Why does the "Religious Right" and many TBN viewers seem to oppose everything that the democratic party is for?
2009-05-12 06:26:13 UTC
They act as if a Republican can do no wrong. They act as if there are no homosexuals or bi-sexuals in the Republican party. I get the impression from them, that the anti-christ will be, or IS a democrat. I am a registered democrat but I oppose stem cell research that uses unborn babies. I believe abortion is cold blooded selfish murder of the most helpless and innocent people. To me, two men or two men are never married, no matter what the state laws say but that does not mean that I have to be a republican. Whatever party allowed Wall Street to lie, run wild, commit fraud, and plunge the world into this economic crisis is wrong. Both Republicans and Democrats were in on it.
I oppose going to war on the President's (in his own words): "gut feeling'" which is what America did by going to Iraq. The Reilgious Right portrayed G.W. Bush as a godly honest man. Do you still think that, thousands of young men and women are maimed and crippled by war based on lies, and then come home to sub standard medical care? Many more Iraqi people are dead or maimed, (partly due to their own fault.) America is does not have the responsibility to go give "freedom" to other countries. Oh maybe America does have the mandate to wage war if the Middle Eastern country has oil and can give contracts to the partners of Dick Chenny and Bush. What TBN person has ever said that Bush was wrong and should have been charged with crimes? When did ANY TBN or Religious Right leader ever oppose torture of a civilian just because he is a Islamic living in Iraq? By all means, correct me if I am wrong. The Religious Right also does not think that global warming is happening. Why is that? I voted for G.W. Bush partly because the Religious Right portrayed him as a godly man. I do not see Obama as a mature Christian and his head may be getting a bit big, based on come jokes he told at that function with Wanda Sykes. Maybe those were not his own jokes. But they were just jokes I hope. Remember, Pride goes before a fall.
Thirteen answers:
Paul F
2009-05-12 06:57:55 UTC
I am a right wing Christian, and I vote for who ever does the right thing.

Be they rebup, or dem. But to answer your question, God said that He would separate

the sheep from the goats.

The sheep He'll put on His right side, and the goats on His left.

Funny how you call your selves the left.

Many, many,many, Democrats believe in abortion. Including Catholics, that vote democrat. Because you are what you vote for.

Obama says that if a child is born alive in a failed abortion, that the child should be left to die, because it would negate her rights, to the abortion.

That is one thing I, and 99% of Christians will not ever vote for.

The killing of the unborn, is wrong, no matter how you collor it.

Having to work for a living, and then having to give some of your hard earned money to people that refuse to work is wrong.

Why not make everyone work and pay taxs, this would lighten the burden on everyone.

My uncle, made $10,000.00 a month sitting in a wheelchair. If he can, anyone can.
Brent H
2009-05-12 06:38:21 UTC
I don't think that the Republican party can do no wrong. Their core beliefs just happen to line up closer to mine than the Democratic party who tends to me more socialistic and big-government than what is good or what was intended by the original founders. I agree with Democrats about gun control and some other issues, but I could never vote for a Democrat that encourages big spending, and if I was able to vote when Bush was running I probably wouldn't have voted for him either.

As for GW Bush, he is a man of God. None of his decisions can take that away.

For the war, he acted on intelligence that was presented to him at the time (Let's face it, if Iraq won't let UN inspectors in to see if he has Nukes, something's up...). Intelligence isn't always correct in the long run, but after 9/11 and seeing that the terrorists were capable of attacking us on our soil, it made sense to strike preemptively. That being said, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were not handled very well, there was and is definite room for improvement.

On the home front, I don't agree with all the spending he authorized. He spent way to much. Regardless of what you think of his policies, however, he was and is still a man of God.

Anyway, that was a long-winded answer. It is ridiculous how things have turned into a Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican debacle when it should be about what's best. Both sides make promises they can't keep, both sides are nearly as equally to blame for this mess.
2016-10-04 14:14:33 UTC
I agree. If that is not executed honest i visit leave the occasion probable for good. that is not correct if my decision is greatest or the different person. it extremely is bearing directly to the yank human beings's voices being heard. I despatched am e mail to the DNC telling them how i've got faith. I advise others do the comparable. do no longer merely sit down in this board and whinge, take action. edited: If McCain wasn't for the war, i might have not got any hardship balloting for him. This war is hurting united statesa. plenty extra beneficial than something the two of the democrats can do. additionally it take a majority congress to bypass any rules besides. The president merely has veto power which will properly be overruled by using a 2/3 majority. optimistically the Senators will examine the expenditures earlier than balloting on them.
2009-05-12 07:00:12 UTC
What you do not realize is that many of us were Democrats just like

our parents, but we found out real fast that the Democratic party is not

the same as it used to be; instead, the Democratic party you see today is the same IN NAME ONLY; they have been literally hyjacked by a bunch of radical leftwing idiots, the same idiots who now fill the

new Government Administration.

I was a Democrat for my entire 51 years, but I quickly got the hell out

because this Administration is spending way too much money, they

are dumping the very programs and policies that have kept us safe

from terror attack for the past eight years, and we now have a President who runs about the world apologizing for America and stating how we fall short on every issue. He certainly does not sound

like a man who runs a Nation that he loves, but instead sounds like

some guy who despises this Country and insists that he will dump

the entire idea of our founding fathers and replace it with some other

kind of "America" that he feels the terrorists can better live with.

I have news for you: the reason so many of us have turned to the

Republican or Independant side, is because we DO LOVE THIS NATION AND WE ALSO REALIZE THAT OUR COUNTRY IS GREAT

IN UNDER 300 YEARS' TIME, because of the prinicpals laid down

by our founders and we choose to not discard those prinicipals.

Global warming? Do you realize that Colleges and individual scientists


denied money to continue any research on anything. You can thank

Al Gore for that, the guy who is lining his pockets with money everytime someone uses the phrase "global warming".

People who are decent, hardworking individuals who literally worked'

their fingers to the bone day and nite to leave a good future or college

money for their kids, are seeing their money disappear from their

Ira's, etc. at an astounding rate. Many who are about to retire are now

starting all over and will be leaving their children NOTHING. Those

who are decent people of faith are being mocked and ridiculed by the

rotten leftwing press, or they are having their careers and good names

run threw the mud because they refuse to yell "yippee" at the idea

of their little boys being told they can have sex with other little boys,

and that right in the kindergartens of the public school systems.

Republican or Independant is the only two choices when you need to

run like hell away from literal leftwing radicals who now make up the

Democratic party. Wanda Sykes? She is a dispicable, dirty, disgusting woman who actually thinks she is funny. She isn't funny,

and most people who have discussed her in the past call her nothing

more than a total annoyance. She thinks she is entitled to mock decent people just because she is black and a lesbian. As far as I'm

concerned, she deserves to be dropped off in Syria where she can

get a real idea of what it means when we lose the rights and freedoms

written in our Constitution. Lets see how far she'd get with her disgusting big mouth anywhere else in the world.

People other than Democrats do not think they are better or that they

can do no wrong; what they know is that no matter what, they will


FROM ANIMALS - and certainly not just so we can proclaim ourselves

"democrats". How long do you think that any Repub or INdependant

would get away with wishing Michelle Obama would get kidney disease? The leftest radical idiots who now have total control of this

Nation are so void of principal, decency, integrety, good character and

morals, that they act like 5 year old difiant little incorrigable children

who need a spanking; unfortunately, these same people have control

over our own children's safety from the foreign enemies that the left

thinks are all a figment of George Bush's imagination. They have a

mindset previous to 9/11, and its gonna get a whole lot of Americans

killed. I hope its not my babies, or, yours.......
section hand
2009-05-12 07:09:31 UTC
Israel about 1050 B.C. Demanded a King---God gave them King Saul:

The U.S. Demanded a King in Nov. 2008, The People now have One;

He has been given an Open Check Book;If He is destined to become the

------------He also has a "Plan for Israel" He will push for Peace Plan and Dividing Jerusalem to The P.L.o. and Israel;

And the Democrats are still Mumbling Bush-Chenny---Chenny-Bush---

on and on it goes;

Abortion and Sexual Perversion Will bring Judgment on an Individual and Nation;
2009-05-12 06:34:16 UTC
The religious have identified themselves with the Republican party and essentially ruined everything that the Republican party stood for.

I'm more conservative--at least, conservative in the way that it *used* to mean. Less government involvement. Bush kinda destroyed that party.
2009-05-12 06:30:23 UTC
Both The Republican AND Democrat Party are corrupt. Christians try to align themselves with conservatives, because liberalism will destroy freedom eventually
Doctor Who
2009-05-12 06:49:53 UTC
I have yet to find out just what the Democratic party is for. They say one thing just to get elected, then do the opposite. Is that the Democratic platform?
2009-05-12 06:36:20 UTC
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

(Proverbs 14:12)
2009-05-12 06:43:34 UTC
It's the lesser of two evils. The dems stand for abortion, homosexuality, welfare and unions labor entitlement, socialist control and engineering of society, radical feminism and all the other crap, and these aren't exactly Christian virtues
John 3:16
2009-05-12 06:37:09 UTC
Something about fishing from the "right" side of the boat.
2009-05-12 06:45:10 UTC
I did not read your question but I did notice the ending.
2009-05-12 06:38:19 UTC
Yes, that's is right. I was into that crap... Republicans better reflect the Bible God theology of the extreme right wing...! So Christians are "admonish" to follow through... Republicans heavily depend on the Christian vote!

When the American Founding Fathers drafted the US Constitution it was to represent AMERICAN WHITE MALE LAND OWNERS ONLY!!! Not anybody else!!! We are reinterpreting the US Constitution today to include everybody!!! Just like the preachers are reinterpreting what the wanking Jewish Bible writers had to say about the God that they put together!

Christians still have the option today to buy a suitable slave and abuse the Hell out of him/her with all of God's blessings like they did in Colonial America up to the 1860s! The Christian Clergy used to rule countries! Fortunately, Christianity is loosing its grip on many nations today.

According to the Bible a slave can be used even for the kinkiest gay, bizarre or straight sex imaginable! There are plenty of arguments in the Bible to justify ANY KIND OF KINKY SEX OR FETISH especially with slaves! Holy Moses is the Saint Protector of all the child abusers and perverts in the World! Believe it or not, pedophilia in all its extreme forms is CONDONED and it is totally unregulated throughout the Bible in favor of the child abuser. Nothing has changed because “GOD NEVER CHANGES”! If a man needs to have a little girl for a while for whatever pleasure HE DOESN’T NEED TO DATE HER! He can buy her as a slave from a set of God fearing parents “IN NEED OF MONEY”! In fact, you don’t really need to buy her at all you can trick her anyway you think she would fall for! God the Holy Ghost sent the Archangel Saint Gabriel to sweet talk the very young and horny Virgin Mary into some sort of a Divine copulation to get her pregnant! Mary didn’t hesitate one moment to go along to be laid with a perfect stranger! She didn’t tell her common law fiancé Saint Joseph until 6 months later and only because he noticed that his little girl friend was getting a big belly! Secular laws, NOT THE BIBLE GOD LAWS protect the minors today!

Titus 2:9 (NIV) (Saint Paul commands!) Teach slaves* (*including young little boy and girl slaves) to be subject to their masters in everything* (*EVERYTHING without restrictions, no matter how kinky!), to try to please them, not to talk back to them* (*slaves are expected to always enjoy pleasing their masters!),

These slaves are not just a submissive bunch of employees that need to be beaten to a pulp into obedience! Even Sweet Jesus Christ recommended MANY STRIPES for moron slaves! (Luke 12:47-48) Christians today are about the most immoral religious people in the world covering up all the crap about Jesus in the Bible! As an atheist and ex born again Christian minister I wish to issue an alert for Christians to wake up into the real world! For almost 2,000 years Christians settled for a sadomasochistic God religion! In its fullest context the Bible talk about any liberty is meant only for the masters, not for the slaves!

Exodus 21:20-21 (NIV) “If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod* (*like in a prolonged BDSM session!) and the slave dies as a DIRECT RESULT, he must be punished* (*but how? NOWHERE in the whole crappy BIBLE says how this master ought to be punished, although it says PLENTY on how to beat the Hell out of the slaves!), but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is “HIS PROPERTY”* (*In the Infallible KJV it says, “his money”… To God a slave is not even a human being, but money!)

So you can keep beating your male or female slave to a pulp every third day or so and as long as he/she recovers you are a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS person before this Loving Bible God! The whole Bible is decisively pro-slavery of the kinkiest sort! In the New Testament, escaping slaves were ALWAYS TOLD TO RETURN to their masters! The whole book of PHILEMON in the New Testament is dedicated to teach Christian escaped slaves anywhere in the world to return to their masters!

1 Peter 2:18 (NIV) (Saint Peter, the First Pope holding the keys of Heaven and Hell commands…) Slaves* (*including young little girl slaves!), submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, NOT ONLY to those who are good and considerate, BUT ALSO TO THOSE WHO ARE HARSH.* (*For a masochistic slave this must be like Heaven! Christians have no moral standards to draw from the Bible! They borrow from our real secular world that Christians are trained to hate!)

Exodus 21:7-8 (NIV) "If a MAN SELLS* (*for whatever reason like for being short of money and he has no use for his daughter! It doesn’t say, “If a man HAS to sell…” THIS IS FREE BIBLE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AT ITS FINEST!) his DAUGHTER* (*NOT HIS SON, but his daughter! Can you sense the sexual innuendos of the wanking Bible writers?) as a SLAVE, SHE IS NOT TO GO FREE as male slaves do. IF SHE DOES NOT PLEASE THE MASTER who has selected her for himself* (*by then she must have been sexually worn out, spiritually speaking of course!), he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her.

Can you imagine the SLAVE GIRL’S fate if her God fearing daddy doesn't want her back and her master is a sadistic sexual pervert? Another more subtle way of getting a GIRL for yourself in the Bible is to be a predator at a PURITY BALL watching the virgin girls dancing and grab for yourself anyone that you wish to have for a sexual partner/wife… The Law of God allows MEN this original pleasure! No silly dating necessary! That's about how the Blessed Virgin Mary got pregnant, too! She was talked into it and she agreed on the spot! She was “technically” kidnapped and raped!

Judges 21:23 * So that is what the Benjamites did. While the girls were dancing, each man caught one and carried her off to be his wife… (Some men had to fight other men like mad for the same girl, but what the heck!)

As long as the master of the house worships God he is always a Holy man no matter what! Shortly after his wife’s death, RIGHTEOUS LOT was getting drunk and was having sex with his young virgin daughters until he got them pregnant. The Levite Priest of God in Judges 19-21 pleasured himself carving up his gang raped concubine/lover in 12 pieces. He sent the chunks of her body by messengers all over Israel to get the Benjamin clan exterminated in a Holy Vendetta! (Amen?) Can you imagine the heads of the other 11 tribes in Israel getting a bloody body part of a Priest’s horny lover in the mail with a message saying that it was the Benjamite tribe that raped and killed her when it was this priest who delivered her for the unrestricted pleasure of the Jewish “Sodomites”… Can you still believe that this low ranking PRIEST OF GOD got ALL the tribes in Israel to agree with him on the spot to exterminate the tribe of Benjamin without any question asked!? Christians deep throat this Bible story like a charm! LUCKY BIBLE WRITERS!!! Nothing like this ever happens even among the most barbarian people in the world, but you can enjoy reading all about it in “God’s Holy Word the Bible!” The Bible writers were very smart to insist that they “wrote as they were led by the Spirit of God” (what were they smoking?)! They didn’t know what they were writing including the Adam and Eve, Moses and all the stories until they read it and were amazed (2 Pet 1:21)! The Bible is not a book of observed facts, but of “inspired facts!”

Luke 16:17 (NIV) (Jesus said) It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law* (*the Old Testament Bible is still valid –Jesus).

When some Colonies in America were ruled by the Puritan Christians a lot of innocent “witches” were hung from tree branches with a rope tied around their neck! The first criminals to be sentenced to death here in Christian America were witches (Check “Salem Witches” -Wikipedia!) Hundreds more were in jail on suspicion of being witches and warlocks! I am not taking ANYTHING out of any Bible or historical CONTEXT! Today Christians need to comply with our secular morality, not the way around! In due course, the validity and morality of same sex marriages everywhere will be determined by secular law, too! The Clergy will eventually regulate the morality of same sex couples. There is plenty of flip-flopping room in the Bible to accommodate any lifestyle. Christianity is here to stay for a long while because some humans still need a religious crutch to function in this world. Fortunately, COMMON SENSE IS PREVAILING OVER CHURCH DOGMAS!

The Bible writers never imagined in their primitive mind any form of democracy without slavery and with liberty and freedom for all! Christianity is the biggest scam in history! Christianity in general still refuse to accept these worldly facts. To them “world” is a dirty word!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.