Bert, " Hey Ernie did you know there are tap dancing dolphins living on Jupiter"?
Ernie, " Don't be stupid Bert, how can dolphins tap dance and why would they be on Jupiter"?
Bert, " I read it in a book".
Ernie" Don't be stupid Bert just because it's in a book doesn't make it true".
Bert, " How do you know it isn't true, have you ever been to Jupiter, have you got a telescope that can see right down into Jupiter"?
Ernie, " Well...errmmm no I haven't, but the whole idea is absurd, it goes against all that we know about life and the universe".
Bert, "If you cannot 100% prove it's not true then wouldn't it be more logical to actually say you neither believe nor disbelieve that there are tap dancing dolphins on Jupiter, that you are agnostic on the subject"?
Ernie, " No not really Bert, and I'm to tired to explain exactly why. Goodnight Bert".