How do you get the Church of Scientology to stop contacting you?
2008-07-30 02:22:42 UTC
First they sent this "personality test" in the mail, which didn't say it was from Scientology.

Then they started calling and e-mailing.

Yesterday, someone came to the door.

Look, I have nothing against Scientology, but I'm a Unitarian Universalist, and happy where I am. How do I get them to leave me alone? Or will they just keep pestering me forever?
Twelve answers:
2008-08-01 09:12:32 UTC
They are extremely dangerous people.

You cannot threaten legal action because legal action is their strong suite.

You cannot yell at them or say anything rude to them because they will hunt you down and can do major damage.

If they are very VERY into getting you involved, and have something they want specifically from you (if you are rich or high profile) they will stop at nothing and I wouldn't be surprised if they had private investigators following you.

Those are the kind of things that they do.

You say you have nothing against it- well, you should. It is NOT a true religion, it is a CULT, and a dangerous one at that.

It was created by a terrible sci-fi writer who was running broke and needed some quick cash- so, voila, Dianetics. Oh, taxes? Well lets call it a religion and we won't be taxed!

It is classified as a cult in many countries and it's time to do it here also.

Anyway, a great guy I know of runs this pretty big site called Operation Clambake-

Here is what he says;

"The cult got my name and keeps calling me, are they dangerous and how do I make them stop?"

They will not hurt you. You should however never underestimate their ability to slowly reel you in.

The repeated calls is a known problem. Arguing with them only seem to make them think there is an opening - by appying enough pressure they expect you to give in. My advice would be not to argue with them, refuse whatever attempts they make. And don't ever be angry, showing emotions makes them think they have something going.

The passive method is to just hang up and it is likely they eventually will stop if you refuse to listen and they can't tell if you have any reactions to it. Be aware that they can be very persistent! If you want to be more direct you should ignore totally what they say and - with authority in your voice - tell them with as few words as possible that this is illegal harassment and you will report them to the police. Be prepared by writing a little script of what you plan to say. Then hang up without slamming it in their ear.

You can also go further by (again totally ignoring what they say and use authority in your voice) starting to talk about OT 3 and the galactic overlord Xenu who Hubbard writes about there. The caller is most likely not authorized to listen to it. Tell them that if they don't stop calling you immediately, you are considering printing up leaflets about Xenu and OT 3, and distributing them outside their "church".

But don't threaten with something you don't intend to actually do. And never threaten with anything illegal or violent, they are sure to report you to the police. Be firm in your voice whatever you say, never irritated or angry. Try to understand how the cult present critics out in the real world as crazy people out of control, don't live up to their expectations. Remember that the person calling you is a victim.

Anyway, I suggest reading up on that site ( You will see what monsters they are.
2014-03-12 16:12:12 UTC
I found the magic recipe. I asked off from Phil Anderson, a consultant, at the WUS CLO (323) 953-3464. About a week ago I had been getting about 3 calls a day for 3 weeks from several different churches. Each person I called, I asked if they would take me off the list. I had been asking this of each of maybe 100 callers over the last 4 years. After talking with Phil very politely, he got the calls stopped immediately. I haven't received one since, and it's been a week now.
2016-03-13 17:00:30 UTC
Try marking it "Refused". USPS will send it back if unopened. See excerpt from their website. Not everyone accepts every piece of mail that is delivered to their home, whether it is unsolicited advertising or other pieces. When that happens, Postal standards offer mail refusal options. o Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), Sect. 604.8.1.2 and Sect. 507.1.8.2 provide two instances where mail can be refused when it is offered for delivery, or, after delivery, you may mark “Refused” and return it unopened within a reasonable time. o If a mailpiece has been opened, even if it is been resealed, it CANNOT be marked “Refused” and returned. If someone wants to return that mailpiece to the sender, they have to put it in a new envelope or wrapper with a correct address and new postage. o There is some mail that CANNOT be refused after it has been delivered. Once again, two groups fit this category § Pieces sent as Registered Mail, Insured, Certified Mail, Collect on Delivery (COD), and Return Receipt for merchandise mail. § Response mail to a sales promotion, solicitation, announcement, or other advertisement that was not refused when offered to the recipient.
Been here before
2008-07-30 02:43:54 UTC
DId you miss something here? you went and sent in that personality test, didn't you?

(In my area they just did letter-box drops with them).

So now they know you got it, know you might be trappable.....and the test results have given them clues to your weaknesses, how to sell the idea to you. I do hope you told some fibs on the test!

Be very polite, do not be trapped into answering any of their questions (not even "innocent" ones like what lovely weather we're having). Just firmly, politely, keep repeating the one sentence "I do not want anything to do with you, please leave". And close the door/hang up the phone.

In a while even they will take a hint. Keep calm, smiling, polite, but say nothing else.

I repeat, do not be drawn into any conversation. No matter what they say.
2008-07-30 02:27:43 UTC
Aww, I know they are like parasites. Best thing to do is just not answer your door. They will get the hint sooner or later. I know in my area I always get Normans and Jehovas Witnesses knocking on my door. I just ignore it. If they ask if you are home just tell them "No" and hang up or close the door. lol
Christobal D
2008-07-30 06:44:48 UTC
Its simple. Just call the local church of scientology in question and simply give them your name and request to be removed from their mailing list.

No fuss. None of that.
Mrs. Nesbit
2008-07-30 02:29:50 UTC
Tell them you are going to file a harassment charge.
2008-07-30 02:25:52 UTC
Tell them to remove your name and address from their books or you will take legal action.
Innocent Victim
2008-07-30 05:29:49 UTC
Give away all of your money, then let them know that you've done so. They'll never bother you again, guaranteed.
2008-07-30 02:31:41 UTC
Ask them to remove you from the mailing list.
Nik Tao - Third Eye
2008-07-30 02:36:25 UTC
Leave yir body behind.
2008-07-30 02:28:26 UTC
Tell them you have no money.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.