Atheists: Will overpopulation become a serious problem in our lifetime?
2011-12-14 12:51:13 UTC
By serious I mean when we start having problems like food shortages in first world countries.

P.S. I actually started to type religion instead of problem lol *facepalm*
Seventeen answers:
2011-12-14 12:57:50 UTC
Why do you think rich countries are buying up tracts of land in Africa?
2011-12-14 13:06:28 UTC
I am an atheist and I think that overpopulation will be a problem in the future, but will be different for the developed and developing world.

In many developing countries, people have more children because there is a higher chance that some will die. However as living standards improve and contraception becomes more available the birth rate in developing countries will decline. Things such as higher status and employment of women also contribute to a lower birth rate.

In many developed countries, there is a lower birth rate but immigration is increasing the population, and the immigrants have a higher birth rate than the rest of the population. The population of my country, the UK, is rising worryingly and is set to reach 70 million.

I think it could either go two ways - the population goes out of control and leads to serious problems, or it stabilizes and even declines.
2011-12-14 13:04:22 UTC
Only if we let it. The sad thing is we have the technology to feed vast numbers more than the current world population but we do not have the political will. It is made all the more difficult by political divisions.

To put it simply (very simply as it will not happen for centuries if at all) if say people all lived in Western Europe then the whole of the USA, Canada Africa etc could be turned over to resource production. Even more oilfields and gasfields as there would be no human environmental impact to oil wells open cast mines etc.

But first we need to remove politics which currently requires hundreds of different political units - and that aint going to happen for a good while yet - but starvation could be a powerful motivator.!
2011-12-14 13:56:10 UTC
People are people and yes the government has already thought about this.

Will you ever get the flu shot?

Don't live for this world; the world is only going to get worse.

When you die physically do you know where you will be going. You don't know for sure? I'm not trying to scare you to God. I'm a Christian and there's people who are lost. I'm lost without God.

people know about God because what people say about Him.

Being with God is all about being humility and humble;

I like the question because I've done a lot of research on conspires theories.

I won't say what I know. God doesn't want us to worry about the things that will happen in this life.

People are people and we don't always get it right. The people who actually run America are in charge and they already thought about this. They taunt us in movies and t.v. the music we listen too. They basically are just taunting us; These are just somethings that they will brainwash us with. Don't fall for it.

God knows their motives. But the ones you need to lookout for are the darkness in this world; demons and satan. What you can't see physically doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. God says that He is the image of the invisible God;

Keep your life simple. The things in this world will fade away one day.

People of Noah's time thought that Noah was crazy for building the Ark where there was no water. Even Noah's family lived a tough time because of Noah; People would make fun. God says the end will be like the days of Noah's Ark; I think that the Ark took him about 150 years to build. Back then people lived longer lives.

They can destroy 90% of the population and it still wouldn't even be close to the end. Only God knows when the end will be. It won't be a happy time. I think that mankind will trigger the effects of the Tribulations.

We should pray for everybody. People are not the enemy but the forces of the dark world are.

We are spiritually blinded without the Holy Spirit; and Jesus says that the Truth will set you free. You need to be willing to walk with Him. Without God we can do nothing.

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today

Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips

Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.

That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." DC Talk
2011-12-14 12:56:08 UTC
Dunno. But it may become a serious problem in the life times of people I care about. Or, if you take the long term Yoda view, in someone's life time and that's just as bad. ( I reckon Yoda would feel that way).

But, people are people and it's hard to make them stop breeding. And, of course, we'd have to have a world wide population control plan or country A would let their numbers dwindle and country B, which has no population control program, would simply invade with their superior numbers and keep breeding on the newly conquered land. Eventually you'd just wind up with a species made of violent breeders.

Oh, wait. Too late.
falsi fiable
2011-12-14 12:53:27 UTC
WILL? It already is a serious problems.

We don't have a food shortage problem. We have a resource allocation problem. If people gave up meat just one meal per week we would have more than enough grain to feed the world.

It takes seven pounds of plant protein to produce a single pound of animal protein. Meat production is extremely inefficient and very harmful to the environment.
2011-12-15 11:47:24 UTC
By the time over population becomes a problem will be capable of living on other planets.
2011-12-14 12:56:10 UTC
I think it already is. There are places where infanticide is a socially acceptable form of population control. Why? There aren't enough resources to feed all the babies being born, so the infants are drowned or abandoned. Of course it's cruel, but if you don't do it, the rest of the family starves together.
2011-12-14 12:55:12 UTC
I don't think it is that extreme but in China parents are only allowed to have one child I think. And there is high poverty ratings around the world. I think it has already begun to be a problem. There isn't much we can do about it other then do what China does, and only allow one couple to have one child. :|
2011-12-14 12:54:33 UTC
Yes, it will, and the process has already begun. But why are you asking atheists? Are all atheists also sociologists, anthropologists, and resource professionals? Well maybe we are. Never mind then.
2011-12-14 12:54:34 UTC
I have heard of overpopulation all my long life and I have yet to see it.

If it starts do like China and put in a one child per family policy. It took care of their overpopulation/starvation problems.
2011-12-14 12:53:33 UTC
Look at China.

Der economy is dun goofed.

Their system works on hard manual labour.

Because the one-child policy has been put in place, in 20-30 years time, the hard labour won't get completed simply because of lack of manpower.

China will collapse. Be prepared for oriental migration.

If China collapses, the US will collapse shortly after. Those two countries feed from each other.
2011-12-14 12:54:32 UTC
No we will always find away around our problems. That's why we have Ideas.. And the more people on the earth the more ideas will be available
2011-12-14 12:53:27 UTC
Why do you only ask Atheists?

Theists got brains too .. -.-

And YES I think it'll be a problem some day, atleast thats what scientists said
2011-12-14 12:52:24 UTC
Somebody born today won't be around when that happens, I don't think.
2011-12-14 13:04:21 UTC
It already is...

2011-12-14 12:53:27 UTC
all them religious folks keep breeding to please their jesus

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.