Oh my goodness. Now the scientists are saying?
Oh Wise One
2012-01-30 05:41:38 UTC
forget global warming, it's now a global iceage we have to worry about. Give me a break. Do you believe global warming to be a farce? Please state your belief/nonbelief as I'm attempt to verify that faith in God has something to do with not being a fool.
23 answers:
Daddy Dennis
2012-01-30 18:22:55 UTC
One of the traits of a people who turn from God is they are easily scared and spooked. They lack faith and just because it starts with God does not mean it ends there. This lack of faith in just about anything but themselves and their heroes makes them skittish and easily scared into over-reactions.

We see this when we have to go through so much garbage to get on an airplane. An easily scared and faithless people over-reacting to a perceived threat.

We see the same thing going on here. People using a sledgehammer to kill a cockroach that might not even exist.

Love ya Ben!
2016-09-26 07:53:25 UTC
You are not able to be born to be any special manner. Nothing is fully genetic. There is an environmental have an effect on. Even within the womb the atmosphere has an affect which isn't thoroughly as a result of the genetic of the little one. The atmosphere of the womb would be something that reasons men and women to be lesbian however it's not quite a element in being homosexual. If homosexuality used to be thoroughly genetic MZ twins could both be each gay or each immediately. You can inform how so much androgens you had been uncovered to prenatally through the ratio among your moment and fourth palms in your proper hand. Many had been uncovered to androgens who've no longer grew to become out to be gay. There are remedies for infants who had an excessive amount of androgen publicity. This limitation is extra complexed than you consider. I additionally consider that in the event that they had been born that manner we could see indicators of homosexuality previous and homosexuality could nonetheless be regarded a ailment.
2012-01-30 06:13:47 UTC
Global warming will lead to fluctuations in temperature all over the world and will not be spread out evenly, but the global average temperature will rise.

Now if you get a map and look at the position of London in relation to many cities in the US and Canada you will see that it is far to the north of them, but it doesn't have the terrible winters that are common in Canada and the US......yet. This is because of two things, the Gulf stream and the trans polar jet stream.

The gulf stream is dependent on the Greenland ice shields and the polar ice cap as the cold heavy water from these sinks it draws in the warm water from the south Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Now once the ice is gone there will be no engine to drive the Gulf stream, no Gulf stream and the Atlantic coast of Europe will have weather similar to Canada and the US. It might be even worse as the south westerly winds will no longer follow the gulf stream and there will only be easterly winds direct from Siberia.

Also the trans polar jet stream usually keeps the nasty cold weather locked up in the arctic during the winter, but in the past two years it has wobbled and allowed the cold air to slip out. That is why western Europe has had record cold winters. The cause of the jet stream failing is the warming of the pole.

So yes there may be a short term cooling of certain areas during the winters, (not the summer), but in the long run the whole world will heat up.

This has been known for some time and published in science journals frequently, check out some back copies of the New Scientist on their web site. So what's the big fuss now.

And by the way, the Daily Mail is not known for its honesty I would check out its source as the have no doubt put their own cynical spin on it.

Edit: yes there has always been climate change, but rapid climate change is rare. The worst example is the Siberian traps during the Permian age when 95% of marine life and 75% of land life went extinct. Those lava flows pumped out 2.2 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide out over a million years and brought life to the edge of extinction. We are on course to pump out more than that in the next 100 years. The only advantage we have now is that there is not a single land mass as there was then.
Hitch Slap
2012-01-30 05:59:04 UTC
I doubt that's a credible scientific report, but it's a good thing that science changes due to evidence, at least science can admit when it's wrong. You can desperately cling to the consistency of an illusion if you want, but the rest of educated world will go where the evidence leads them.

Edit: "Things get hotter and things get colder." --So you really have no idea what you're talking about. Do you know what greenhouse gases are? They just so happen to be the same gases we spew from our engines and factories. Connect the dots. Even if the earth has natural warming and cooling cycles, there is NO denying that humans have sped up the process so much that it's out of control, and plants and animals cannot adapt fast enough.
Melissa Me
2012-01-30 05:48:42 UTC
"Global warming" is a catch-all term to changes in our earth's temperatures via pollution.

I do not know if global warming exists or does not exist. They said it was supposed to lead to extremes in temperatures, which would explain an ice age.

As a scientist, I believe that we do not have enough data concerning the earth and it's temperature changes to know if global warming is a natural phenomenon or one caused by man's pollution. I believe we need about a thousand years worth of temperatures from multiple areas of the earth to make this assessment.

And I would say I'm an atheist.


There will always be some "climate change", but what it will be can only be observed by many more years of research and data than what we currently have available.

Also, the "climate change" being discussed is that caused by man and his pollution specifically. In your previous update you want to neglect this portion of the theory. If you want to have a scientific discussion, then you have to remain within the parameters of the scientific discussion.

Just as I believe scientists cannot say that "climate change" or "global warming" is a certainty, I also do not believe we can say it is not. Unless we had an exact replica of the earth with all of the same conditions EXCEPT for industrialization in which to study and compare, we cannot say yes or not.
2012-01-30 05:48:45 UTC
I've been telling people about the possibility that global warming was temporary for years. The evidence for its continuation is non-existent; the evidence for its cause woefully weak; the evidence that global warming has occurred relatively recently in the past (but well before the industrial age) extremely strong.

I heard about the "solar minimum" and the threat of a "mini ice-age" months ago.

The two may be unrelated (the solar minimum may be simply counteracting the ongoing global warming), or the global warming trend may, indeed, be over.

- Jim, Bach Sci Physics 1989
2012-01-30 05:56:18 UTC
The sun is the number one reason for global warming for the entire life of the planet. Man made problems rank anywhere from 6th to 10th. We really have very little to do with what is happening on this planet nor can we control or effect. The Global warming agenda is a farce and designer to create fear and control and has made some people very, very rich. That is what it is realy all about. You can chose to believe the lie or understand the truth. Only a nuclear war can change this planet or a major event such as a meteor strike or calderas like Yosemite were to explode. Anything man does has very little effect though there is some effect the earth heals itself very effectively. It is mans greed and his desire to think themselves equal to God or above God that has truly brought about this lie. As I said previously, It is designed to create fear and assume power and control over your life and thoughts so that nothing is of yourself but those who are in power. Get It!!!
2012-01-30 05:57:12 UTC
Farce is the fact that you did NOT even notice the change yet. Don't know about you, but I am certainly struggling to breathe way more than I used to. As far as ice age goes, it may be true for the Northern part of the world. After all it is where they have more cold weather. I am a STRONG believer in God. But, reality does STILL exist as MUCH as our CREATOR of it all still EXIST!
2012-01-30 05:45:51 UTC
There is global warming of course, and part of it at least is due to human activity. But just exactly how much is debatable. There is no clear consensus on the best economic plan to deal with global warming depends how much we care about our modern corporations, how slowly we want them to die out, and how quickly we value the transfer from fossils fuels to more renewable fuels, etc.
2012-01-30 05:49:59 UTC
scientists also say, probably, if we're misfortunate and hit by a big solar flare, this december will be a global blackout for three whole days, causing much catastrophe?

the truth is, i believe the world will end.. i live as though every day was my last, meaning i live faithfully but also filled with great memories with my friends and family.. that way, i have nothing to lose.. :)
2012-01-30 05:44:11 UTC
To be fair, they have been saying for a while that global warming would ironically lead to it being a lot colder in the northern and southern extremities.

(See Day After Tomorrow etc)
2012-01-30 05:52:46 UTC
It's not "global warming" it's global "CLIMATE CHANGE." When will the lunkheads (especially those PURPOSEFUL lunkheads) catch up and wise up?

But before you do anything else in your pitiful attempt to "verify" your faith in an invisible, angry, silent god-being, please step forward and present even a shred of independently verifiable evidence showing that the god you worship and the one you want ME to worship with you is actually there.

It shouldn't be too much of a stretch for you, considering that you are apparently on a quest to prove your god exists and especially that part about believers "not being fools." So, don't be a fool and present your evidence! It's really as simple as that.

After you present your evidence, we'll chat about those other distractions you brought up...
2012-01-30 05:47:31 UTC
Well...the same crowd was predicting an ice age back in the 1970s. If it doesn't snow, it's global warming. If it snows, it's global warming. If it rains, it's global warming. If it doesn't rain, it's global warming.

They haven't had a predictive model yet.
2012-01-30 05:56:32 UTC
This has nothing to do with faith in God.

And as Adrian said, it's *climate change* - this means that it can get warmer in one area and colder in another. Still, it's just a prediction until it actually happens.
2012-01-30 05:44:25 UTC
scientists change their story all the time, it's called getting new information

Christians don't change their story at all, it's called rejecting new information in favour of outdated books written by a comparatively primitive society
Inspire the truth
2012-01-30 05:47:16 UTC
yeah, well if scientist try to say all kinds of bull-ony

but something bigger leaves them wide eye-d and with no explanation.

the doctors wwonder why? how? 'this cancer was full blown basket ball sized around your belly.. and its... 'disapeared' whats their theory on those kind of miracles? 'probablity' wow.. such denial
It Is Always Now
2012-01-30 05:42:55 UTC
That's a newspaper, not a scientific report. Global warming has been proven already. Also, if you don't believe in science you're retarded.
The Lord of Misrule
2012-01-30 05:48:38 UTC
Maybe the Daily Mail can explain this then
2012-01-30 05:45:51 UTC
One daily mail so rubbish.

Two this is 50 year old news.
Sirius Blackā„¢ A
2012-01-30 05:47:45 UTC
Daily Fail? faith in God has something to do with being a fool.
2012-01-30 05:44:12 UTC
Good luck with your attempt. Research shows that religious beliefs are correlated with a lack of education. And please don't ask what "correlated" means!
2012-01-30 05:43:16 UTC
Science changes with the evidence, religion does not.
2012-01-30 05:43:10 UTC
They have been watching the Movie "The day after tomorrow"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.