"The only observed instances of functional entities or processes composed of multiple interdependent components actually coming into existence, it was the product of design and manufacture."
No. The experiments are within laboratory conditions to simulate different environments to understand abiogenesis better and under what conditions it can work. "Man" didn't "design" the life form; it arose through time and evolved due to the pressure of the artificial environment.
In a sense, you can claim that we "designed" the environment to allow experimentation but we did not at all "design" the entities components nor what it became. In other words, it was "never" a product of design.
If complexity naturally requires a designer, then your deity requires one. This irreducible complexity argument always falls into infinity regression -- i.e., who designed your God. If you create a special case for your God, you have just committed special pleading.
"That experiment does not show anything that does not already exist coming into existence..."
Perhaps you should actually read it then. If you are changing the topic to "something coming from nothing" I would advise starting a new question so we can shoot that one down as well.
If you want "something coming from nothing" though, look up virtual particles and Zero Energy Universe.
"Yes self replicating RNA brought into existence as a product of design -- scientists who designed the experiment. You have just provided evidence for my claim!"
Wow. I am now convinced you are a troll. If you aren't trying to be one, actually READ the article. If you continue with your nonsense, then we are done here.
"Either you can give an example of a functional (performs some kind of work) entity or process that is composed of multiple"
I did you dummy. All the scientists did was mix together the ingredients that are known to be the building blocks of life. RNA arose from that non-life. If the early Earth had these ingredients and the proper environment to sustain them (as we know it did) then it is very possible for the environment to create the first RNA in the same way.
"IF YOU CAN'T: Then any assertion that it did happen"
We don't assert that it did happen -- only that it CAN happen as evidenced by the above. Your argument is thus invalidated and we are done here.
"Scientists have proven then can do something in the lab. They have not even come close to proving the conditions and processes that produced the lab results have ever existed in nature or are even possible in nature"
Well..its obviously possible in nature if it can be done in a lab. And there is a LOT of evidence for the early Earth despite your claim.
You have shown constant dishonesty and lack of care for the evidence presented, attempted shifting of the burden of proof and have provided absolutely nothing but attacks in supporting your argument.
Your argument is not only invalidated but the discussion is now over due to the above and the fact that you have absolutely no basis and no argument.