Can anyone tell me what is the correct way to read the bible?
kay k ♥
2009-04-18 15:22:02 UTC
Can anyone tell me which is the correct way to read the bible?
Are you meant oto read it with your mind until it sinks in and "you know" (if that makes sense) or are you meant to read it and it go into your heart instead?I spoke to a Christian lady on the phone before once and told her that nothing was sinking in when i read it and she told me to listen to it on tape and when i told her that listening to it on tape didnt make it sink in for me either she hung up on me and i started crying and felt despair.
Which is the correct way to read it please?
37 answers:
2009-04-18 15:32:26 UTC
First, the Bible can not be fully understood until you are saved and have the Spirit of God dwelling within you...

1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

God will give each person enough spiritual insight to understand their need for salvation, and to trust Jesus as Saviour. If you do not act upon that, then you can not understand the rest of the Bible. That is why there are so many different religions and groups today. Many people out there trying to understand God's Word, by their own natural abilities.

Secondly, after your saved, when you read and study the Bible, you are to take everything literal, except where the context of Scripture says otherwise.

This is another reason many people do not understand the Bible, and have many false beliefs. They try to spiritualize everything, and try to make the Bible say things it does not say.

Thirdly, This is why God gives some to be Teachers, and some Preachers, and Some Evangelist. God gives these folks to help others understand His Word better. This is why God also says...

Jas 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

There are many on this website who are going to be very ashamed when they stand before God. They answer questions by what they "thing", or "feel" or "believe", but forget that it is what God said that matters.
Viquar S
2009-04-19 01:44:14 UTC
If you want to read Bible intellectually, then you take various version of Bible publish in past 50 years, tally each lines of each Bible. I am sure you will realize the interpolation, deletion of verses, contradiction between OT and NT, in historical and geographical facts, and also scientific facts. After comparing all Bibles published by different sects of Christianity , you decide what is the correct Bible and what is correct way to read Bible, In other words, there are different versions of the Bible. Which Bible is the Bible? The people of the Bible have not yet come to a unified answer! The disagreement here is not about a word, a line or a page. It is about hundreds of pages to be included in the Bible or excluded.The original book The Gospel, revealed to Jesus was lost and not exist any more. If the Bible which you have to read is not correct, so why you bother to know how to read read it. Every day the Christian missionaries fabricate many fake stories regarding the Bible and Jesus. Becareful. Lie is lie, Prophet Jesus was truthful, in the name of Jesus, don't lie and fabricate stories.
2016-10-16 09:50:29 UTC
Dunno approximately 'spectacular'. that shows one way, which seems fairly nonsensical to me (notwithstanding I recognize it incredibly is the way fairly some Christians know it). Can in straight forward terms say that the only way areas of it particularly make experience to me is to think of it incredibly is quite often metaphorical and/or bearing on a fashion of existence it incredibly is 3000 years long previous (i'm speaking with reference to the Jewish bible right here, the Tanakh - can't make experience of the NT in any way, i'm afraid). quite than assuming there's a real meaning or A authentic Interpretation, I start up from the theory that there are psychological quite than literal truths to be found. So quite than traumatic approximately e.g. no count if Moses particularly existed and no count if the Israelites have been particularly slaves in Egypt and all that, i'm plenty greater drawn to seeing how the tale talks approximately how we individuate, how we pass away the risk-free yet oppressive (as maximum childrens experience approximately their families and for some it incredibly is quite actually authentic) and pass out into the international. the way it takes time to alter our attitudes and orientation to the international (you could take the new child out of an abusive concern notwithstanding it takes longer to get the abuse out of the new child and so on). in case you look on the entire exodus tale by this lens, each and every thing that occurs in the time of the wanderings makes appropriate experience - actually is amazingly illuminating. It talks approximately how we undertaking authority - yet while we do it from conceitedness and conviction that we are authentic and the different guy or woman is inaccurate, we will only get ourselves right into a much bigger mess; how we are worried of the recent (the spies distinctly exaggerate all they have seen in the promised land) and so on. yet it particularly is just one way. I only grow to have an interest via the actuality that the Tanakh had survived for see you later. something it incredibly is lasted would desire to have some sort of certainty in it (like fairy memories, Greek myths, and so on). So I regarded for what grow to be there and stumbled on a good Jewish custom of finding in this way. If it would not appeal to you, do no longer difficulty with it. you will get greater out of examining a different that touches on a number of existence's deeper meanings, or a particular poet would communicate to you. I certainly have not got something invested in having you study the bible in any way in case you do no longer % to.
Mr McKenzie- Tears of Joy
2009-04-18 16:53:28 UTC
Many folks approach the Bible with a 'darken understanding,' see Ephesians 4:18, and try to make sense of it. But just as the Bible says, they cannot understand it, see Corinthians 2:14. The only way the Scriptures can make sense to us is for us to read them with a humble heart that is searching for truth. God promises to resist those who are proud. Obviously, the best was for anyone to understand God's Word is to switch on the light, to repent and trust Him who said, "I am the light of life," John 8:12.
2009-04-18 15:56:33 UTC
Just read it -- and let God do the rest.

Begin from the book of Genesis. As you read along, some impressions would remain. Take them down so that they'd be with you as you go along your journey up to the book of the Revelations. Then when you're done, recap.

Then read anew. From Genesis to Revelations, you'll notice that new details would keep coming up. Then you'd learn to slow down to see more details -- and relate those pieces of seemingly minute but important information with each other. By then, you'd realize that reading -- and understanding -- the Bible just couldn't be had by fiat.

But, you see, to be more fruitful in your reading: you got to learn by doing. You'll notice that your outlook would change by the impressions; and from that, you'd learn to act accordingly. Don't think whether what you're doing goes into your mind or into your heart. Knowledge sinks into the mind; understanding sinks into the heart. But wisdom emerges from the soul.
2009-04-18 15:59:51 UTC
ok you read it by little paragraphs,but the big numbers,sometimes there are too large so you can break them up and only read until it makes since and doesn't change the subject.I suggest that you start reading the new testament first but when you read like a story like what happened,then you read it until its done,you don't have to read too much but until the story is done,and think about it and think of ways that what that can mean into you can you put what they did in you life,what is the good of it?their point?and try to reflect on it.but if you start reading the old testament which they tell about stories and everything,its more confusing. you should read the new one and just flips though it,and before opening it ask god to guide you on where you can read.look for special sentences then when you find them then read from the beginning of where the topic don't have to read it like a chapter book,bc then your never going to get it.

for example i have this bibble its only the new testamnet and its broken up into tittle so i can know what they are about.I found htis sente taht got my attention on 1Corinthians 7:9 that says "However,if you cannot control your desires,you should get married.It is better for you to marry than to burn with sexual desire."

sp then i stared reading from 7:1 and finished at 7:39 but because i wanted to but you could finish earlier like in 7:10 but again its up to you and you can read as little as you want but as long as you get the point then reflect it on your life
just a dude
2009-04-18 15:50:05 UTC
Since you're having trouble getting anything out of it, I recommend the following tips:

-Pray to God about it.

-You can get a concordance (a book that is simply an index to the Bible), look for keywords about something your curious about, and study the Bible that way instead of reading it from chapter to chapter (if that's what you do)

-go to "", they have the Amplified Bible free online which takes a LOT of the guesswork out of reading the Bible because it inserts between parethesis, who is talking, and what exactly is being talked about.

- "" offers a great, free, no obligation seminary "school" for laypersons. it,s a learn at your own pace site that allows you to pick and choose the lectures you want to hear. It's professors run circles around the average preacher.

-read commentaries on the Bible.
2009-04-19 13:24:37 UTC
Before you start you need to pray & ask YHWH God to show U by His

Spirit what His Word says & what it means in the name of Messiah Y'shua..

Maybe try & read Genesis & Matthew, Exodus & Mark, & so on to get a picture of whats in the Scriptures.

Please don't give up, it takes a while & you will understand little by little.
2009-04-18 15:28:04 UTC
Start in the book of Acts 1
2009-04-18 15:32:10 UTC
The best way to read the Bible is first, get a modern english version. When you read you must understand two principles (at least), one, let the chapter and book around a verse explain what it means, do not take verses out of context and two, the Bible does not have any different meaning than it had for its original audience. Good luck in your studies.
2009-04-18 15:46:47 UTC
there is only one way to read the bible. get a Strong's concordance and a king james 1611 bible. open at page one. look up and write down each word from the original linguas. this may take some time, be diligent. when you come to the words the end. you will have the education you seek.
2009-04-18 15:41:18 UTC
The first and most important thing is that you accept the simple message of the Gospel - that God in the Person of Jesus Christ came down from heaven and died on a cross for the sins of mankind - and for your sins in particular - so that you being freely forgiven your sins might inherit eternal life in Heaven.

Consider how great is this promise from Jesus Christ:

"I (Jesus) tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

John 5:24

When you accept this in your heart, and believe the testimony God the Father has borne concerning His Son, you begin to come into agreement with God and you can begin to understand.

Understanding comes first to the heart - and then we begin to fit the pieces together to come to a clear intellectual understanding of truth.

The "navel" of all truth is this - God, hanging on a cross, for the sins of His rebellious children.

The apostles walked with Jesus 3 years, but did not understand until after He suffered and rose from the dead.

Only then were they able to receive the gift of the Spirit.

In Luke we read:

"He said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms."

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures

. He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things."

Luke 24:44-48

This same meeting is recorded in John's Gospel where we read:

"Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."

John 20:21-23

It was when they received the Spirit that they began to understand the Scriptures.

Ask Jesus for the gift of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, and expect the answer will be yes - He always received those who came to Him - and you will receive the gift of the Counselor, God the Holy Spirit, come down from heaven to teach us and lead us into all truth:

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

John 14:26
Ninja Penguin
2009-04-18 15:27:10 UTC
We are to give attention to reading (1 Timothy 4:13). We are to study to show ourselves approved of unto God (2 Timothy 2:15). We are to meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8-9). We ar to keep the commandments of God (John 14:15).
2009-04-18 15:28:37 UTC
If you are looking for a special feeling when you read the bible, you won't always get that. I almost never do. Just trust God to reveal the meaning to you. If you are really having a tough time you could try joining a bible study.
2017-03-03 17:52:00 UTC
So far as books which may have movies, the catalogs aren't limited by a set time frame and so can get into much more depth a feature size movie could. Sometimes movies end up very different from the book
2017-02-02 08:56:41 UTC
i rarely watch tv. you just do not get the same quality. after all, try making walden into a tv show
2009-04-18 15:28:20 UTC
Step one: Learn to Read

Step two: Flip page over

Step three: Read the letters in word form from Left to Right

Step four: Read next line

Step five: Repeat

Step six Read till end of page:

Step seven: Read page next to it.

Step eight: Repeat all steps above
2009-04-18 15:29:53 UTC
You need to use the concordance to make sure you have the right translation of the names. LORD= Yehowah, the Almighty

Jesus =Yehowshuwa the Messiah, and so on.
2009-04-18 18:29:11 UTC
if you are in christ i would start in the new testament,if you are not in christ,it will not make any sience to you.because the bible tells us that the natural man cannot under stand the things of god they are foolishness to him it must be reveiled by the spirit.
The Sage
2009-04-18 15:33:58 UTC
Mary, dare I say it? The correct way to read the bible is to read it as any other good book. We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another (Swift).

Some people are so busy trying to become divine that they cease to be human.
2009-04-18 15:28:22 UTC
With an open mind. read it as if you would any other book. you may not think it is sinking in. But it is. Or else you wouldn't of ask.
2009-04-18 15:29:14 UTC
Well the first step is to open the book.
2009-04-18 15:27:41 UTC
There are two ways: devotionally, and critically (as literature). Both can be correct, it just depends on what your purpose is.
2009-04-18 15:36:56 UTC
Get the miniseries it's a lot easier to follow.
2009-04-18 15:30:05 UTC
I be honest, most translations are so far from correct, it hard to recommend. Maybe its god trying to keep your brain from filling up with incorrect material.

Chris T.
2009-04-18 15:26:13 UTC
Like you would read any other book.
2009-04-18 15:28:37 UTC
Subject to the teaching of the Church. Otherwise you will have no way of knowing what it actually means other than your own personal guesses, or someone else's personal guesses.
2009-04-18 15:26:21 UTC
Same way you would read any other fictional book.

The Bible doesnt "sink in" for most intelligent and educated people
2009-04-18 15:26:21 UTC
Read with you mind. If you read with your heart, any book can become the truth.

You can/should never abandon reason.
2009-04-18 15:27:46 UTC
treat it like a work of fiction and you will be fine. Think of it as aesops fables.
2009-04-18 15:28:48 UTC
Read it with a commentary.
2009-04-18 15:26:31 UTC
front to back and left to right, also a bit of critical thought and at least one bottle of tylenol.....
2009-04-18 15:26:01 UTC
correct way is to close the book and put it back on the fiction counter where it belongs.
2009-04-18 15:25:57 UTC
Read with a skeptical mind.
2009-04-18 15:27:00 UTC
With a lot of skepticism.
The Open Road.
2009-04-18 15:26:22 UTC
With alcohol.
2009-04-18 15:25:24 UTC
Left to right, top to bottom.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.