no the fossil of a monkey is not evidence
just as science said that dinosaurs evolved into birds is proof of evolution
yet recent finds prove the theory wrong
these theories contradict what science says
Theropod Dinosaurs Evolved Into Birds? Not Likely, Says Study
some species of dinosaurs never even existed but were made up.
A Third of Dinosaur Species Never Existed?
Many dinosaurs may be facing a new kind of extinction—a controversial theory suggests as many as a third of all known dinosaur species never existed in the first place.
just because some one says this is evolution does not mean it actual is
evolution has to be observed and it can not be observed
we only have men claiming its proof but what they claim is often over turned and found to be false.
many ape fossils have been faked and are found to be scams as lucy and pilthdown man and other such fossils.
Do you think someone just sat down and said "let's make up this crazy lie about evolution" and then created un-real evidence to support the evolution theory?
yes that is exactly what they do
they want evolution to be true so they fake fossils and call them, ape men when they are not.
there is no evidence dinosaurs evolved into birds but yet they say it did.
the age of the earth has no evidence either but it does not stop them from making a assumption based on no evidence.
So far scientists have not found a way to determine the exact age of the Earth directly from Earth rocks because Earth's oldest rocks have been recycled and destroyed by the process of plate tectonics. If there are any of Earth's primordial rocks left in their original state, they have not yet been found. Nevertheless, scientists have been able to determine the probable age of the Solar System and to calculate an age for the Earth by assuming that the Earth and the rest of the solid bodies in the Solar System formed at the same time and are, therefore, of the same age.
a assumption with no evidence is a guess, not facts observed, not a scientific theory