N. T. goes back to O. T. Genesis, in genealogy, Jesus is son #62.
Abraham son #20 in the genealogy of Jesus, has covenant age 75, Gen.12:4,7; dies age 175, Gen.25:7,9; Ishmael is age 89 [ of 137, Gen. 25: 17 ]; Isaac is age 75 [ of 180, Gen. 35:28,29 ], Jacob is age 15 [ of 147, Gen. 47: 9, 11,28; age
130 in Egypt with 70 in family, 215 years after Covenant ].
It is 215 years to Moses at Exodus. Exo.7:7; 12: 37, 40,41; Covenant heirs get the law that leads to Christ Jesus Gal. 3: 16-26; in 40 years, Moses dies [ Judges 10:3; 11:26; 301 years later, or 341 years after Exodus to Jair, Acts 13:20,21, 450 after Exodus to Samuel and Saul, 410 years after Moses dies, Saul has 26 years, David has 40, Solomon has 4 years ], 1Ki.6:1; 480 years after Moses does Solomon bgans temple [ king David son #34 in genealogy of Jesus is dead 4 years ], Solomon has 36 years, Judah kings end at Babylon, 391st year at Daniel and son #48, year 3460 [ 606
BCE, Jehoiachin of 14 generations before Christ, John 3:13-16; now at 2009 CE ], that's 2615 years ago, there will be no king until king Jesus at his 2nd coming with firstfruits, 1Cor. 15:22-28,51-53; first resurreted [ as priest of God and Christ in the 1000 year reign, Rev.20:1-6.
After Daniel gives 2300 years, 2500 years, 2520 years [ but not, 2544, 45-51 years of WW2 ], 2580 and now is 2615 [ of 2670 ], Matt.24:3,7,14,15,21-24,34,26 [ God alone knows day and hour ], all time is given. Michael is in the time of the end, to Give Satan and 1/3 angels as enemies, Dan.12:1-9,10-13; Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12 [ Satan, serpent, dragon, Devil, accuser, deciever, Murderer and Liar, John 8:44; antichrist from Eden ], that short time down underfeet of Jesus, Michael is there to last, 1Thes.4:15-17, the caught up to be with Jesus are priest of God and Christ with him, Rev.20:1-6, 12, 13, no Satan 1000 years.
The resurrection of the dead goes back 6000 years to Abel, who died year 130.
Those alive at Jesus 2nd coming is the sheep, Matt.25:31-34,41; the great tribulation survivors, Rev.7:9-17; and the children of the light of times and seasons, 1Thes.5:1-9,21,22; all is made new, Rev.20:7-10; after no more Satan or any like him, the saints are on the breadth of the earth, joined by those coming down from God, Rev.21:1-5, all is made new, God is with his heavenly and earthly family, Rev.21:8; earth is cleansed, the kingdom of the heavens [ new heavenly Jerusalem ], has all in God's kingdom forever.