Is there a lesson in this leela of Lord Sankracharaya(incarnation of Shiva) for those who call themselves?
2007-06-15 05:26:40 UTC
"Vaishnavas" and call Sankrachaaryas philosophy "maayavaadi"?
Lord Sankara visited Harihar in Mysore state.It was a strong Vaishnava centre at that time.When Sankra wanted to have darsana of the lord in the temple,those who were in charge of the temple refused admission,seeing that Sankara was a sanyaasi and that he boreon his person Saiva marks such as vibhuti and rudraaksha. Sankara explained at length that there was no difference between Vishnu and Shiva,and the image in the temple represented the supreme reality. Convinced ,finally those people opened the gate.Lord Sankra entered.To the astonishment of the Vaishnava devotees they saw that the image was now half VISHNU and half SHIVA.
Thirteen answers:
2007-06-15 06:23:10 UTC
i don't know the stories of shankar bhagvan but i like him a know one thing Aradhana.......20 years back my great grand mother prayed to lord shankar that my mother must have a son.........and wallah!!!!!!.......... i was born. :) :).......thanks to lord shankar.
2007-06-15 14:37:48 UTC
In fourth Skandha of ShrimadBhagwat it is written:

Trayanam-ek-bhavanam yo na pashanti vai bhidam

sarv-bhutatmanam brhan sa shantim adhi gachhati

the one who does not differentiate between three bhavas (vishnu, shiv & shakti bhavas) only they get peace and see me as ALL.

ParamShiv is the name of Krishna as per shaivism.

Here we people should not forget that when Bhagwan Krishan delivered sermon of Geeta... he was not speaking as a cowherd Krishna or as Vishnu, the preserver.....Shri Krishna was speaking as Brahmm the highest Spiritual Divinity.

Even Vishnu, brahmaa & Rudra are manifestation of that Excellence. Hence I personally do not believe Shri Krishna to be Avtaar of Vishnu.

That Highest Divinity is called Krishna by vaishnavites, ParamSiva by shaiva, Adi Shakti by Shaktas and Turiya by Tantriks.,,,Brahmm by vedantis, Void by Buddhists, and undefined by Sankhya yogis

I think we should not unnecessary argue on this it will only give chance to idiots like vikilon above to make fun of our Great culture.

If some krishna bhakta think shiva or adi shakti are lower than Krishna let them be happy with their they have not yet understood the Krishna-Tattwa


Edit: no aradhna i am not saying u r not speakin the truth... it is just a general advice to all of us to be more accepting of our Great philosophy..
2007-06-15 23:35:13 UTC
Different people have different ideas to what the word mayavadi-ism--- means.. According to vaishnava religion- its much different than what you are speaking of here--you are tying to say that vaishnavas don't accept Lord Shiva as God--Vaishnavas know better than anyone else on the subject of Lord Shiva because most of our scriptures are

written by Lord Shiva--He is our gurudev and the topmost vaishnava--"Vaishnavanam yata Shambo" Yes -Lord Shiva is the topmost Vaishnava!--If you down vaishnavas you are downing Lord Shiva --In the form of Gopisvar He protects the beautiful rasa of Lord Krsna--In the form of Hanuman he serves Lord Ramachandra--- So we worship him as our Guru and the best servent of the Lord--

Now--all this talk about one this -one that--This is a one sided picture and THAT is mayavadi-ism.. We must always see the full side of everything --mayavadi is only half the side--the oneness side--the other side is the difference side-- God likes the difference side better--so do we --for example lets say one of your mothers old friends calls up on the phone to talk to your mother--you answer the phone--she says oh wow you sound exactally like your mother--you two have the exact same voice--later on she comes over and visits and she sees you first and says Oh my gad! I thought you were her (your ma) you two sound and look exactally the same-- (even though you know better) then she takes you out dancing and the same scenerio over and over again--she goes on and on about how much you are a spitten immage of your ma even though your mom is more than 20 years older! After a while you get tired of being called your mother--- yea you have the same genes--yea yea yea-- but you are unique and have your own unique features--well God is this same way -each incarnation of God has Their own uniqueness and qualities and its not always proper to lump togeather in one big mass--the personal aspect is then lost and you have what is called mayavadi- ism or One-sided vision--Love or bhakti dosnt have any thing to do with this one sided aspect but appriciates everyone and everything in a higher personal perspective-- and there IS a one Lord wherein all the other manifestations came from--that is Lord Krsna Himself-- not only is He the first but He is the sweetest-- so who does He say we should worship above all--Himself in the form of Radha Krishna---the two --Lord Shiva says this as well Jai Shivajigurudev -Jai sri Radhe Jai Sri Krishna! I sudgest a great book called Shiva tattva found on written by Srila Narayana maharaj --a very seasoned vaishnava who happens to also love Lord Shiva very much--
2007-06-16 06:26:28 UTC
Mayavadi is the one who believes whole world is Maya-illusion.

As per vaishnava's answers above anybody who does not accept their answers is Mayavadi. They are quoting their Padam Puran, which is written by Vaishnavites hence will favor their views only.

I never knew these bhaktas are so narrowminded

Thanks for asking this question, the real face of these fascists came out
2007-06-15 12:39:43 UTC
Though he explained the difference, some people think miracles are the only truth. But the one who loves God, doesn't need to rely on such things.Some believe what they see only. So, probably thats why he justified himself through his leela.

added : yes, u are right.
2007-06-16 02:08:56 UTC
Yes! The lesson is Vishnu loves Shivaji and Shivaji loves Vishnu. Shivji is Vishnu's greatest devotee so he joined together with Vishnu to be with Him forever. They are one and yet different. After all they didn't become Shishnu or Viva! They are called HariHar. I have been to take darshan of Harihar in Orissa. Very similar leela. Very nice.

There is also a Krishna Balaram tree in Vrndavan. One tree is white and one is black and they are intertwined. The lesson is, " Hugging is good!!" It's healing, it's loving! (Gosh I love leela!)
2007-06-15 17:35:55 UTC
It is said,

Hariyum Shivanum Onnu. Ariyadhavan vaayil Mannu.

Hari and Hara are One. If u dont Understand this, u r a fool.
Divya Jyoti
2007-06-15 17:09:27 UTC
There is no difference in Shiva, Shakti and Krishna. Those who see them diferent are fools
2007-06-15 13:35:32 UTC
First of all you folks, know the difference and position of Lord Shiva and Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead from an authentic source and then pass on useless comments....
2007-06-15 22:39:28 UTC
Lord Siva has a unique position. He is God, but yet He is different that God. He is within the Material universe, so very merciful to us all here. The difference between Lord Siva and Lord Krsna is described like the difference between milk and yogurt. Siva tattva is very complex and subtle. I will not go in depth on this subject here.

I love this beautiful quote from the mouth of Lord Siva, answering Parvati Devi's question, "aradhananam sarvesam, visnur aradhanam param, tasmat parataram devi, tvadiyanam samarcanam.= Of all those whom we worship, worship of Vishnu is the best. But oh Devi, the worship of His dear servants is even better."-padma purana

Siva is so cool, i know why all ladies worship Him for getting a husband- He is the best husband ever!

God is one it is true. But I have learned that if we want to attain a goal, we must streamline ourselves to get there.

For example, if I want to take a trip, I must first know my destination. (this is sambandha gyana) After deciding let's say i want to go to Hawaii, I will make arrangements, buy my ticket there, look up on internet about good places to be there, (this would be our sadhana or abhideya) etc etc. Not just say over and over, i want to go on a trip!, All places are very nice, I have attachment to them all....

Hmmm... i can't remember this sloka that explains how if we worship the demigods we'll go to the abode of the demigods, if we worship the ancestors we'll go to their abode, etc. but here is another sloka in Srimad Bhagavad Gita ch7.23, that tells,that those who worship demigods go to the planets of the demigods (temporarily), but those who worship Krsna, ultimately reach His supreme planet.... So Sadashivaji, is another manifestation of God, (He's God) and if we worship Him we'll go to His abode. If we worship Ramacandra we'll go to Ayodhya, if we worship Vasudev Narayan, Varahadev, etc,we'll go to Vaikuntha planets, if we worship Sri Krsna, we'll go to His abode. Even within Goloka Vrndavan there are gradations and different abodes. Where do you want to go?

Knowing Bhagavan tattva is very good, but we don't want to dwell on the fact that God is one. we want our goal isn't it? I don't want all forms of God I only want the one personal form that I have special relationship with... HOw can you have intimate relationship with Bhagavan when you see Him as a limitless personality, all many and one? This is basic tattva, not for building a relationship.

I don't like all this fighting, it makes me very sad. We should be concentrating on developing our relationship with God
2007-06-16 00:22:42 UTC
lets consider some points

sivasya sri visnorya iha guna-namadi sakalam

dhiya bhinnam pasyet sa khalu harinama-hitakarah

It an offence to consider the names of demigods like Lord Siva or Lord Brahma to be equal to, or independent of, the name of Lord Krsna.

(Padma Purana, Brahma-Khanda, 25.15-18, 22-23)

So although Siva and Krishna are one Person but they have differnt Positions

Siva is therefore listed as a Mahajana and the greatest Vaisnava-

svayambhur naradah sambhuh

kumarah kapilo manuh

prahlado janako bhismo

balir vaiyasakir vayam

"These are twelve great authorities in preaching God consciousness. The name Sambhu means Lord Siva. His disciplic succession is also known as the Visnusvami-sampradaya, and the current Visnusvami-sampradaya is also known as the Vallabha-sampradaya. The current Brahma-sampradaya is known as the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya. Even though Lord Siva appeared to preach Mayavada philosophy, at the end of his pastime in the form of Sankaracarya, he preached the Vaisnava philosophy: bhaja govindam bhaja govindam bhaja govindam mudha-mate. He stressed worshiping Lord Krsna, or Govinda, three times in this verse and especially warned his followers that they could not possibly achieve deliverance, or mukti, simply by word jugglery and grammatical puzzles. If one is actually serious to attain mukti, he must worship Lord Krsna. That is Sripada Sankaracarya's last instruction."


Adi Guru Sri Brahma has stated -

ksiram yatha dadhi vikara-visesa-yogat

sanjayate na hi tatah prthag asti hetoh

yah sambhutam api tatha samupaiti karyad

govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


Just as milk is transformed into curd by the action of acids, but yet the effect curd is neither same as, nor different from, its cause, viz., milk, so I adore the primeval Lord Govinda of whom the state of Sambhu is a transformation for the performance of the work of destruction.

(The real nature of Sambhu, the presiding deity of Mahesa-dhama, is described.) Sambhu is not a second Godhead other than Krsna. Those, who entertain such discriminating sentiment, commit a great offense against the Supreme Lord. The supremacy of Sambhu is subservient to that of Govinda; hence they are not really different from each other. The nondistinction is established by the fact that just as milk treated with acid turns into curd so Godhead becomes a subservient when He Himself attains a distinct personality by the addition of a particular element of adulteration. This personality has no independent initiative. The said adulterating principle is constituted of a combination of the stupefying quality of the deluding energy, the quality of nonplenitude of the marginal potency and a slight degree of the ecstatic-***-cognitive principle of the plenary spiritual potency. This specifically adulterated reflection of the principle of the subjective portion of the Divinity is Sadasiva, in the form of the effulgent masculine-symbol-god Sambhu from whom Rudradeva is manifested. In the work of mundane creation as the material cause, in the work of preservation by the destruction of sundry asuras and in the work of destruction to conduct the whole operation, Govinda manifests Himself as guna-avatara in the form of Sambhu who is the separated portion of Govinda imbued with the principle of His subjective plenary portion. The personality of the destructive principle in the form of time has been identified with that of Sambhu by scriptural evidences that have been adduced in the commentary. The purport of the Bhagavata slokas, viz., vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh, etc., is that Sambhu, in pursuance of the will of Govinda, works in union with his consort Durgadevi by his own time energy. He teaches pious duties (dharma) as stepping-stones to the attainment of spiritual service in the various tantra-sastras, etc., suitable for jivas in different grades of the conditional existence. In obedience to the will of Govinda, Sambhu maintains and fosters the religion of pure devotion by preaching the cult of illusionism (Mayavada) and the speculative agama-sastras. The fifty attributes of individual souls are manifest in a far vaster measure in Sambhu and five additional attributes not attainable by jivas are also partly found in him. So Sambhu cannot be called a jiva. He is the lord of jiva but yet partakes of the nature of a separated portion of Govinda.


sankarah sankarah saksat: ’Sankaracarya is none other than Mahadeva-Sankara, or Sivaji.’ You should always remember this. Sankara is guru for the Vaisnavas, and for this reason Mahaprabhu has referred to him as acarya (spiritual preceptor). For his own part, Sri Sankara was a perfect Vaisnava. “At the time Sri Sankara’s appeared in India, there was a great need for a guna-avatara like him, an incarnation who presides over the qualities of material nature. The study of the Vedic sastras and the practice of varnasrama-dharma had become practically extinct in India due to the influence of sunyavada (voidism), the nihilistic Buddhist philosophy. Sunyavada is vehemently opposed to the personal conception of Bhagavan. Although it partially accepts the principle of the living being’s identity as a conscious, spiritual soul (jivatma), it is an extreme example of anitya-dharma (impermanent religion). The brahmanas of that era had abandoned the Vedic dharma and had in effect all become Buddhists. At that point, Sankaracarya appeared as an extremely powerful incarnation of Mahadeva. He re-established the credibility of the Vedic literatures and converted the sunyavada doctrine of voidism into the brahmavada doctrine of nirvisesa (featureless) brahma. This was an extraordinary feat, and India will remain ever indebted to Sri Sankaracarya for this tremendous contribution.

“All activities in this world fall into one of two categories: some are relative to a particular period of time, and some are applicable for all time. The work of Sankaracarya was relative to a particular period and bestowed tremendous benefit. Sankaracarya laid the foundation upon which great acaryas such as Sri Ramanujacarya erected the edifice of pure vaisnava-dharma. Consequently, Sankaravatara was a great friend and preceptor who pioneered vaisnava-dharma. “Vaisnavas are now reaping the fruit of Sankaracarya’s philosophical precepts. For the jivas who are bound by matter, there is a great need for sambandha-jnana, knowledge of the soul’s entanglement in material nature and of his relationship with Bhagavan. Sankaracarya and the Vaisnavas both accept that the sentient living entities in this material world are completely distinct and separate from their gross and subtle material bodies, that the jivas are spiritually existent, and that liberation (mukti) entails giving up all connection with this material world. Consequently, there is a great deal of agreement between the doctrine of Sankara and that of the Vaisnava acaryas, up to the point of liberation. Sankara has even taught that the worship of Sri Hari is the method by which one can purify the heart and attain liberation. He has only remained silent regarding what extraordinary destination the jiva attains after liberation.
2007-06-15 12:35:20 UTC
Wrong category. Please post your question in "Mythology and Folklore" section.
2007-06-15 12:40:19 UTC
oh really?????????? nice grandma story!!!!!!!!!!

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