Why should I believe in God?
Nathan A
2008-01-17 22:07:07 UTC
I know this was asked a year ago, however, I don't see how there could be an adequate answer which doesn't include why the answerer actually believes. So, why do you believe in God?

If science can actually mathematically prove the history of the universe and especially the history of the Earth, regardless of a God, would it not be illogical to add an unneeded, unprovable, aspect because it complicates the theory?

It just seems every question that can be asked in skepticism of science which can't be answered can be easily applied to God as well, yet God's existence has many more unanswerable questions.
36 answers:
2008-01-17 22:13:41 UTC
look at it this way..

I for example am a christian and i really love the Lord, I try to live by his word every day and i'm really happy this way..

if I died and I was mistaken, I mean, if God doesn't exist and everything was a lie, I wouldn't of lost anything..

on the o ther hand, if God is real and you decide not to chose him, what can you lose??

if you're waiting for an exact answer you won't get it, God does move in our lives but if someone is determined not to see it, than everything will be explained by "chance"

on my part, i don't beleive in coincidences =D

don't wait to believe in God by other peoples experiences, live it out by yourself =) .. it'a AMAZING! and you won't believe it till you live it
2008-01-17 22:23:10 UTC
This is a difficult question. Firstly as a person with a degree in Science(hons) I don't see any necessary conflict between science and the notion of God. If God could create the universe in all its complexities and create man, well it was inevitable that both would have so many facets to investigate, analyze and dispute.

I liked a scene in one of the Matrix movies where one of the agents stated that the first version of the Matrix was all harmony or the like and it did not work, man could not accept it.

Humans are a questing race and we live in a complex world about which we all seek definiative answers. Remember however that most of the science about how the universe came about are based on theories not indisputable fact. Why could not the universe have started with a big bang. The question is who or what caused the big bang.

Some times I say in answers that God created carbon dating just to mess with the minds of scientists.

Now I am no Christian, but I do believe in God. It is totally up to you if you choose to believe or not. My belief is based on a certainty that I can not convey in words. I just know and always have from as long as I can recall that God exists. Not some benevolent God that makes everything the way I want it. Nor does my belief prevent me from having some serious questions about some things that disturb me greatly. Nor do I have all the answers to all the questions. Yet I am not an individual who needs all the answers to be laid out before me. I see life as a day by day affair. I know that there is more that I don't know than what I do know. Some of my questions will never have an answer, or at least not one I will accept.

To believe, to decide if you want to believe, well you have to try it I guess. But don't look for thunder and lightening or great insight or revolution in your life. Just seek the certainty that God exists. My belief does not extend much further than that. I believe because I know. Its a certainty for me. But I don't go to church or try convert people or read the bible or sing and dance or walk around knowing all the answers. I just know what I know. My knowledge is only unsatisfactory if I needed to be able to convince every one to believe, but I don't have that need, its not my task in life to get everyone to agree with me.

Be safe, be sage
2008-01-17 23:45:19 UTC
What is science? It covers a broad field of human knowledge concerned with facts held together by principles (rules). Scientists discover and test these facts and principles by the scientifi method an orderly system of solving problems. Scientists feel that any subject which man can study by using the scientific method and other

special rules of thinking may be called a science.

Therefore scientist are problem solvers.

Now you say "If science can actually mathematically prove the history of the the universe etc," man's earliest questions were concerned with how many? and what belongs together? He struggled to count, to classify, to think systematically, and to describe exactly. I find nothing in Mathematic science that can prove your statement.

Let's face it, God created the universe and created the world and everything in it in 6 days. Man is just trying to see what things are made of. Man did not create anything. Man is learning what the earth is made up of and what is in the universe.

A lot of what you are putting your faith in is because of Darwin. Who was Darwin? A man that wanted attention so he came up with this idea of us coming from monkies and some people believed him. Why? They wanted something to believe in other than our Father God because our Father God had rules they didn't want to follow because they didn't want to give up their sinful ways.

Science has come a long way from where science begun but science can't prove the creation of the world. Only God knows how He did it. He spoke it into being. Wow, what a prowful God we serve.

God tells us not to argue with those who do not and will not believe in Him.

All I can say is that God loves you and wants you to obey his word not man's word. Don't believe me, don't believe the preachers, you shouldn't. Study God's word and work out your on salvaton.
2008-01-17 22:36:53 UTC
For something to begin, it had to have had something make it begin. Like a car, you have to turn the key, start the engine, to get the car moving. In a sporting event, there has to be a kick off, a first pitch, a starting line, etc. someone had to put these things in motion. Everything, creation included, had to have a starting point or the question "who made ------? (fill in the blank) would never end. Like the case of evolution/big bang, who made the original molecules? Where did the creator of those molecules come from? And who made the next, and the next, and the next, creator- would never end. Just as the Bible states, God had no beginning. God has always existed. God had no starting point. It's hard for us to understand but it is the only answer that can satisfy the question. Everything had to have a beginning EXCEPT the origin of all things--the beginner of all beginnings. Things had to have started somewhere, somehow, by someone. That somewhere, somehow, someone is God. God always existed thus God needs no starting point. PS- A person should believe in God because there is salvation, everlasting life, Heaven, by no other means. Best wishes to you and yours..
Marina 1
2008-01-17 23:19:59 UTC
The more things that are scientifically revealed, the more it proves there is a creator of all things. Just look at the discovery of DNA and how complex it is; it has all the building blocks that make up its subject. Though unseen with human eyes, we have only just discovered the magnitude of seeing it through man made lenses. The universe is another amazing discovery that gives credit to an unseen maker. Our planet earth, even though so small in comparison to the vastness of other celestial bodies, was made perfect for life and we know it was not made with human hands. This reminds me of the illustration of a house; it could not construct itself without a builder, but it was built and with the purpose of living within. These alone are evidence that there is a Grand Creator we call God.
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ
2008-01-17 22:18:39 UTC
While your premise is a good and valid one, you then stray off the path and mess it up.

The cosmology of the Universe is far from a settled matter. "Science" has changed its rock solid answers on this more times than anyone could count. So "prove" the history of the Universe? I think not.

Now to your initial question, I believe in God because I know him personally. The way God designed it, you may not fully observe the other side of your decision to accept him until you exercise faith and simply do it.

The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. What this means is that intellect and reason will only get you so far. At that point you must step through a dark doorway that you can't see the other side of.

When you get there however, you can look back and say, "What took me so long?"

His existence will not be changed one iota by your decision. However, your eternity will. Choose wisely.

PS: Feel free to e-mail me if you want to sincerely discuss this. I would be more than happy to introduce you to God.
2008-01-17 22:19:37 UTC
You cannot intellectualize God and define him by Science.

Unless you are a molecular scientist or have proven all the science you believe to be fact, yourself. Then you are relying on what other people tell you is the truth about existence.

For instance, has man been to the moon? yes? why do you believe that? because someone told you so. Since you were not there you do not have 100% proof man has gone to the moon. So you must believe in the absence of first hand experience. Also known as having faith.

So you choose to have faith in science or God. Its every person's choice.

Once you do have a personal experience with God, you would know the truth and no one could talk you out of what you know to be fact. That is why true christians will not deny, thier faith regardless of how much they are mocked or persecuted.
2008-01-17 22:18:09 UTC
The answer: Because everyone believes in G-d.

Did I surprise you?

Everyone has a god. There is not a sane person on earth who doesn't believe in one. The question is only which one...

Your "god" is the thing that you believe to be infallible; you trust in its power despite any evidence to the contrary; you believe it will always be there, cannot be defeated, is all-powerful and omnipresent. The thing you can fall back on no matter what. The bedrock of your life - whatever that may be - that is your god.

If you think science has all the answers, and that something is only true if it is scientifically proven, then science is your god. And belief in science can be as irrational as any religious conviction. Its adherents blindly accept the most outlandish theory, as long as it was presented by an expert in the field.

Science is only one common god. Another one is love. Believers in love make lofty statements about its divine qualities: "Love conquers all", "Love is forever", "All you need is love", "Love is the only thing worth dying for." Even though experience has shown that love is not all you need, and it certainly doesn't conquer all, their faith is not shaken.

Others worship money. "Everything has a price" is their creed. And no matter how many miserable millionaires they meet, their god remains infallible, and they continue to have faith in money as the source of all goodness and happiness.

A very popular modern god is self. "Believe in yourself. You are capable of anything. If you put your mind to it, there's nothing you can't do." Nothing you can't do? Sounds pretty divine. A pity it's not true. We have limitations. There are things that are simply beyond our capability. But to the believer, no evidence will move his faith in himself.

It is such a relief to just let G-d be G-d. If G-d is G-d, I can be human. I am not G-d. Nothing about me is infallible -- not my feelings, not my intelligence and certainly not my bank balance. I don't have to be perfect. G-d does a good job of that.

Science, love, money and self are all very important. But they are also fickle, ever-changing, and unpredictable. The G-d of Israel hasn't changed. If anyone or anything should be god, it's G-d. Seems rational to me.
Mark S
2008-01-17 22:16:23 UTC
Where does science find it origin? Mathematically when did the first number begin and where the number 1 get it's name from? I will not preach any message saying the neither of the two exist. No one can prove to me that science and math created themselves. I believe in God because he too the time to tell me how he started everything. With God there is a beginning.
2008-01-17 22:30:06 UTC
If there was science to prove no God, then believers would reject it. When there is science to prove there is a God, non believers reject it.

I believe, and there is a song that describes why believe in God because I have been in his presence. "Better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere" When you have had this experience, then you know. If you have not, then you don't. Believing is like getting some new software for your computer, like PDF. You can't read any PDF files. Once you believe (this is the download) now all the files open, and everything makes sense that was once foreign.
2008-01-17 22:14:02 UTC
I'm an agnostic, so I'm probably not the best person who help you. However, I'll give it my best shot! :)

I believe that all religions are equal, but I think that there is a possibility of a God. Who else would there be to answer prayers?

Although I'm an agnostic, I am 100% sure there is either an afterlife, or your spirit get "reincarnated' or whatever. Life cannot just end. I am sure of that. Because if that was true, then there is no point in creating life. It's like we're all wind-up toys that are going to be eventually left to stop perpetually.

Besides, if there turns out to be a God, it's better to be on the safe side. If you didn't believe in one and there wasn't one, good for you. I, however, prefer to go to heaven than burn in hell (though I believe that your deeds in life count for more than whether or not you believe in a God).

Thanks very much.
Noah A
2008-01-17 22:11:59 UTC
How can we prove God exists? We cant, its a belief

How can we prove evolution exists? We cant, its a belief

How can we prove the big bang was real? We cant, its a belief

The history of the earth NEVER will be explained. Nobody goes as far back as to bring enough proof to be believable by the masses. Most things in this world are better left unanswered.

Its all a matter of what people choose to believe in.
2008-01-17 22:21:38 UTC
I can only answer in relation to what He did for me. He changed the whole meaning of my life. I have direction in my life now, I have someone to talk to and pray to whenever I need to. I don't feel alone. He gives me hope and fills my heart with love. I can go on and on but I think you get my point.

God isn't something that you can prove if that's what you're looking for. It's a matter of faith. But He's there for you if you want Him. His door is always open. "Just ask and you shall receive"!
2008-01-17 22:09:49 UTC
You don't have to, but you can if you want to, just need to pick one (quite a few out there).

The irony is, the invention of god, was man's way of answering the unanswerable questions. However, science in itself does not rule out the existence of a higher being. After all, humans are starting to create life (bio-engineering, cloning), nothing to say god couldn't use a more advanced science to create the universe, just bio-engineering on a well... universal scale.
2008-01-17 22:19:46 UTC
Are you saying scientist are infallible, and their findings are flawless. Calculations cant be adjusted to compensate evidence for their belief.

Man himself cannot figure out a cure for the common cold, or a vaccine for HIV, or feed the countless millions of people starving on planet Earth, yet you believe he can explain the mysteries of the Universe. And people beliveve christians are a little off.
2008-01-17 22:18:05 UTC
It can now be proven through ancient scientific based scripture in The Bible that the God Yahweh exists. It's just that the mainstream public doesn't know about this discovery yet.
2008-01-17 22:16:29 UTC
According to science,even the smallest part of an atom has its own sound pitch. The Bible states that God calledthe universe into existance. Since everything has its own sound signature it is safe for me to say that I can scientifically prove the existance and power of a god that can speak Matter,space,and life to be.
Scarlet Cars
2008-01-17 22:24:28 UTC
Because God believes in You
2008-01-17 22:13:56 UTC
I agree. It's totally illogical. Some people can't wrap their head around the fact that the universe doesn't revolve around the earth. But, I say live and let live. Believe what you want. We all die in the end anyway.
2008-01-17 22:14:01 UTC
Then look in the real world.

Who's getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

What do you think?
Greg C
2008-01-17 22:11:02 UTC
It only makes sense to believe in God. If you believe that we have come into existence from nothing (what evolution teaches) it takes a much much greater amount of faith.

Take a look around you and you will see that a Creator is the only logical answer.
2008-01-17 22:13:50 UTC
If you believe that when you sit on your durable sofa that it will hold you then maybe you want to believe in the intangible.Would be disappointed to die 2morrow and find out that there is a GOD.I didn't have faith in GOD like i've always had in mankind.Decision is ultimately up to you.Many people have different beliefs.Let me not impose mine on you.
2008-01-17 22:13:31 UTC
You should believe in God because it doesn't make sense for the whole world to come into existence without a Creator.
2008-01-17 22:13:22 UTC
Here's scientific reasons from my brother, he's really smart

Whenever it rains, the rivers carry a little bit more salt from the earth into the ocean (there's lots of salt in the ground) and if the earth existed for billions of years, then the ocean would be way saltier than it is now.

And according to how much energy the sun is losing today, If the earth (and sun) existed billions of years ago, then the sun would be out of energy by now.
2008-01-19 15:28:21 UTC
I can't tell you why you SHOULD believe in God. I can tell you why I believe in God. Evaluate it as you will.

To me it's utterly illogical for there NOT to be a God--"stuff" doesn't just happen at random--that goes against all science. God need not have a "beginning" or a creator because that is the same as kids who want to argue with you when you try to explain math to them. "OK, but infinity plus one billion is LARGER than infinity" they will say, making it abundantly clear that they do NOT grasp the concept of infinity. Infinity can not be subjected to multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction. It's like that with the concept of God.

To say there is a creator, however, doesn't describe the God I'm referring to. God is PERSONAL, not a watchmaker, not a lame name for the universe. I am talking about the God of the Bible. If we look at the believers, such as Abraham, Moses, and Solomon, there is no evidence any of them were insane or delusional, yet they each tell us some important things about God. Abraham was a man of wealth and he trusted that God did speak with him and made him promises that seemed to be senseless (remember Abraham was old and childless, yet he is to be the father of nations). He left his own land and took his people because God told him to and amazing things happened when he acted on this faith. If he were just a psychotic or schizophrenic who heard voices, this outcome simply would not have happened--we've got a surfeit of mentally ill people and it doesn't turn out well for them. Thing after thing that Abraham listened to God about came to pass.

Moses had no need to stop being prince of Egypt. Civil wars and coups are common throughout history. How did he survive that time in the desert? Why would a stuttering "Egyptian" unfamiliar with the Hebrew religion be able to lead a people? Why when he finally complained to God that he couldn't take the burden anymore did God divide Moses responsibility among 70 men to do the job one had been doing?

Solomon is reputed to be the wisest man of all time. Why would a king "bow down" to another power? After all, we saw Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and others just tell the people THEY were divine and for the most part, who was going to quarrel with the king over that claim?

Jesus came in fulfillment of the Scriptures. Scriptures written long before He arrived. He performed numerous miracles--including tricky ones like raising from the dead--the most impressive one being Lazarus who had been buried long enough that the burial process should have done him in if he hadn't been dead to begin with. His death is indisputable. His resurrected body was seen by too many over too long a period of time to be "mass hallucinations" at work. More to the point, He caused a group of people to change their lives COMPLETELY and live hard lives preaching an unpopular position which brought them a lot of hatred, NO wealth, NO power, NO prestige, NO casual sex, NO anything that tends to motivate people. Even on pain of death they would NOT renounce the Lord and there was NOTHING in it for them that can be explained away by psychiatric disorders or secondary gain.

Millions have personal experience with God. Sorry, they're not all nuts no matter what kind of casual insults get tossed about. Silly people claim that being religious removes personal responsibility, etc. These people should know of what they speak BEFORE they reveal their ignorance. Both Judaism and Christianity hold the individual TOTALLY responsible for his actions and promise an ETERNAL judgement. It's irrelevant if an atheist doesn't believe in it, the person believes and if he believes he shall have an eternal judgement THAT is the logical standard by which to evaluate his sincerity.

The fact that God remains mysterious to us, we haven't "figured Him out" doesn't mean diddly. If we used that standard then no one would take an aspirin (it's mechanism of action is not fully understood from what I've read--many theories, but it's rather a "miracle drug"), bumble bees would NOT be acknowleged to fly (we didn't "get" it for a LONG time, but at what point should you "give up" because it doesn't fit with existing knowledge?), and physicists would stop searching for the TOE (Theory of Everything aka GUT--Grand Unified Theory).

No one has yet to come up with a satisfactory explanation of why a sunset is beautiful--it does NOT have to be. In fact, "beauty" need NOT exist. There is no scientific need for the concept or the experience.

The existence of God and what He told us through the Bible explains a great deal about human nature and about the world in which we live. Both Jewish and Christian religions are responsible for a vast amount of knowledge and its preservation over the centuries when others have attempted to stamp it all out.

The vast majority of the major scientists throughout history were believers. It's really a post-WWII phenomenon that became fashionable among "scientists" (some may have a degree but they really don't make the cut--they're not remotely logical and have emotional attachments to unprovable theories but scream "it's science" just like a 2-year-old screams "it's MINE!") to scream "there is no God." There is nothing within science which can disprove or prove the existence of God. It's not constructed for that purpose. Science can also NEVER tell us that blue is the "prettiest" color and it's irrelevant that at least in the US most people probably think it's their favorite color.

It's rather like people who prattle on about "statistics prove" something. Statistics can not PROVE in the scientific sense anything. Statistics merely provide a confidence level at which we have reason to believe that something didn't happen randomly if inferential or they merely describe if descriptive. They don't "prove" diddly and when I hear people make that claim I know they don't understand statistics, so I have to consider that fact when they go on about their "argument" which can't rely on such "proof."

So, no, I can't "prove" the existence of God, but I have reasons why I believe in God, including the logical one that "stuff" doesn't just happen for no cause. If someone wants to think they've "got me" by saying, "so who created God," then I know I have someone who is like a child who wants to perform mathematical operations on a concept he does not grasp--infinity. God's existence is not subject to an opinion poll. Information is presented and people accept or reject for their own reasons and they will choose the consequences. God gave man free will and as He allows people to reject Him, there's nothing much the rest of us can do other than provide our reasons for belief.
2008-01-17 22:16:34 UTC
You shouldn't. It corrupts your mind to accept things on "faith" alone without any real evidence. It teaches intolerance bigotry and hatred.

It is the path to the dark side!
2008-01-17 22:09:52 UTC
That and they can't seem to come up with any proof for their extraordinary claims of it's existence.
2008-01-17 22:19:36 UTC
There is absolutely NO reason to believe in God -

other than fear.
2008-01-17 22:10:23 UTC
because everyone needs to believe in something to lead them through life, whether it be God or someone/something else
2008-01-17 22:13:09 UTC
Doesn't have to be just God, name "it" whatever you want.

Faith is simply good for your health, but it's also wise not to be an extremist.
2008-01-17 22:10:00 UTC
you shouldn't believe in a god, unless you find some comfort in that belief
2008-01-17 22:11:18 UTC
why do you believe in anything. something you believe on is something that can drive you to were you want to finish. believeing in nothing will just simply take you trough life with out a meaning or missing something. no body can force you to believe on anything but just dont say they didnt tell you to. cuz it will be too late once he comes
2008-01-17 22:09:52 UTC
you should beleive what comes to you naturally , not what someone else can prove
2008-01-17 22:09:07 UTC
cuz he created you and Earth, this is a philosophical question, nice question
2008-01-17 22:09:16 UTC
Because without him then I wouldn't exist.
2008-01-17 22:14:44 UTC
one word: FAITH

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.