2015-12-05 06:37:14 UTC
A bad sin results in either swift judgment such as sudden death shortly after the commission of it, or a frightening deathbed scene in which the person dying sees demons or flames or realization of lost hope.
A good sin is that which does not result in either of the events of those of bad sins.
Also, even when two persons reject Jesus, one is a bad sin because of those results, the other is a good one because it doesn't. So why the difference even though they are the same act?
An example would be Joe is urged to repent and give his life to Christ but he refuses. A week later he gets in a car wreck and is killed, or he may live a long time, but on his deathbed he gets the frightening deathbed experience listed above. Jim, on the other hand does the very same thing, but he lives to old age and has a peaceful death with no fear or concern about eternity on his deathbed. Jim's example is the one my unsaved relatives experience, despite evangelism. My relatives reject Jesus without either punishment.
So, some people are punished for rejecting Jesus, while others are not. Many atheists seem to get away with everything, while other people get one of the two punishments described in the first part of this post.