I don't believe in God anymore?
2012-06-21 23:45:55 UTC
Short version: I'm 25, and my entire life all I ever wanted was my better half. I'm alone to this day. I try to keep up my appearance but what good does it do when no girl will take a chance on me? Over the years I've asked out a handful of girls, all of them said no in so many words. i feel hopeless, and have started to seriously believe i'll end up alone. I can't help but feel God is causing me to remain alone, for unknown reasons. I've been a christian my whole life but started questioning it lately, how can someone claim that 'every good things comes from god' - but every thing bad we did to ourselves? How f*cking convenient!!! I'm sick of god, im sick of him trying to force me live my entire life to serve his purpose or else he'll keep f*cking up every chance i have with someone special.
Thirteen answers:
2012-06-21 23:56:07 UTC
Do you think you know better than God? Please, you have to be patient. God isn't going to hand you a girl just so you don't feel alone. Infact you are lost in this world. How you talk about your appearance and how you just want girls. Are there not more important things than women? You have to be patient and look deep down into your heart and ask yourself why you want these things. To me it seems you want to have a girlfriend so you can feel happy and not lonely. But there is no reason why you should be looking for those things in a woman when God can give you all that. Alternatively, God might have someone very special for you, but if you are not patient and push things then it will take you longer. Much like the slaves from Egypt questioning why Moses brought them to the wilderness. They were not patient and they lost there belief in God beacuse it wasn't handed down to them. Even after Moses saved them from slavery, and promised them a great land, they questioned and God made them wait longer. My advice is to Pray Pray and Pray.
2012-06-21 23:55:59 UTC
Cool story, bro.

In all honestly you can't just ask them out at first. You have to know them before you do that. The girl I'm dating now I knew for months cause we went to the same college together. And some girls just won't be interested in you. But if that's you in the picture, you aren't a bad looking guy you'll find someone trust me .... a different girl I know texted me today that she was asked out by a hot guy, there really isn't any rules to love you just gotta be yourself don't push it (trust me, even if it worked, you wouldn't want it that way), and just be nice and curious.

As to the religious part, I'm just the opposite I found God and I can feel it. People who truly believe in God believe in God in good times or bad times. God isn't like, "well, I had a good day, I'll start believing in him" or "well, I had a bad day, I'll stop believing in him", from my experience it's what you feel that counts. For example, if a serial killer came and killed my parents, I'd be sad, but I would still believe in God, because I found God and I experience God everyday. God just doesn't come and go to me: once I discovered God, I brought it to my life and I cherish it and let it inspire me.
2012-06-21 23:55:25 UTC
Guess what. you might be the reason why the girls don't like you. you make your own choices like the one you made in your post. how can you be angry at God if you are given the opportunity to meet girls, that by the way have free choice. if you have been a Christian your entire life you would have know that everybody has free will including the girls that you mentioned. God can't force them to fall in love with you.
2012-06-21 23:56:25 UTC
Before he was released by Morpheus, Neo believed that the Matrix was real life. In reality, the Matrix was a simulation program that Neo was plugged into. All his five senses were being fed sensations by the matrix – the food he ate wasn’t real.

The matrix is kind of a metaphor for our lives on earth. Earth is an illusion or a teaching simulation program.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Earth is a school for us souls. Souls need to come to earth in the physical state to learn. In spiritual form we cannot feel pain – there is only happiness and a sense of well being. But we can’t really appreciate light unless we have also seen darkness – we need to see the contrast. So we choose to come to earth in the physical state to experience death, pain, fear, loss, hatred, cruelty, etc and thus learn the value and wisdom of love, compassion, kindness, faith, justice, freedom, health, hope, patience, tolerance, etc.

We choose our study program on earth – what learning situations and events we will face in life. In every situation, we have FREE WILL to choose to do good or bad - but with this consciousness also comes RESPONSIBILITY (karma) - we have to pay for our misdeeds (reincarnation) - no one gets away with it. We also have to put up with free will of others – these things are not chosen beforehand. Since earth is a school, god cannot interfere and give us the answers to our exams.

We are NOT permitted to remember our spirit state because then we won’t be able to take earth seriously. It will be like playing a video game – you don’t really care if your game character dies. We won’t be able to experience the actual fear of death and pain of loss.

Like Neo we just know what sensations our five senses feed to us - plugged into the “earth teaching program”

Source: Books by Dr Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon
2012-06-21 23:54:21 UTC
Why is trusting in God linked to getting what you want? Trusting God means you also trust Him to know what is best for trust that He knows the desires of your heart, and in His own time

will show them to you. God loves you and wants your best.

As far a finding the right girl...perhaps there are some things you can join some Christian groups and just start making more friends....real friends that will be there for you, and you for them.

To have friends, you have to be a friend to someone else. Sometimes you can want something so much you scare off people. I have known guys who would pretty much marry any nice girl because he wanted to get married so badly. There is one girl for you....who also needs you. Why don't you pray about this girl...ask God to show her to you....and while you are waiting for this right girl, just enjoy time with other friends...and not so seriously.

It sounds to me like you are saying you will only love God, if He gives you what you want. What about what God did to save you...He gave His only Son, for you. Doesn't that mean anything?

Wait for the girl who also loves Him....And if you don't believe in God never did!

2012-06-21 23:52:09 UTC
your 25 and worrying about this? That is still very young to be feeling what you are feeling about not finding the right woman.. its like railing away at God for not finding you a high paying job or a nice house.. God does have a plan for just might not be your plan or your idea how your life should play out.
2012-06-21 23:50:21 UTC
That sounds like you still believe some god exists. People who actually don't believe any gods exist aren't angry at a god. They realize that there's no reason to believe there's some supernatural being toying with their lives, and that rejection is an unfortunate part of meeting people, not the action of some cosmic matchmaker.
2012-06-24 09:57:46 UTC
80 foot (25 meter) dinosaurs (man-eaters) will come out through sinkholes and lakes. Human souls go either to hell or heaven after death. Suicide, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (rejecting salvation through Christ Jesus), worship of the beast-antichrist (pale gay flying Jew with red eyes, who moves like superman and makes fire come down from the sky), receiving mark of the beast (666 tattoo by lasers), and going into UFO ship to be healed (aliens=demons=ghosts=angels of light surrounding the beast-antichrist) lead to hell. Those who go to be healed in UFO ships by demons will become spiritual zombies destined for hell. When people stretch hands to receive small grey plastic world passport or similar document, 666 tattoo is given by lasers on wrist area or forehead. Food stores will be set up to laser people. Police will laser people on highways. RFID chips, electronic tattoos, and other electronic documents are used to track people to laser them.
2012-06-21 23:48:42 UTC
No that wasnt the short version.

The real short version should be "I hate my life"

If that was your short version, your long version must be a novel
2012-06-21 23:51:14 UTC
Look at it other way,

You have advantages, many men hate their marriages but they are forever tied to their kids and spouse (even if you divorce, you still have to see her for kids). Being single has a lot of advantages dude. But I know what you mean.
2012-06-21 23:47:25 UTC
I've always asked people to give me proof of god. No one could so i don't believe in him anymore.
2012-06-21 23:54:09 UTC
Pray about it. The best things in life come when you least expect them.
2012-06-21 23:47:09 UTC
Everything happens for a reason.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.