Why do people deny the existence of God?
2009-09-01 15:40:21 UTC
I know of a law that proves that he exist, It is called the law of conservation of energy that states nothing can be created nor destroyed. If the big bang theory is true then how did something come from nothing? Another question I have from athiest is if there is no God how do you discern right from wrong? Let's say you do, if you kill it is ok because you tell what is right or wrong? See the moral implications of their being no God. Let's assume right now that something came from nothing and let's say that there was a dot the size of a period that came from nothing then and it spun clockwise like evolutionist say then why do a couple of planets spin counter clock wise. If you do not believe me look it up don't take my word for it.
37 answers:
2009-09-01 23:33:33 UTC
Pride and ignorance. The exact same things that God wiped out in the flood.

I hope they are ready for round 2. This time by fire.
2009-09-01 16:04:05 UTC
Actually, matter and energy are interchangeable according to Einstein's famous equation, but the quantum total is the same. Nothing can be added or destroyed. But this means that the divine act of creation would be a violation of this very law. All of the matter and energy of the universe has always existed and will always exist. There has been no "creation". The aggregate material of the universe simply generated time as it generated space, and expanded into both.

As for morality, this is simply people learning to get along with each other. The experience of a community teaches it what behaviors are beneficial and which are harmful. "Morality" is merely the codification of communal decisions about which behaviors work and which don't. "God" was tacked onto the decisions to shut off further debate.

The rest of your rant makes no sense. "Evolutionists" do not say anything about spinning dots. Nor do they say anything about planetary orbits and rotations. Perhaps you are confusing them with astrophysicists. A physicist would say that a planet's rotations is determined by the aggregate vectors of all the materials that make it up. Most planets in a solar system rotate in the same direction, but some may rotate the other way, either because they have been captured from elsewhere or they have been impacted by large bodies in a counter-rotational direction. It's elementary physics. What does that have to do with religion?
2009-09-01 15:54:06 UTC
Just because Atheists do not believe that God exists doesn't mean they don't know right from wrong. There is something called natural law. It states that every mammal, every animal has natural instincts from the day they are born. That's how certain animals know what animals to eat and which animals to stay away from. It is the same for humans. Every person knows that certain things are right and certain things are wrong. This is also taught to us by our parents. So take morals and right and wrong out of this equation. If you ask a kindergardener if killing is okay, the answer is always no. If asked how they know that, they'll either say because mommy and daddy taught me, or they'll say I don't know and they won't be able to tell you where they heard it from.

As far as the big bang theory, Space has been exapnding and contracting since the beginning. There are many theories of how the universe began. One theory is that there was a primordial atom (the question still remains how was it created?), and this atom was supercharged with a bunch of other elements that kept expanding until the atom couldn't take anymore and exploded into what is now the universe. I saw this on a recent national geographic or discovery show.

This is the question I pose to you. If nothing can be created or destroyed, then what created God? How did God come into existence? based on your theory he couldn't have, he has just alwys existed, just like this primordial atom has always existed until it exploded.
2009-09-02 01:49:55 UTC
Wouldn't that law prevent God existing as well, genius?

Anyway, nobody is suggesting that the big bang was when matter first came into existence except people who misunderstand it. The idea is that all matter in the universe had collapsed into a structure similar to a black hole - ie: very, very compact and dense - which then destabilised and flung matter outward. It wouldn't have been an actual explosion, 'big bang' is just a name.

As for this preservation of angular momentum crap that Kent Hovind et al introduced into the mix, it does not take into account the fact that celestial bodies collide with other celestial bodies fairly frequently. It would be fair to suggest that the planets that have odd orbits or rotations were hit by another object of similar size that caused them to spin in that manner.

Honestly, even the idea of this suggests that you think that everything in the universe came spinning out of the big bang in their current orbit and have been like that ever since. What came out of the big bang wouldn't even have been atoms yet.
2016-10-07 09:25:47 UTC
initially i don't drink alcohol, because it purely an prolonged time people somewhat extraordinarily. Thats not a real passage from the bible lol even inspite of the undeniable fact that that's humorous which you place "John 3.sixteen am haha there is not any evidence to help the declare that a deity exists. What you describe there is only opinion not actuality and proves not something. God isn't superb until now anyones eyes interior the 1st place. You anticipate that each and everything around you is the effect of your deity, yet you have not have been given any evidence. besides your in all probability trolling so it rather does not count
2009-09-01 15:51:45 UTC
People find it hard to believe in something that cannot be seen and cannot be spoken to. It's hard because in the generation we live in, scientists have shown studies on many things that cannot be explained, and we take that then something that cannot be observed such as (God).

When you said about that Law, Matter is also known and "thought" to be not created or destroyed. It doesn't make sense in this world that we live in. I'm still curious about reality, time, and existence and what if this is just a dream? I also ponder if there is life outside of space, or if we're truly alone in this universe. It's scary to think of, but it's comforting to know that there is a God to protect us.

We'll all find out at the end of time if God is true, or if science was true all along. Maybe those three aren't even correct, but what's the wrong with just believing in God? Plus you get your reward, and relief. And if not, nothings going to ever change. Thankfulness for the GIFT of life.
2009-09-01 15:50:36 UTC
I'm not a physicist, but consider this. How do we know about the laws of conservation and other scientific laws and principles? By observing the universe around us. Would those laws still exist if the universe didn't though? What if, like everything else, those laws were created by the big bang. If they didn't exist prior to it, then affect could proceed cause, conservation of anything might not apply, and something could be created from nothing.

I'm sure there's a better explanation, but as I said, I'm not a physicist, and this is just something I've been thinking about.
2009-09-01 15:51:34 UTC
Big Bang theory doesn't say the universe came from nothing... so your whole argument falls apart right there. Also, you are constructing a false dichotomy of science vs. god... if science is wrong, then your god must be right. But the world is not black and white. And I discern right from wrong based on my life experiences... I know pain and choose not to cause undue pain to others for that reason. I create my own ethical framework based on my experiences... I will kill if I feel it is right, I think stealing is almost always wrong, rape is always wrong, etc.

Your last argument is Hovind nonsense... you can find debunking for any of his garbage all over the web.
The Dark Side
2009-09-01 15:51:14 UTC
1. You do not understand the law of conservation of energy. Energy and mass are interconvertible - that's what E=mc2 means. Without that there could not be an atomic bomb.

2. I can't imagine any atheist asking you that question. Atheists know perfectly well that we have morals independently of any god. Please google the Euthyphro dilemma to understand more.

3. Your statement about what "evolutionists" say is a total lie.

At the end of the day, there is no unmistakable evidence that any kind of god exists. The statements in this question just make you look laughable.
2009-09-01 16:03:22 UTC
1. Thermodynamics: read it, study it, understand it, then you may use it in an argument. Same for the Big Bang Theory. I suggest you start with Newton and the PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

2. Right and wrong, morality if you will, is societal as well as religious. History: read it, study it, understand it, then you may use it in an argument. Same with ethics.

3. What does evolution have to do with spinning dots? Evolution: read it, study it, understand it, then you may use it in an argument.

4. Some planets spin opposite to their orbit due to massive impacts early in their history. Astronomy: read it, study it, understand it, then you may use it in an argument. Same for astrophysics.

Thank you for playing, there will be a pop quiz next week on the material you've been asked to cover.
2009-09-01 16:01:14 UTC
We'll Never know and I don't attack your beliefs. While I may be Atheist that doesn't mean I'm bad. You can't Deny something that you can't prove. So Google your info tell me that I'm wrong Cause This 1 God is real and the other hundred are false. I picked None.
2009-09-01 15:52:34 UTC
The law of conservation of energy only applies in a closed system. Since the Earth and the Universe are open systems it does not apply.

As for destroying energy I guess you have never heard of a black hole and for creation of energy have you not heard about that big orange nuclear fission reactor in the sky?

And whether something spins clockwise or counterclockwise has NOTHING to do with evolution, what you are talking about has to do with the disciple known as PHYSICS and everything they uncover also shows there is no god concept needed.
2009-09-01 15:54:17 UTC
For the same reason that people deny the existence of the Loch Ness Monster; because there's little or no credible evidence to support the claim.

Learn quantum physics. Also, then where did God come from?

Morality is not contingent on God. We have empathy and reason. We are a social species; morality helps us survive, thus it is selected-for.

Learn the difference between "their" and "there."

The universe is a big, complex place with a lot of variables. For instance, impacts between celestial bodies can alter the spin of those bodies. Learn astronomy and physics.
2009-09-01 15:46:19 UTC
Oh dear....

Yes - matter cannot be created or destroyed. You're right.

If it can't be created, it must therefore have existed in some form forever - therefore requiring no creator.

You didn't think this one through, did you?

How do I discern right from wrong? I am part of a society that has evolved a moral code that makes sense to me. And if you think you get your moral code from the Bible, can I ask why you don't actively support slavery, genocide, child abuse and rape?

And - fyi - it's not cosmology that says "something came from nothing" - that's religion.

Can I respecfully advise that you read a few more books before you make such a fool of yourself again?
2009-09-01 15:49:17 UTC
actually, the law of conservation of energy proves that matter did not need a beginning, as it has always existed in one form or another, and its usually used as evidence against the existence of god

plus you have no concept of the big bang, its pretty much all math: "nothing", is a concept like infinity, it doesnt actually exist, space itself is still a medium and manifests in reality, and is therefore something
milton b
2009-09-01 15:58:38 UTC
First, consider that God is transcendent: he is greater than the entire universe and everything in it. Next, as God is transcendent there can be nothing in the universe that can either prove or disprove the existence of God as the universe is only relevant to itself and not to God. Belief in God is a matter of faith and faith alone.
neil s
2009-09-01 15:51:28 UTC
The law of conservation of energy only applies once the universe exists. Applying it to the emergence of the universe itself is a category mistake.

Ethics are empirical. Once we define what it is we're looking for, whether or not we find it is always a matter of evidence.

The rest of our "question" is a non-sequitur.
2009-09-01 15:57:37 UTC
They should read the Case For Lee really shows how stupid non believers really are. written by a former atheist. who set out to disprove the Bible.
Ken F
2009-09-01 15:45:33 UTC
Because their ears have been stopped (Zechariah 7:11), their eyes blinded (Isaiah 44:18) and their hearts hardened (Joshua 11:20)

I can hear fine, I am typing this and read your response, and I am a caring person.

You however are so closed minded it sickens me. :) Have a nice day.
2009-09-01 15:48:32 UTC
i deny the existence because he isn't real. Using your own confused logic god could not exist either since there was nothing before god to create her.
2009-09-01 15:45:41 UTC
No one says its god,

hell it could be the tooth fairy.

That's what i'm saying.

I do believe it can't just happen.

Something made it but as of now

it's not god. It's obviously not something we know or will ever understand.
2009-09-01 15:45:14 UTC
haha dude I just learned that law in school last week.

Hey go to this link about God and science. Good stuff man. It shows evidence.

-God bless
2009-09-01 15:47:21 UTC
None of these things equals god.

Is that what you're trying to do here, is convince us?

Or is this a joke?
2009-09-01 15:46:34 UTC
The bible says we are all rebellious. we are all gone astray. None seeketh after him. God in his mercy seek after the ones Christ has died for ,before the beginning. What a merciful God he is. I deserve nothing he has in store for me.
2009-09-01 16:00:51 UTC
OK! let's see... suppose (GOD FORBID) someone was torturing you and was about to kill you. you can't say that you wouldn't be crying out to him please help me please GOD help me. get my point? so, all you who deny him will have a chance to meet him. If you still deny him. i pray that he has mercy on you.
2009-09-01 15:46:39 UTC
who knows. lol.. it takes more faith to believe that billions of years ago everything came from nothing, than it does to believe that God made it all.
2009-09-01 15:46:29 UTC
way to not know all the details.

also, people can discern morals by themselves. mankind knows right from wrong. you should know, man wrote the bible.
2009-09-01 15:44:25 UTC
Prove that people deny his existence?


Of course big sky daddy is real
2009-09-01 15:49:04 UTC
what year do we live in? 2009AD (anno domini - in the year of our Lord)

If God does not exist then we are living a lie every day
2009-09-01 15:44:00 UTC
You have no evidence of your god.

What's wrong with the eagle in your avatar? It looks sick, like it's got some disease infecting its homeland or something...
2009-09-01 15:45:09 UTC


N. T. goes back to O. T. Genesis, in genealogy, Jesus is son #62.

Abraham son #20 in the genealogy of Jesus, has covenant age 75, Gen.12:4,7; dies age 175, Gen.25:7,9; Ishmael is age 89 [ of 137, Gen. 25: 17 ]; Isaac is age 75 [ of 180, Gen. 35:28,29 ], Jacob is age 15 [ of 147, Gen. 47: 9, 11,28; age

130 in Egypt with 70 in family, 215 years after Covenant ].

It is 215 years to Moses at Exodus. Exo.7:7; 12: 37, 40,41; Covenant heirs get the law that leads to Christ Jesus Gal. 3: 16-26; in 40 years, Moses dies [ Judges 10:3; 11:26; 301 years later, or 341 years after Exodus to Jair, Acts 13:20,21, 450 after Exodus to Samuel and Saul, 410 years after Moses dies, Saul has 26 years, David has 40, Solomon has 4 years ], 1Ki.6:1; 480 years after Moses does Solomon bgans temple [ king David son #34 in genealogy of Jesus is dead 4 years ], Solomon has 36 years, Judah kings end at Babylon, 391st year at Daniel and son #48, year 3460 [ 606

BCE, Jehoiachin of 14 generations before Christ, John 3:13-16; now at 2009 CE ], that's 2615 years ago, there will be no king until king Jesus at his 2nd coming with firstfruits, 1Cor. 15:22-28,51-53; first resurreted [ as priest of God and Christ in the 1000 year reign, Rev.20:1-6.

After Daniel gives 2300 years, 2500 years, 2520 years [ but not, 2544, 45-51 years of WW2 ], 2580 and now is 2615 [ of 2670 ], Matt.24:3,7,14,15,21-24,34,26 [ God alone knows day and hour ], all time is given. Michael is in the time of the end, to Give Satan and 1/3 angels as enemies, Dan.12:1-9,10-13; Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12 [ Satan, serpent, dragon, Devil, accuser, deciever, Murderer and Liar, John 8:44; antichrist from Eden ], that short time down underfeet of Jesus, Michael is there to last, 1Thes.4:15-17, the caught up to be with Jesus are priest of God and Christ with him, Rev.20:1-6, 12, 13, no Satan 1000 years.

The resurrection of the dead goes back 6000 years to Abel, who died year 130.

Those alive at Jesus 2nd coming is the sheep, Matt.25:31-34,41; the great tribulation survivors, Rev.7:9-17; and the children of the light of times and seasons, 1Thes.5:1-9,21,22; all is made new, Rev.20:7-10; after no more Satan or any like him, the saints are on the breadth of the earth, joined by those coming down from God, Rev.21:1-5, all is made new, God is with his heavenly and earthly family, Rev.21:8; earth is cleansed, the kingdom of the heavens [ new heavenly Jerusalem ], has all in God's kingdom forever.
2009-09-01 15:47:00 UTC
because they are stupid retart people that belive in the vergin mary and santos from catholic stupid churches i hate catholic people with a passion they are the ball lickers
2009-09-01 15:44:19 UTC
cuz some people are just stupid and ignorant like that. check out my profile and you'll see what i think of atheists, and terrorists..... and i should add obama
2009-09-01 15:43:17 UTC
Why do people insist on it? It's not like they know anything..
Christine Sundae
2009-09-01 15:43:23 UTC
Because their ears have been stopped (Zechariah 7:11), their eyes blinded (Isaiah 44:18) and their hearts hardened (Joshua 11:20).
2009-09-01 15:43:08 UTC
because he doesnt exist
2009-09-01 15:43:51 UTC
because they choose to be blind

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.