Each time the "end times" is mentioned, we give as much information as possible (backed by Scripture AND events happening around us) indicating Christ's return.
But it always falls on deaf ears. Because most will not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. Just like gangsters. They probably dress like gangsters too. So, to meet them at that level, we'll have to tap into their 'lingo' where 'grass' is not grass.
Don't worry, we'll make it as clear and simple as the Truth.
I believe that the Lord has been showing us for a while just how little time we have left and now I refer to the phenomena in the heavens as in the planets, the moon and the sun.
[Luke 21:25] "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.“
Just look at the strange phenomena of planets that, after thousands of years, suddenly pass behind each other, the series of blood moons, the sun eclipse in America that has gone all over America from West to East…
God created the signs for a purpose that was more than inspiration of beauty and awe. With a little study it becomes obvious that there are pictures, patterns, and time relationships in the sky. The Heavens are not the result of a random explosion but a carefully orchestrated design.
Think about it... 4 blood moons, 4 times in a row on the Jewish "High Holy Days" (the Passover Feast Days), with the solar eclipse in the middle, is beyond the null hypothesis of probability. Now, don't you think that the Bible is warning us by using the sun, the moon and the stars (as a communication system for humanity) to tell us that something huge is about to happen that will change world history forever...?
NASA predicted the four blood moons that were witnessed BY EVERYONE! No one will have an excuse...
In such a day, when the signs of the times show those who believe in God's word, that the "King of kings" is approaching, Christians are called to a decided course, and to a bold confession of Christ and His truth before their fellowmen.
What about the flood-storms, the droughts, the famines, the wars, the earthquakes in various places, and pestilences [Luke 21:11], and it gets worse and worse. Like a woman in labour when her contractions become more intense (increasing in strength and frequency), and yes, the Bible also refers to it! Let's be honest, you must be really blind if you haven't noticed!
Satan is doing a masterful job of confusing the ministers, intellectual leaders and educators of the nations about true religion. He can very cleverly make morality seem passé. More and more, our religious leaders are edging away from a clear description of faith in a personal God, especially a God who sets forth laws and a way of life. If there is any mention of "God" at all, it is a vague concept, far from the true God of the Bible.
And so it is that professing ministers of Jesus Christ, are cut off from God because of their lack of obedience to His commandments [1 John 2:4]. They are twisting and perverting the Scriptures, as God Himself said they would. They are bringing in a completely false form of Christianity and morality that condones almost anything. As God warned, "As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. Oh my people! Those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths" [Isaiah 3:12].
A little later in 'Isaiah,' God also cautions us: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" [Isaiah 5:20]. THIS is happening before our very eyes -- For a Christian to be asleep, is nothing but spiritual suicide! It explains the Parable of the Ten Virgins in [Matthew 25:1–13].
All these signs point to the Second Coming of Christ! Now what must precede this event? Let's see, the Rapture, the Peace treaty and the Tribulation.
Therefore, the relationship between the Rapture and the Tribulation must be clearly understood before any conclusions can be drawn. That the Rapture (Christ removing His saints from the earth) precedes the Tribulation (where God will pour out His wrath on all mankind to put an end to sin). But it does not START the tribulation; it's the signing of the peace treaty with Israel that marks the 7-year Tribulation period.
How long before the end of this age? It's so close we can feel it...