Recently I have lost my belief in god. What do I do?
Advise Buddy A
2008-11-23 21:58:28 UTC
I try to make myself think that there is god... But I'm not feeling any signs or anything. The more I read into science, the more I lose faith. I don't know what to do... Common sense is taking over my mind.

The first time I started to lose faith is when I was thinking of Adam and Eve Vs. Science/Evolution. Please help
42 answers:
2008-11-23 22:12:13 UTC
There' nothing wrong with questioning. Just relax, continue to read, look at different philosophies and religions and talk to people without being judged by or judging them. Take your time, and you will form your own beliefs and be comfortable with them.

Some of the more liberal churches that don't tout a dogma are Unitarian-Universalist and Unity/Religious Science. But explore other religions also. Maybe read some of Joseph Campbell or the sacred texts of all religions. Or take a course in comparative religion. Also, think of what your values are, and try to find something that is compatible with what you have placed value on (truth, tolerance, love, caring for the poor, etc)

You don't have to believe everything the church tells you. Most of the dogma is about power, and you will see why if you read history. That doesn't mean there isn't a god or a higher power. It just means mankind has mostly misunderstood and misused the message. Study what the figures in religion and the saints did & said as nearly as we know and make your own conclusions. Remember that many of the stories, as in the creation story, are myths and metaphors. That doesn't mean they are wrong or meaningless, it means we need to look at them in a different way.

I wish you luck & godspeed on your journey. Make it YOUR journey and you will find peace with it.
2008-11-23 22:54:52 UTC
That's ironic because i've found the more I read into science and math the more I gain faith. The earth is governed by laws and properties that have been proven to exist by man...Newton's Laws of motion, Einstein's Theory of Relativity, atoms, cells, existence of gravity...scientific discoveries have made it more believable for me that there is an intelligent designer...something that we are not able to comprehend that must have created the earth...and not just that but the universe to its entirety...all the planets and comets in the solar system are made of the same elements, carbon, nitrogen's all such a great mystery.

I think there is a god that created all of it, and life is a puzzle, the answers are right in front of us but people must use their intellect and understanding of the world to discover more of what it all means...and maybe we're not meant to know it all. One thing that has always puzzled me is how vast the universe is and how we can never discover it all...there is so much out there, but the human mind is capable of anything in my opinion it just takes time...look how far man has come in the last 3000 years without a doubt it took many great determination, faith, and great intellect to achieve the laws we now know to exist and can use to understand further a purpose or improvement in the quality of life...and about the Bible I do believe some of it (especially the old testament) were stories to tell lessons, but I've always focused more on Jesus's teachings, and whether or not you believe it all it has always served as great guidence to me during troubling or frustrating times of my life...i think there is a lot of wisdom in the bible as far as leading an honest and moral life. I also recommend you read some biographies on Einstein and his faith. I found it to be very interesting.
2008-11-23 22:50:03 UTC
How solid is the foundation of evolution? EVOLUTION: order from disorder. Something coming from nothing. If you had letters from a scrabble game how long do you think it would take to get two lines from a Shakespear play "to be or not to be that is the question" by simply dropping them. It would take quite some time for those letters to fall into place. But this analogy assumes that their is some order already because scrabble letters are cut out and a letter is painted on them before you start dropping them. This analogy would portray evolution more accurately if we were to get a person with a paint brush and have them not paint but fling paint at the square wood chip until the paint began to resemble a letter. Then you take that letter and put it aside until you get enough letters to actually make your first drop. I hope this helps. If you get a chance watch The Truth Project. You can go online to watch the promo.
2008-11-23 22:06:57 UTC
When I first became an atheist, I was a bit depressed. However, now I am extremely happy!!!! My thoughts are mine and mine only,.....I don't have to worry about a magical being listening to me. I am in control of my life and destiny. For me, it was a great relief because I spent much of my teen years pondering how to make sense of religion and how God works. Now I can understand the nature of the universe by reading books on evolution. They have found all the missing links.

The God Delusion is a great book. I am reading it right now.

I have NEVER felt so free. A great quote I heard somewhere is "Why can't a garden be beautiful without believing that there are fairies at the bottom too?" Hehe. I go outside into my beautiful garden and play with my beautiful animals. It doesn't matter that a magical God didn't create them. They are beautiful on their own.

I have learned that there is no inherent meaning to life. I spent years pondering the meaning of life. I now know ther eis none!!! However, it is liberating because I can create whichever meaning I choose! My personal meaning is gaining knowlege/learning/helping people/making the world a better place/enjoying the beauty.
2008-11-24 00:35:46 UTC
Evolution is a theory, Adam and Eve are facts. Holy Quran has mentioned many scientific facts 1400 years ago, which have been discovered now. Go on to and enter ' Evolution' in the search box to see for yourself, what Quran has disclosed long time ago, humanity came to know it in 20th or 21st Century.

You will find clear and convincing explanations of all the scientific facts and you will know for sure that Islam is the way to Truth and Eternity.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal
2008-11-24 00:06:10 UTC
Rejoice and grow!!

Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!!!

More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

Evolution in action with Christians getting left behind like the monkeys and apes before them!!!
some person
2008-11-23 22:03:11 UTC
Your problem is that you're waiting for a sign. You're reading science. So..if you want to learn about God the Bible is the best thing to read on it. Both come with learning. You can study both. But if you choose to not read the Bible and try and understand it and instead go after science then you can't really say that you "tried" to make yourself think there is a God. Peace.
Kyle C
2008-11-23 23:13:37 UTC
this is a very hard place to be.

i have been there myself, being non-religious in a very religious family. it feels like there is no one out there who shares your beliefs. you can feel isolated and alone, with no one to talk to.

but you aren't. many people feel the same way, but they have the same feelings of isolation that you do, and they are afraid to admit it. i recently discovered my own brother doesn't believe, and has been too afraid to tell anyone about it. he was shocked to learn that i shared his skepticism.

you are doing the right thing by posting this, find some sort of community, a university group meeting, a web forum, etc. where people share similar ideas, and talk to them about it.

i would recommend reading as much as you can on the subject. read some Richard Dawkins--NOT 'the god delusion', but his other books, they have a way of making science come alive, and they fill you with awe and wonder.

the only advice i can really give you is to keep reading as much as you can, make sure what you read comes from credible sources, and keep an open mind about everything.
2008-11-23 22:29:09 UTC
Study everything you can... don't limit yourself. Eventually, you will find the answers you are seeking. You don't have to get down on yourself for having a hard time believing in God, but if you want to believe in God, give just as much of your time in trying to learn about that as you do trying to learn something new. You might be surprised to find that you don't have to sacrifice one belief for another. If you do enough research you just might find that a lot of things that you didn't think could have anything in common actually have a lot to do with each other. Seek and you shall find! (Sound familiar?)
2008-11-23 22:08:23 UTC
Questioning your beliefs is a little gift your mind gives you and an opportunity to explore a little. Obviously some kind of doubt, questions or convictions are leading you away from you're original path. Use this time to learn about as many religions and world views as possible, what feels right to you? Yes science disproves many interpretations of faith previously held up as truth but religion is an important aspect of our motivation to live and grow. Just use this period of open-mindedness to learn as much as you can and decide for yourself what means what to you.
2008-11-23 22:05:16 UTC
Actually, there are a lot of scientific facts that go well with religion. Science and Religion are -not- oil and water, though they may seem to be from a superficial view.

You shouldn't have to make yourself think that there is a god. Sometimes, we look too hard. Sometimes, we pray and pray and don't feel anything.

As a believer, I can tell you that this happens to me, too. Sometimes you just can't feel it... and I think it's a test. I think that sometimes God withdraws the comfort that we might feel upon going to church or praying. I don't know exactly why this is, but it happens. Everyone doubts from time to time, but keep praying and just let it roll off your shoulders.

Do you have a religion? Do you go to church? If you don't.. then give it a try. Read the Bible.. do things that are spiritually stimulating.

Hope this helps. :D
Mary P
2008-11-23 22:11:57 UTC
Try and clear your mind of all preconceived notions regarding God. Open your mind and heart to the truth and become willing to accept whatever you feel in your heart. Open yourself up to love as a noun instead of only an adjective. Try and release all the negative emotions that you may be holding on to and concentrate more on the positive things instead. God may not be what you have been taught He is by others, so allow yourself to embark on a unknown journey of discovery, talk or pray to God as you believe God to be and be willing to trust and experience your own feelings for a change.
۞ JønaŦhan ۞
2008-11-23 22:10:27 UTC
Read this book, which will make you lose faith in science

There is so much conspiracy and corruption going on in the world today, it is hard to even talk to the vast majority of the population because nobody reads books, and if they do it isn't the right ones. Don't believe the propaganda that the world feeds you because the majority believe lies.
2008-11-23 22:05:59 UTC
Science reinforces my faith.I can feel God in my heart and I know his heart,so it really impossible for me to lose him.He is love,and love is everywhere.You probably are losing faith because you kept him in a box of rules and lost what really matter love.You shouldnt be afraid when you have a realtionship with God.I went through the same thing AS you did.But remeber the word of God is spiritual,meaning its true in everyway.Evolution really doesnt void the bible,man voids the bible.7days?Genesis is true but we have to realize its spiritual symbols ect. To God 1 day is said to be like a thousand,how do we know that a 1,000 is not millions?Another thing to keep the faith means to keep the love.If you love everyone equally than its imposible to lose faith.Ur faith is in the impossible illogical,which is how love is defined but it truly is the miracle of life.
2008-11-23 22:20:32 UTC
well you listening to people get you no where. instead of listening to them and thinking about know the devil can deceive are loosing faith like the bible predicted. science isn't always right and why would they know they were there back then. global warming is a scam look it up on google. scientist said it because they dot know what else to say it but they dont want to say its God!! now all im going to tell you is ask God for help
2008-11-23 22:39:17 UTC
Watch the movie EXPELLED!!!!!read 2 corinthians 4:4 the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.2 corinthians 13:5 keep proving what you are.satan is hard at work.remember he doesnt

SLEEP.We need to keep proving to ourselves where we stand or satan will gobble us up[1 peter 5:8]
2008-11-23 22:30:09 UTC
Just because you have moved away from a spiritual path does not make it wrong or make it impossible to go back to it. Follow your intuition on this one, only then will you find what you are looking for. You have only now become aware that there is more ways then just one to be spiritual. Please try to remember that "Knowing makes one wise, but Following makes one blind". Finding the right path for you is something that no one can do for you.
2008-11-23 22:10:36 UTC
Well, do as you please. God hasn't lost His faith is you, and even if no one on Earth knew or acknowledged God, that doesn't mean He's not there, because in the beginning, tribal peoples knew Him simply as the life force. Why should it be any different now? We are all connected, whether we know Him or not.

So go ahead and live your life: "I have come so that you may live your life to the full."
Nicholas R
2008-11-23 22:18:29 UTC
One thing that helped me in my stuggle with faith years ago was prayer. Before I read anything I would ask God to allow me to understand the truth. I believed that if there was a God worth knowing, he would answer prayer. If he didn't answer prayer, he wasn't worth knowing. My prayers were not just words. They came from the heart. I really wanted to know for sure. I didn't believe that I had in myself the ability to ever know the truth absolutely. I would be stuck with someones' opinion, either mine or somebody else's sooner or later.

The things of faith cannot be understood by the same type of rational mind that understands the things of science. Faith is for supernatural understanding. Science is for understanding of natural things. There are many things that can shake your faith unless your grounded on the Rock. Jesus Christ is the Rock. Once you're sure about him you'll never be moved again. It worked for me. My faith is my most valuable possession. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It cost me my life to get it, but it was worth it.

You can get anything you need from God through prayer. Just ask him honestly. Ask him to reveal himself. Ask him about his son Jesus. Or ask Jesus directly. Jesus is also God. But beware what you pray for, you just might get it!
2008-11-23 22:04:06 UTC
Darwin was a christian, contrary to popular belief. Who says God doesnt use the laws of nature? Science and God are not mutually exclusive.
2008-11-23 22:19:04 UTC
you should have doubts on them both. Because in each others eyes they are theory's. At least as Children of God we believe the bible is the truth. The scientists say they are theory's.

Seek his face in prayer and do not look for signs. Just ask for God to commune with you.
2008-11-23 22:37:09 UTC
I think part of the problem is you are trying to use scientific or worldly methods in trying to find evidence of God's reality. Think of the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). The Savior had been crucified and doubt and hard logic seemed to rob them of their faith. Even as the Savior spoke with, expounded the scriptures, and ministered unto them; they were unable to discern His identity despite His numerous sermons detailing the prophesy of his resurrection. They only came to know of His identity as he left.

"And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" (Luke 24:31-32).

The many miracles of the galaxy, earth, humanity, and other marvelous creations all show that a God exists, but ultimately to come to know that God exists one must come to learn of Him by faith.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11:1,6).

We must come to know Him by studying the gospel of Jesus Christ and with sincerity and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ asking to know the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost. The influence of the Holy Ghost manifests itself in our hearts as they burn within us and we know the truth.

Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. (Book of Mormon, Moroni 10:3-5).

I hope you will study, ponder, and pray about these things. God does live and loves all of His children. He answers sincere prayers in His own way and on His own timetable, but He does answer them in His wisdom.
2008-11-23 22:24:41 UTC
You'll be okay. Here is an FAQ for the recently deconverted.
2008-11-23 22:05:55 UTC
2008-11-23 22:02:58 UTC
There's nothing TO do. If you've lost faith and can't seem to get it back, then there isn't much point in forcing it. Just relax and be yourself. There are tonnes of answers out there that don't depend on anything supernatural. There's nothing to be afraid of.

I hope you learn to accept yourself - and remember that you are definitely not alone! :)
2016-12-18 13:25:18 UTC
um i assume i began doubting in affirmation type (i be conscious of soo ironic!), why i doubted? no longer b/c of the internet... i asked myself why did i've got self assurance in god, and got here up with 'b/c the bible tells me to'. why did i've got self assurance interior the bible? b/c my mothers and fathers advised me to. i could no longer locate yet one extra reason, and found out that i've got no longer believed in god because of the fact that like midsection college, so now im atheist ;)
2008-11-23 22:03:56 UTC
i don't think science and faith are mutually exclusive. there are many books written by scientists who are religious.
Dixie Normus
2008-11-23 22:11:52 UTC
Enjoy your life
2008-11-23 22:04:30 UTC
Do you ask God questions in prayer? If you don't, you might want to start instead of just accepting what people tell you.
2008-11-23 22:04:32 UTC
Romans 10:17

"So then faith comes by hearing the word of God". Simple, all you have to do is read the bible to yourself, or listen to it: " ".
2008-11-23 22:12:19 UTC
Live your life in freedom. Why force yourself to believe something you know isn't real. The fear will go with time.
2008-11-23 22:01:46 UTC
Its easy to be that way, you will come to it once again. Just do not hurry, take your time. Your heart will lead you to your own conclusion.
Defending the truth
2008-11-23 22:06:41 UTC
i do not see how one loses there faith like this but i sent you an IM so we can chat about it.
2008-11-23 22:02:11 UTC
keep studying science and asking questions, search for the truth.
Anonymous #265
2008-11-23 22:01:51 UTC
Congratulations. You are reaching enlightment.

Would you wager your life for something that has no evidence and logic to back it up?

Precisely. All of the deities do not have evidence and logic
2008-11-23 22:06:29 UTC
Subtle troll. Not bad.
Dreamstuff Entity
2008-11-23 22:04:23 UTC

You've accepted reality. Enjoy!
2008-11-23 22:02:21 UTC
It makes more sense to you that your ancestors were space monkeys that fell out of a rock that came from nothing?
2008-11-23 22:02:15 UTC
pray for help to understand why you are feeling this way
2008-11-23 22:04:21 UTC
- Jesus is Hardcore, Hardcore. Level with Him & He will lift you up ...

2008-11-23 22:04:13 UTC
Get down on your knees and give thanks that you have been saved...

Oh wait, right, sorry...
2008-11-23 22:06:43 UTC
Were there people on earth before Adam and Eve? -

Ecc 1 Verse 9: The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.

Verse 10: Is there anything whereof it may be said, see, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

Verse 11: There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after. (The new heaven and new earth).

(Many people saw flying saucers. Some of them preachers that will not lie. Satan became Satan when he was thrown from heaven because he wanted the people of earth to pray unto him. This happened before Adam, because he was in Paradise, with adam and eve, telling eve to eat the forbidden fruit. He was already thrown out of Heaven.)

Mic 5 Verse 2: But thou, Bethlehem ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel: Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Isa 14 Verse 12: How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Verse 13: For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;

Eze 28 Verse 14: Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou wast upon the Holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

Verse 15: Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

Gen 3 Verse 1: And the serpent said unto the woman, (to Eve, in the garden of Eden) yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Verse 3: And Eve said unto the serpent: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

Verse 4: And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die:

Verse 5: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then ye eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil. (So Satan was already Satan in the garden of Eden. Through which people was he thrown out of heaven? there must have been other people before Adam and Eve, and the world did come to an end many times before.)

Rev 20 Verse 2: And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. (This is going to happen when Jesus returns.)

Gen 4 Verse 1: Adam and eve had two children, Cain and Abel.

Verse 8: Then Cain slew Abel, and God cursed him.

Verse 14: And Cain said to the Lord: And I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and every one that findeth me shall slay me.

Verse 15: And God said: Therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.

(Now, at that stage, there were only three people on the earth, Adam, Eve, and the only living son, Cain. Who was Cain afraid of when he told God that everybody was going to slay him? and on who is God going to take vengeance sevenfold if they slain Cain? there must have been other people that we do not know about.)

Verse 17: And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: And he builded a city, and called the city Enoch.

(Now, there were only Adam, Eve and Cain on the earth, where did he find a wife? and then, he build a city. He must have been a madman to build a city on his own, and that for three people? this is enough evidence to prove that there were people before Adam and Eve, and that they were there when Adam was created. People found skulls of people that are millions of years old, when according to the bible Adam was created about 6000 years ago. These were the people before Adam and Eve, one of these cycles was when the dinosaurs lived, and another when Satan were thrown to earth, and another in Gen 1 where they only ate plants,and another where Jesus came from old, from everlasting......)

Verse 25: And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth:

Verse 26: And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos.

Job 38 Verse 4: And the Lord answered Job: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?

Verse 7: When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Where did all the other sons of God came from? maybe from a previous race on earth, like our Lord Jesus who was born in our time, who is also the Son of God.)

Mal 2 Verse 15: And did not He make one? (Adam) yet had He the residue of the Spirit. And wherefore one? that He might seek a Godly seed.

Eze 26:19 For thus saith the Lord God; When I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and great waters shall cover thee;

Eze 26:20 When I shall bring thee down wit

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.