Here we go again.. Is there a "conditional" time limit to Gods love?
2010-03-10 13:37:27 UTC
Yes this is a trick question for those people who swear Gods love is still "unconditional". As of yet I've heard the invitation of salvation 40-50 times since the last time I've asked this question. Not counting the one I accepted when I was 14. Yes I'm a Christian. And following the Biblical advice to question everything that is considered "Biblical" with absolutely no biblical foundation to back it up with. This wonderful idea of "Unconditional" love just has NO Biblical roots. God has conditions to "join the club" (I'm gonna catch hell for that one). So, let me ask this in a 3 step process and you decide if this is another liberal idea that was inserted into Christianity sort of under the table.

1) Does God love us when we "say" we don't believe in Him? I agree, yes He does!
2) Does God love us when we place "action" behind those words and promote the Godless idea and steal souls away from Him? I agree, yes He does!
3) Does God love us when we believe in our hearts that He doesn't exist? Yes, I agree, He does.
Finally.... Is there a conditional time limit on this stupidity? In other words when I Say, Act, and Believe, that He doesn't exist all the way up till I die and go "Opps, look at that, You DO exist. Is there going to be love, or will I here those 8 horrible words? (Depart from Me, for I never knew you)
If you can show me that God does not put a condition on the time then you win 10 points and my gratitude since I've been fighting this fight against these cute endearing sayings alone for years. I would love to be wrong! Or at least have someone agree there is no truth to the Unconditional love theory.
Ten answers:
airlines charge for the seat.
2010-03-10 13:51:02 UTC
Gods love is conditional. His love is for both those who sin and don't sin against Him and that includes those who say they don't believe in Him.

The punishment for sin is death the Word of God says. I don't see anything in the Word of God that says His love is unconditional for anyone in hell though.
2010-03-10 15:26:53 UTC
Your faith is going to carry you far. I think He likes people who question. If anyone says they never question anything, it simply means to me they are following blindly. You are right on your three questions and you beliefs. He never gives up until you take that final breath. If a person still has that kind of thinking when they die, it is too late . After death there is no redemption. The minute you die, you spirit leaves your body. Paul said, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." But Paul was strictly taking to Christians. Remember the thief on the cross? He confessed while on the cross next to Jesus and Jesus said, "On this day you will be in paradise with me. That's rather clear isn't it? However, you do have to believe in your heart. In others words when you"re dying and if think " I'll say it and be saved ."-- oops, don't think so.

New Testament says you have to believe in your heart, and say with your mouth, that Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, crucified, and arose the third day. That's what it takes. If you do it when you're young, you will WANT to do all the things he asks you to do -- in fact you'll spend your life for him. You'll be surprised at the benefits. Remember: you're saved by His Grace through Faith. When I have doubts about these things, I read the 2nd Thessalonians, and Ephesians.

I'm glad you ask that question, because it made me go to the Bible. I hope it did the same for others.
2016-09-08 13:03:59 UTC
I do not blame God or a larger vigor, or a larger excellent, or a scientist from an extra Galaxy. I blame the forty authors of the Bible who outlined God and made up charges from God in an effort to reap their political agendas. They could not even party on their contradictions of God: God is obvious and heard Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:eleven/ Gen three:nine,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:a million/ Ex 24:nine-eleven God is invisible and are not able to be heard John a million:18/ John five:37/ Ex 33:20/ a million Tim 6:sixteen five. God is worn out and rests Ex 31:17 God is in no way worn out and in no way rests Is forty:28 6. God is all over gift, sees and is aware of all matters Prov 15:three/ Ps 139:7-10/ Job 34:22,21 God isn't all over gift, neither sees nor is aware of all matters Gen eleven:five/ Gen 18:20,21/ Gen three:eight eight. God is all robust Jer 32:27/ Matt 19:26 God isn't all robust Judg a million:19 nine. God is unchangeable James a million:17/ Mal three:6/ Ezek 24:14/ Num 23:19 God is changeable Gen 6:6/ Jonah three:10/ a million Sam two:30,31/ two Kings 20:a million,four,five,6/ Ex 33:a million,three,17,14
Jesus is my Savior
2010-03-10 13:44:34 UTC
God's love is unconditional and the answer to ALL your questions is YES.

However, God's love does not guarantee us eternal life. In order to be adopted into the family of God and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must be regenerated by the Holy Spirit - i.e. God must do a divine work in your soul and replace a heart of stone with a heart of flesh, able to love (see Ezekiel 36). Only then you will be able to follow His law, and He will be your God and you will be His people.

If you accept an invitation to repentance based on the remorse you feel in that moment, but there is no supernatural work of regeneration (following your repentance, by grace through faith) in your heart by the Holy Spirit, then your life will never reflect the "decision" you have made.

However, once you have been regenerated, then NOTHING will ever be able to separate you from the Love of God: See what Paul says in Romans 8:38-39

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

I believe people mistake "discipline" for "lack of love". How wrecked would a parent be the one who does not discipline his/her children?
2010-03-10 13:56:58 UTC
I would say that yes God still loves even those in Hell, and maybe even Satan, but that doesn't mean they get to go to Heaven That is the real question now isn't it Hell or Heaven not whether God's love is unconditional.
2010-03-10 13:50:25 UTC
You sure can't write for shitt.

God's love is unconditional. If you go to Hell it is because God cannot change His nature and you cannot stand His Nature :

"—it is fearful, but it is right to say it;—that if we wished to imagine a punishment for an unholy, reprobate soul, we perhaps could not fancy a greater than to summon it to heaven. Heaven would be hell to an irreligious man. We know how unhappy we are apt to feel at present, when alone in the midst of strangers, or of men of different tastes and habits from ourselves. How miserable, for example, would it be to have to live in a foreign land, among a people whose faces we never saw before, and whose language we could not learn. And this is but a faint illustration of the loneliness of a man of earthly dispositions and tastes, thrust into the society of saints and angels. How forlorn would he wander through the courts of heaven! He would find no one like himself; he would see in every direction the marks of God's holiness, and these would make him shudder. He would feel himself always in His presence. He could no longer turn his thoughts another way, as he does now, when conscience reproaches him. He would know that the Eternal Eye was ever upon him; and that Eye of holiness, which is joy and life to holy creatures, would seem to him an Eye of wrath and punishment. God cannot change His nature. Holy He must ever be. But while He is holy, no unholy soul can be happy in heaven. "
2010-03-10 13:43:38 UTC
The Israelites were in a covenanted relationship with God and they agreed to it. When they broke that covenanted relationship other nations made war on them and destroyed them.

It is not unconditional love! some want to believe that and other myths about God so they can do what they want and expect salvation. False worship which is common is the top one that is over looked. Most religion is false, with God dishonoring doctrines not in the bible or grossly distorted.
2010-03-10 17:09:38 UTC
People say many things. It is good to question, if questioning leads to deeper understanding - but not if it destroys faith or prevents faith from naturally blossoming.

Yes, God's love really is unconditional and eternal. It is like the sunshine. But to see the sunshine, you have to open your blinds and shutters. If you keep your windows heavily shuttered, the sun may be shining but you won't see it!

What you do in life prepares the way for what you experience in death. The 14th Psalm goes:

"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."

"In his heart" is a very important phrase. People often lead their lives as if there were no God. Yet, they think that if there is a God, then in the afterlife, that is when they will meet with Him and perhaps appreciate Him. But it is not like that. If in life, your stone heart and doubting mind created a Godless world for you, then in death, that is what you will experience. God isn't dissing you or being vindictive. You simply never knew Him; and when you're dead is not the best time to make new acquaintance. Strive to know Him in life through a loving heart and good works. Then death will take care of itself.

A mango has a certain taste. You can study the chemical composition of the mango and know exactly what kind of molecules it has, or how many calories it has; but still, you will not know the taste of the mango.

Let the philosophers worry about whether God's love is unconditional and eternal, exactly how much it weighs, and how long it goes on. Your need (as all our need) is to actually taste God's love - at first sampling only a morsel, but gradually allowing your heart to be consumed by it. Then all your questions will be answered.

Perhaps what is troubling you is eternal damnation. After all, if someone is damned for all eternity, then how can God's love be unconditional and eternal? It's a fair question...

Much is resolved if you think of eternal damnation as a state of consciousness. When someone experiences this hell consciousness, it appears to go on forever; there does not seem to be any escape or respite. While they are experiencing it, it truly is eternal damnation. But eventually, the person has suffered enough to expiate their wrong actions; then they move on. Eventually, they do experience God's love. After all, they have an eternity in which to do so!

In the example that you gave, I think there may be a built-in fallacy. It's as though God is saying: "You didn't do such-and-such for me in life; therefore, in death I will refuse to love you." (In other words, conditionality on God's part.)

I would say rather that a lifetime of thinking, saying, and believing that God doesn't exist would be equivalent to keeping all your shutters closed. You have conditioned yourself to believe that God doesn't exist, and in death that conditioning merely continues. God's love is there, but after a lifetime of shutting it out, you don't experience it in death.

In the Gospel of Thomas (from the Gnostic Gospels), Christ says:

"Look to the living one as long as you live, otherwise you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see."

This utterance suggests that we should strive to know God and love God while we are still in the body. If we fail to do so, and later suffer in death, this does not point to a flaw in God's unconditional love.

Another way of dealing with the problem of suffering is to consider alternative views (other than the egoistic view) of exactly *who* is suffering. If each human soul is a spark of God through which He experiences what we experience, then there is a sense in which it is God who is suffering in and through us. Suffering can exist, yet there can also be love.

It is horrible to suffer, especially if we feel alone in our suffering. Yet, the existence of suffering - even in hell - does not negate the notion that God's love is eternal and unconditional.

It seems to me that our view is conditional, in the sense that we feel if God loved us, he would give us everything we ask for, including entry into Heaven as an automatic perk. But God might love us unconditionally, and yet recognize that we are still temporal beings living in a dualistic corner of the universe where we are still subject to a system of rewards and punishments which gradually purifies us and teaches us wisdom.

2010-03-10 13:45:21 UTC
You can not stand before God without Christ. After leaving this world, I believe it is to late. On the last day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Those who accepted his love will say it out of thankfulness for that fact. Those that did not will do so out of fear and trembling for what is about to happen, for they see they were wrong, and that Jesus is the almighty God.
2010-03-10 13:43:27 UTC
God does always love us, but he still punishes us when we are bad. Have your parents ever punished you for being bad? When they punished you did you think they hated you or did you believe they still loved you?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.