You are a good Christian at heart and you must remember that always. If you convert to other sect of Christianity, you are still the same Christian on the inside.
Those who are trying to remove you from your faith are selling religion or even selling God straight from their briefcase just as Jehovas' Witnesses do. They go to your house and knock; you see them all dressed up in respectable-looking suits and briefcase. They make out your religion is bad and theirs are good.
Don't heed what others tell you. They all tell that good people with good hearts all go to Heaven, just because they're in different religions which they deem wholly wrong.
I want you to go to YouTube and type in NDEs and also atheists NDEs. Now see what NDEs survivors have learned about True God in Heaven. They are the people who had died clinically and were resusitated. Their testimonies should suffice to clear up your confusions.
From the NDEs survivors, you learn that God loves everybody UNCONDITIONALLY and you'll also learn that atheists with good deeds do go to Heaven after all.
Hell is reserved mostly for the demons and for the most evil-minded souls. Hell is there to prevents evil-minded spirits from harm to the living. Hell separates the evil spirits from the good ghosts and living. Demons escape from hell, enter our earth plane and do their utmost damages to living people and influence their negative bad thoughts and behaviour.
I had previously lived in two haunted houses and encountered hauntings in other sites. So I've learn a lot about ghosts, angelic and demonic spirits. So, I know enough what to tell you.
Always regard God as your loving divine parent. Think what your own mum and dad would do to you, if you were to be punished for mischief. Would your loving parents threaten you with fire? Would they be so cruel to burn you in fire. Then ask yourself this question, would loving God likewise threaten you with hellfire or rather give you humanely corrective punishment?
True God is not the cruel god who threaten others with hellfire, who inflicts them with too much suffering in life and then promise them paradise on condition that they follow "right" religion.
Loving True God is not like what others about Him threatening some people with hellfire.
Think as to who True God is.
True God = love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, patience, etc.
God is NOT all for hatred, jealousy, vengence, cruelty, etc.
Now tell me, if you love dumb animals like cats, dogs, birds, would you punish them by burning them in fire? What kind of pet owner are you, if you are so cruel to your pets? So what kind of God is He to be insanely threatening you with hellfires?
True God loves you too much ever to threaten you with hellfire. No matter what mistakes we humans make in religions, God forgives us always and forgives our simple mistakes and confusion .