2013-10-08 10:39:29 UTC
My daughter and family were watching a mystery and in the very beginning my daughter picked out an Afircan American man as the killer. Jokingly I said well she is either racist or psychic and the religous folks piped up and said shes racist thats ok, it would be a sin if she could predict the future.
My daughter is 3 so it really is one or the other and I would say she has more psychic tendecies if any,
So question for all both religious and non would you rather have a child who was racist
or a child gifted with a psychic ability(a real person with the ability who doesnt market such ability), what is more accetable?
Only choose one and believe it or not this is very common that a child who might be "gifted" is considered evil and crazy and noexsistent and oh no that could never be possible, yet a child with racist tendencies is often praised or ignored.