Like you raise angus beef, does eating one do anything to end your farming?
Cain and Abel brought offerings. So did Noah, Shem and all his bros. So did Abraham but Ishmael refused and married a pagan princess and none of his descendants become God-Fearers, but Hagar's relatives did, via mother to mother, like the neshomah.
There were more than just offerings, you even have Mary bringing an offering after birth, offering after 40 days of Jesus' birth so he wouldn't have to serve religiously, then he told people to be checked by one of the priests and take the offering. Paul made an offering, and you have Jesus making a Pesach Shani, 28 days after the 1st counting of the Omer, he went a got a lamb and because only men attend this, it fits, also, he even had his bar mitzvah. So a Jewish Soul is Godly, quite.
Other offerings: most popular, was the thanksgiving one. There were others like oil, wood, incense, wheat, matzah, doves, bulls, and the communal sin offering of the HE-Goat.
God-Fearers outside of Temple would offer deer, and other kosher animals and even today, Muslims make the God-Fearers' offering which Christians forgot about.
Still the SAME God just you need to read the Hebrew as it applies to you as a God-Fearers, books like: "Seven Colors of the Rainbow", "Seven Laws for Seventy Nations", "To Be A Righteous Gentile".
The Big Ten is for the Jews and there are 7 for the non-Jews which you will find in your own bible in Acts.
Unfortunately, the Noah Precepts have been on again and off again in the history of mankind since Noah, Shem and Abraham. Even though all "corners" of the world have been exposed to them and included them in their books, (they are also in the New Testament and the Quran and others). But the pressures of wars, superstitions, antisemitism and even burning of libraries, the Precepts have stood out. Even Japanese language is from a Hebrew Biblical base. Chinese record the Precepts before Egypt even had the plague problem.
So, even before the Greek's left the Holy Land alone, the Hebrews/Jews had learning centers, teachers, scientists, and doctors around the globe. Of course, the 7 have footnotes, as to how to apply or know the differences or to get a real definition.
The following comes from Excerpted from a speech delivered before the 18th International Peace Conference, held in Munich in Fall of 1999.
"According to the sages of the Talmud, there are 70 families with 70 paths within the great Family of Man. And each individual has his or her path within a path. Yet, there is one universal basis for us all.
"Anyone who lives by these rules, acknowledging that they are what God wants of us, is considered by our tradition to be righteous. That person is a builder with a share in the world as it is meant to be.
"The creed of Noah is a sacred inheritance of all the children of Noah, one that every person on the face of the earth can recite every day. And if enough of us will begin to say these same words every day, we will see a different world very soon. Sooner than we can imagine.
"Here is a phrasing of the Creed of Noah, according to ancient tradition, with a touch of elaboration:
"I, child of Noah,
caretaker of our precious Planet Earth,
accept upon myself the responsibility for peace and oneness in our world,
as accepted by Adam and by Noah,
transmitted by Moses and his people over the ages:
1. I will not worship anyone or anything other than the One Creator, who cares for the creatures of our world, renewing the Act of Creation at every moment in infinite wisdom, being life for each thing. In this is included prayer, study and meditation.
2. I will not show disrespect for the Creator in any way. This may be seen to include respect for the beauty and life of the Creation.
3. I will not murder. Each human being, just as Adam and Eve, comprises an entire world. To save a life is to save that entire world. To destroy a life is to destroy an entire world. To help others live is a corollary of this principle. Every human being that G-d has created is obliged to provide for others in need.
4. I will respect the institution of marriage. Marriage is a most divine act. The marriage of a man and a woman is a reflection of the Oneness of G-d and His creation. Dishonesty in marriage is an assault on that Oneness.