since the bible tells us that God has counted every hair on our head, I would suppose that He is concerned with the details :)
details can help our faith to grow. My son prayed for no rain the day he had an important baseball game - and it didn't. Does that mean God answered his prayer? We don't know for sure, but according to the forecast for the day - it was indeed suppose to rain.
Parking spots - yes I've prayed for them. Especially when I'm in a hurry. Sometimes that prayer is answered too.
I'll tell you a detail that floored me not long ago.
Myself and a group of parents felt led by the Lord to start up a new Christian school in our area. Just small, nothing fancy - open to everyone. Not for profit.
You can imagine this is a huge job. Finding a building with property attached, teachers, putting the government forms in order, dealing with lawyers, finding students etc. God put us at peace and to make a long story short - everything was provided - including students.... here's two "little" details....
I was hired as the office administrator. I set up the entire office for the headmaster and administered everything usual with a school. We prayed for supplied to come in (as our budget was extremely tight). everything from erasers to paper poured in. But I needed something specific. I was looking for 2 sturdy clipboards that I could use for the before and after school programs. I thought if they didn't come in, I would simply go and buy them (I can afford that after all) but instead I was prompted to wait and pray, so I did. We needed other things that I were more pressing for the teachers sake - staplers, paper punches, tape dispensers, chalk, etc etc.... but I just wanted 2 sturday clipboards.
A few days before the school was to open last Sept... we received an expected shipment of donated teacher's desks and file cabinets. As we unloaded the truck, my husband started handing us boxes. I asked where they came from. He said that the business donor (a government agency that was closing down) said to take them after he asked what would happen to them. He didn't even know much about what was in them. We opened the boxes like it was Christmas! Staplers! Pens! Tape! Punches! .... right down to the paper clips, pins and staples. Enough for the whole year.
we got to the 2nd to last box and I was so elated from the previous that I didn't notice them at first. My friend picked them out of the box and handed them to me saying "didn't you pray for these?"
they were two beautiful large sturdy clipboards.
I screamed so loud and we jumped up and down for 5 minutes.
then we opened the last box.... it contained about 20 more clipboards.....
OK, so you talk about small prayers. Why did we open the boxes in the order that we did? They weren't in any particular order, just scattered over the floor. Why did the box with only 2 clipboards get opened before the box with 20?
A few days later - some children who were in grade 5,6,7,8 asked if there would be lockers for them. We had no lockers. Someone suggested they pray for them.
2 or 3 days later we received a phone call. "Do you need lockers?"
we didn't solicite them at all and no one told anyone that the children were praying for them.
When we told the children that the lockers were on their way - they were elated and praised God! You can't buy happiness, love, surprise or faith like that!
blessings and sorry for rambling :)