Most who call themselves "Messianic Jews" are not apostate Jews from either group asked about. Their practices could not be called by any actual Jewish culture designation since they only appropriate from Judaism to attempt to redefine and negate it. Ashkenazi and Sephardi are descriptive of Jewish groups. The New Testament Hebrew Christians calling themselves "Messianic Jews" and hijacking the name of Judaism, also misapprorpriates many other things from the Jewish people, but that doesn't turn it's forbidden by Torah form of worship for Jews, into Judaism. Mark S, Shmuley, allonyoav, Cher, Challah Girl , angels and scaerdry's have answered this contrived and nonsensical trolling and his nasty false insults with objective facts about what Judaism is and is not and have clearly shown that there is NO honest way to call someone who worships in a manner forbidden by Torah, in a religion that contradicts Judaism directly, following a form OF Judaism. Live your faith of worship of Jesus as your god in peace, but please stop trying to create hatred of Jews to justify it.
It makes no difference what your opinion or my opinion on the matter is, the fact is that human sacrifice for sin or a divine manifestation in a human are considered blasphemy for the Jewish people according to the Torah (law) of Judaism.
There is *NO* "branch" of Judaism called "Messianic Judaism" Every movement of Judaism in the past 40 years since the appearance of these groups has been obligated to form official position statements to address the assults to the Jewish communities by their attempts to hijack Jewish identity and impose Christian dogma into it, and then misrepresent themselves to the community at large as Jews and a face of Judaism! Their "Messianic Jewish" missionary groups already have massive schisms within their
own ranks because their particular dogma depends upon which Protestant group/church is funding them and which Christian seminary their clergy posing as rabbis received their ministry's ordination from. It makes no diffrence how many millions of dollars a year are spent in evangelizing efforts with TV shows, tapes, etc..or how many new "Messianic synagogues" with preachers/pastors/ministers calling themselves Rabbi, the New Testament will never be Judaism and Torah compatible.
Not only within the Jews for Jesus..or even the former Hebrew Christian Alliance ( now called the Messianic Jewish Alliance in deceptive name) but other splinter groups who formed from them ..and left them...each claiming to be the
real Jews, each cherry picking which traditions, customs and practices of Judaism to mimic and impose avodah zarah ( forbidden forms of dolatrous worship) upon in clear violation of the very essence of the affirmation of faith expressed in Torah in the Shema. They pervet לשון הקודש to try to justify the claim that Jesus ( Yeshua, Yahoshua,Yashuah, etc) was a DIVINE manifestation of God in human form..directly contradicting the very essence of the affirmation of faith at Sinai. (not to mention all the other lengthy narratives explaning God is not a man, does not become human and the notion of incarnate deities is blaspehmy)
If Devil worshippers were to call themselves "completed Christians" I think it would be reasonably expected that Christians would not respect that. Jews can likewise never respect any attempt to lie about Judaism and Jews for the purpose of creating Jew hate and negating and replacing the Jewish people and Jewish religion with one that violates every aspect of God's eternal covenant with Israel. If a Muslim were to declare that acceptance of Mohammed and Quran were the only way one could be shown to be a follower of the real Christian faith, and that you weren’t a true Christian unless you abandoned former beliefs of Christianity and replaced them with doctrine from the Quran, it would likewise, evoke the world’s Christians to declare that as irrelevant to definition of Christianity at the very least!
Do you think that Christians would remain silent to topsy turvy charges of bigotry to the Christians for declaring that the Quran is irrelevant to Christianity?
Yet, here in Yahoo Answers when Jews declare an unalterable fact that has existed for two thousand years since the appearance of the replacement theology of the New Testament, that belief in doctrine of the New Testament is not Judaism, a fact that is not up for debate within Judaism at all, we are declared bigoted, and the worst of all, we are often demonized in extreme lies as PERSECUTING the people who are lying to call NT worship a form of Judasim!
It is not bigoted to define the boundaries of a religion according to it's laws.
I am in agreement with scaerdry's and believe that she has given this "question" the most detailed reason why it does not make sense as asked. Excellent answer there and Challah Girl's display of knowledge certainly was not "stupid".
The Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington is an umbrella organization that includes Baha'í, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Mormon,Zoroastrians, Muslims, Jews, and church groups from the Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches.IFC's stated goal is "(1)to increase understanding, dialogue, and a sense of community among persons of different faiths, representing diverse races and cultures, and (2)to address issues of social and economic justice in defense of human dignity."
They created a statement in response to a resolution of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, calling on its members to redouble their efforts to evangelize Jews. Particularly singled out for criticism was the "Messianic Jewish" movement as promoting activities "harmful to the spirit of interreligious respect and tolerance." The conference denounced “deceptive proselytizing efforts”, though recognizing evangelism is an important tenet of Christian theology due to the Great Commission. The conference stated that when”deceptive proselytizing efforts” were practiced on "vulnerable populations" such as the young or the elderly, these efforts are "tantamount to coerced conversions."“
The Conference concluded with an official statement condemning the deceptive proselytization efforts of the “Messianic Movement“ (published inSummer, 1997 "Interfaith Connector" Vol. 8, No. 2) which stated:
“We condemn proselytizing efforts which delegitimize the faith
tradition of the person whose conversion is being sought. Such tactics go beyond the bounds of appropriate and ethically based religious outreach.
"Examples of such practices are those common among groups that have adopted the label of "Hebrew Christianity", "Messianic Judaism", or "Jews for Jesus".
"These groups specifically target Jews for conversion to their version of Christianity, making claim that in accepting Jesus as the savior/messiah, a Jews 'fulfills' his/her faith."
"Furthermore, by celebrating Jewish festivals, worshipping on the Jewish Shabbat, appropriating Jewish symbols, rituals and prayers in their churches, and, sometimes, even calling their leaders 'Rabbi', the seek to win over, by deception, many Jews who are sincerely looking for a path back to their ancestral heritage.”
"Deceptive proselytizing is practiced on the most vulnerable of populations - residents of hospitals and old aged homes, confused youth, college students away from home. These proselytizing techniques are tantamount to coerced conversions and should be condemned."