People are people and yes the government has already thought about this.
Will you ever get the flu shot?
Don't live for this world; the world is only going to get worse.
When you die physically do you know where you will be going. You don't know for sure? I'm not trying to scare you to God. I'm a Christian and there's people who are lost. I'm lost without God.
people know about God because what people say about Him.
Being with God is all about being humility and humble;
I like the question because I've done a lot of research on conspires theories.
I won't say what I know. God doesn't want us to worry about the things that will happen in this life.
People are people and we don't always get it right. The people who actually run America are in charge and they already thought about this. They taunt us in movies and t.v. the music we listen too. They basically are just taunting us; These are just somethings that they will brainwash us with. Don't fall for it.
God knows their motives. But the ones you need to lookout for are the darkness in this world; demons and satan. What you can't see physically doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. God says that He is the image of the invisible God;
Keep your life simple. The things in this world will fade away one day.
People of Noah's time thought that Noah was crazy for building the Ark where there was no water. Even Noah's family lived a tough time because of Noah; People would make fun. God says the end will be like the days of Noah's Ark; I think that the Ark took him about 150 years to build. Back then people lived longer lives.
They can destroy 90% of the population and it still wouldn't even be close to the end. Only God knows when the end will be. It won't be a happy time. I think that mankind will trigger the effects of the Tribulations.
We should pray for everybody. People are not the enemy but the forces of the dark world are.
We are spiritually blinded without the Holy Spirit; and Jesus says that the Truth will set you free. You need to be willing to walk with Him. Without God we can do nothing.
"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." DC Talk