Is the failed theory of evolution the strongest engine for atheism?
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2016-03-31 09:22:11 UTC
What say ye?
25 answers:
2016-03-31 09:37:26 UTC

Modern DNA scientist are even giving Darwin thumbs downs.They discovered,defined,& named the few hundred genes in human DNA that give us the ability of free will,knowledge,& the ability not to have to live off of instincts like monkeys,& every other animal.No other animal has these genes,so the scientists know they did not evolve into us.Its as if these genes were placed specifically in our DNA,& it was most likely the creator God that did it.

Darwin could not look at individual genes.Darwin did not have access to high speed computers.Darwins' old antiquated theory is not correct.
2016-03-31 09:31:49 UTC
It's not a failed theory. Evolution is just a product of a larger perspective, which is rationality. Looking at evidence, forming a theory, testing the theory, incorporating the results into a newer theory. Nothing is absolutely certain, it is more about probability and likelihood.

This method is stronger than religion because, unlike religion, it works. It actually explains celestial mechanics. Turns out that we are not on the back of a giant turtle.

When explanations for common phenomena - e.g. why does my body ache? is it demons or the influenza? - no longer require the very bizarre and unlikely existence of supernatural interventions, then religion gets weaker.

Religion does not have to go away, Atheists don't think religion can be exterminated and I certainly don't think it is desirable to forget our civilization's heritage. Religion inspired great art, great achievements BECAUSE it is irrational, as irrational as courage and beauty are not scientific formulae but instinct and impulse.

However, belief in magic spirits as a basis for ethics, land use, law or other responsible public planning is quite silly.
2016-03-31 09:27:39 UTC
I assume by "failed theory of evolution" you must mean some of the pre-Darwinian explanations for the observed changes in species. I doubt if the majority of atheists have heard of Maupertuis or Leclerc.

So I guess the engine of atheism must be the stupidity of religious beliefs.
2016-03-31 09:42:11 UTC
Actually the strongest engine for atheism is the blatant and undeniable stupidity of rabid fundie Christians and Muslims. Your post just drove another 1000 into the welcoming arms of atheism. Rolls eyes.
2016-03-31 16:33:21 UTC
No, because it is not a fact it is a theory. It is their pacifier for not believe in God. But it doesn't change the fact.

Romans 1:20

20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made,+ even his eternal power+ and Godship,+ so that they are inexcusable.
2016-03-31 15:57:28 UTC
Begging the question. You would have to present evidence that evolution has failed. You assume the conclusion w/o support using circular reasoning.

You cannot attack something with a fallacy. Asserting your faith based assertion is not any more rational than somebody else's faith based assertion is itself irrational.

Read a book on logic. Might help you make logical decisions that you can build on, instead of wasting time like a child destroying something for fun. Focus on truth, then follow the evidence.

Can we believe what the Bible says?

Seven Evidences for a Young Earth

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

Why don't Christian fundamentalist just give and admit that Noah the Ark is just a made up fairytale?

Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)

Did The Biblical Flood Happen?

Geology of Grand Canyon & Noah's Flood

In what ways do you justify that the Earth is some 6000 years old?

Addendum of Evidence

How could Christians be so dumb to believe that the world is 6000 years old?
2016-03-31 11:34:15 UTC
Nope. And, Evolution is not only not a "failed theory," but is the very cornerstone of modern biological sciences, including medicine.
Freethinking Liberal
2016-03-31 09:53:10 UTC
Your opening words (failed theory of evolution) shows you to be either:

Ill educated


an arrogant and ignorant fool.
Robin W
2016-03-31 15:11:43 UTC
Lamark's theory of evolution failed. Darwin's didn't .
2016-03-31 09:24:21 UTC
What has the theory of evolution failed in?
2016-03-31 09:24:48 UTC
Pretentious and stupid LSOS's think evolutionary theory has failed. Honest people of normal intelligence know better. As for driving atheism that is just your rotting brain randomly firing off a few of the still functioning synapses
Richard English
2016-04-01 01:52:07 UTC
Where do you get your facts that the theory of evolution has "failed"?
2016-03-31 11:48:34 UTC
If the theory failed why are Theists now attempting to adapt it to their gods!
2016-03-31 09:30:01 UTC
I'm not aware of any atheists who endorse Lamarckism or Lysenkoism....which are the only theories of evolution that have failed.
2016-03-31 09:48:00 UTC
evolution is not a theory, it is fact. our planet is 4.5 billion years old, fact. dinosaurs lived on this planet for 165 million years. people worshiped "gods" long before Christianity was even thought of, fact.
2016-03-31 09:44:38 UTC
Nope. Logic, by what I have been told of deities. This sums it up:

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but...will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
2016-03-31 10:28:32 UTC
Evolution theory is actually proven. You are being brainwashed
2016-03-31 09:29:16 UTC
Evolution is failed theory, all non-Christians are going to hell, Jesus was son of God. How many lies are you people going to keep believing?
2016-03-31 09:24:49 UTC
Well it seems that for there not to be a God, A Creator, you have to find an alternate answer for how the universe was created and how life began

and evolution, no matter how ridiculous or them their best option

"It all just magically popped into existence for no reason and became massively complex, again for no reason"

this shows how far they will allow credulity to bend, to achieve their goal of rejecting God
2016-04-01 08:38:18 UTC
what has evolution got to do with atheist?
2016-03-31 11:28:52 UTC
How cute, a brain dead fundie telling lies, who would have ever guessed.
2016-03-31 09:22:38 UTC
if not its in the top 3.
2016-03-31 10:10:51 UTC
failed? just how so?
2016-03-31 09:26:28 UTC
It is not failed and no it is not the strongest engine for atheism. The strongest engine for atheism is not believing in God.

Episcopal Church, General Convention (2006)

Resolved, That the 75th General Convention affirm that God is Creator, in accordance with the witness of Scripture and the ancient Creeds of the Church; and be it further,

Resolved, That the theory of evolution provides a fruitful and unifying scientific explanation for the emergence of life on earth, that many theological interpretations of origins can readily embrace an evolutionary outlook, and that an acceptance of evolution is entirely compatible with an authentic and living Christian faith; and be it further

Resolved, That Episcopalians strongly encourage state legislatures and state and local boards of education to establish standards for science education based on the best available scientific knowledge as accepted by a consensus of the scientific community; and be it further

Resolved, That Episcopal dioceses and congregations seek the assistance of scientists and science educators in understanding what constitutes reliable scientific knowledge.

Central Conference of American Rabbis

Whereas the principles and concepts of biological evolution are basic to understanding science; and

Whereas students who are not taught these principles, or who hear "creationism" presented as a scientific alternative, will not be receiving an education based on modern scientific knowledge; and

Whereas these students' ignorance about evolution will seriously undermine their understanding of the world and the natural laws governing it, and their introduction to other explanations described as "scientific" will give them false ideas about scientific methods and criteria,

Be it resolved that we call upon publishers of science textbooks to reject those texts that clearly distort the integrity of science and to treat other explanations of human origins for just what they are — beyond the realm of science;

Be it further resolved that we call upon science teachers and local school authorities in all states to demand quality textbooks that are based on modern, scientific knowledge and that exclude "scientific" creationism;

Be it further resolved that we call upon parents and other citizens concerned about the quality of science education in the public schools to urge their Boards of Education, publishers, and science teachers to implement these needed reforms.

General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

The 214th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA):

1. Reaffirms that God is Creator, in accordance with the witness of Scripture and The Reformed Confessions.

2. Reaffirms that there is no contradiction between an evolutionary theory of human origins and the doctrine of God as Creator.

3. Encourages State Boards of Education across the nation to establish standards for science education in public schools based on the most reliable content of scientific knowledge as determined by the scientific community.

4. Calls upon Presbyterian scientists and science educators to assist congregations, presbyteries, communities, and the public to understand what constitutes reliable scientific knowledge.

Since the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859, the attitude of the Catholic Church on the theory of evolution has slowly been refined. Early contributions to the development of evolutionary theory were made by Catholic scientists such as Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel.

For nearly a century, the papacy offered no authoritative pronouncement on Darwin's theories. In the 1950 encyclical Humani generis, Pope Pius XII confirmed that there is no intrinsic conflict between Christianity and the theory of evolution, provided that Christians believe that the individual soul is a direct creation by God and not the product of purely material forces. Today, the Church supports theistic evolution(ism), also known as evolutionary creation, although Catholics are free not to believe in any part of evolutionary theory.

According to Eugenie Scott, Director of the US National Center for Science Education: "Theistic evolutionism" is the official position of the Catholic church. In 1996, Pope John Paul II reiterated the Catholic TE position, according to which God created, evolution occurred, human beings may indeed have been descended from more primitive forms, and the Hand of God was required for the production of the human soul". Statements from the Church in recent decades hold that faith and scientific findings regarding human evolution are not in conflict, though humans are regarded as a special creation, and that the existence of God is required to explain both monogenism and the spiritual component of human origins. Moreover, the Church teaches that the process of evolution is a planned and purpose-driven natural process, guided by God.
2016-03-31 09:25:21 UTC
evolution is required dogma in atheism

all atheists believe in it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.