Why do people say that Jesus' death is payment for sins? Payment to who? What value does it give to the recipient of the payment?
2020-07-17 00:27:26 UTC
Why do people say that Jesus' death is payment for sins? Payment to who? What value does it give to the recipient of the payment?
39 answers:
Rational Humanist
2020-07-18 13:58:47 UTC
They replace the Old Testament sacrificial system with the man-god sacrifice to himself. As for what value it has for an eternal omnipotent being, I rely dont know. If ants sacrificed one of their own to please me, would I even notice, probably not.
2020-07-18 17:46:31 UTC
God's desire to show us mercy cannot override the need for justice to be done.

If you show contempt for God's grace and scorn the gift of eternal life, there is no sacrifice left for you.

Please listen carefully (your life is at stake):

By law, if a guilty party who is sentenced to death, refuses a pardon by an authority willing to give it; the court has no power to force the pardon on the person. 

That’s why people must LET God forgive them. 

God provided an atoning sacrifice: and He suffered greatly to give it. 

Can you imagine sacrificing your own innocent child so some criminal could walk away scott free? 

If they don’t take the offer, that means Jesus was tortured in their place for nothing, and the Lord has no recourse to help them. 

If my Lord, whom I serve and adore, was brutally murdered in their place - and they CHOOSE to reject this gift - they will deserve what they get. No one will be complaining about how unfair it is.

PS. If you are triggered by this message, let me assure you I don't care about your emotional state, but I do (very much) care about your soul. It is my sacred responsibility to try and save you from the coming wrath of God.
2020-07-18 16:21:00 UTC
God created the angels and then God created Adam and Eve.  When Adam, Eve and Satan sinned in the Garden of Eden by Adam not listening to God and listening to Eve, they brought sin and death into the world.  God set all the laws of mankind and nature and one of His laws is "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins."  The blood of animals was shed to cover man's sins for a very long time, but God came down in human flesh as Jesus the Christ to be the final sacrifice for sin.  And God set the law that believing on Jesus and His sacrifice was hope for mankind and those who accepted Jesus would receive eternal life with Him.  Those who rejected Jesus as their Savior, would receive eternal life in darkness, hell and torment.  See God set all the laws and rules of nature and of mankind.  God doesn't look on sin, because God is Holy, Just and Righteous.  Sin and sinners burn up in His presence.  No man has seen God is His full glory and lived, but God gave us His Son as Himself and He walked among us and died for us so He could win back eternal life that Adam, Eve and Satan lost for us in the Garden of Eden.  

Jesus' sacrifice was payment to God for your sins so you could have eternal life by accepting what Christ Jesus did.
2020-07-18 13:56:25 UTC
They say this because, Adam and Eve rebelled against the very one who created them​ Jehovah God. Using a serpent, the spirit creature Satan the Devil deceived Eve into disobeying Jehovah, and Adam followed her.​ Read Genesis 3:1-6.

We cannot deny what the creator told Adam and Eve to do. He had already spelled out the consequence of disobedience, stating: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” Genesis 2:16, 17 

Mankind had a problem when they disobeyed and sinned against the one who created them.  The original sin created a very critical problem for mankind. Adam began life as a perfect human. Therefore, his children could have enjoyed perfect everlasting life. However, Adam sinned before he fathered any children. The entire human race was still in his loins when he received the sentence: “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19  So when Adam sinned and began to die as God said he would, all mankind was sentenced to death along with him.  The apostle Paul later wrote: “Through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” Romans 5:12  because of the original sin, children that were supposed to be born perfect with endless life ahead of them were brought forth with sickness, old age, and death as their prospect.  “That is not fair,”  “We did not choose to disobey God​ Adam did. Why should we lose our prospect for everlasting life and happiness?” We know that if a court of law were to put a son in prison because his father had stolen a car, the son could rightly complain: “That is not just! I did not do anything wrong.”​ Deuteronomy 24:16.  The Devil struck very early in the history of the human race​ before any children had been born. The moment Adam sinned, an important question was, What will Jehovah do about the children that Adam and Eve will have?

Jehovah God did what was just and fair. “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!” declared the righteous man Elihu. (Job 34:10) Also concerning Jehovah, the prophet Moses wrote: “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he.” Deuteronomy 32:4 The solution that the true God provided to the problem created by Adam’s sin does not take away our opportunity for everlasting life on a paradise earth.

Jehovah said to Satan: “I shall put enmity between you and the woman [God’s heavenly organization] and between your seed [the world under Satan’s control] and her seed [Jesus Christ]. He will bruise you [Satan] in the head and you will bruise him in the heel [Jesus’ death].” (Genesis 3:15)  This was the first prophecy of the Bible, Jehovah alluded to his purpose to have his heavenly spirit Son come to earth to live as the perfect man Jesus and then die​ to be bruised in the heel in a sinless state.

What about the condemnation that the entire human race came under because of that sin? A death was needed to atone for their sins. But whose death could justly cover the transgressions of all mankind?  God’s Law to the ancient nation of Israel required “soul for soul [or, life for life].” (Exodus 21:23) According to this legal principle, the death covering mankind’s transgressions would have to be of a value equal to what Adam had lost. Only the death of another perfect man could pay the wages of sin. Jesus was such a man. Indeed, Jesus was “a corresponding ransom” for the saving of all redeemable mankind descended from Adam.​—1 Timothy 2:6; Romans 5:16, 17.  That's why people say: Jesus' death was payment for sin.  He gave his life in behalf of mankind so that they could approach our heavenly father with freeness of speech. Jesus’ death is a means of rescuing “everyone exercising faith” in him from sin, disease, old age, and death itself. (John 3:16) Are you thankful to God for making this loving arrangement for our salvation?
Hosanna listen
2020-07-18 01:16:13 UTC
That was a big question I had as well. Why? What was the reason to die for us? Why are we so important ?

Jesus paid THE SIN. The first sin. It was finished. Jesus broke the curse the God places on man in Genesis 3.

Is I see it if Jesus never died on the cross. The New Testament would not had existed and we would had still be free to do what we wanted and we would continued until we turned back into ashes. The end. 

But now with Jesus we have a choice. To follow him. And returned to heaven with him. Or do not follow him and continue until you return to ashes.
2020-07-17 14:55:34 UTC
Unbelievers are punished for their sins, NOT for being human. Think about it... Jesus died for OUR sins so that WE can be forgiven. But, if WE reject His wonderful offer of salvation, then WE have wilfully chosen to face the consequences all on our own.

Let's keep it simple... "Pardon frees us from condemnation, NOT from righteousness!" [Matthew 6:33]. To be righteous is to be right with God. Pursuing righteousness begin when a humble heart seeks the continual presence of God [1 Peter 5:6]; [1 John 1:9].
2020-07-17 06:42:46 UTC
Because Jesus Christ died for OUR sins, and the payment our sins is actually OUR Spiritual death as it is written in

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

To save US from that kind of death, Lord Jesus shed his blood on the cross and took our sins away.

Jn 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God,(Jesus) who takes away the sin of the world!
Bobby Jim
2020-07-17 02:03:16 UTC
A debt paid is a debt paid. The Father established a blood sacrifice as payment for sin (Genesis 3:21). And knowing that no human could afford to pay the price without destroying mankind, God sent His only human-born Son to pay the price for one and all.  
2020-07-17 00:52:03 UTC
The Christ atoned for the sins of sins of all mankind, a debt mankind owed to God.
2020-07-17 00:33:57 UTC
That's what makes christianity absurd.

An all powerful omniscient god is incapable of forgiving without having to kill something.

He can't just say, "You're forgiven".

All that power, yet so incapable of something so simple as saying two words.
2020-07-20 09:37:19 UTC
he died a criminal , simple as that , the romans killed him , the jews just walked away , jesus was a jewish radical its as simple as that.
2020-07-18 17:31:33 UTC
"Payment for sin" is not exactly the right expression one should use when trying to explain what Jesus' death means for mankind.  In the Old Testament the blood sacrifice of a lamb without blemish was used as a sign to forgive the sins of people.

Similarly Jesus' blood was shed on the cross that our sins may be forgiven by God.  It is a requirement of God that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
2020-07-18 08:35:52 UTC
People who say that have spread malicious, vicious slanderous falsehoods about the Prophet-messiah Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, and God. Slanderers have convinced many people about this malicious lie to believe in it as truth when it is NOT. The Prophet-messiah Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, never died and never died for anyone and will never carry the sins of people. Dying doesn't "pay" sins and doesn't forgive of sins. God Almighty alone can forgive the sins of people, God is the Pardoner, the Forgiver, the One who is always forgiving, lenient, and most kind.

God who loves to forgive the sins of people and who loves to purify their sins. Forgiveness is in the Hands of God NOT His Prophet-messiah Jesus, Pardon and Compassion is in the Hands of God NOT His Prophet-messiah Jesus and Mercy is in the Hands of God NOT His Prophet-messiah Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him.

God's compassion and God's mercy encompasses everything. Nothing is greater than the mercy of God. So what are sins then? nothing, no sin is greater than the mercy and the forgiveness of God. Anyone who thinks God can't forgive them and must believe in a malicious, slanderous lie have committed great injustice towards God and disbelieved in Him and harmed themselves as well.

All human beings have to do is seek the Repentance of God, the Forgiveness of God,  pray to God alone without associating anything with God and to do good for the sake of God as they seek His mercy, His forgiveness in order to complete their sincere repentance if they are sincere. If people are wanting forgiveness of sins, wanting to purify themselves as well.
2020-07-17 23:40:32 UTC
That's pretty fundamental. The punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). Both physical & Spiritual death. Eventually, at some point, you'll die.(Romans 8:31 - 36). Christ is the Hope of the dead. God has the power to resurrect to eternal life. Christ paid that penalty for you. Otherwise, you'd never live again.
2020-07-17 22:32:09 UTC
Academically speaking, DEATH as the wage of sin indicates that when you sin your existence is at an end. (Based on the Jewish translation)

However if you die without sin, you will continue on in everlasting life after death.

The King James version of the bible got the translation wrong yet again.
Special EPhex
2020-07-17 21:31:43 UTC
I think that is mainly a figure of speech.  Christ's death signifies the redefinition of our understanding of "sin", not a transactional payment or exchange.  Before Christ, going back to Adam and Eve, sin was, typically, thought of some violation towards God; which many still believe to this day.  How is it possible to commit any offense or transgression against an 'Omnipotent God'?

Christ, as did The Buddha, used the word 'sin', which is just "spiritual error" out of ego, as another word for 'ignorance' (both were without sin and ego).  This is why they taught 'Forgiveness' and 'Compassion', without exception for oneself and others for being "less than perfect".  We are not born sinners because we're "wicked" and "evil", but because we don't know any better.  If we did, 'we would'.  

Salvation through Christ, affirms the re-contextualization of sin, which would, indeed, change the way we regard ourselves and others.  "Peace and Goodwill on Earth", as 'it is in Heaven', may be a far fetch reality, in a collective sense, but is an experiential reality, as an advanced 'subjective awareness', is more likely than not.  Putting our faith in action, as a way of being in the world, is the 'Life', Jesus spoke of.   
Invisible spiritman
2020-07-17 16:48:58 UTC
Payment to God's law. the wages of sin is death. Jesus paid the price with His life. And because He had not sin, He took our sins and died for them and gave us His righteousness. Its all in Him, so we must believe and accept Him as our Lord and Savior to receive the things that He offer freely to them that believe by faith.
2020-07-17 15:50:04 UTC
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross takes the place of the punishment we ought to suffer for our sins. Christ "bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness: by his wounds you have been healed... Christ suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God (1 Peter 2:24 & 3:18). As a result, God’s law (that all sin must be punished) is met, and those who receive Christ in faith, having repented, can be forgiven and reconciled to God. The word penal means “related to punishment for offenses”; substitution means “the act of a person taking the place of another.” Penal substitution is the act of a person taking the punishment for someone else’s offenses. In Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the willing Substitute. The punishment He took (at the cross) was ours, to spare us suffering it.

This was foretold in the Hebrew scriptures re. the Messiah: "Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." This means that Jesus actually suffered and died to pay the penalty for actual sins of actual sinners - He bore the punishment they ought to have borne. Hebrews 9:11-28 explains that after His resurrection, Christ went back to Heaven to complete the legal transaction by means of His own shed blood. God did not benefit any more than a Judge benefits when He declares the accused innocent. But now the Judge COULD - legally - do away with the sin of the accused (those of us who repentantly put faith in what Jesus endured on the cross.)
2020-07-17 09:12:42 UTC
Jesus paid the penalty for our sins - which is death. He did it so we can be forgiven and receive His eternal life-giving Holy Spirit, be restored to relationship with the Father who loves us, and transformed into the image of Christ like we were created to be in the beginning.
2020-07-17 03:26:07 UTC
God could forgive without sacrificing his son (who was unwilling to die, and asked God why he hath foresaken him).
Doubting Like Thomas
2020-07-17 02:25:19 UTC
If you are new to the R&S forum, allow me to give you a hint:

RELIGIOUS claims are NOT required to make ANY

F[intercourse]ING SENSE AT ALL.

Have a rational day.
2020-07-17 01:21:42 UTC
Explained to the average intellect in Isaiah 53 and 1 Cor. 15:1-4.
2020-07-17 01:13:27 UTC
Jesus myth was invented by psychopaths to guilt european people who can feel guilt. The "jesus died for your sins" guilt trip is a way to guilt people right from the start because guilting people who can feel emotions is the cheapest way to have control over people. No resources are needed to guilt a person who can feel real emotions only lies from a group of psychopaths is needed and lying is cheap.
2020-07-17 01:12:08 UTC
A talking snake tricked a rib-woman into eating forbidden produce. God then waits a few thousand years, has a woman give birth to his son, who is also himself. He then has his son/self brutally sacrificed to himself, to pay the debt incurred by the rib-woman’s forbidden lunch.


Makes perfect sense!
2020-07-17 01:05:50 UTC
It is a sick human sacrifice cult.

The notion that killing the most innocent among you to rid you of responsibility of your own actions is right out of a horror movie.  Or a Central American religion.
2020-07-17 00:56:40 UTC
We owe God a debt for creating us, total devotion to Him. When we sin, we owe Him our live and more. We cannot pay the extra, so someone else needs to pay for it. 

This is where Jesus comes. He stood in our place so that our sins could be paid for, and it is directed to those whom God has redeemed, those that trust in Jesus as their savior. What the atonement does is not only pay for our sins, but it also imputes Jesus's righteousness onto our lives so that we could imitate Him.

Jesus's, atonement is infinite in worth, but since no everyone would accept Jesus as their savior, it is directed to a limited amount of people.

This is my explanation of Jesus' atonement, and I hope it helped you.
2020-07-17 00:41:02 UTC
There is no value.

According to the bible, god will kill you for the slightest thing.

It's complete lunacy.
Pirate AM™
2020-07-17 00:39:27 UTC
The story line is that God had to kill animals to cover Adam and Eve when they realized that they were naked (rather than spinning cloth from plants), thus he then required blood to be spilled as an atonement for sin. If you believe it, it makes sense, but objectively, it falls apart.
2020-07-17 00:33:48 UTC
Primitive barbaric bloodthirsty gods apparently crave blood and guts offerings, whether it be Humans, animals or only begotten sons..Jesus was crucified for being a troublemaker...all these other embellishments made by the early church are pure fabrications..
2020-07-17 00:32:45 UTC
Punitive substitutionary atonement is a false doctrine and is quite absurd.
2020-07-22 06:19:06 UTC
Without talking about the death of Jesus being a payment for sins, let us understand what is happening in the world. Everything is controlled by a universal law - a law which is also mentioned in the Bible - as you sow, so shall you reap. Therefore, whatever is happening in the world is not happening by chance or because God is cruel. Whatever is happening in this world is happening because of our own karma, such is the universal law. What you give is what you get. Therefore, if something bad is happening to anyone in this world, it is their old deeds, their sins that they are paying for. We have to redeem our actions, good or bad - that is the principle or law of the universe.
2020-07-18 16:09:34 UTC
Jesus' death was a balance(or 'payment') to Adam's death. When Adam sinned, he doomed all of mankind after him to sin and death, since he only had children after he had sinned. (Romans 5:12) In order to redeem mankind, a perfect life had to be given. (Romans 5:15 & 16) This perfect life would be presented to Jehovah God(Hebrews 9:11-14), who upon receipt, would allow mankind that exercised faith in that gift that Jesus gave to attain everlasting life. (John 3:16)
2020-07-17 21:42:25 UTC
Most sane people accept the simple concept of justice.... i.e. payment for wrong.

The payment/consequence of sin is death and separation from God. God cannot live with sin.  Ergo anyone who has sin can't live with God and must therefore go to the ONLY place that God isn't, hell.

Theory says God could just forgive our sin and wash it out so that we could all live with Him in heaven.... but were He to do so, He would not be a God of justice...    

So God's justice cannot simply waive sin away and those who have sinned (all of us) cannot remove our sin or live with God.So Jesus came to pay the price of sin to satisfy God's justice.   In other words, Christ paid our debt to justice, so that we can be washed free of sin and live with God.The value of Christ's death for all who accept it, is eternal life.
2020-07-17 19:36:19 UTC
Jesus is god. God cannot die. Jesus cannot die. Atonement through the sacrifice of death did not happen.

God sacrificed himself to himself as a loophole for the rules he made that he knew could not be followed.
2020-07-17 15:08:54 UTC
The Original Sin we were granted, long before we were born, is so great that nothing short of the pre planned  torture and death of God's son , which was really god himself, was enough of a payment to have God, who created us lovingly in His image, forgive us, if we follow his rules wthout hesitation or question , we can recieve his unlimited mercy
brother trucker
2020-07-17 12:40:25 UTC
I see all sin as negativity, i see any positive act as a remedy for negativity.  Dying for someone else is a very positive act, love is very positive.  Humanity is the recipient of this act.  
2020-07-17 11:00:08 UTC
As John 3:16 helps us to appreciate Jehovah God allowed his son to die in our behalf so we can have forgiveness of our sins .We can also have a relationship with God by faith in Jesus ramson sacrifice.We also have the prospect of gaining everlasting life.Learn more at
2020-07-17 06:13:44 UTC
Our first parents fell from grace -- they sinned against God, and God barred them from having access to the tree of life, because He cannot immortalize sin. There had to be a blood price. The first thing God had them do was slaughter a ram for skins to cover themselves. This was God's institution of the the Old Testament sacrificial system to prefigure the coming of the Lamb, the Son of God. He was perfect, the only perfect man, born of the Holy Spirit and his mother Mary. So He was divine, the Son of God, because only the divine could take the punishment of all the sins of mankind. Every year in the sacrificial system the nation of Israel would purify themselves and go up to the temple to sacrifice for their sins, and purge themselves of their sins by the sacrifices -- the sins were placed upon the head of the scapegoat, who was released into the wild, while the pure goat got sacrificed. One goat represented prophetically Jesus' sacrifice. The other goat, the scapegoat, represented Satan. Which prefigures the end of time. The wages of sin is  death -- Romans 6:23. This means someone was prefigured to be the once for all sacred sacrifice, because He went to the cross willingly. He chose to die for us, a divine sacrifice, so that we might live... Should we choose to follow Him in preaching the Truth. If we live lawlessly after coming to Him, we deny what He has done for us. Matthew 4:4. Isaiah 8:20. 
2020-07-17 02:09:54 UTC
Let me put this in language that you can understand. I make a contract with you the contract says if you obey what I tell you to do I will provide you a new body when you die I'm a scientist I can clone bodies and I can transfer your mind into a new body. But if you do the wrong thing then I have to kill you. We both agree on it. We filed a contract in the court. Well you do the wrong thing now I have to kill you. The way out of the contract is that I die before I can kill you. Well friend that's exactly what Jesus Christ is all about Jesus Christ is the word of God he's the one the made the pronouncement in the garden of Eden. A contract is a contract God can't lie and change it. So God let the part of himself that pronounce the death sentence on man if he did what was wrong die.

They pronounce Jesus dead they buried him there's no more contract. You no longer have to die if you disobey God you can now be forgiven because there's no contractor anymore enforcing the death penalty. He's dead. And the spirit creature that was raised to Life by God the Father is no longer the same creature. There can now be a new contract it's no longer mandatory for you to die for doing what is wrong. A new contract can be made ask for forgiveness make restitution and move on.

Now what's hard about that

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.