject alone yet a female only has XX chromosomes, the actual fact is that the building block for a female can only be found in a male subject. So if we some how completely destroy our world and science is so far it can extract the DNA from a male using our knowledge could possible make a female, if only a male survives. But if females are left there no possibility of this happening.

We are also forgetting the fact that we need to be joined together in marriage, and to have sex to create a baby and replenish life on earth, This was clear that we must be a unity as one to survive in this world. But people act like this is optional and just get a divorce or abortion whenever they feel like it.

There is also another concept if God had created her out of nothing, the part in the bible when a man leaves his mother and father to seek another female companion would be optional. God also knew that there would be a stronger bond if the creation was personal. Lets chop off your finger and make a female, no it wasn't like that it's interesting to know that the lower rib can grow back, and God perform the first medical operation in History, and he did not leave any scare or mark. Isn't that amazing?

Another amazing thing is to find the whole human race inside two individuals, the birth rate is about 364 000 babies per day, if you calculate all the human beings that live from now to the beginning of time. It would be Billions of Billion of people. Such a huge number I don't think it's comprehendible. But it was created with the first two humans, even before we sinned, almost like God knew what was going to happen.
2016-02-20 10:48:10 UTC
No one really knows what the Bible says bc it is misinterpreted by many. We don't know what they actualyl meant back then. Heck we hardly know what people mean now, let alone thousands of years ago, written in other languages, and then translated by erronious men. No translator is perfect. Anyway, without considering the Bible, IDK about the whole rib thing. I think it's all tall tales and fiction. I think there may have been an Adam and Eve but maybe more of a metaphor type of thign. Adam & eve being the first people to walk this Earth-- set to reproduce. Incest at its finest too for generations to come. To think that now it would be frowned upon. Well not back then! That's if it even happened. Nothing that we know today about history is factual. It's ALL theory. Some people believe we evolved from other species or animals. We just don't know, and that's the only answer that is really concrete. Sadly most people are afraid to admit that we don't know. Well I'm not afraid to admit it.
2016-02-20 12:40:15 UTC
I have read a few of the other answers. I am unable to read more because my ribs are hurting with laughter. You will not receive a good answer from any theist. Every excuse under the Sun will be tried. This is one of the many contradictions in the Bible. There is no getting away from them. As you correctly point out it is alleged that god created the entire universe and every living thing on this planet. He or she did it from nothing. You did forget to mention that this amazing feat was achieved in 144 hours. When all the other living things were created presumably both females and males were created for those which reproduce sexually. It seems, however, that this omnipotent being who created an entire universe in 144 hours forgot to create a female human and then in order to overcome this oversight one of Adam's ribs was needed. What we see here is human created fiction without a carefully though out plot and where story continuity is abysmally poor.
2016-02-21 03:37:10 UTC
I'm non religious, I have never followed the bible so I do not have a clue what is in there.

So this answer is completely based on my opinion.

In my opinion, if the who controversial theory is correct with there being one woman and one man on earth. I think it would have taken more than a rib to create a life if I am honest.

Bone material doesn't create a brain, lungs, voice box- you get the picture!

There has always been people. It's like the saying " who came first the chicken or the egg?"

Could it just be the simple fact life does grow. Plants grow from nowhere. Creatures grow. Ever seen sea monkeys? They grow from the bacteria which grows and lives. It happens!

It's mind boggling to think about. What we do know is when dinosaurs were here so were some people. I don't follow the bible but I've never heard dinosaurs been mentioned in the bible- even more mind boggling.
2016-02-20 10:59:55 UTC

well, God Almighty did not Create the Universe out of nothing.

God Almighty used the substance of faith to create the universe.

The particles of faith are 980,000 times smaller than an electron

They actually are alive and will obey God Almighty

The whole universe is full, and i mean full of themlll

it would take 980,000 of those particles to come together to even affect the physical world

there so small and so tightly packed togerther that you are right now, walking through what would be compared to the same thing in the physical world, as a Super-Condensed Block of Steel, or Concrete so on.


the scientist have been searching for these particles that they call the God Particle

and now the "rib".....

see, i believe that Adam was created Male and Female

I believe that it didn't work out for Adam, soooooo....!

God put Adam to sleep and took out the female---

and Created "Eve"

so simple to me, you don't have to believe this, and if you don't, then please Answer me this one Question?

Why do men (male) have nipples???

Love Ya! at Yahoo Questions and Answers----!!!


to the person wanting to know where the particle theory came from:

John Earnst Worroll KEELY

The Bible K.J.V.

faith is the substance of things hoped for

the substance of faith is alive
2016-02-21 00:29:14 UTC
Adam rib's been cut and paste by God for it is just a extra ordinary talent of God, so humanity have to think first why men have to be the head of the family or a nation and not a woman.

But some will tell you story like this one which is normal:

No one really knows what the Bible says bc it is misinterpreted by many. We don't know what they actualyl meant back then. Heck we hardly know what people mean now, let alone thousands of years ago, written in other languages, and then translated by erronious men. No translator is perfect. Anyway, without considering the Bible, IDK about the whole rib thing. I think it's all tall tales and fiction. I think there may have been an Adam and Eve but maybe more of a metaphor type of thign. Adam & eve being the first people to walk this Earth-- set to reproduce. Incest at its finest too for generations to come. To think that now it would be frowned upon. Well not back then! That's if it even happened. Nothing that we know today about history is factual. It's ALL theory. Some people believe we evolved from other species or animals. We just don't know, and that's the only answer that is really concrete. Sadly most people are afraid to admit that we don't know. Well I'm not afraid to admit it.

and this:

Many cultures in that area-- not to mention the storytellers would have heard versions of creation myths from people traveling through or from slaves or others not from their tribes in general-- had stories of the gods creating humankind from dust or whatever materials were at hand. That's why. And there are two versions of how Eve came about.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Genesis 1:27)

"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." (Genesis 2:21-22)

Notice God makes Adam and Eve, then scratches that [ or someone forgot to edit and blend the versions ] to make Adam only and Eve come afterward...

And-- if God has indeed used a bone of some kind from Adam, Eve would not have been created at all. She'd be a bloke named Steve. Science, it just ***** up mythology.
2016-02-21 00:06:42 UTC
God created Lilith first from nothing just like Adam. She liked demons and monsters. And didn't really care for Adam. So God made eve from a rib I'm not sure why.
2016-02-20 22:07:24 UTC
You assume God needed Adam's rib to create Eve just because He chose to do it that way. You have no logical reason to assume that. That is one reason people see inconsistencies in the Bible where there are none; they assume things have to be a certain way when there is no evidence of what they assume. Certain answers have given guesses about why God used Adam's rib to create Eve. Maybe only God knows for sure why He did that.
2016-02-21 09:18:48 UTC
Actually, God didn t need Adam s rib to create Eve. This is simply God s parable being told to Moses, who transcribed God s words to create the book of Genesis. There are two things that should be considered here. 1. This was God s way to metaphorically tell Moses that the same identical materials with which He creadted Adam was also used to create Eve, thus the rib metaphor was used so that Moses could better understand that fact.

And 2. We must remember when reading in the Pentateuch (5 books of Moses), that Moses knew no more than today s six year old child, so God used many different metaphors. Another one was the six day creation - a way for Moses to understand that the Hebrews were to work six days and use the seventh day to worship God.

You might want to check out my source below. I think you would find it very helpful in better understanding the Old Testament.
2016-02-21 06:45:28 UTC
God didn't "need" Adam's rib to create Eve, and that's a false assumption to say it.

It was a deliberate choice, as a symbolic way to tell a largely illiterate humanity that Eve was made especially for Adam, out of matching, compatible material.

As the first paired couple, this supports God's intended pattern that a husband and wife join and "become one flesh".

Isn't it "quaint" how those so driven to attack the faith of Christians need to dig way back to the Genesis creation story - and with heads in sand, oblivious that it was written for an ancient, unsophisticated audience - presume to apply their vain, "superior-to-God" 2016 literary knowhow - trying to give Christians a serve.

Talk about empty, pointless contention ... Godlessness looks like a boring "life".
2016-02-20 05:30:19 UTC
The answer is simple.

God didn't need Adam's rib to create Eve

Nor does the Bible teach that God needed Adam's rib to create Eve

You have assumed a need where none is mentioned or (logically) necessarily present.
2016-02-21 02:48:03 UTC
Indeed, God can do anything He pleases within the framework of His Holy nature. I would guess that the use of the rib was both symbolic and science. The symbolism is twofold: 1) that woman comes from the the first man which will play a role in the spiritual introduction of sin; and 2) she is a co-equal partner with the man as she is not formed from a part of the foot or the head, but of the side. The science part is the DNA. By deriving Eve's source DNA from Adam's, she is further derived "from the man" as well as her DNA is a perfect match for Adam's, which has implications for the perfect DNA that was responsible for people living to around 900 years.
2016-02-20 06:28:27 UTC
The bible does state that eve was created with a rib from adam. However, this doesnt mean that god could not have created eve any other way. In other words, he did not have to create Eve this way.

That fact that Eve was created this way, helps emphasize the bond that she and her husband Adam were to have. Eve was the perfect counterpart to Adam:

(Genesis 2:22-24) . . .And Jehovah God built the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman, and he brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said: “This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, Because from man she was taken.” 24 That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh. . .

There is beauty in the way god created the man and the woman. Eve thus became Adams closet relative. This principal still applies today, when a man and woman marries, the bible states the two become one flesh.

In reply he said: “Have you not read that the one who created them from the beginning made them male and female+ 5 and said: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’?+ 6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together, let no man put apart.”
2016-02-20 19:37:19 UTC
He didn't need Adam's rib to create Eve. God chose Adam's rib to create Eve.
2016-02-23 05:44:37 UTC
Great question! There must have been a reason for God choosing to use Adams rib to make a wife for him...after all, God didn't NEED his rib, as you said, he's demonstrated making an entire universe without needing materials! Why did he do that? Let's reason. Would we agree that Eve was God's gift to Adam? Afterall, Adam's job was to take care of the animals...and they all had mates!(Genesis 2:18) We can compare how we feel when someone gives us a gift! Now think of how you feel when someone buys you a gift compared to when someone customizes your gift! Maybe your name engraved, your picture on it, etc. what does that reveal about how the person feels about you? How does that make you feel about the person? We can see how much Adam appreciated this personalized gift in Genesis 2:23. God wanted to customize Adam's gift with a personal touch! He used a rib on his side, to symbolize the woman being a complement...partnership, as opposed to one of his toes or his hair. I hope this helps!
2016-02-20 09:57:59 UTC
Without the big-man himself giving us is own interpretation for why he used Adams rib, all sort of theories are going to come clammering out of the woodworks. I believe the theory in the movie Hancock, although that may not have been their intention, we are built in pairs. Love, although such a wonderful and beautiful state of being to be in, we mostly invariably destroy any chance of a happy ever after. The movie plays out that even though they really love each other, someone tried to destroy what they had between them. However, in the real world it's us ourselves that take on that role, because of believing the grass is always greener. So, in answer to you extremely good point. I believe God use Adams rib to point out many things, but possibly the most important one at the time, is that men and women were the only match for one another. That said, I believe that Jesus would quite proud the way the world has turned out as even he himself had experienced much prejudices, hatred, betrayal in trying to spread love and a better way of living ones life.. I could go on, but that's probably not really answering your Q. So, I will end it here by saying, who knows that what the good book says wasn't just chinese whispers, because by all accounts, isn't it possible that the Bible is a little fact and also fiction?
2016-02-19 23:46:58 UTC
Once the material universe was created, matter formed everything in it. As humans are material beings, they are made of matter. Notice that God did not create Adam by using DNA from any of the already-created animals? The animals were produced by the land;

"Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind..." Gen. 1:24 KJV

But Adam was a distinct and direct creation by God's own hand, made in the image of God, his Maker. So once Adam was made, there was no need to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. When we read 'rib' think bone marrow, think DNA. Slight tweaking and - wow - a perfect woman!
2016-02-20 03:05:55 UTC
If he needs a rib to create Eve then he isn't omnipotent. If he doesn't need the rib, the only explanation for why he used the rib is that he wanted Adam to have one less rib.

Only if God was a weak human, would it "save time" or "save effort" to use a rib rather than nothing. For an omnipotent being, all tasks are equally effortless, so it makes no sense to use raw materials instead of nothing.

To those who thumbed me down, please tell me why you disagree so I can set you straight.
Aortas Insotomia.
2016-02-20 14:32:34 UTC
One of Adam's rib was not necessary because God had to use it ( DNA structure) to create a female version of the smaller size rib. That's why women have large breasts and small ribs. Lucky God never removed a small portion of Adam's brain too. Otherwise, women would have been smarter than men.
2016-02-20 13:14:26 UTC
God didn't dear.

The purpose of the rib was to signify flesh of one flesh.

Adam & Eve was made of the same DNA, but neither was born; they were Created.

By unifying a part of Adam himself, the identification of Adam with his partner would be ensured.

They were not made in a process of incest.

God might have taken a bone from a toe, which would indicate that Adam was to rule over Eve.

God might have taken a bone from Adam's head to indicate Eve's rule over Adam.

God implied equality & mutual respect.

Eve was of Adam's flesh , so she would walk beside Adam, not above, not below, not in front of, nor behind of , but alongside of her helpmate.

Know that men & women have 12- pairs of ribs. A few individuals 13 or 11 pairs of ribs, but this is very rare. The most likely cause of it is a disease, known as a cervical rib, A Cervical rib, is a single rib @ the base of the neck.

Males & females DO NOT have the same genitalia ( sexual organs ).

Males have prostates, females don't.

Females have uteruses, fallopian tubes, & cervexes, males don't.

Rare cases of hermaphriditism ( being born with sexual organs of male & female is a deviation of how humanity was created.
2016-02-20 05:15:11 UTC
Because Adam was created out of the dust of the earth and God wanted a woman that would be equal to Adam, that's why he chose a rib and not a toe.
2016-02-20 12:21:02 UTC
The Adam and Eve myth preceded the Bible. It's from Mesopotamia when the Persians conquered the Jews. The temptress was Lilith, Adam's ex-wife.

There was never only a single member of any species on the planet. That's not how it works.

So, no Adam and Eve, no original sin and no need for Jesus.

Game, set, match.
2016-02-23 08:52:32 UTC
The Genesis story originated with the Hebrews and was modified by the Roman Catholics when they plagiarized it. In the original Hebrew creation myth, Lillith was Adam's first wife. Having been made of the same dirt as Adam, Lillith was independently minded and refused to lay with her husband. This displeased God, so He banished Lillith from Eden and made her into a demon responsible for the deaths of infants. Only then, did God take one of Adam's ribs and use it to fashion a wife who would bend to Adam's will.

When the Catholics were editing and translating Genesis for inclusion in their Latin Bible (325 - 384), they deleted everything about Lillith, and Eve became Adam's first and only wife. They kept the part about Adam's rib without explaining why it had been necessary.
2016-02-21 15:42:40 UTC
It's an allegorical story showing the equal dignity of man and woman. Read Adam's reaction. Plus Genesis 1 and 2 give 2 chronologically contradictory allegories of creation with different purposes. Neither is meant to be taken as literal history. Even before 1859 Christians understood these stories were not literal.
2016-02-20 08:06:45 UTC
You are not very far sighted, if you cant understand that making an extension to an already created being "Man" is still part of Creation out of Nothing originally, the Rib also come into being Divinely, the reason it was done this way is to demonstrate to Adam that eve is from his Flesh, and Not separate.
2016-02-20 02:44:45 UTC
God didn't have to use Adams rib to create Eve he could have created her just like he did Adam. This made them a part of each other instead of two individuals. Also this is just me....All Mankind descended directly from Adam and not split between two bloodlines.
Doubting Like Thomas
2016-02-20 13:11:29 UTC
They cleaned up the original story.

It wasn't Adam's rib. It was his baculum, a bone found in other ammals, but not humans.

And the PROOF that the story is TRUE, is right there in the Bible.

Genesis 2:21 "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof"

"Closed up the flesh"

OK, so, where did the people who made up that part of the removal of the baculum get the idea that there had ever BEEN a baculum, a bone in the human penis?

Next time both of you are sober, and legally adults, look at the underside of somebody's penis, and there is something that looks like a long scar.
2016-02-20 23:15:47 UTC
The way I see it, God used Adam s rib in order to be symbolic. Symbolizing that a woman is meant to one day become part of man, spiritually uniting into one flesh through marriage. This is shown in the verse below. It is the verse right after the verses that explain how Eve was created.

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."

Genesis 2:24

As for the person that tried to say there are two different origins for the creation of Eve (using the Bible verses below), I would like to state the fact that the Bible often repeats itself and not always necessarily in chronological order (notice how the verse above is at the beginning of time before any parents actually existed).

I would also like to comment on how in the first verse it doesn t say how God created man and woman, so it doesn t actually contradict the second verse. The second verse just elaborates on how He created woman.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Genesis 1:27)

"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." (Genesis 2:21-22)

As far as the whole DNA thing goes...

He s God, He can do anything.
2016-02-20 11:18:13 UTC
Dear Friend,

God created Eve out of Adam's rib so that he (Adam) could have a comparable partner/wife. Adam would be responsible for his wife, in provision, protection, security, etc. God created Eve as a "gift" for Adam. Bone from his bone.

Let me illustrate. If a person were to need a heart transplant. They would feel "connected" to the donor. Does that make sense? So in essence, Adam, knowing that Eve was created from one of his ribs and Eve knowing that she was created from one of Adam's ribs "knew"...they were...Connected for life. :)

Francis F
2016-02-20 12:17:23 UTC
God could have created Eve without resorting to Adams rib. However God wanted Eve to have some sough of connection to Adam so He went back to the same original material to fashion Eve.
2016-02-20 04:10:53 UTC
Because Eve was to be part of Adam, as a wife and man should be now. Of course God could have made Eve out of dust but he chose to make the point by using adam's rib (a bone that can regenerate itself) that they should be as one flesh.
2016-02-21 12:15:22 UTC
That is an excellent question. He did not need it, but he made Eve from Adam to be of exactly the same substance - a literal part of him. Can you imagine the arguments which would have been made throughout all these generations if Eve had bee made from something separate? People would confidently assert that men and women are not equal, and that Eve (or Adam) was made from something inferior and therefore either males or females were inferior, depending on which way you were arguing.
2016-02-21 06:36:45 UTC
The name Eve does not appear in Sumerian but there is a most intriguing link---the account of Eve's having been fashioned from Adam's rib in the Garden story. Why a rib? Well, in a famous Sumerian poem translated and analyzed by scholar Samuel Noah Kramer, there is an account of how Enki the water god angered the Mother Goddess Ninhursag by eating eight magical plants that she had created. The Mother Goddess put the curse of death on Enki and disappeared, presumably so she couldn't change her mind and relent. Later, however, when Enki became very ill and eight of his “organs” failed, Ninhursag was enticed back. She summoned eight healing deities, one for each ailing organ. Now the Sumerian word for “rib” is “ti.,” but the same word also means “to make live.” So the healing deity who worked on Enki's rib was called “Nin-ti” and, in a nice play on words, became both the “lady of the rib” and the “lady who makes live.” This Sumerian pun didn't translate into Hebrew, in which the words for “rib” and “to make live” are quite different. But the rib itself went into the Biblical account and as “Eve” came to symbolize the “mother of all living.”
brother trucker
2016-02-20 06:35:27 UTC
I don't know that God did need Adams rib to create woman. I think He did this to show that woman was part of man and man is part of woman and that they should build a brave new world together with co-operation and love .
2016-02-20 23:42:34 UTC
It never spoke of a rib.

In other books it says adam's "angular organ" was removed and the would was closed and it was given to eve. Adam looked at eve and said "flesh of my flesh" because eve possessed what he once had.

The older books totally said that adam had a vagina at one time. An "angular organ."

And nothing ever said that something was made from nothing.

However, one must assume that if conscious entities created the earth they were insane.
2016-02-21 13:27:55 UTC
He didn't need her rib. He could have used anything else. Why the rib? I will ask Him some day when I get there. He may just tell me that was the first thing He got hold of when He told Adam what He was going to do.
2016-02-20 19:50:38 UTC
In the beginning it wasn't Adam and Eve it was Adam and Lilith. Lilith was the first real woman and was made at the same time as Adam from the same dirt. Both were in love but one day Lilith went on her way and saw the Serpent and seduced her and made love to her she eventually ate the apple saw truth and she willing left the garden herself but not before breaking Adams heart before she left and became a demon(Mother of Demons). Adam cried to God about what happened and asked if he can bring his first wife back. God could have made Adam a new wife but Adam didn't want another he wanted Lilith so God went and sent 3 Angels to bring her back and said "God can forgive you if you come back" but she declined and so the Angel said "If you don't then every day 100 of your demon children would die." Lilith did not return and she if the reason for children dying at child birth for the death of her own children. Adam being lonely and upset wanted his wife back so God made another wife but with Adams Ribs so that way Eve his soon to be wife would have a more deeper bond with him.Basically he made her from the rib so she can be more faithful to him and when they fell in love but when Eve ate the apple she didn't want to leave Adam so she convinced him to eat it. And a bunch of other stuff happened but just look it up.
2016-02-20 02:15:07 UTC
There are many POSSIBILITIES IF you ACCEPT that story is a Truth .

The question is WHY would a person Accept that story as truth ?

Perhaps the question is NOT WHY did a god do that The question is DID a god do that ?

Consider this question why would a god create a BEE . we know plants are NOT SOLELY DEPENDENT on Bees for pollination and in the chain of species what Species of animal on the chain are SOLELY DEPENDENT on BEES for survival ? a mammal predator of Bees are badgers but they also eat at least 60 other things on the food chain worms other insects fruit small birds and reptiles . so why create a BEE ? I contend that living things evolved and the badger discovered a bees nest or hive and ADAPTED its feeding to include bees because its NOT solely dependent on bees

We call them Honey badgers because we have OBSERVED them eating honey . But honey is NOT the only thing they eat

Have the promoters of the story demonstrate the god exist as a independent self evident entity to even do any claimed action ?

Meaning why would one question why something not proven to exist would do a action Its kind of like saying I accept the Story so why did the god do it this way >

I don't accept the story at all because you need to prove the god BEFORE i accepted the possibility of the story I call it Domino or Velcro claims I avoid going to other additional claims because ALL additional claims ARE DEPENDENT on the INITIAL claim added claims should not even be considered til you PROVE the FIRST claim the god

perhaps It was refining its "MAGIC" Tricks thought it might try a "SLIGHT of Hand " tick for a bit of change
2016-02-21 10:36:03 UTC
God didn't need Adam's rib to make Eve. He did it to teach us how we should relate to each other. To quote a line from the movie Jerry Maguire, "You complete me", is how we should relate to each other and God made us that way. Adam needed someone that would meet his need for companionship, friendship, romance, and work. So God took a rib from Adam's side and replaced it with something, someone amazing and beautiful, and ideally made to complete him to be by his side. This question also relates to why did God rest on the 7th day? I thought God was all powerful. Well He is, he rested to show us that we should take one day a week and rest.
2016-02-20 06:04:35 UTC
Eve, the first woman, was formed from a rib taken from Adam. This was appropriate in view of the fact that bones are the body’s foundation, are wholly made up of living cells, and are blood-cell producers. Adam could truly say of Eve: “This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” She was the closest possible relative of Adam. (Ge 2:22, 23) A like expression is used several times in the Scriptures to denote close kinship.—Ge 29:14; Jg 9:2; 2Sa 5:1; 19:12; 1Ch 11:1.

this shows the unity in marriage,joined as one.
2016-02-20 23:00:16 UTC
Metaphor. Adam's previous wife, Lilith had rebelled and abandoned him. Eve was created from Adams Rib, which was under his heart. This meant Eve would stand beside Adam and be his helpmeet and their relationship would be one of affection.
2016-02-21 07:46:11 UTC
The legend may be iconotrophic, that is, it was made up to explain a picture (perhaps carved on a slab of stone or painted on a wall), which people either no longer understood, or deliberately wished to reinterpret for religious reasons. This picture illustrated an earlier myth:

Two male rivals are fighting for the love of a woman who is standing in the background. One murders/sacrifices the other by stabbing him in the heart with a curved knife.

Male rivals are a recurring theme in Genesis: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmail etc. and rival twins are pretty common in Greek myth too (Heracles and Iphicles for instance).

The garden of Eden story can also be reduced to an image of a man, a woman, a snake, a tree and an apple. Compare the Greek legends of the garden of the Hesperides, Atalanta, the judgement of Paris etc.

I interpret the widespread legends of the dragon killing heroes (St. George, St Michael, Marduk, Perseus, Hercules etc.) to mean that at some point a culture which venerated serpents/dragons (with perhaps other cultural similarities to ancient China) was overthrown by force. The hero of these stories usually rides on horseback, and the introduction of horses from central asia would certainly have caused major turmoil as they would have given the invaders (think Ghenghis Khan, Attila the Hun and Khal Drogo) who brought them a massive military advantage.

Point is, I don't think the serpent was originally intended to be evil

You will notice that Yahweh is totally superfluous in these stories. He seems to have been added later
2016-02-20 03:00:58 UTC
He didn't NEED Adams rib. That is just the way he went about creating the female. And this answer only is relevant if you take the Bible in a literal sense. Metaphorically the meaning is entirely different. And yet that explanation would be just as valid as the literal one. Just under different circumstances one thing can be interpreted differently and both explanations are valid in their own sphere.
2016-02-20 09:17:45 UTC
Taking a rib from Adam made it more intimate. Notice Adam's response.

Ge 2:22 And Jehovah God built the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman, and he brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said: “This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, Because from man she was taken.” This show the closest of the bond that will exist between them. 24 That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
2016-02-20 10:40:18 UTC
Because Adam asked him to.

Also, the wish for a "mate" came from Adam. God did not just create an entity and stick it beside him. Adam was the first of his kind and therefore wanted another like himself - but different.

It's how genetics works.
2016-02-20 23:20:07 UTC
Adam said of Eve, "She is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." Of course God didn't NEED Adam's rib to create her; it was symbolic, I think, of a later verse "Therefore, a man shall leave his parents to become one with his wife, and they shall be one flesh."

Adam and Eve were the first husband and wife, and I think God used Adam's rib because Eve needed to come from and be related to Adam in order to fulfill her role as his companion.
2016-02-19 19:51:27 UTC
She was not created from dust like Adam.

Eve, the first woman, was formed from a rib taken from Adam. This was appropriate in view of the fact that bones are the body’s foundation, are wholly made up of living cells, and are blood-cell producers.

Adam could truly say of Eve: “This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” She was the closest possible relative of Adam.

In the creation of woman, God did not make her separate and distinct from man by forming her from the dust of the ground, as he had done in the creation of Adam.

He took a rib from Adam’s side, and from it He built for Adam a perfect counterpart, the woman Eve.

It is of interest to note that a rib that has been removed will grow again, replacing itself, as long as the the membrane of connective tissue that covers the bone is allowed to remain.

Whether God followed this procedure or not the record does not state; however, as man’s Creator, God was certainly aware of this unusual quality of the rib bones.
2016-02-20 06:37:21 UTC
God took the female (part) out of Adam, from his 'side' (Notice that he did not form her from his back or from under his feet). We were equals in the garden. Together again in marriage, they form one flesh.

In his image he created them. Male and female he created them. Gen.27. God is the fulness of maleness and femaleness. Together in marriage they represent the best earthly representation of who God is.

It was good that it was not good that man was alone.

By the way, the woman was not named Eve until after the fall. Adam means from the ground. The name Eve was given to her because she would be the mother of all the living - 'Eve' as in evening.... For all of us have been born in the dark.
2016-02-19 19:27:08 UTC
The Bible doesn't say that He needed Adam rib. God doesn't have to do anything as He is Sovereign.

Also God is capitalize because humanity created false gods.
2016-02-19 23:02:45 UTC
Of course he didn't. Adam and Eve were not real people, they are present in all of us. It is an excellent story about what it is to be human, with out natural tendency to go against the accepted order of things, here seen as a negative in a cautionary tale but in reality the greatest strength of our species. The idea of The Fall is an aetiology, an explanatory story of why things are, or might be, as they are. It is a moral tale of great worth which should make us think about our actions, not denying them but asking us to question them. Anyone who takes the story literally and expects archaeologists one day to discover the snake skin or the core of the fruit is either a simpleton or an American hillbilly.
2016-02-21 04:01:47 UTC
No one knows where the material for the 'Big Bang' came from. Homo sapiens is a result of 'natural selection' as Darwin and Wallace noted: Descent with modification.' Religious theories are simply analogies conceived by religious leaders to explain natural events.
2016-02-21 14:47:08 UTC
He did not need Adam`s rib as He created Adam, but to show that man needs companionship with a person man can be intimate with that is a part of himself. Eve was created from Adam to show that she was to be a part of him, his life and his help mate. Thus the first marriage was between Adam and Eve.
2016-02-20 10:47:11 UTC
G-d created Adam, then separately he created Lillith. Unfortunately when he creates two separate beings, Adam and Lillith didn't get along because they were both created separate and equal. They would fight for dominance, even over sex. Eventually Lillith abandoned Adam and went to go mate with Samuel ( Archangel who serves G-d whose tasks are death, seduction, and accusing) Adam gets pissed and tells G-d what Lillith did. G-d makes a new partner for Adam, this time her name is Chaya meaning "life" (Eve) but rather than the experiment of making two separate beings like with Lillith, this time he makes her a part of him, the rib being allegorical for protecting his heart. Eve, unlike Lillith is sweet, subservient to Adam, but naive. (Adam never got an upgrade, stayed dominant and demanding) Later on Samuel the archangel being it is his job to do evil goes to seduce Eve to eat the apple of the tree if knowledge and also bears a son Cain with her. Hence why G-d punishes Eve. Poor Adam.
2016-02-20 08:17:57 UTC
God chose to take Adams rib. so Adam was able to recite the poetry at Genesis chapter 2 verse 23. God performed the closest marriage. If husband and wife today applied Gods commands on marriage they would also be close. Visit
2016-02-20 05:39:51 UTC
The creation story was probably derived from the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elish, probably via the Canaanites

The Adam and Eve story was another myth that tried to explain how death, toil and other woes came into the world; and like the Greek Pandora myth, a woman is blamed (and by extension, in a patriarchal society, all women).

The fact that Genesis 2:22 shows that woman was made from the man implies the lower status of women in a patriarchal society.

In Genesis 2:23, Adam names the new arrival as "woman": "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." And in Genesis 3:20 he calls her Eve. This is reminiscent of his naming of the cattle and fowl in Genesis 2:20. And woman's lower status is explicit in Genesis 3:16 when God curses the woman and rules that her husband shall rule over her.

Paul in the New Testament insists that women keep their heads covered and claim that men were the image of god but women weren't: "For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." (1 Corinthians 11:7-9).
2016-02-22 15:49:48 UTC
Lets understand b/w create and maked. The bible says that God maked man and later he also maked woman out of man, and the bible also says that he created he male and female. The act of creation was the blue print of God they were created on the same day in the mind of God but maked on difference day. That's the secret power of God that man will not just understand. So he did not use the rib to create but to make so that there will be evidence of his hands work.
2016-02-20 13:49:50 UTC
God has no "needs"

Psa 50:12 If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.

He was making a profound spiritual statement when he took a rib from Adam and used it to make Eve
2016-02-19 23:49:49 UTC
Omg he didn't create the universe! Its physically impossible for someone who need oxygen to breathe made the universe by himself! The universe was created by the Big Bang which was started by physics. And the Adam and Eve story was made up so kids or hopeless people had someone to believe in. Humans evolved from animals and animals evolved from sediments in the water.
2016-02-20 13:32:34 UTC
(1) God didn't "need" to. He decided to. Huge difference.

(2) Why did He decide to? He wanted Eve to be part of Adam, not a separate creation.
Mr. Brooks
2016-02-21 03:06:25 UTC
God isn't capable of creating an entire universe. Know why? Because he isn't real!
2016-02-21 11:31:56 UTC
We do no exactly know how to describe existence let alone Self existence.All we know from infinity the substance of the Heavens and the substance of the Earth was created by our Creator as described in the Biblical record of Creation.

The word rib is"Costa" in Latin which means side.It could have been an appendix,no one really knows how the woman was created except it was an opposite sex.Hence it was a synergistic Creation
2016-02-20 06:23:51 UTC
The need existed; in Adam... He needed to behold, see and recognize, be with and touch ... His own *kind*....

God formed Eve, to answer Adam's need....

Adam was alone, felt great emptiness inside, once he realized, there was no one, of his likeness... Thus in love for Adam; God formed Eve.
2016-02-21 01:13:20 UTC
Well, here's the thing: After I wouldn't go missionary for Adam every f*cking night and he tattled to his godly buddy, he wanted to be sure the next one would be submissive.

Basically, it's god-level binding magic, using Adam as the seeding material.

Nasty stuff... that's the real reason hubby and I got the hell out of Dodge and never looked back. It disgusted us.
2016-02-20 11:28:42 UTC
Beats me. I'm still trying to figure out why if God planned everything from the beginning to the end of time in minute detail, then why was He so (BLEEPED) off when Adam & Eve supposedly ate of the tree of knowledge when He knew they were going to do it.
God's Son
2016-02-20 04:29:05 UTC
Adam named all the animal even the woman to be called a woman its because Adam named her that. Why God didnt name all the animals himself...because man was given the duty of leadership over his house but not to abuse and exploit. Hence Adam named the Woman a "Woman" and He even named her "Eve" after she was created from him.

God does things in order not random...but whoever God puts in leadership there is a price to pay thats why we see God calling Adam first not Eve soon after they ate the forbidden tree yet it was Eve who was deceived by Satan to eat it...

Conclusion: God used a rib from Adam to set a clear distinction hierrachy that a woman is under her man. There cant be 2 leaders even with countries there must be one Boss whom all responsibility is upon him. And a man it his responsibility not to abuse or exploit hus wife. Thats a picture of WHAT A MARRIAGE IS...JUST AS THE CHURCH CAME FROM CHRIST AND CHRIST LOVES THE CHURCH SO AS EVE CAME OUT OF ADAM AND ADAM LOVED EVE!
2016-02-20 06:31:50 UTC
I very much doubt God needed Adams rib. I heard a theory once that God used the rib because it is close to, and protects, the heart and that was his desire for all humanity to protect each other.
2016-02-20 05:39:47 UTC
Of course God is All Mighty, but He had to do so to justify His call for everyone to be 'united' on the basis of being brought into existence from the seeds of Adam, as a 'Test of faith'.
2016-02-20 17:18:41 UTC
Eve was created as a help mate for Adam. The rib was significant to show that she was part of him and he was part of her. The two shall become one.
2016-02-20 14:00:12 UTC
God was "joining them them together that is why God took Adam's rib and God reported Adam as saying "This is at last, flesh of my flesh !"
2016-02-22 10:40:33 UTC
It is symbolic of man and woman's being "one" in marriage.God didn't have to use Adam's rib but chose to as a symbol.
2016-02-21 12:33:27 UTC
In the creation of woman, God did not make her separate and distinct from man by forming her from the dust of the ground, as he had done in the creation of Adam. He took a rib from Adam’s side, and from it He built for Adam a perfect counterpart, the woman Eve. (Genesis 2:21, 22) Adam, nevertheless, remained a perfect man, now united as ‘bone of bone and flesh of flesh’ with his wife. (Genesis 2:23; Deuteronomy 32:4)
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-02-21 10:01:35 UTC
God created Adam from dirt and Eve from ribs. The proof is that boys still like to eat ribs and girls still like to get dirty.
2016-02-20 07:40:44 UTC
God's will Eve Male and female are one flesh
2016-02-20 00:18:33 UTC
Because that is a book of lies and you can't question fiction, it's like: why are balls round? they just are, just like people used to believe the earth was round until proved different, people will continue to have faith because no one can prove this wrong well enough to get them off the obsession, just like anorexics loving skinny but they love that book and the notion of a creator and they think the book somehow backs it all up. And that is okay cause everyone is free to believe whatever :D I for example like the notion of reincarnation and decided to believe in that <3 and no one has been able to get the idea off my mind, we believe what we want to believe and it's relaxing.
2016-02-21 17:11:21 UTC
There is an argument that the word 'rib' is a mistranslation. It could have meant the bone in his penis, which nobody has...(and the fact that god took it out is why...) after all, we all have an equal number of ribs...
2016-02-20 07:10:03 UTC
The fact of the matter, God is showing that the two people shall become one flesh, as God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit. One God, Three Persons in the Godhead bodily, read 1 John 5:7-8
2016-02-21 01:49:14 UTC
The Bible says women are made for man. Adam came first and he asked god a suitable partner and god got adam ribs so the new human would have bigger chest.
2016-02-19 19:58:23 UTC
The beauty of being created with part of man.....and bond in man and woman very special. God always makes things so incredible and unique........ a man and woman both under Lord is precious gift to one another. Equal partners different roles.......biblical marriage amazing.....not many have it and take it serious enough. If they did they would be blessed and stand out amongst other couples
2016-02-20 05:36:28 UTC
In the human body there are 24 of these long, slender, curved bones enclosing the chest cavity. Arranged in 12 pairs, they form a cage protecting the heart and lungs. Blood is produced in the marrow of the rib bones.

In the creation of woman, God did not make her separate and distinct from man by forming her from the dust of the ground, as he had done in the creation of Adam. He took a rib from Adam’s side, and from it He built for Adam a perfect counterpart, the woman Eve. (Ge 2:21, 22) Adam, nevertheless, remained a perfect man, now united as ‘bone of bone and flesh of flesh’ with his wife. (Ge 2:23; De 32:4) Moreover, this did not disturb the reproductive cells of Adam so as to affect his children, boys or girls, in their rib structure. The human male and female both have 24 ribs.

It is of interest to note that a rib that has been removed will grow again, replacing itself, as long as the periosteum (the membrane of connective tissue that covers the bone) is allowed to remain. Whether Jehovah God followed this procedure or not the record does not state; however, as man’s Creator, God was certainly aware of this unusual quality of the rib bones.

The word “rib” is found again in the Bible in Daniel’s account of a vision that God gave to him during the rule of King Belshazzar of Babylon. A first beast representing the dynastic line of rulers of Babylon appeared, followed by a beast like a bear, which pictured the next ‘king,’ or line of world rulers, namely, those of Medo-Persia. This bearlike beast had three ribs in its mouth. These ribs may denote that the ‘king’ symbolized by the bear pushed its conquests in three directions, as Medo-Persia did. Since the number three is used in the Scriptures as a symbol of intensity or emphasis, the three ribs may also emphasize the greed of this symbolic bear for territorial conquests.—Da 7:5, 17; see BEASTS, SYMBOLIC.
2016-02-20 08:44:17 UTC
Because he was a false god and false gods always do things that are like this. By the way Adam, Eve, Christian god all of them are mythological entities.
2016-02-19 19:27:07 UTC
So Eve would be Adam's equal partner.
2016-02-20 07:17:22 UTC
well i think its coz its was symbolic by God to show that Eve should submit to Adam & also i think its coz Adam was lonely & since they were made of the same thing they'd probably have some common characteristics thus making it easier to bond,& so Adam wouldn't feel lonely no more.
2016-02-20 06:54:00 UTC
That's like asking if time travel is impossible how come Captain Kirk managed it. The bible is fiction, its well over a thousand years old. The Vatican was responsible for taking a lot of old tales and cobbling them together whilst getting rid of the tales that went against the message they wanted to promote.
2016-02-21 08:03:03 UTC
Woman came from man and they join as one flesh when they get married. Jehovah probably did not NEED to use Adams rib but he did so YAAAH
2016-02-20 06:18:51 UTC
Exactly! I think it was the old patriarchal semi-literate men who wrote the OT to put women in their place. From my research I have found that "God" has no gender.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparative Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion and Eng Lit
2016-02-21 23:46:33 UTC
Adams rib was like a symbol, to show they were the same species, and should treat each other equally with respect and kindness. He also wanted to ensure they were made of the same materials.
2016-02-20 20:11:57 UTC
It's symbolic.
2016-02-20 08:26:46 UTC
It was a teaching moment to tell us by object lesson that Adam was to provide and protect Eve as one of his duties as a husband !!!


I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil (trouble): I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:5-7

Remember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 46:6-10

John 14:29 And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe

Jer 10:10 But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

Jhn 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

1Jo 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

Pray the following

Dear Lord,

I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you. Amen
2016-02-19 22:32:20 UTC
Eve would be Adam's equivalent accomplice.
2016-02-21 02:31:23 UTC
It's a fairy tale. A made up story made up by witchdoctors to advance their positions in life on the back of people's fears and ignorance.
2016-02-20 06:29:04 UTC
This represented a marriage.Uniting Adam and Eve.

Isaiah 55:9

9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So my ways are higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts

In the human body there are 24 of these long, slender, curved bones enclosing the chest cavity. Arranged in 12 pairs, they form a cage protecting the heart and lungs. Blood is produced in the marrow of the rib bones.

In the creation of woman, God did not make her separate and distinct from man by forming her from the dust of the ground, as he had done in the creation of Adam. He took a rib from Adam’s side, and from it He built for Adam a perfect counterpart, the woman Eve. (Ge 2:21, 22) Adam, nevertheless, remained a perfect man, now united as ‘bone of bone and flesh of flesh’ with his wife. (Ge 2:23; De 32:4) Moreover, this did not disturb the reproductive cells of Adam so as to affect his children, boys or girls, in their rib structure. The human male and female both have 24 ribs.

It is of interest to note that a rib that has been removed will grow again, replacing itself, as long as the periosteum (the membrane of connective tissue that covers the bone) is allowed to remain. Whether Jehovah God followed this procedure or not the record does not state; however, as man’s Creator, God was certainly aware of this unusual quality of the rib bones.
2016-02-20 10:35:54 UTC
God knows
Ernest S
2016-02-19 19:29:36 UTC
Since the Almighty is able to create all things instantly the rather obvious and pertinent question that everybody avoids is :

Why didn't He?

Address that and you will begin to approach truth.
2016-02-22 06:45:38 UTC
Because then women would be as bold headed and headstrong and stubborn as men. God wanted women to need men and to help them and be able to sympathize with them. I also think he gave us a 2.0 of a brain. Because women understand things and social things that escape men or men never figure out that is going on. Even if they are a genius and super religious on top of it.
2016-02-21 19:04:53 UTC
Because it is a plot hole in the story. Just like how Yahweh (God) is all powerful, but is unable to defend against iron (as in the iron chariots), or how he is omnipotent, but is unaware of Abel's whereabouts after he is murdered by Cain. The list of plot holes and contradictions would take all day to list, but the point is, you have to rationalize it in order to believe it.
2016-02-22 12:21:09 UTC
Cos Adam had a spare rib!
Wellll... hello then!
2016-02-21 09:39:21 UTC
It has something to do with kingdom order and the spiritual laws He set up!

It's also instructional lessons for the future Christians~
Roberta B
2016-02-20 06:48:27 UTC
It is not about God needing anyrhing.

God knows humans, and the physical bond between the first man and the first woman would help them to stay together and value marriage.

What Our Creator knows is that marriage is important, and this is yet another object lesson for humans. He said "Rejoice with the wife of your youth"
2016-02-19 19:31:03 UTC
i think it was just the most logical way to get the required genetic material .. if you were creating another program that could use the 'engine' in a previous program you would simply paste the existing one right in ... you could write it all again from scratch but that would make you alittle daft ..
2016-02-20 04:32:38 UTC
well, to begin with, adam was created from the dust of the earth.

so, from dust to dust ...

the fact that the first woman came from man ... teaches me :

-- that we're the SAME specie

-- a baby born of a man and a woman ... is of the SAME specie.

in other words, we are the same specie , we come from each other.

notice how the human race was multiplied from this FIRST woman who came from a man.

well , i learn that this is how it works.

obviously, a woman cannot be made in another way IF she is of adam's specie.

angels is of another specie ... made a different way.

so there ...
2016-02-21 23:19:53 UTC
God is capable of creating Eve because people believe that fairy tales are real.
2016-02-20 03:04:10 UTC
Because God wanted to create more vocabularies especially the word Wooooman.
Robert S
2016-02-21 11:13:17 UTC
It took billions of years to make the rough prototype.

GOD didn't start over from scratch, to create his masterpiece.

Mankind changed from reproduction by budding to sex.
2016-02-20 14:41:52 UTC
To give Adam a perfect, compliant and loving wife: would've cost Adam an arm + a leg! So, ergo.................
2016-02-23 00:59:48 UTC
He didn't necessarily need it to make Eve. That's just the way he did it.
2016-02-22 12:15:06 UTC
2016-02-19 22:03:22 UTC
Well, maybe he has a certain amount of material to create in a certain amount of time and he just didn't have enough.
Sheltie Lover
2016-02-19 19:32:58 UTC
He didn't "need" to do it that way. He simply chose to.

Remember what Adam said when God brought Eve to him?

"This is at last bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh".

God wanted them to be of the substance and matter.

2016-02-19 19:45:53 UTC
Ultimately to help us understand his relationship with his church.

Gen 2:22 He made the rib, which Yahweh God had taken from the man, into a woman, and brought her to the man. 2:23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken out of Man.” 2:24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his wife, and they will be one flesh.

When a husband and wife marry, we often think of them as two separate persons, but God thinks of them as one, going back to the beginning when the woman was formed out of the same flesh as the man. His choice to form Eve that way was to help us understand how he looks at the union of a husband and wife.

Mt 19:4 He answered, “Haven’t you read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female,* 19:5 and said, ‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall join to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?’* 19:6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, don’t let man tear apart.”

This illustration is important because it then helps us understand how God looks at the intimately close relationship of Christ and his church.

Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
2016-02-19 20:29:33 UTC
because women are supposed to be our equal that is why he made her from man's rib
2016-02-23 10:47:48 UTC
Because he chose to? That's why!
2016-02-22 10:15:24 UTC
As human is done of concrete matter God deal with him in theory always with some real cause...
2016-02-21 10:11:18 UTC
No! God create everyone wonderfully made
2016-02-20 08:59:34 UTC
The Chinese can create some lovely meals out of ribs.So can Texans.
2016-02-21 00:22:23 UTC
2016-02-19 23:10:26 UTC
Soul mates
2016-02-19 22:15:52 UTC
The Bible never said that he needed to. Pretty much everything he does is symbolic. I dont remember what it s symbolic of, but I do know that it says it.
2016-02-21 06:18:35 UTC
Could it be He was one of the first recyclers? Or simply thought: if THIS twit is how the first attempt turned out, I will try again,. have to say his second attempt;t was miles s better
2016-02-19 19:34:26 UTC
That's one of the plot holes.
2016-02-20 02:19:13 UTC
To be compatible with Adam.
Hannah J Paul
2016-02-20 14:06:21 UTC
He did not NEED it. He did, however, want them to be as close as possible. And he wanted man to be family.

Hannah J Paul
2016-02-21 20:42:49 UTC
I think this is symbolic to say that man and woman need one another.
2016-02-21 03:11:18 UTC
FOR GOODNESS SAKE,it is just a fairy story,like you get in a COMIC which is what the BIBLE is,simply an adventure comic written by man ok.
Disciple of Truth
2016-02-20 00:49:17 UTC
No, everything is created from something. That is very astute of you to notice the biblical hint in Genesis. God had taught me this concept, and you now reinforce it for me with biblical reference. Thanks.
2016-02-21 20:23:34 UTC
To symbolize equality.
2016-02-21 13:58:58 UTC
God didn't "need" to. He did it because he wanted the two to be one.
2016-02-20 01:41:14 UTC
if he had created Eve out of nothing, you would have also complained.
2016-02-22 08:15:06 UTC
the genesis narrative reflects an ancient group of people who had a different language and culture and means of expression.
2016-02-20 04:25:14 UTC
there isn't a logical answer to this. this might as well be a gotcha question.
2016-02-21 22:26:33 UTC
Because Christianity is full of contradictions and the bible was written by regular men like you and me
2016-02-20 19:45:42 UTC
I claimed he had a lot of resources. The church and Bible do not agree.

And I claim that there are lots of Gods. REAL ones.
2016-02-21 02:52:52 UTC
To subjugate women
2016-02-20 13:49:27 UTC
He did it to make man and woman of "one flesh". So they would remain married and stick to each other for life.
2016-02-21 11:44:19 UTC
God didnt need it but he used it as symbolism i think.
2016-02-20 12:55:59 UTC
To give man a woman made from man - the perfect mate.
2016-02-21 13:53:24 UTC
Because he ran out of that special human-making mud. <- That makes as much sense as a lot of the other answers.

2016-02-19 21:20:24 UTC
Yes who in this world would even think of believing in this crazy tripe.
2016-02-20 20:53:30 UTC
It didn't say he needed one.
2016-02-22 15:30:33 UTC
The fairytale writers wanted everything in their story to be some unnecessary and bullshit analogy.
2016-02-21 16:11:28 UTC
Go ask God.. Not people who are not God LOL
2016-02-22 16:42:27 UTC
because that's the way God chose! God didn't "NEED" to do it this way.. He chose this way..
2016-02-21 07:56:17 UTC
Kieth Whitley said he wanted his back!
2016-02-20 13:11:59 UTC
the bible is real as star wars /star trek/lord of the rings /harry potter/ jurassic park.

all these are man -made fiction. all free inventions of the human mind.
2016-02-22 03:13:00 UTC
Just another female put down.
2016-02-20 17:37:55 UTC
No but Barry White is.
2016-02-20 02:53:37 UTC
this kind of thing is too deep for you.. don't ask
2016-02-21 00:49:47 UTC
Praise Jesus
2016-02-20 13:01:11 UTC
< to create eve?>>

Just because He chose to do it that way doesn't mean He "needed" to.
2016-02-22 15:32:05 UTC
To keep him from biting off the dirtiest apple.
2016-02-19 19:25:23 UTC
Ever hear of DNA?

The lessons of the story are not found in the trivia.
Black Feminist
2016-02-21 12:33:35 UTC
So many gullible people knocking about.
2016-02-20 22:57:10 UTC
he didn't but he did that is one of the mysteries of faith
2016-02-20 15:37:42 UTC
if you knew the Lord, you would know there is a significant meaning by everything that He does.
2016-02-22 02:44:13 UTC
i think coz he is stil in the process of creating
2016-02-19 19:25:57 UTC
Because he wanted to.. simple as that
2016-02-23 17:51:50 UTC
to show women & men r not different but from & of each other...she is from him so its his responsibility to take her care & protect her...she is from your chest & her place is there...both r each other's part of life...& u got what i wanna say!:)
2016-02-21 17:00:07 UTC
2016-02-22 15:25:57 UTC
It was symbolism
2016-02-19 23:37:21 UTC
Because he is a selfiesh bastard
John P
2016-02-21 09:04:16 UTC
because they are both MYTHS. Neither happened.
2016-02-20 01:06:49 UTC
Ask Moses, he made it up.

EDIT: I just can't believe what I'm reading about "Love and Equality". We're talking about a time when girls were chattles for parents to trade for goods i.e. pre-arranged marriages before they reached puberty for a dowry. Theists, try and get a grip on your lunacy.
2016-02-20 08:23:09 UTC
for love
2016-02-20 16:40:21 UTC
In Christ, Martin
2016-02-21 12:21:00 UTC
Abdul Malik Ishak
2016-02-20 04:32:35 UTC
Allah Taala only will it to be.
2016-02-19 19:35:38 UTC
He had His reasons.
2016-02-21 07:36:07 UTC
because god is made up..
2016-02-22 15:17:15 UTC
the "RIB" is and was symbolic totally
Sam P
2016-02-20 08:02:02 UTC
2016-02-22 10:37:00 UTC
cuz god is gay and unbr00tul
2016-02-21 09:50:13 UTC
2016-02-21 12:02:28 UTC
Because he is amazing :).
2016-02-20 22:11:34 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.